It's a good day to die
+18|6806|Canada Eh?
I do not know if its just me but I find that getting good scored are very easy in this game. I mean, in BF2 I would rarely get a 2.0 K/D ratio in a round but with 2142 I can easily get it in a round. I usually get a 3.0 ratio in a regular round and better if I'm having a good day. Does anyone find to be in the same position as me or did I miraculously get better?

The games just plain easy, every aspect of the game has been dumbed down to try and lessen the amount of whining that will inevitably occur should any skill be required to achieve anything.
prince of insufficient light

TheEternalPessimist wrote:

The games just plain easy, every aspect of the game has been dumbed down to try and lessen the amount of whining that will inevitably occur should any skill be required to achieve anything.
The patch team got so lazy they did a round of pre-emptive nerfing before the game came out.
If everything is easy it should be harder when you meet good players.

I'm afraid your logic seems to be flawed at its most basic level.

The game requires no skill, talent or ability. There is no such thing as a 'good' player, simply one who has greater co-ordination than a medicated turtle.
It's not really THAT easy.

Some weapons are still as powerfull as some in BF2. The support kit is a diffrent story but it means you either have to wait for someone or be in close combat to win easily.

The tank/chopper/Mech is not perfect to solo with like Jets/Choppers/tanks where in BF2. So there is a diffrence.
Beside you can come from a lot of more angles to kill an enemy unlike in BF2 where you had like 5 and here you have at least 10 or 20 places to attack from.
Which makes it harder for the one who's getting attacked a lot.
+252|6851|Sextupling in Empire

BornToKill67 wrote:

I do not know if its just me but I find that getting good scored are very easy in this game. I mean, in BF2 I would rarely get a 2.0 K/D ratio in a round but with 2142 I can easily get it in a round. I usually get a 3.0 ratio in a regular round and better if I'm having a good day. Does anyone find to be in the same position as me or did I miraculously get better?
I think that you score is most likely relative to the amount of battlefield experience you've had(bf2, 2142 beta/demo), cause I have wondered the same thing. I probably put in at least 100 hours on the beta/demo before the game was even released. There are also alot of new people to the game everyday that don't know what they are doing. There are plenty of peeps I see on the scoreboard with 1/3 kdr's that are on the opposite side of this spectrum.

Then again, it could just be that you PWN.
bullseye (+)
i think its harder than bf2. in bf2142 you have to aim at the head or upperbody to make sure you win a battle i have had the sniper pistol and a support guy came around and i killed him first and shot almost the whole clip n him and he only hurt me a little bit
+86|6681|Edmonton Alberta
i find 2142 is a whole lot easier than bf2.....its either that or theres just a whole hell of alot more nubs in 2142 than bf2
U.S. > Iran

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

TheEternalPessimist wrote:

The games just plain easy, every aspect of the game has been dumbed down to try and lessen the amount of whining that will inevitably occur should any skill be required to achieve anything.
The patch team got so lazy they did a round of pre-emptive nerfing before the game came out.
They all have a pre-emptive "Shhh" before anyone even opens their mouth about problems. *thinks of Dr. Evil in Austin Powers*
+50|6632|United States - Ohio
bf2 > bf2142
Zee Tank Skank
+80|6847|MoVal So-Cal
I must be the odd man out here because my average K ration in BF2 is at least 3 to 1 (as of september1st) and the 2142 one is around 2:1. BF2 is Easier then 2142, in 2142 the guns are far less accurate and do much less damage...unless it's support, then the damn thing is flip flopped
Dex Luther

travisb05 wrote:

i think its harder than bf2. in bf2142 you have to aim at the head or upperbody to make sure you win a battle i have had the sniper pistol and a support guy came around and i killed him first and shot almost the whole clip n him and he only hurt me a little bit
BF2142 is about as hard as playing Halo 2. Aim for center mass and click your left mouse button, re-adjust aim a little to compensate for movement, and don't let go until the guy dies or you run out of ammo/overheat. That's all this game is... Halo 2 on steroids.
My take on it:

In BF2 skill determines the winner, with chance being secondary. In 2142, chance determines the winner, with skill being secondary.

I'm exaggerating, but sadly not by much.

Last edited by parth (2006-10-31 18:34:55)

+416|6641|United States

TheEternalPessimist wrote:

The games just plain easy, every aspect of the game has been dumbed down to try and lessen the amount of whining that will inevitably occur should any skill be required to achieve anything.
exactly, bf2 is bieng morphed into battlefield 2142 because of all the patches also

Last edited by Masterstyle (2006-10-31 18:28:16)

Nope, i dont get as much gold stars as in bf2, maybe because they changed the scoring system.

AllmightyOz wrote:

bf2 > bf2142

TheEternalPessimist wrote:

The games just plain easy, every aspect of the game has been dumbed down to try and lessen the amount of whining that will inevitably occur should any skill be required to achieve anything.
Have you even  played BF2142.

Becouse It Sounds Like you just put 2 much time into BF2,  and now look a nice New Game comes out that you just have to Hate becouse your pissed that you wasted all your time and you have to start over again.

And your Gay..
That's how I roll, BITCH!

both games are great... they are totally different( even if ppl say 2142 is a mod.... do i care??? no.  I am enjoying the game.
+788|6802|Brisbane, Australia

Its just the fact that we are veterans, and the majority are not, thus of course your going to be better

Long Live BF2142!!
+24|6835|Computer Chair
I guess BF2142 is easier to play because you played BF2 and maybe the demo or beta.

Me for instance didnt buy Bf2 untill it was out for over half a year. I got owned bad in the first few weeks and after that I just kept getting better and better.
I got BF2142 asap and played the demo. That results in a K/D from around 3.

Playing BF2 leaves you a lot of experience to use in BF2142, thats why its easier, not everyone played bf2.
+65|6839|las vegas
im starting to find my niche with the base weapons,
its better then i thought

im not doin so hot, just adapting to the new weapons

not to mention i havent played bf2 in almost 2 months since last friday!

2142 is good, and is gettin easier, in a few days it will be cake
+30|6702|Holland Hardcore
With battlefield 2 I made a very bad start so my k/d was under 1 until I reached 35000 points. With bf2142 I had a good start due to the experience gained with bf2, so now my k/d is 1.3 or so. So I do't think bf2 is easier or harder, I think they're about the same..

I don;t think it is easier per say ... I think that having experience in bf2 helps make it easier from the beginning (since it plays like a bf2 mod)
I think it's because 2142 has attracted a whole new audience. They are starting out for the first time, where as you have a lot of experience from BF2, making you far better in comparisson.

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