... i disagree, the only thing i find inaccurate is the stupid pistols >_> seriously wtf... i prefer the pistols in the bf2 days... anyhow! ... yah, take the support gun for example... that gun is retardedly rigged in a good way
Unlock the VOSS and you will never doubt the future again
+788|6974|Brisbane, Australia

What I dont like is that all the guns sound the same, there are no guns with distinctive "kick" to them, like the PKM or the AK, just pew pew pew
Microsoft Poster Child
+83|7013|Vancouver BC Canada
Yep, I cant hit shit anymore, don't really like the game as much as BF2. And talk about useless, tried the pistols yet?

Call me a jetwhore or w/e it just doesn't feel as fun. Everyone just sprays and prays. Half the time I don't even know whats killed me, all i get is "You have died", WTF man.

Plus why are the nades default on F7? Who thought that up?

As for the diferent game discussion, its the same series, Vietnam has the same feel as BF2, why not 2142. I for one am waiting for more patches. Today I parked my transport inside the enemy titan's cargo bay, dont ask me how I got it through the roof though. I don't even know.
Guns wobble way too much imo... less wobble...
+5|6986|The UK
Hmm, bad tempered reactions!

Adapt? This isn’t about adaptation, this is about irony.
I didn't use the search button and add commentary because the post points out the humour behind this 'Balance'. I was being lighthearted, not heavyhanded

Hellfire(Fish) wrote:

4. If you didn't like it, why not just go back to BF2 and keep us all from having to read this?
Ditto baby, if you don’t like reading my post, go elsewhere and refrain from reading it. You’re looking for your opportunity to post snide comments like this, which we can all do without. That’s a CC for the rest of you that could only muster their bad manners. Besides, I didn't say I didn't like it.

Aside from the main body of my post, there are genuine criticisms too of course; The TV missiles are unusable by anyone with a dodgy mouse now for example, and this merits fixing.

I approve of the teamwork forcing in the vehicles.. at least in theory. The stumbling block is that the people you are expected to teamwork with are either unwilling to get into a vehicle with anyone else, or pay no attention to their job, so that you get blown up while lining them up with the target.

Perhaps they need to adapt.

Last edited by Eizieki (2006-10-27 04:39:45)

Pheasant Plucker
+440|7003|West Yorkshire, U.K
WHo cares??? its a game for crying out loud just enjoy it.
Satan's disciple on Earth.
+160|7004|Hell's prison
My accuracy has never been that good in BF2 but for example last night, everytime I came around a corner blasting someone (yes EVERYTIME), even if I had the drop on em, I wouldnt win, and I always aim center mass, tap tap tap up to the head, BF2, I couldnt be touched, now, I cant win.  I havent even bothered flying the guided missiles are too much of a pain in the ass.  It just feels like me, but I am sure im not the only one.
prince of insufficient light

Kanil wrote:

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

Same series, continue discussion.
I beg to differ. Just because the series is the same doesn't mean that gameplay doesn't change between games.
Change, yes. Suck more, no.

the_outsider38 wrote:

Plus why are the nades default on F7? Who thought that up?
I assume you mean the "7" key but this is one of my biggest gripes.  They put parachute as space bar now, which is good thinking, and then they move grenades to 7, which is moronic.  Now it's like the SF days where you go to pop your chute and you put on your gas mask and plummet to your death.  Now instead of throwing a grenade I pull out a mine defuser or something equally useless. 

And is it just me or does the grenade take an extra split second to equip compared to BF2?

Eizieki wrote:

Everthing you already said is dead on.  And your comments carry extra weight because of the bcz of the time you have put in with BF2.  The f**k off comments from the little folk whose stats show few hours with BF2 or who simply aren't very good at BF2 should get short shrift. 

I bought 2142, I play it, but I simply don't get as jazzed about it as BF2.  But it's new and the BF2 maps are stale and there are some decent maps in 2142.  I think the new maps are the best part of the game.  The rest ranges from marginal improvements to bizarre nonsensical changes to marginal minuses.  But mostly the minuses outweigh the pluses.  Adapt or get the hell out?  I paid for the game, I get to complain and comment.
H@x ?? No, just skill baby !
+73|6966|I smell corners

SmilingBuddha wrote:

Keep in mind that most of these changes were brought up to make a more balanced game, so I have one word for you: Adapt.
GOP Sympathizer
+266|6809|Menlo Park, CA
I do agree that the assault rifles are a tad inaccurate. . . I found switching to single shot works better at longer distances.

