I did use imperialism in a broad sense. yet America has ousted two governments and is still occupying the countries.. and has been influencing the worlds policies since WWII. Is this not a form of Imperialism?
A contemporary debate surrounds the United States, American Presidency, and whether the power they exert upon much of the world and its policy amounts to imperialism — the U.S. is therefore sometimes referred to as the "American Empire."
This is because, with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War, the United States is now the world's dominant economic and military power. Furthermore, the U.S. has, many times over the past century, used both military intervention and economic or political influence to shape other countries, especially those within the Western Hemisphere but occasionally also those in the Eastern Hemisphere. Opinions vary greatly within the U.S.: some regard the active use of military force abroad as a part of the nation's responsibility or national interest, while others argue for non-interventionism. There are also many
shades of opinion in between..
taken from : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperialism