Lawk wrote:
uber73 wrote:
Ive been playing online a long time, almost 15 years, and this type of "score at all costs" player, truely wreck the gaming experience... they remove the sense of immersion, the feeling of team play, and the element of competition. I dunno if this forum permits expletives, but those f*cksticks should have their accounts crippled.
They may wreck the gaming experience for you, but when I "spawncamp" I get the feeling of complete immersion in team competition.
I have to agree here .
i consisitantly see people start yelling at me over this
Take karkand (64 man size) with the server full and every ones fraggin away,
you get the whiney ass little fuktards that start bitching about spawn raping .
Ive had a few people sart whining about me "yelling" WTF viking-lover1 is spawn camping,
My reply to these morons is > umm'' heres an idea , try spawning at another spawn point you moron"lol.
of course i usealy et called a smart-ass after that lol.
but its true "in most instances" players MEC or USMC side can spawn in multible places without having to spawn at the "SAME FLAG EVERY TIME" .
but of course you get these dumb ass's that consistantly spawn at the same flag over and over again "which by the way i love it when they do ".
i will continue to "spawn camp" or what ever you little whinney ass's call it these days.
If your dumb enough to continue to spawn at the same flag over and over then i will be there waiting for dorks like that.
I play the round to win , not to give you "spawners" a chance to keep control of any certain flag.
any one that yells SPAWN CAMPER and starts crying needs to have thir diaper changed .
on the topic here though' that clan that "spawn camped" your team kicked your ass across the map and held your team to its spawn point and thus is the better thinking/playing team
"the other team is not supposed to give your team a chance to win"