GunSlinger OIF II

Parker wrote:

gunslinger nice dopers delight. you put 3000 through it yet. make sure you replace that trigger sear. chambered for .380 or 9mm???
lol.  9mm.  the constable II or something like that.  It was my 2nd gun I got it when I was wee little lad.  the tape around the pistol grip is when I was younger and wanted to see how it worked so I broke it down as much as nitwitted kid could but I guess the thread in the screw wore out so hence, the tape.  ghetto, I know.  I was in a household that fully supported the 2nd amendment and my IMMIGRANT mother was a card carrying member of the NRA

Last edited by GunSlinger OIF II (2006-10-30 19:55:47)

+721|6901|the dank(super) side of Oregon
I like the kid posting his paintball/airsoft shit.
a gaurdian of life
+112|6779|behind my rifle
I've Seen the Saucers.
+38|7060|Norcal, usa
you guys are all beasts.
+1,452|6714|The Gem Saloon
i support the kid that posted his paintball/airsoft shit. when i wasnt old enough i played a bunch of airsoft. i think it is the closest you can get to actual combat without being in any real harm. dont believe me? the air marshals along with a bunch of different agencies use airsoft to simulate combat. if your not old enough then airsoft is the way to go. hell if you want to see how you will react when fired at then go out and try it, really opened my mind to how fast things happen in the real world.

gunslinger, you should try contacting the manufacturer of the pistol. they probably have a replacement handle for pretty cheap that would fix that. or just get a new gun. i hate .380s, under penetration. thats just my opinion though.
Guns don't kill people. . . joe bidens advice does
Here is a good place to get gun parts.

Also if you are into firearms and think you may do some part replacing I suggest buying:
Numrich Gun Parts Corporation's Catalog #28: The Reference Guide for Firearms Parts ($14.95).
It contains 1,264 pages with more than 500 schematics, parts lists and exploded views.
+721|6901|the dank(super) side of Oregon

Parker wrote:

i support the kid that posted his paintball/airsoft shit. when i wasnt old enough i played a bunch of airsoft. i think it is the closest you can get to actual combat without being in any real harm. dont believe me? the air marshals along with a bunch of different agencies use airsoft to simulate combat. if your not old enough then airsoft is the way to go. hell if you want to see how you will react when fired at then go out and try it, really opened my mind to how fast things happen in the real world.
I just think it's cute how they make these toys look like real firearms.
+27|7053|Southern New Jersey
He's the law in N.J.
New Jersey law restricts the ownership of certain semi-automatic and other firearms based upon their military appearance. A specific list of restricted “assault firearms” is maintained by the New Jersey State Police. It includes many widely available firearms, and is subject to change and modification. Contact the New Jersey State Police for Information regarding which firearms are “assault firearms.” An “assault firearm” also includes any semiautomatic shotgun with either a magazine capacity exceeding six rounds, a conspicuous pistol grip, or a folding stock; a semi-automatic rifle with a fixed magazine capacity exceeding 15 rounds; a part or combination of parts designed or intended to convert a firearm into an “assault firearm,” or any combination of parts from which an “assault firearm” may be readily assembled. Any magazine with a capacity greater than fifteen rounds is prohibited, even if there is no semi-automatic firearm to accompany the magazine unless the person has a registered “assault firearm” and the magazine is used for DCM sanctioned shooting matches.

Any “assault firearm” legally possessed before May 1, 1990 is illegal unless that firearm was registered before May 1, 1991. Any “assault firearm” which was not owned prior to May 1, 1990, must be licensed. The licensing procedures for an “assault firearm” are the same as those listed in MACHINE GUNS.

A machine gun is any firearm, mechanism, or instrument not requiring that the trigger be pressed for each shot and having a reservoir, belt or other means of storing and carrying ammunition which can be loaded into the firearm, mechanism, or instrument and fired.

