yea, I know, start off with heading like that... flame away.. but hell, its true.

Theres even more unbalance and silliness in 2142 than there was in BF2, and thats
a lot, folks.

First and imo, most importantly, the vehicles are way too dominant. I mean, how many
friggin rockets does it take to kill something?  Ive used the suggested areas for target
posted here and in other forums for destroying these walkers and tanks, but I swear
its taking 8 rockets to destory these walkers at times, and the kit only comes with 5 or 6.

The maps arent too bad, but the graphics are horrible.  Its either sand fog or snow fog.
Sighting enemies in this game is 3 times as hard as BF2. Every graphic blends together.
Apparently, there is nothing left of earth in the year 2142 besides dust and fog according
to dice.  No clear maps that I have seen yet.   

City maps are nothing but inaccurate machine gun spam, mines , un manned drones, and
gayness. Especailly on titan mode when invading the main titan ship.  Its just pathetic and
painful to play, and Im not too shabby of a player, usually in top 3 every game.

The engine, browser, menus and interface are all better, including the buddy finder, FINALLY
AT LAST THEY GOT IT..and it not only took 10 patches, but a whole new game to get it. Jeez.

Ranks, Unlocks system.. Jury is still out on it, but, combining the kits just gives me too many
damn options when Im in a gunfight. Yes, thats right.  Give me gun, pistol, and nades, Im happy.
I can do without all the other crap.  Weapon switching now requires a 10 button mouse. 
The unlock system isnt to my liking either, Had to make a couple promotion before I even
got the defib.  Body armor option? what the ?  What good is it, hell, .003 seconds under
fire from a walker and your dead.  And thats another thing wrong with this game, more than
half the time you die, you never even know where it came from. Thats called spam. And too
much of it.

The rest of the game, is pretty much silliness, with a lot of the old bf2 lame tactics starting to
pop up... jihad aircraft crashing into a flag area with a bunch of your buddies getting blown
up.    Stat padding has several differant methods being used now.. resupplying being one.

The game is still unstable as all get out.. crashes are common, and forget switching to desktop
and back to game, youre taking your chances there bigtime.

We've installed this game on 5 test machines here at the office (I work for a well known
publisher of gaming, and game review..) And the consensus at the office is that we're sticking
with Bf2 for now.  Even with BF2s HUGE problem list, its still a lot better than 2142 will ever
hope to be.

I hate saying it, but 2142 reminds of me Halo, but with better player movement. Still though,
its very lame and silly at times. Once again, little thought went into development.  Just fluff.

Sgt M

Last edited by SgtMurphy (2006-11-01 10:37:26)

You can kill Mechs in 2-3 shots if you shoot at certain areas. Now it actually requier skills to destroy them.

Tanks should be shot from behind and you can almost kill them in one shot.

Choppers are something else but you only need a full load of missle to kill one chopper and they rarely put up the shield so just fire away and keep the aim on them.

I have no problem finding enemies and in real life which I belive games are gonna copy soon it will be a hell to find them. You'll see that this is child play compared to real life. If SOMETHING move on my screen I WILL see it and I do. Get better in other words.

City maps are as they should, kaos, pure kaos and it's not that bad. Beside the guns are fairly accurate, you either
1: Don't play much.
2: Don't know how to aim.
3: Don't know that the support gun gets more accurate while holding the fire buttom.

Titan mode is unique imo and you should give it some time for them to fix stuff and if you think it's pathetic that loads of people defend it you obviously don't know what to do in games.

The server browser still has it minus points imo and I wish it could be somewhat more like BF2 ones. Because instead of reloading ALL the servers over and over once you hit a server you can't connect to due "insert reason here".

Ranks are just fine and you don't need a 10 buttom mouse to operate them all. You got 1 main weapon, the medic hub, grenades, you might have a pistol plus now you got some other tools that you throw out once and let it stay there or pick it up again.

You only need to go up one rank to get the defib so I really dunno what you have been doing.
Taking of body armor will allow you to run futher but you take more damage then to.

As much as walker is powerfull you still need to hit spot on to kill with it or pretty damn close. There have been times where I have mauled down on people with it only to see them going "Wth man, could you stop lagging the shit out me and just kill me?".
They ain't nowhere near the same rape machine as Mec Chopper in BF2 which totally owned Infantries no matter what you gave them.

If you don't know what hit you and killed you it's most likely someone from either behind or away in a camping spot. Because there are far more of those now in BF2142 and it ads to the gameplay.

Statpadders have always been in games where you can go lvl up so I dun see a reason to whine about that. What you can do is report them. They will always find a way to do it to. It's almost the same as in BF2.

I have still to see the jihad aircarft crashing into a flag because he will only be punnished for it because he was the driver. As for other lame tactics?? Please explain lame.

Also I can play for hours without problems now and then but once the EA servers get overloaded you get problems.
lol, i remember a post a while back when someone  said the guns are too balanced,he said thier should be some difference between the guns (e.g AK101 and M16). now your saying the guns are unbalanced???

