DrDestruction wrote:
Actually, you can skid across the carrier deck. Try it. I love doing that.
Too risky mate. Once you lose the plane you end up back in the Chinese main "battling" your own team-noobs to get the plane again. Watching some dumb kid joyriding for the whole round, somehow surviving enemy missiles and getting only 1 or 2 kills during that round is the last thing I'd want to spend my time doing.
And then you've got poor losers who lie on the wings of your plane or stand in front of it preventing you from taking off knowing very well wot's going to happen next if you try to take off just cos you beat them to the plane - smart positioning on the runway helps in getting the plane 1st. All too often the Chinese end up losing the map cos of valuable resources being wasted or some lone USMC soldier capping the main all by himself.
On another note it's too bad that EA didn't include gore like in other FPS games e.g. Soldier Of Fortune or Quake. I mean lopping off enemy heads with the wings of your plane would be one cool sight to behold. Instead all we get when, for example, you knife someone is DUST?!?! Or some enemy's body flopping around and hanging from a sign post on Karkand after an ENORMOUS C4 blast?!?! I mean come on!!!
But then again EA aren't EA (a.k.a. mass marketing computer games giant with piss poor customer service) for nothing are they? If they'd included blood and gore it'd have meant a higher age rating and less customers. Definitely a no-no for our dear money grabbers at EA.
If only that damn Battlefield Recorder bloody worked too. They hype the damn thing up and I've yet to find a server that actually does the biz with the recorder. All my brother got wos error messages when he tried recording some action. Pffff