Possession, carrying, purchase, or sale of a machine gun without a license is prohibited. A license can be obtained by applying to a judge of the Superior Court where the applicant resides or, if a nonresident, where he conducts his business. Manufacture, shipping and transport is also prohibited without being registered or licensed.

The judge will refer it to the county prosecutor for investigation and recommendation. A copy of the prosecutor`s report shall be sent to the Superintendent of State Police and the chief police officer of every municipality in which the applicant intends to carry the machine gun unless, for good cause shown, the court orders notice to be given wholly or in part by publication.

No license shall be issued unless the applicant would qualify for a Permit to Carry and the court finds "that the public safety and welfare so require." The license is valid for one year, unless otherwise provided by the court. The court may also attach such conditions and limitations to the license as it deems to be in the public interest.

Just to tell you only very few licenses are issued for machine guns in N.J.. And they are to shooting ranges where the weapon must kept at all times. No one gets a license to keep a machine gun in their house.

In New Jersey, firearm owners are required to get a Firearm Owners ID card for the purchase of a rifle, shotgun or handgun. To purchase a handgun, a separate permit is needed from the state for each handgun to be purchased and expires after 90 days. NJ law says that the handgun purchase permit must be issued within 30 days, but it is not uncommon for it to take several months to be issued. Handguns are required to be registered and capacities of both handguns and rifles (total in magazine plus chamber) are limited to 15 rounds or less. New Jersey has its own ban on various semi-automatic firearms as well.[1] None of these gun control laws apply to the police.

Then on top of all that each Town in N.J. can set there own rules on firearms. Town I live does not allow any assault weapons/machine guns with in the town.Even if it's legally registered and your are licensed to own it. And every firearm has to register with the police deptment. There's only 1 place where a firearm can even be fired in my town. That's 1 day a week on sunday at the army-navy garison where a police officer is there during the entire event. And every one's firearms permit is checked. Registion of the firearm you bring is also checked.

Last edited by Breadman (2006-10-30 22:57:25)

Too old to be doing this sh*t
+103|6843|Little blue planet, milky way

Stingray24 wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Why in fucks name would anyone need a) more than one gun or b) guns of the ilk that have been shown here (automatic weapons, etc.)? Why would one be proud of keeping a selection of instruments of death? It's pretty depraved.

PS 'Are you well endowed? Show off your nob!' sister thread anyone?
Why? Because we can.   Gun collection is a perfectly viable hobby as is having them for the enjoyment of learning the skill of accurate shooting and home protection.  Some people buy rare firearms and put them in glass cases, never firing them.  There's also this thing called hunting which is legal with purchased licenses and is lots of fun, too.
Uh.... Yeah.. The glass casings... I'd love to show some pictures of my collection. Unfortunately I'm out traveling, so it's a bit of a problem. But I usually remove the firing mechanism (when possible), and with black powder, it's not that hard to prevent "misuse". This means I can show off the guns without having to lock them up entirely (safe for anyone.... Well about as safe as a 3 pound metal club can be). I have two blunderbuss'es, three 17th century black powder flint lock guns, and one 18th century "navy" pistol (percussion instead of flint lock, YEAH). I even have a small iron canon, but I've always been too afraid to test if it works or not. It doens't look all that solid.
But these things are like OBSCENELY expensive... How do people manage to collect a lot of this shit ? I pay like 6-12 months savings for one gun, and I haven't been able to afford a new one for YEARS.