Everything else seems fine. . .

Although the only gripe I have is the fact that you have to unlock the sprint capability.  What is that all about?? I wasted two ranks on the sprints unlocks. . . .I could have that awesome support machine gun by now!!
Simply put, it's all been downgraded so it's more tactical, and there are no "God weapons" or "God vehicles" anymore.  They've done that because there were some weapons/tactics/vehicles which were overpowered, and could easily be whored, unbalancing the game, and now it's more teamwork.  Sure, you can still dominate the map, but you can't do it solo.

And I think that grenades are on key 7, because they're a global unlock, and as such need their own space.  Even if you're recon with only a sniper, knife, and pistol, they can't put it on 4, because they'd have to push it up for other unlocks/classes.

starman7 wrote:

And I think that grenades are on key 7, because they're a global unlock, and as such need their own space.  Even if you're recon with only a sniper, knife, and pistol, they can't put it on 4, because they'd have to push it up for other unlocks/classes.
I know.  Doesn't make it any less wrong-headed and inconvenient.  How often do I need that stupid defuser?  Not very often.  How often do I need a grenade?  Regularly.
The balance is there. Hell, the 2 factions just have different skins for the most part. The tanks are the biggest difference in the 2 sides I think. The PAC gunship is a bit more manuverable than the EU side. Not by much tho.
I think there is TOO much similarity in the 2 sides as far as the weapons are concerened. They even sound way similar. My PAC Zeller sounds like your EU Zeller!!  Come on now. They could have lent a little more to the creativity department in some regards.

I will give the game credit tho. The game is much smoother than BF2 was for me and load times are down a good bit. The maps are better than some of the BF2 maps. Fall of Berlin....crazy fun for a city map. Better than Karkand I think.

Too bad it all just seems like attack of the clones with different uniforms.
+1,128|6960|Burmecia, Land of the Rain
dont like it? its your own fault:

1) there was a demo. it featured EVERYTHING in the game except unlocks. there were Doragons, Bogatyrs, Nekomatas, Ocelots.. you had PLENTY chance to try the vehicles.
you had every chance to play the demo.. and test everything out.. yet you STILL bought the full game.. knowing that you didnt like it?.. it's no one's fault but your own

2) you cant hit shit with the guns? how long have you played? you cant honestly expect to go straight from BF2 to BF2142 without some learning curve.. otherwise it would be unfair on the nubs that we'll get to spawnrape..
they changed the guns cos its a different game.. and to balance out the playing field for the release date.

Badcomp wrote:

I think there is TOO much similarity in the 2 sides as far as the weapons are concerened. They even sound way similar. My PAC Zeller sounds like your EU Zeller!!  Come on now. They could have lent a little more to the creativity department in some regards.
that's funny.. because in BF2.. the G36E sounded the same for the USMC, the MEC and the PLA.
oh wait.. so did the PKM.. and the L96A1..

oh yeah.. they're the same make of gun..

common sense, use it.

Last edited by spawnofthemist (2006-10-27 11:32:58)

I have to disagree with weapon inacurracy. When I first played the game with the Shuko LMG I was like "ZOMG WTF! is this shit innacurate weapon" and felt that way about all weapons. But after a few hours I realized that the guns were way more accurate than in BF2, you just have to learn how to use them, you can't expect to switch from BF2 to BF2142 and instantly "God" the game, there is a learning curve. The game is good, it's different than BF2. The weapons and vehicles allow for better team play and ground/infantry warfare. I love the anti-vehicle guns (Rorsch?), they are placed more than TOWs are placed in BF2, at least now you have a standing chance against a unit of Walkers and Tanks coming at you. The game is different, you have to adapt from BF2. Play the game more than 10 hours before you rant about how shit it is, because it really isn't in my opinion. And quit whining about EA binding your grenades to "7", again shows people expect 2142 to be just like BF2, adapt, it's only a key number. However I do agree with the TV missile and how hard it is to guide. But they did make the transport choppers much better with the guns.

