$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

I was playing on a server today when someone got banned for getting the commander mutinied. Commander position was taken by an admin who was afk (building up hours I guess), so after 10 votes we finally got him out. Person who started mutiny (and took commander position) then got banned for such action.

Usually I don't give a damn, but this time I got pissed off at the admin so I called him out and started arguing with him about the unfair ban but he didn't give a crap. Neither did the other 29 people on the server. This wasn't a server I wanted to play in so I decided to leave the server to make a point. Pretty worthless point, but a point nonetheless.

I was thinking about what could be done to get rid of this behavior that can be so common sometimes, and it hit me that the fact that all those other players stay on that server and keep playing without caring about the abusive behavior, means that the admin has no reason to not be an ass. Sure some people bitch, and speak out, but the admin could care less about what we have to say. If people left the server though... now that'd be an action that would speak louder than words.

Think about it, if everyone left a server after an admin was a complete ass to another player, then the admin would be fucked over. His server would empty out so he wouldn't be able to get the commander hours he's trying to whore, or get that vehicle he keeps kicking people for.

So my message is two fold. First off, that is the only way I can think of that people could take matters into their own hands to stop behavior like this. Idealistic? Yes. Gonna happen? Probably not. So my second point is, knowing people won't do this because they are too lazy to change servers for some reason, there's no point about bitching over abusive admin behavior since it will never stop.
S0tp R4p1nG u5!!1one
+47|6578|Donnacona, Quebec
97.8% of admins are less than 12 years old.


FredFLQ wrote:

97.8% of admins are less than 12 years old.

and i bet ya they havent hit puberty yet. and ive been thru the i said in other posts... we should have a thread pointing out servers and admins that are abusive, or other people being idiots on the server we should leave the abusive admins with the idiots and play in another server and if one of those people come in vote kick their ass off the server.
$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

FredFLQ wrote:

97.8% of admins are less than 12 years old.

And that too lol
This topic seems to have no actual posts

FredFLQ wrote:

97.8% of admins are less than 12 years old.

Fact #1, on our servers there isn't anyone under 25 who have admin rights. Guess we are the lucky 2.2%, huh? Fact #2, we don't have a member under 20. I guess you just need to pick your servers alittle better.

Fact: Since yesterday, I have become a part of the 2.2%

We gots a ranked server (up and running for less than 24h)! You may congratulate me now.

Last edited by DonFck (2006-10-26 22:50:31)

I need around tree fiddy.
Steve Irwin Reincarnate

Not all the admins I've come across are bad.  An Australian server I used to play on was run by a clan, and had great admins who you could chat with and kill them without getting kicked.  All I can say is if you find a bad admin/server, stay away.
Infantry Whore
+42|6722|Kingswood Country

~Smokey~ wrote:

Not all the admins I've come across are bad.  An Australian server I used to play on was run by a clan, and had great admins who you could chat with and kill them without getting kicked.  All I can say is if you find a bad admin/server, stay away.
That's a hell yes. Smokey, flick a PM over if you are still on any of the 'node or GA servers. Particularly if you are an SF fan.

Last edited by Ekfud (2006-10-26 23:46:33)


FredFLQ wrote:

97.8% of admins are less than 12 years old.

well i guess that % of bf2 players actually dont have a brain after some one accidently tked them and they punish like no other.(damn NOOBS)
when Hell is full...
thats why the bf2s EU server is one of my favourites....
Usque Ad Finem
$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

[Project.D]-Demon wrote:

FredFLQ wrote:

97.8% of admins are less than 12 years old.

well i guess that % of bf2 players actually dont have a brain after some one accidently tked them and they punish like no other.(damn NOOBS)
Why is that guy an idiot on the Krackhouse server? (On your sig) That is the one single place I know that kick/bans for taxiing to the airfield. I find it nice to not have noobs come and steal planes cause they spawned closest to a car.

And the point of my thread is not to say all admins are losers, or can't be admins. My point is that since we are all complacent players, that wouldn't stand up to an admin to make a point, nothing is gonna change and we will keep getting kicked for beating an admin to a chopper.
+45|6632|Bristol, UK
I got banned from 'Bliss' server for owning too hard in the chopper. I loaded early for some reason, got the Z-10, then solo-tved the Cobra, then tv-ed a full Blackhawk... a few seconds later, "banning The_Delphinius for cheating". What bullshit.

Last edited by Delphy (2006-10-27 01:55:35)


TeK||drake666 wrote:

thats why the bf2s EU server is one of my favourites....

Even though i run my own public server the EU server is awesome fun to be on and the admins do a great job well played to them .
BF2sEU old school admin - I don't care who you are

Too bad that most of the players don't even care as long as they are not kicked themselves.
I believe most admins who kick / ban because of personal interests see only one reason why they are admins: they believe that they are something "better" and they feel superior to other players. The sad thing is: most of them are just stupid, if you try to talk to them in a polite way, most of them don't answer, insult you or kick you immediately. And if you (and your friends or random players) leave the server they even feel better for a moment without even realizing that they lost players who they need for their advantage. Well, its just a shame...

[Project.D]-Demon wrote:

we should have a thread pointing out servers and admins that are abusive,
Devon Dweller
+36|6633|Devon, England

FredFLQ wrote:

97.8% of admins are less than 12 years old.

65.46% of statistics are made up
I have to say overall I've seen more negligent and abusive admins than anything. Most of the time the admins are either not there or don't appear to give a toss but of those that are present I think it's more common than not to see them abuse their power somehow (even if it's only with some stupid rule).