And in a rare occurance I have to agree with Cameron about the automatic guns part... Automatic guns are shit. You can't hunt with them, you can't kill someone with them (well, you can, but with accuracy it's more luck than skill if you hit), they're EXTREMELY unhandy for detering intruders or the likes because they're big and bulky, bullets are way expensive or totally useless assembly line shit. Shotguns, ok, they're a good deterent, and you can load it up with some weird shit if you want (go bean bags !) to scare people off, the noise is deafening too. Range pretty much sucks on shotguns (depending on ammo), and accuracy is frequently about luck, so hunting is well... Problematic at best, unless you spend MUCHO dinero on the ammo. While a shotgun looks impressive, it IS primarly a close range weapon and thus it's a good deterent against an intruder. But if that intruder is armed, I'd much prefer to have my S&W .357 mag handy. That thing is accurate like no other high calibre handgun I've ever tried, the ammo will shoot through 3 walls and still knock down a rhino ! It's easy to maneuver in the house, and the noise level is a good deterent, plus with some training you can hit a moving target at 300 ft easily. Loading is easy, storage is minimal so locking it up so the kids dont play with it is easy. Ofcourse the "3 walls and killing a rhino" part kindof works AGAINST the effectiveness if you live in an apartment building !
+1,452|6714|The Gem Saloon
twist my man you sound like someone i could get along with. dig the black powder guns, dont own any but they are a blast to shoot....uuuuummmmm no pun intented. my ancestor was some badass that used to run around ohio and kentucky with daniel boone killin indians and fightin in wars and shit. every year they have this festival up in a little town called washington in norther kentucky honoring him. when i attend i get to shoot a wide assortment of black powder firearms. my favorite is this kentucky longrifle. i dont know too much about it except it is .55 caliber, an octagon shaped barrel and it was a flintlock.
although i do have to disagree on your views regarding automatics. i do not think that all semi auto rifles suffer from the lack of accuracy that you describe. any M1A owners out there would vouch for their guns accuracy, and i think barrett has basically proven that semi automatice rifles can be used to almost the same amount of accuracy. now if we are talking about extremely far shots then yes i agree that a bolt action rifle is superior but that is getting down to the very technical. like worrying about the blood flowing through your arms correctly while your laying down to ensure that your trigger finger stays as sensitive as possible.
now as far as handguns go, semis have come a very long way. that old 1911 that used to crap out on everyone and their mom has changed. guys like kimber and wilson combat have come around and made that gun a powerhouse. i own and carry a kimber .45. one of the best guns i have ever shot/owned. its makes me smile when i practice with it. im accurate @ 25 yards in a 5 inch group. i am very satisfied with that result and while im sure you can accomplish the same with your revolver i can do it with more shots in a clip.
i do agree that ammo is expensive. my .45 carry ammo is IQ comes in @ about 1.70 a round......however that is worth the price because if i would ever have to use it i want to be sure of what is in my gun......when i practice i use one clip of my carry ammo to stay familiar with its differences at the end of shooting practice rounds.
anyway just my two cents.
+2,382|6998|The North, beyond the wall.

Vilham wrote:

jord wrote:

You learn something everyday,images come faster than sound .

I wish i could get a gun.Not sure what the law is here in England.
Please stop talking to people from other countries about how cool guns are.
I don't get it,why can i not share my love of guns to someone in another country?

You make no sense.On a forum with people for 30+ countries why can i only talk to people from the Uk?

Guns are fun,the majority agrees.
+630|6964|The Netherlands
me and my gun ^^
I mounted it on in the window in my room, to keep off burglars and birds
+1,128|6962|Burmecia, Land of the Rain
lol, terror i remember that time i tried to fly over your house in my littlebird and you were like..
"omg gattling cannons"

thank god for the 15 second respawn time
prince of insufficient light

']['error wrote:

me and my gun ^^
I mounted it on in the window in my room, to keep off burglars and birds … ig_gun.jpg
Ever since 1.2 he can't even keep the neighbors kids off his front lawn though...
+630|6964|The Netherlands

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

']['error wrote:

me and my gun ^^
I mounted it on in the window in my room, to keep off burglars and birds … ig_gun.jpg
Ever since 1.2 he can't even keep the neighbors kids off his front lawn though...
that's in bf2, i got this thing for real ^^

zomfg g4tling gun!!11!!11
Cant type, was trying to take a picture of my firearms, but the fire was too intense and now my arms are burned all over. Hate firearms.

