If you free fall long enough, you go into a aerodynamic dive.
I still think it's weird blood by itself is more mature than the actual act of killing someone :\

Bloodstains on the ground would allow you to track someone you've emptied half a clip in (if you're AT or similar)
+0|7154|Washington, DC
ok ,but on a technical standpoint...thats alot of memory usage! and fps rates would be quite low on the standard 3 ghz processor with 1 gig ram and 128mb gpu

my compy already stresses on low settings
some people watch to much movies !!!! ;-)
they think that if u get shot u bleed like a pig LOOOOOL
and with the bandages and stuff
what if im hit in the leg really bad bandage is to small for my wound
should the medic amputate my leg so i can hump around on 1 leg??
can some1 mail EA for these sugestions LOOOOOOOL

just leave it like it is 1 thing that could be changed is that if a car hits water it explodes within 1 sec
that sucks

Last edited by $toneyhigh (2005-08-22 11:12:45)

+66|7159|Missoula, MT
It's just a flesh wound!
+0|7139|Charlotte, NC
Have you ever noticed how when you see someone jumping, they seem to be leaning forward like head first towards the ground?  But then your view if you're the jumper never changes from the upright standing position?  Kinda weird.
I do believe the "heads first" is when you tap the "run" button and you can direct your free fall a little.

I do wish they would atleast do Counter-Strike-ish blood.  It wasn't over the top, but it had a really good effect.  If you were in front of a wall, it would splatter and show up on the clothing.   I would like to see some effects to the player if they they were shot in the leg or arm, where it would be harder to walk/run and aim/shoot.
blood in farcry is also nice done
little pool of blood under a body  big splash on walls when u shoot them and cloud of blood in water
thats enough
that was cool if they included blood into bf2. sth like the blood effects in farcry were nice u r right !
just nothing

-=pM|B1zzY=- wrote:

that was cool if they included blood into bf2. sth like the blood effects in farcry were nice u r right !

chuyskywalker wrote:

The puffs of smoke that come off someone when you shoot them were orginially red blood splatter. I am, however, quite sure they changed this in order to get a lower ESRB rating.
i read it, and i know it but its a pity !
In Hoc Signo Vinces
+1|7153|Netherlands, the
Hmmm that true?? I never noticed, but then again... as soon as I jump I close my eyes and start hammering the chute key

Preacher wrote:

Hmmm that true?? I never noticed, but then again... as soon as I jump I close my eyes and start hammering the chute key
I've noticed something with the chute key, it sometimes won't deploy! Is hammering it the wrong way? I do that now but I'm thinking what if you press once, deployed, twice, chute let go etc.. Especially bad when I jump from a building roof and hope not to splat on the ground..
Extra Green Please!
+53|7147|USA! USA! USA!
I'm talking out my ass here, but I think hitting it over and over makes it not come out, because its like its open/closed/open/closed/open/closed/open/closed/open/closed/dead.  I usually try to simulate HALOing when I jump out of planes, but I have ill luck when jumping off buildings...
Extra Green Please!
+53|7147|USA! USA! USA!

duffry wrote:

Awww...cummon, that would just be like BFV. Many a time I sustained what was, if not very nearly, then very actually, a fatal injury from falling down the last three stairs. It was a real lesson to me cos I thought the US sent their troops over with some PT under their belt and were required to have passed at least a rudimentary physical. It turns out that they actually used arthritic old pensioners who's bones were so brittle that they were liable to snap in a stiff breeze.

No wonder they lost (drew)!
That is why in Basic you have that one guy who ran down the stairs and got caught...  He gets to stand there and say "Hold Rail.  Do not run.  One hand on the rail at all times.  Do not skip steps." over and over, every time we get to a flight of stairs.  We learn not to run down stairs, because, like running with scissors, its a bad idea.  Also refer to my story about trying to "jump" up two feet and busting my face, all that gear makes it hard to go down stairs...  plus, without flip flops your feet are going to hurt anyway.

priznat wrote:

Ok, perhaps kind of juvenile.. But I miss blood in the game! Much more visceral than just the crosshair "X" appearing when you score a hit..

Heck, why not the full soldier of fortune route where limbs can be blown off etc.. This is a WAR simulation right? Let's have some gore!!

I wonder if it would be possible to add that stuff with mods in the future.. I'm sure EA would rather it not get added though to maintain the family-friendly fare..