When i read this post i thought wtf? isnt this guy ment to be telling us why not to buy the game. I think in some ways you just promoted it.

SgtMurphy wrote:

The game is still unstable as all get out.. crashes are common, and forget switching to desktop
and back to game, youre taking your chances there bigtime.
Wat?, ive never had a problem

Last edited by Gh0sT_RIder (2006-11-01 11:38:52)

+581|6430|New York
i agree with zefar.

if i could +1 him i would.

additionally, i feel the gameplay is much more balanced in 2142 vs 2. no plane whores that are virtually impossible to shoot down from the stinger missles.

i play engineer almost exclusively, and it largely depends on where you hit the vehicles with your shells. i've been able to take down walkers in 2 shots and tanks in 1. and i've reproduced those kills, so it wasn't a fluke or glitch.

my only gripe with the game is that there isn't a ton of variety with the vehicles or maps, but i'm sure that will change with time.
Remember Me As A Time Of Day
+28|6777|Houston, TX
I was being lazy and, don't feel like composing full paragraphs so I just put what i though as I read the post in Italics

     "yea, I know, start off with heading like that... flame away.. but hell, its true.Nah, it's your opinion

Theres even more unbalance and silliness in 2142 than there was in BF2, and thats
a lot, folks. have you played BF2? Jets? Helis? APCs? balanced?

First and imo, most importantly, the vehicles are way too dominant. ??? I mean, how many
friggin rockets does it take to kill something? one or two if you shot in the right spot, you should read more, write less. hehe  Ive used the suggested areas for target posted here and in other forums for destroying these walkers and tanks, but I swear its taking 8 rockets to destory these walkers at times, and the kit only comes with 5 or 6. UNLOCKS!!!

The maps arent too bad, but the graphics are horrible. err ok Its either sand fog or snow fog.
Sighting enemies in this game is 3 times as hard as BF2. ahhh poor baby T.T Every graphic blends together. do you mean colors? I know the lighting on the players and maps are better matched than in BF2. Now they blend into the background instead on distant players being a easy to see silloette.
Apparently, there is nothing left of earth in the year 2142 besides dust and fog according
to dice.  You forgot ice No clear maps that I have seen yet.   

City maps are nothing but inaccurate machine gun spam, mines , un manned drones, and
gayness. ya, if you're a new player I guess. I am sniping those people. Especially on titan mode when invading the main titan ship. I don't play titan, not until it's lagfree Its just pathetic and
painful to play, and Im not too shabby of a player, usually in top 3 every game.

The engine, browser, menus and interface are all better, agree including the buddy finder, FINALLY
AT LAST THEY GOT IT..and it not only took 10 patches, but a whole new game to get it. Jeez. nit picking, bitching about a new feature because it wasn't in the previous game. Get Xfire.

Ranks, Unlocks system.. Jury is still out on it, but, combining the kits just gives me too many
damn options when Im in a gunfight. ?Wow, you don't like to think much I guess. to many options...that's just assinine. Yes, thats right.  Give me gun, pistol, and nades, Im happy. did I miss something? Isn't that the default I can do without all the other crap. ok this thread is starting to getting lamer than it's title  Weapon switching now requires a 10 button mouse. Hmmm 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8... I am sure those still work, heaven forbid you burn a calorie reaching for the 8 key

The unlock system isnt to my liking either, Had to make a couple promotion before I even got the defib. {i] Oh Noes! I had to get 70 points to get my nades and defib. I though you usually score in the top three. Is it really an issue to you?[/i] Body armor option? what the ?  What good is it, hell, .003 seconds under  fire from a walker and your dead. because that is there place on the field, close range combat. Also, no armor means more sprinting And thats another thing wrong with this game, more than half the time you die, you never even know where it came from. probably from behind you. You really should never know where death comes from...because afterward your DEAD. Not thought retaining in that state. Thats called spam. And too much of it. That's called not watching your ass and is attributed to being sniped or not turning around on occasion[/i]

The rest of the game, is pretty much silliness, with a lot of the old bf2 lame tactics blame the players for that starting to pop up... jihad aircraft crashing into a flag area with a bunch of your buddies getting blown
up.    Stat padding has several different methods being used now.. resupplying being one. again, blame the players, is their fault for being tools.

The game is still unstable as all get out.. crashes are common, not for me, maybe your PC and forget switching to desktop and back to game, you're taking your chances there bigtime. no issue here

We've installed this game on 5 test machines here at the office (I work for a well known publisher of gaming, and game review..) a printing company? And the consensus at the office is that we're sticking with Bf2 for now.  Even with BF2s HUGE problem list, its still a lot better than 2142 will ever
hope to be.

I hate saying it, but 2142 reminds of me Halo, but with better player movement. Still though, its very lame and silly at times. Once again, little thought went into development.  Just fluff. everyone is entitled to their own opinion.....even if it's wrong. lol. 