Ahhhhhh nothing like a solid joke.......the simplicity.

"typed by my comic sidekick Funny voodoo."
GunSlinger OIF II
where can i find a working black powder musket?
Say wat!?

jord wrote:

Vilham wrote:

jord wrote:

You learn something everyday,images come faster than sound .

I wish i could get a gun.Not sure what the law is here in England.
Please stop talking to people from other countries about how cool guns are.
I don't get it,why can i not share my love of guns to someone in another country?

You make no sense.On a forum with people for 30+ countries why can i only talk to people from the Uk?

Guns are fun,the majority agrees.
Im trying to say, dont get any ideas from countries where guns are legal. Most guns arent legal in England and that is something more than 99% of the country wants to keep that way.
Guns don't kill people. . . joe bidens advice does

Twist wrote:

Automatic guns are shit. You can't hunt with them, you can't kill someone with them (well, you can, but with accuracy it's more luck than skill if you hit)
Maybe in your case it may be more luck than skill, but for those who practice with full autos its skill.
Full autos can be accurate if used correctly by someone with experience.

Twist wrote:

Shotguns, ok, they're a good deterent, and you can load it up with some weird shit if you want (go bean bags !) to scare people off, the noise is deafening too.
If you feel the need to shoot, shoot to kill, never shoot to wound or scare.
Do not introduce a deadly weapon to a situation you don't feel requires deadly force.
Just because the police can shoot people with beanbags doesn't mean you will not get in trouble or pay a lot of cash to the victim.
If you were so scared for your life you had to shoot the person, why didn't you shoot to kill?

Twist wrote:

Range pretty much sucks on shotguns (depending on ammo), and accuracy is frequently about luck, so hunting is well... Problematic at best, unless you spend MUCHO dinero on the ammo. While a shotgun looks impressive, it IS primarly a close range weapon and thus it's a good deterent against an intruder.
Accuracy with a shotgun is frequently about luck? How did you come up with this?
You don't have to shoot expensive shotgun ammo to be accurate.
I like birdshot, 00 buck and rifled slugs all of which are cheap, accurate and extremely deadly.
A shotgun is the ultimate home defense rifle. You can quickly change rounds for different situations.
If you have bird shot, 00 buck and rifled slugs on your shotgun you are ready for about anything you will come across in or around your home.

Twist wrote:

While a shotgun looks impressive, it IS primarly a close range weapon and thus it's a good deterent against an intruder. But if that intruder is armed, I'd much prefer to have my S&W .357 mag handy. That thing is accurate like no other high calibre handgun I've ever tried, the ammo will shoot through 3 walls and still knock down a rhino ! It's easy to maneuver in the house, and the noise level is a good deterent, plus with some training you can hit a moving target at 300 ft easily. Loading is easy, storage is minimal so locking it up so the kids dont play with it is easy. Ofcourse the "3 walls and killing a rhino" part kindof works AGAINST the effectiveness if you live in an apartment building !
So with "some" training you can "easily" hit a moving target at 300'-0" with a .357 revolver, but hitting something with a shotgun is luck?
I really question your firearm experience and knowledge based on what you have said and how you said it.
Guns don't kill people. . . joe bidens advice does

Vilham wrote:

Im trying to say, dont get any ideas from countries where guns are legal. Most guns arent legal in England and that is something more than 99% of the country wants to keep that way.
Thats a pretty bold statement. How could you possibly know that 99% of your population wants to keep firearms illegal? I am sure there is a lot more than 1% of the UK population that would love to have their firearm rights restored. You are clearly anti-gun and making up more "facts" just like I said you would. What are you going to make up next?
+1,452|6714|The Gem Saloon
i though that at first too west pheonix, although he doesnt know his shit about any modern firearm i think he knows his blackpowder shit........

Vilham wrote:

jord wrote:

Vilham wrote:

Please stop talking to people from other countries about how cool guns are.
I don't get it,why can i not share my love of guns to someone in another country?

You make no sense.On a forum with people for 30+ countries why can i only talk to people from the Uk?

Guns are fun,the majority agrees.
Im trying to say, dont get any ideas from countries where guns are legal. Most guns arent legal in England and that is something more than 99% of the country wants to keep that way.
Good......The U.K. is a Democracy and if that is the will of the voters.....then that is the way it should be. The U.S. on the other hand, has a 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms for the security of the state.

Unfortunately, we have a lot of career politicians who feel that in order to "show" that they are "doing" something, write and enact "feel good" legislation (read stupid legislation) that does nothing to better enforce current laws while burdening law abiding citizens who choose to exercise their 2nd Amendment Rights. On top of that we have a media who, in an effort to get ratings, flame simple stories and take the responsibility for crimes away from the perpetrator and try to place the blame on -----choose your scapegoat ....gun owners, gun manufacturers, society, schools, phase of the moon......etc. Gotta make News more interesting rather than just report it !!!

It is very simple.....The Founders of the US gave the People a specific Right. Until a majority of the population exercises their Constitutional Right and changes the Constitution.......STFU !!!!

Last edited by nodehopper (2006-10-31 14:00:11)

Dex Luther

Reciprocity wrote:

Parker wrote:

i support the kid that posted his paintball/airsoft shit. when i wasnt old enough i played a bunch of airsoft. i think it is the closest you can get to actual combat without being in any real harm. dont believe me? the air marshals along with a bunch of different agencies use airsoft to simulate combat. if your not old enough then airsoft is the way to go. hell if you want to see how you will react when fired at then go out and try it, really opened my mind to how fast things happen in the real world.
I just think it's cute how they make these toys look like real firearms.
It's called Mil-sim, as in Military Simulation. That's what I play with my "toy gun." It's the same "toy gun" the military uses for training purposes. In fact that's exactly how I found out about it. There was a bunch of soldiers at a local paintball field one weekend that were playing as if their lives depended on it (it was pretty intense).

I asked a couple of dudes about their guns and where they got them (they were on "loan" to them from the base), but they said the guns came from a company called RAP4. I looked into it and bought one. I've been lucky enough to join their group quite a number of times, and let me tell you... it's as close to the real thing as you're going to get without actually enlisting and/or being deployed.

Oh and don't ever knife them. I had a rubber knife and snuck up behind an enemy and used it to knife him. It was pretty funny how frustrated/pissed off he got (it's understandable when you're playing the way they were).
Say wat!?

west-phoenix-az wrote:

Vilham wrote:

Im trying to say, dont get any ideas from countries where guns are legal. Most guns arent legal in England and that is something more than 99% of the country wants to keep that way.
Thats a pretty bold statement. How could you possibly know that 99% of your population wants to keep firearms illegal? I am sure there is a lot more than 1% of the UK population that would love to have their firearm rights restored. You are clearly anti-gun and making up more "facts" just like I said you would. What are you going to make up next?
Because less than 1% of the population is in pro gun groups, if other people wanted guns they would join the pro gun groups.

Vilham wrote:

west-phoenix-az wrote:

Vilham wrote:

Im trying to say, dont get any ideas from countries where guns are legal. Most guns arent legal in England and that is something more than 99% of the country wants to keep that way.
Thats a pretty bold statement. How could you possibly know that 99% of your population wants to keep firearms illegal? I am sure there is a lot more than 1% of the UK population that would love to have their firearm rights restored. You are clearly anti-gun and making up more "facts" just like I said you would. What are you going to make up next?
Because less than 1% of the population is in pro gun groups, if other people wanted guns they would join the pro gun groups.
That is RIDICULOUS !!! I don't want to see dogs hurt or mass slaughter of dolphins .....but I am not a member of PETA !!!

So every American who is not a card carrying member of the NRA is anti-gun ???

You could have just  admitted you were exaggerating to make your point least I would have respected your honesty.

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