+86|6882|Somewhere near a shrub or rock
Ok I will pre-empt any comments *Search* / *Fail. Search.*
You search for Punish on these forums and good luck to you.

On to my topic...

I really don’t like to be punished for other peoples stupid mistakes or for accidents that will happen on your average day of BF2 gaming, I have a new way of coping with these people and its something I want to share.
I have had so many people punish for TK's where they have seen me (insert dangerous activity here) and gone ahead with their daily business like nothing has happened only to feel the full weight of my mischief (intended for the enemy) and immediately hitting page down!
Now if I had done the inexcusable crime of not asking if clays are ff on for a specific server (1st-ib change this rule so sometimes even that cant be avoided) and started dishing them out like sweeties, tbh I deserve the punish.
Other than that I have a new technique I like to call the naught chair.
If someone punishes after I have said (or before I even get chance to say) sorry I will specifically hunt them down and shoot them in the head. As they are lying there I will give them the 15 seconds to think about your "crime" and type the following:

"Now (insert name) you should press page up because that time I did kill you on purpose"

Some of them get angry and press page down before posting a text reply (not really advised if im in the mood for killing them tbh) , most say nothing, but it makes me feel better knowing they have paid 15 seconds of their life for being an ass . I know its their right to punish me for a TK, but so what, it makes me feel better to have earned the punish properly!

A little bit of battlefield justice

Anyone else got any fun techniques? Or is it just me it grates on that badly?


Last edited by Barrakuda777 (2006-10-24 01:11:15)

got any popo lolo intersting?

DeathUnlimited's SIG wrote:


Last edited by DeathUnlimited (2006-10-23 12:07:47)

main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg
Donald O' Brien

DeathUnlimited wrote:

DeathUnlimited's SIG wrote:

That's because you're an ass.
well, depends on what happened. ( i;ve been on both sides of the coin, the quick punisher and the one punished. i was on warlord, couldn't see a friendly vehicle, was run over, punished 9 as I assumed it was deliberate)and the vehicle driver started a kickvote on me alledging i punished for me running out in front of a vehicle, i was typing my response when the kickvote succeeded. my only kick as well. put me right off that server.)  if someidiot runs out having looked straight at me, thne I hunt them down  (or try to kickvote them). if it looks like an accident,i apologise.
+46|6598|Bradford UK
i forgive all the time unless i know for sure they are doing it on purpose, like vehicle whores and force tk's, then i force tk them till they are kicked. it always works.
Member since 2005
+44|6922|Kansas, USA
My question is "Why do you care if someone punishes you?" It does not affect your score: you get -4 for a team kill regardless. Punishes are only used as an automated way to kick people from the server.
Donald O' Brien

Psycho wrote:

My question is "Why do you care if someone punishes you?" It does not affect your score: you get -4 for a team kill regardless. Punishes are only used as an automated way to kick people from the server.
You answered the question right there.
Member since 2005
+44|6922|Kansas, USA

Donald O' Brien wrote:

Psycho wrote:

My question is "Why do you care if someone punishes you?" It does not affect your score: you get -4 for a team kill regardless. Punishes are only used as an automated way to kick people from the server.
You answered the question right there.
So his reaction to getting a punish is to intentionally TK someone to get even closer to the automated kick? I have only been auto-kicked for punishes one or twice and that was when friendly AA missles would seek out full, friendly transport helos. I rarely punish, but I always seem to get punished. Doesn't matter to me - I just keep playing.
+54|6898|Upper Franconia
Switching to the other team and keep killing the guy could make you also feel better. @ least this works for me.

Last edited by lord_tyler_486 (2006-10-23 12:33:30)

+37|6784|Chicago, Il
I must admit I'm guilty of Similar retrobution regarding TK Punishes....  Except I usually just type "Punish That!" insted of some long drawn out explanation....
Donald O' Brien

Psycho wrote:

Donald O' Brien wrote:

Psycho wrote:

My question is "Why do you care if someone punishes you?" It does not affect your score: you get -4 for a team kill regardless. Punishes are only used as an automated way to kick people from the server.
You answered the question right there.
So his reaction to getting a punish is to intentionally TK someone to get even closer to the automated kick? I have only been auto-kicked for punishes one or twice and that was when friendly AA missles would seek out full, friendly transport helos. I rarely punish, but I always seem to get punished. Doesn't matter to me - I just keep playing.
His reaction doesn't make sense with that logic I guess, but I never really agreed with his line of thinking either.
I'd personally like it if the kicking system worked a bit more like RTCW etc. Lower the limit for the number of votes required to kick to about 50% or limit it only to the to members of the team of the person to be kicked.