Sgt M"

Nothing here was meant to be rude. If anything I am just trying to make a joke by being a smartass. I have a bad habit of doing that, or so I'm told. I know it's big. sorry.

Last edited by staticblue (2006-11-01 12:26:39)

I don't think it's that unstable, but I do feel a little let down . I did put my copy on ebay 3 days ago I just don't want to look at it.  You know my biggest bitch about the game is it's the future what the hell happened to bombers , and fighter jets?  All the game has is 2 shitcopters that any noob can fly... wheres the skill in that???
+6|6431|Melbourne, Australia
A few points I agree on. One being the game's and server's stability. A lot of people are having trouble either staying connected to game servers or EA's main server (does seem to have improved though). I have had a few unexplained CTDs, nothing to right home about though.

I can't disagree more on the graphics, personally they look great, I'm even updating my graphics card this weekend so I can make them even prettier. As to it being difficult to spot enemies, well, that's kind of the idea in warfare, you're supposed to blend in. Just look more carefully, and be aware of potential hiding spots.

The vehicles, to me, seem very balanced, and not any more dominant than they should be, with the exception of the Battlewalker. I really do believe this thing is a little tougher than it warrants. I've taken down 3 enemy tanks at the same time with this thing. Admittedly I was smart and the tank drivers weren't overly bright. But from what I can see the frontal armour on the Battlewalker seems all but impervious to damage, except from another walkers rockets.

As to how many rockets it takes to kill tanks and walkers, I can 1 shot both with the Pilum H-AVR, given the time to target the right spot. Tanks go down in 1 shot almost always instantly when hit in the vents on the rear of the main body, and maybe 1 in 5 will continue to roll for a few seconds before it explodes. The same with the walker, shoot it in the exhaust vents at the top of the legs with the H-AVR and they will almost always begin to burn, and explode a few seconds later. But you're quite correct, hit them almost anywhere else and it takes a veritable barrage of missiles to take them down.

I'm not terribly fond of the city maps either, but I don't attribute it to a design flaw. I'm just not very good in those situations. I tend to feel frustrated like you when I die over and over without actually seeing an enemy (were it in my power I would ensure every person that plays a sniper died in a real life fire ).

I'm really enjoying the ranking system and the large array of unlocks available, I think they really put more of a gulf between the experienced battlefield vet and the fresh meat. Survivability and potential effect of the soldier on the battlefield increase quite nicely with every rank you gain, and I look forward to every rank I gain. Where as in BF2 I thought the ranking system was lack-luster and too devoid of equipment.

It's unfortunate you feel the way you do, and I empathise with you when you become disappointed with a game title you've been eagerly awaiting. Give it some time and some more practice, I'm sure you'll grow to like it.

jrockyourdome wrote:

I don't think it's that unstable, but I do feel a little let down . I did put my copy on ebay 3 days ago I just don't want to look at it.  You know my biggest bitch about the game is it's the future what the hell happened to bombers , and fighter jets?  All the game has is 2 shitcopters that any noob can fly... wheres the skill in that???
I'm guessing the whole jet whoring, and the fact that jets in BF2 were almost impossible to kill, and a skilled jet pilot could dominate the entire game to the point of ridiculousness forced DICE to omit them from BF2142. I don't blame them, I totally hated jet whores in BF2. Might as well have put an "I.W.I.N Button" on the play field.

Last edited by Salgurdar (2006-11-01 13:08:53)

+3|6453|New York
Noobie review your pathetic!

The mechs can be taken out with 2 shots in the legs. They have a bad field of view and you can just aproach them and put Demo packs on them. Also you can got with the active como and do the same. Tanks takes 1 shot to the weak spot even when they have 100% armomr it takes out 90% of it and it will blow up. I wont tell you whats the weak spot figure it out. Combining kits is a good idea if you scroll too slow to get a weapon then thats sad... hate battlefield games just go play something else no one wants to hear your opinoin on the game if you have nothing important to say just point out stuff that are not a fact just an opinion.

This is just crying of a little noobie that got owned lol and has to complain now.

Mekstizzle wrote:

All guns feel like they're shooting 0.01mm rounds.
Get Ganz(Support Machingun unlock), Shotgun(Another Support weapon Unlock) or the Sniper rifle. These things sound A LOT. And it sounds like they are shooting away things close to cannonballs.
The other weapons are just fine except for the Krylov which sounds a bit weak but it's still great.


Zhe weapons! Zhey don't kill instantly.

No, welcome to the world of aiming.

Go into single player and test the weapons out on bots. That is the best way too learn.

BTW, we have a topic for this, SEARCH.

Will it blend?
tbh if you bought it you got what you deserved - another piece of shit from EA/DICE complete with spyware

sour grapes


I thought I had closed this topic. Mong0ose and jsnipy, report to my desk to explain you bypassing my security. (That would be Spawnofthemist in his Hard Gay suit).

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