Last night I was playing on a server with [SGP] ~DJB3@n~ and he kicked a good half-dozen guys for things he didn't like, including bunny hopping and claymore spamming (using them offensively) ...and I'm pretty sure all of the guys he was complaining about were on the opposite team, which left us a man or two short repeatedly throughout the match. Now he did give plenty of warnings beforehand, otherwise I don't think I would have noticed, but still, not everyone playing might be able to read English. And you know Murphy's Law: you won't notice messages if they're for you

FredFLQ wrote:

97.8% of admins are less than 12 years old.

96.2% of statistics quoted on the Internet are made up.

DonFck wrote:

Fact: Since yesterday, I have become a part of the 2.2%

We gots a ranked server (up and running for less than 24h)! You may congratulate me now.

There you go, that's all you're getting. Don't expect a pressie or anything because I'm tapped out until next month
That's the thing.  The admins who do stuff like this give me and the other noble admins a bad name.  I admit, my  clan's server has rules like not entering enemy uncaps unless you're spec ops, but I always warn the guys before I kick them.  I would also ban a player from my division if I found out he were abusing his power like that.
The very model of a modern major general
+795|6731|United States of America
It sucks when you ever find a 12 year old playing and then they get on VoIP. Those creatures make such a whiny, high pitched sound that it freaks you out.

FredFLQ wrote:

97.8% of admins are less than 12 years old.

i don't think thats right, even though im not much older than 12, but the rest of my clan exept for about 2 people are 12 or under, and the rest are like adults or teenagers and the rest i mean is like the other 100 or so, and wow i can't stop laughing to one of my clan members who is like crying over he cant get a medal in bf2142 and its funny as hell and hes like 15 and and hes wining his @ss off, holy lord and im recording it on team speak and no body knows that yet. lol lol lol lol roflmao, im such an @ss, but i think this guy wining is the funniest thing ever, and i think im putting it on the internet, and now we arent even responding to him, and hes like wining even more, lol. wow that is funny shit. i think ill post a link somewhere as soon as i edit it and host it somewhere. ROFLMFAO, wow.

GotMex? wrote:

I was thinking about what could be done to get rid of this behavior that can be so common sometimes, and it hit me that the fact that all those other players stay on that server and keep playing without caring about the abusive behavior, means that the admin has no reason to not be an ass. Sure some people bitch, and speak out, but the admin could care less about what we have to say. If people left the server though... now that'd be an action that would speak louder than words.

Same thing amazes me time after time too ,when some ace J10 pilots are baseraping the uncap Us carrier, and witthout motivated or skilled AA gunners or  anybody willing to do anything about it, they KEEP SPAWNING time after time on the same spot on deck.
After 10 times you would think they either left server, teamswitched or GOT INTO the AA, but nooooo, they keep trying to get in planes choppers untill they die 20 more times.....

Last edited by MajorHoulahan_MASH (2006-11-03 07:47:48)


bombardier9999 wrote:

FredFLQ wrote:

97.8% of admins are less than 12 years old.

i don't think thats right, even though im not much older than 12, but the rest of my clan exept for about 2 people are 12 or under, and the rest are like adults or teenagers and the rest i mean is like the other 100 or so, and wow i can't stop laughing to one of my clan members who is like crying over he cant get a medal in bf2142 and its funny as hell and hes like 15 and and hes wining his @ss off, holy lord and im recording it on team speak and no body knows that yet. lol lol lol lol roflmao, im such an @ss, but i think this guy wining is the funniest thing ever, and i think im putting it on the internet, and now we arent even responding to him, and hes like wining even more, lol. wow that is funny shit. i think ill post a link somewhere as soon as i edit it and host it somewhere. ROFLMFAO, wow.
Please play another game. Thank you.
for every abusive admin there is AT LEAST 2 jackoffs that have it coming to them... and if the people who are paying their cash for a server set a rule.. you have 3 choices... obey it or leave or get kicked and banned... whining is not one of those 3 options.... that's all i have to say on the subject
Guns don't kill people. . . joe bidens advice does
I have been accused of being a abusive admin, but I don't think I am.
When servers have rules you need to follow them. If you don't like them, then leave.
Don't act like a little kid throwing a fit in the store because he cant have a toy or some candy.
If you don't like the rules leave, quit crying and leave.
Most servers have the rules in the load screen and scrolling at the top.
Yet people break the rules left and right then talk crap when you enforce the rules.
There are so many idiots playing BF2 it isn't even funny.
Since day One.
Most admins just abuse coz "its my server and i do what i want"
Like there are rules on some server and it dont goes for admins.Two days ago i was playing on Ghost Town on some german server and and the rules were:No baseraping,No spawncamping,No attack on red bases.
The following happend: there was the admin on the SAS mainbase..sitting in that TOW and i was at the russian capped base with the choppers.The chopper respawned i jump into it...then Booom..i was blew up by that TOW.
And he made it like 3 times in a row.I was like WTF ?
Isnt this like spawncamping a vehicle ?
I said that ass to stop it and he said its time i went as a sniper and killed him from there with 1 shot.He started shouting "NO BASECAMPING !!"
I said "You said its allowed" and answer: NO NOT FOR YOU !!!!!

I said fuck off and got kicked "because of language"

Last edited by venom6 (2006-11-04 01:23:20)

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