The way it is setup now, there is no real effective punishment for being naughty.
I dont care when I get punished. I never TK intentionally but most people get offended that their stupidity ended their life at the hands of a team mate.  Oh well.  I always forgive for TKs unless someone intentionally and very flagrantly kills me.  Then I and a few pals in my squad go out and hunt the person down every time he respawns until they leave the server.  Just my way of balancing the universe.

DeathUnlimited wrote:

DeathUnlimited's SIG wrote:

Such a fascinating, thoughtful and intelligent remark.  I mean...That is just "brilliant!"  Why didn't I think of that.  Oh!  I know, I know.  That's because I have a bit of common sense.

Last edited by Herackles (2006-10-23 14:02:18)

+10|6543|In your uncaps
Why would u forgive?
Mr. 20,000
Damn, I always forgive a teamkill unless it was something stupid that i did. (crossed the road as a friendly tank was driving by) I mean, I'm the dumbass who didn't look.

I would like to think people would think about the situation before they just punish away. Most of the people who do that are only thinking about their score and not what might be happening around them.

I hate it the most when I"m sniping and someone walks right in front of me as I pull the trigger. I didn't mean to kill fact, I would have killed the guy in front of you had you waited one more second.

Dumb asses
+37|6784|Chicago, Il
Thats a good one...  Walking in front of a sniper round......  SOrry..  Dont buy that one.  I've snipped guys who were out of  Red/Blue range before...  and when I see TK on the screen..  I expect a Punish....  If your fireing into an area that has friendlies and enemies, and you hit a friendly..  Expect to be punished..  Regardless of where they were walking..  They dont know you have a sniper rifle...  Let the situtation work itself out, and if an enemy is the last man standing.. THEN pick him off....
+632|6762|do not disturb

If they punish me, I'll say "You're welcome." and then t-bag em'. I won't revive if I'm a medic either.
Wish i had under 100 ping
+7|6604|Lima, PERU
Want to get back at idiot punisher? Join their squad follow them.... if he gets in armor start ramming him with a jeep and punish him back, or stand in front of him while he runs over you, laugh and punish.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6831|United States of America

Hellogoodsir wrote:

If they punish me, I'll say "You're welcome." and then t-bag em'. I won't revive if I'm a medic either.
Yeah, they sure as hell ain't getting a revive. Toss med packs at the corpse. I'm very forgiving since I percieve much of the BF2 population as idiots. For example, in Surge as Rebel we had two T-90s at the bridge crossing when this farking damn guy who was following me the whole way there begins to let loose on our team. Once his tank was destroyed, he starts DAO-12-ing everyone until he got kicked. Even so, I forgive the wanker the first time when I should have disemboweled him.
Stocking ur medpacks
+135|6808|Groningen, The Netherlands
I forgive tk if they are forgivevble as I hate it too if someone punished me for theire own stupid mistake.

This happened to me today.
J-10 was trying to take off on wake but someone put a car in front of it.
I ran over, got in the car and drove it backwards clearing the j10s path.
Doing so I pressed 2 teammate against a other stationary car teamkilling them (yeah, it was stupid)
2 punishes.....gues I deserved it
I.M.I Militant
We Are Not Alone In Here
+297|6865|Melbourne, Australia

Donald O' Brien wrote:

DeathUnlimited wrote:

DeathUnlimited's SIG wrote:

That's because you're an ass.
those who dont forgive needto calm the fuck down.. either that or go cut yourself
+385|6637|Northern California
I only punish second and further offenses..unless it's my own negligence.

Frankly, i think friendly fire should not exist in this game and if people can't get a vehicle, then let them whine and cry...try playing on foot and get some talent.
BF2S Resident Bass Player
+45|6578|Washington State, USA
I never punish
YOUR mom goes to college
I've been doing the same as the thread starter for awhile.  It's not about getting even, or so much about teaching the punisher a lesson.  It's about getting the value out of the punish.  This more so happens in situation where not only was it an accident that I tk'd them, but where it was primarily thier fault.  For example; I'm throwing grenades at an enemy and they run from behind me to where my grenades are landing, or if I'm driving and they run out in front of me, or if I'm flying and they're flying and we collide...someone always gets credit for tk's, etc.  If someone punishes me for thier own stupidity, then yes, I will tk them on purpose the next time I see them.  I will also follow up with a message, usually along the lines of:  "This time you should punish because I deserve it."  Or if I happen to be a medic and they punish for thier own stupidity, I'll revive them and tk them again.

Personally I only tk if it's intentional, like for a vehicle.  Otherwise, I assume it was an accident and I forgive.  I'm just trying to convince everyone else to do the tking them.

Last edited by MastersMom (2006-10-23 15:25:19)

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