Teh forum ghey!
+172|6787|Wigan. Manchester. England.

PoP wrote:

DesertFox423 wrote:

PspRpg-7 wrote:

Fucker, don't leave.
Bah and another. I hope it aint the last.

Cya for now :)

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

stryyker wrote:

But frankly, the rest of you on this website can go suck a cock. GG you.
I hope you aren't referring to me, I don't like cock very much.

Won't be the same without you, no one can say fail quite the same way.
Me either.  I'll miss ya, stryyker.
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
The Magnetic Bullet Attractor
RolyPoly, Stryyker is older than me, and I'm 18.

gg genius
I am all that is MOD!

PitViper401 wrote:

RolyPoly, Stryyker is older than me, and I'm 18.

gg genius
No.  GG Stryyker

Last edited by KEN-JENNINGS (2006-10-25 15:49:42)


stryyker wrote:

you will read this. you will follow it. you will obey this thread. you will obey me.

General Forum Use
-I Have spammed in the past, i have derailed threads. chances are, i will do it again in the future.
However, i do not do it 24 hours a day, neither should you. make a quota for useful posts everyday. After you meet that quota, go do something else. we dont need anymore spam on this site.

1. you WILL use common sense when posting. Why? because you make yourself look retarded if you dont.

2. Avoid the long fucking quote chains. "LOMG its t3h pyramid!!111", NO, its annoying, and a waste of Jeff's bandwith.

3. Use english. Why? because this site is from the United States, and we use English here. Dont like it? no one  cares.


Repeat after me. "I will not make repeat topics". This ALWAYS happens. A new piece of news comes out, there are 31 threads created on it, most even with the same title for the love of god.

1. SEARCH. and again, SEARCH

2. you WILL NOT MAKE threads with the following titles:

*OMG _______ is stat padding
*OMG _______ is glitching
*OMG _______ is on a knife and pistol server
*I just got promoted to ________
*which unlock?
*any thread with any top 10 members name in it
*the (insert weaponname) killed me, nerf it
*the (insert vehiclename) killed me, nerf it

3. Please, dont post your sniper videos, we really dont want to see them anymore.

4. POST IN THE RIGHT SECTION. this is PURE common sense. If you are having troubles with Special Forces, is belongs in the SF section.

5. EA/DICE bashing topics. Dont. YOU must first code,program and release a game before you have the right to yell at them

-If you have an arguement, feel free to post it. Its an all out war on this site, fight back
-If you have a problem with a forum member, PM them about it, we dont care.
-If you make more than one thread on the same subject, go here.

and finally (with more edits and additions to come) respect ALL site staff....

UPDATE concerning VIDEOS

Videos are good source to show off your enormous e-penis, with super 1337 plane skillz and roffelawesome TV shots. Other than the fact i dont want to watch them, here are some ideas to make them not suck as much.

1. YOU WILL NOT USE THE SONG "LET THE BODIES HIT THE FLOOR" BY DROWNING POOL. This song sucks, and your video should instantly be destroyed if the song is present. on 2nd thought, you might want to destroy yourself as well, preferably with a shotgun.

2. TITLES: use simple, non flash titles on your poor excuse for a video. Use simple, IF ANY, easy to read titles, with a font that isnt gay (every font that i dont like)

3. FOOTAGE: I have better be crying with amazement after watching your video, or i will find you and kick you in the jugular. The MINIMUM budget for effects on your video should be $121,000. For currency exchange, go here..
    Things NOT to include in your video (footage wise)
    *Anything envolving a J-10 vs. F-35, Why? because a retarded burn victim can do that
    *Anything that annoys me personally

The truth hurts, blow me. Why does your video suck? its probably because you, as a player, suck. I decide what true skill is, you do not. You will appease me, or i will cut you across the jugular. Your video also sucks because:

a. You made it in Windows Movie Maker
b. You suck.
4. You suck even more than i thought before
h. You arent using Adobe(TM) programs. Adobe is the shit, learn that
102. You hosted it on a pisspoor website

Once more, i have given you light for which you should live by.

EDIT: with help from the all knowing bear.

Your video is not a MUST SEE

I don't give a fuck if you dropped someone from 1000000000 meters, its NOT a must see, stop bumping your stupid video, put it in your sig, if people are interested, they'll watch it.