I just find it kind of bizarre how you can blow people away with every kind of modern weapon available short of nuclear weapons and they don't show a drop of hemoglobin!
Kind of agree, would add some thrill to the game On the other hand, when I just imagine how much mess there would suddenly be around it from all the "organization" trying to protect child's innocence, not sure it's worth it (and I am quite sure EA considered this too)...
Get your body beat.

priznat wrote:

I just find it kind of bizarre how you can blow people away with every kind of modern weapon available short of nuclear weapons and they don't show a drop of hemoglobin!
has anyone noticed that the anti tank rockets and the TOW doesnt have splash damage?
Dead Man Walkin
+1|7143|Albuquerque, NM

priznat wrote:

Preacher wrote:

Hmmm that true?? I never noticed, but then again... as soon as I jump I close my eyes and start hammering the chute key
I've noticed something with the chute key, it sometimes won't deploy! Is hammering it the wrong way? I do that now but I'm thinking what if you press once, deployed, twice, chute let go etc.. Especially bad when I jump from a building roof and hope not to splat on the ground..
  What I've noticed is that once you jump from a high enough place you will not be able to open the parachute until your gun disappears off the screen (apparently so you can grab your ripcord).  It usually takes about 1/2 a second to a full second for this to happen.  Once your gun has gone away Krauser is right, you can open and close it, HOWEVER (and I haven't tested this yet), I think once you've closed it midflight you will not be able to open it again.  So, once you jump, just watch your gun and you'll land safely.  OH another thing to note, there is just a slight bit of delay after you hit the parachute key so be careful on those relatively short jumps.
i was just thinking...u know how the anti armor kit has heavy armor...well does a pistol shot in the the chest even do anything? isnt he wearing bullet resistant kevlar? lol
Extra Green Please!
+53|7147|USA! USA! USA!

mr_bad_idea wrote:

priznat wrote:

Preacher wrote:

Hmmm that true?? I never noticed, but then again... as soon as I jump I close my eyes and start hammering the chute key
I've noticed something with the chute key, it sometimes won't deploy! Is hammering it the wrong way? I do that now but I'm thinking what if you press once, deployed, twice, chute let go etc.. Especially bad when I jump from a building roof and hope not to splat on the ground..
  What I've noticed is that once you jump from a high enough place you will not be able to open the parachute until your gun disappears off the screen (apparently so you can grab your ripcord).  It usually takes about 1/2 a second to a full second for this to happen.  Once your gun has gone away Krauser is right, you can open and close it, HOWEVER (and I haven't tested this yet), I think once you've closed it midflight you will not be able to open it again.  So, once you jump, just watch your gun and you'll land safely.  OH another thing to note, there is just a slight bit of delay after you hit the parachute key so be careful on those relatively short jumps.
I'm pretty sure I've opened it more than once in the same jump...  could be making that up though...

duffry wrote:

blue60007 wrote:

but other than that you could have blood stain the clothes the person is wearing...
Would that require a further support  kit?
- Engineer
- Support
- Medic
- Dry Cleaner

MardukeV wrote:

and when the medic comes to heal you, like he should, you can have a bandage on the wound!
Resulting in a whole load of guys running about the field covered from head to toe in bloodstained bandages with their shirts ripped open exposing their slightly charred nipples from all the defib action they've seen.

Loving this thread.
Thats the funniest thing i ever heard anyone say about anything. (Family guy Quote)
Extra Green Please!
+53|7147|USA! USA! USA!
Man...  I so want some charred nipple action on my character...
+66|7159|Missoula, MT
How annoying is it when you're running (not in a vehicle? I know it's rare) down a hill or something and get the stubbed toe damage thingy...and you start looking around for an enemy soldier who shot you?  I wish it would just go away, the whole damage from running down stairs thing.  Damage while running period!  You lose just enough health that if a sniper does happen to pick on you, you're toast!
i like cheese
Bloody Sky
They currently have a blood mod out. I DLed it and tried it out. Pretty decent. It's not the best. All it does is turn the dust red and bllod looking. It was cool for me because I think the exact same. Blood Blood BLOOD! But severs do not allow modifcations yet. That's what sucks. I got this awesome blood mod but I can't play in any servers with it. So if I want blood..... I got to make the bots bleed.

So therefor, I say servers need to allow modifications! I WANT TO PLAY ON RANKED SERVERS WITH MY BLOOD DAMMIT!!

+11|7123|San Marcos, CA
Run around in real life packing several hundred rounds of ammo, a SMG, a pistol, and a rocket launcher with 4 rounds on your back, along with grenades, and see how graceful you are running down a flight of stairs.

It was even worse in in BF:V, for example the guy packing the heavy M60 and full ammo load also carried several rockets. 

And beyond the ESRB, making the game legal in Germany would be right out if there was blood.  It's easier to just not put it in.

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