That's my 2 bucks.

spawnofthemist wrote:

dont like it? its your own fault:

1) there was a demo. it featured EVERYTHING in the game except unlocks. there were Doragons, Bogatyrs, Nekomatas, Ocelots.. you had PLENTY chance to try the vehicles.
you had every chance to play the demo.. and test everything out.. yet you STILL bought the full game.. knowing that you didnt like it?.. it's no one's fault but your own

2) you cant hit shit with the guns? how long have you played? you cant honestly expect to go straight from BF2 to BF2142 without some learning curve.. otherwise it would be unfair on the nubs that we'll get to spawnrape..
they changed the guns cos its a different game.. and to balance out the playing field for the release date.

Badcomp wrote:

I think there is TOO much similarity in the 2 sides as far as the weapons are concerened. They even sound way similar. My PAC Zeller sounds like your EU Zeller!!  Come on now. They could have lent a little more to the creativity department in some regards.
that's funny.. because in BF2.. the G36E sounded the same for the USMC, the MEC and the PLA.
oh wait.. so did the PKM.. and the L96A1..

oh yeah.. they're the same make of gun..

common sense, use it.
EVERY gun sounds the same save for the pistols. But that's not a big gripe. Just a little lack of creativity. Unlocks or not in 2142.  It wasn't a common sense issue.

Last edited by Badcomp (2006-10-27 12:33:49)


Badcomp wrote:

I think there is TOO much similarity in the 2 sides as far as the weapons are concerened. They even sound way similar. My PAC Zeller sounds like your EU Zeller!!  Come on now. They could have lent a little more to the creativity department in some regards.
Perhaps because the Zeller-H is an unlock?

e.g. it doesn't matter which side you use it on, it's the same gun?
zitwep I agree with you for the most part except for the grenades as 7 thing. it's not the fact that it's different from bf2 it's that the 7 key is just not a good key to try to reach for while in a combat situation. They could of easily picked a better key. Also you comment about having to play the game for 10 hours before ranting about it. You shouldn't have to play a bad game for 10 hours before deciding that it's bad. Not saying the bf2142 is bad cause it isn't. But by your logic you're saying you should listen to a cd 4 or 5 times before you decide that you hate it. Everything else is dead on by you though
It's A State Of Mind
+399|6909|Your attic
With the vehicles, think about the story line.

Over half the world gets frozen over, that means half the worlds oil reserves (USA, North Sea etc) are gone, todays modern engines rely on oil based fuels and I doubt that in a hundred years from now they will be using anything else to power high speed flight, so essentially they will of had to start from scratch with new technology or run out of fuel for a massive war effort.

As for the accuracy of the guns, although I find them perfectly accurate, it could be said that the body armour that may be invented in the future can provide such good protection that in order to penetrate it you need guns that are far more powerful, and there for far less accurate.

The entire reason why Dice picked to go into the future for this incarnation of the series is because they don't have to conform to current realism.

k30dxedle wrote:

Badcomp wrote:

I think there is TOO much similarity in the 2 sides as far as the weapons are concerened. They even sound way similar. My PAC Zeller sounds like your EU Zeller!!  Come on now. They could have lent a little more to the creativity department in some regards.
Perhaps because the Zeller-H is an unlock?

e.g. it doesn't matter which side you use it on, it's the same gun?
Ya, sorry. Bad example. Which are the basic rifles..Moretti and Park, right?

I meant to use those as examples.

doctorgabel wrote:

zitwep I agree with you for the most part except for the grenades as 7 thing. it's not the fact that it's different from bf2 it's that the 7 key is just not a good key to try to reach for while in a combat situation. They could of easily picked a better key. Also you comment about having to play the game for 10 hours before ranting about it. You shouldn't have to play a bad game for 10 hours before deciding that it's bad. Not saying the bf2142 is bad cause it isn't. But by your logic you're saying you should listen to a cd 4 or 5 times before you decide that you hate it. Everything else is dead on by you though
There was the demo people could have played before buying the game, you could have decided that the game was bad from that. But yeah, maybe for combat purposes "7" isn't really useful, I wouldn't know, I sue the scroll mouse.
The Anti-Sniper
+12|6855|Las Vegas
Well, looks to me, like you all just need to make a decision. Move on or not? I choose to move on, as I started FPS gaming in Landwarrior, and I move on each time a new game comes out. The old ones get steeped in Hacks, and lose support from the manufacturer. I still prefer BF2, but I chose to move on. One day I will have as good of play in 2142 as I do in BF2. (Decent) Every Game has its ups and downs. Adapt and move on, or stay comfortable and get left behind.

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