And yes, to slightly reinforce the point. Screw your stupid sniper videos. Unless you kill someone in the singapore server from whichever US/European server you're in, I'm not interested.
bad touch

R0lyP0ly wrote:

what stryyker, in the "What do you look like" thread, i thought you posted a pic of yourself...recently, at age ~14. little kid. hope you made cyberfriends... I just find it humouring that a teenager barely old enought  to shave is complaining of life.
im 17, for one

and for 2, blow me
Say wat!?

R0lyP0ly wrote:

what stryyker, in the "What do you look like" thread, i thought you posted a pic of yourself...recently, at age ~14. little kid. hope you made cyberfriends... I just find it humouring that a teenager barely old enought  to shave is complaining of life.
lol, so true.

Well... i reply after he said he was 17, but still life hasnt even realy start to hit you, when you look back in 2-3 years you will be like wow. As you get older you realise how petty everything was when you were a teenager.

Last edited by Vilham (2006-10-25 16:34:52)

Peruvian Cocaine
+261|6915|Toronto Canada

you had the best sigs going.

Respekct dad i love u always
+946|6959|Marathon, Florida Keys
im out too cya, me and stryyker are going to and your not invited, gg.

Vilham wrote:

R0lyP0ly wrote:

what stryyker, in the "What do you look like" thread, i thought you posted a pic of yourself...recently, at age ~14. little kid. hope you made cyberfriends... I just find it humouring that a teenager barely old enought  to shave is complaining of life.
lol, so true.

Well... i reply after he said he was 17, but still life hasnt even realy start to hit you, when you look back in 2-3 years you will be like wow. As you get older you realise how petty everything was when you were a teenager.
I could say that about being in your twenties too. Every minute is just as important as the next. You never stop learning. You never stop making mistakes and wishing you could go back and change things. Good luck to you stryyk-
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

im out too cya, me and stryyker are going to and your not invited, gg.
The page didn't open for me, is it down for maintenance?

And stryk,
With you gone, theres like 4 people here I enjoy reading posts from...
ah well,
Cya, good luck and have fun in that "life" thing.
One question dude, what are you doing with your account, is it for sale??? E-Mail me - RKF_Twilightzn[at]

Same question to ronin

Last edited by WO2_Testisweat (2006-10-25 17:12:08)

Respekct dad i love u always
+946|6959|Marathon, Florida Keys

Dauntless wrote:

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

im out too cya, me and stryyker are going to and your not invited, gg.
The page didn't open for me, is it down for maintenance?

And stryk,
With you gone, theres like 4 people here I enjoy reading posts from...
ah well,
Cya, good luck and have fun in that "life" thing.
its not a real site
Any need for the offensive language?
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6688|Long Island, New York

I'll miss ya on IRC man. Good luck in everything.
I am a cat ¦ 3
+369|6980|Denver colorado
GG, lates

+416|6645|United States

stryyker wrote:

Its time for my forum retirement. Its been a funfilled year with all of my chronies and flaming buddies, but I have alot on my plate lately, and I will be gone from BF2s... Quite possibly for a long time. This thing called life, well, no explaining needed.

I would like to thank the usuall people for the good times, the mods for not banning me for using "fail" in every post, thing of that nature..

peace, if you need me, you know how.

sad.... "This thing called life, well, no explaining needed" sad.....
awhhh Will I still see you???
Clark W Griswald

liquidat0r wrote:

Any need for the offensive language?
Fuck shit cock piss pussy cunt twat asshole shitsucker fuckwad slut.  No, no need for that.
+416|6645|United States

Clark W Griswald wrote:

liquidat0r wrote:

Any need for the offensive language?
Fuck shit cock piss pussy cunt twat asshole shitsucker fuckwad slut.  No, no need for that.
you just want to be banned
You'll be back.... Take care.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
+447|6998|Seattle, Washington, USA

Sigh, bye. You will be missed.
You slimey fucking walrus looking piece of shit, YOU CANNOT LEAVE.  You son of a bitch.

Alert command, the right flank on the defensive lines versus the idiots has been breached.

Cougar wrote:

You slimey fucking walrus looking piece of shit, YOU CANNOT LEAVE.  You son of a bitch.

Alert command, the right flank on the defensive lines versus the idiots has been breached.
Left flank down too, cap'n! 'Tards coming down in parachutes, we cannae hold 'em!

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