
Does IO mode need transports?

Yes - light transport with no guns34%34% - 89
Yes - all transport with no guns11%11% - 30
Yes - light transport with guns11%11% - 29
Yes - all transport with guns10%10% - 26
No its fine as it is.29%29% - 75
Whats IO mode?2%2% - 6
Total: 255
+269|6735|Marlton, New Jersey.
No.  Infantry only was made for one reason.  If you add as much as one car, the little complainers will come out crying all over the place.
No vehicles are needed other then what there is....

Smart squad leaders eliminate the need for vehicles in Infantry Only mode...
By that i mean.. a rambo squad leader that runs head first into battle will get smack thus needing him self + his whole squad to respawn else where..

A squad leader that hangs back.. covers and supports his squad will lives longer so his squaddies can respawn on him.
Sure as squad leader you wont get as much score.. but if you are squading with mates you can take turns being a mobile spawn point.
And no you dont have to hang under a log hiding away camping you can go into battle with your squad but always ensure theres a way you can run to hide for you mates to respawn if the shit hits the fan.

Last edited by Disodium (2006-09-12 21:03:22)

Mad Ad
+178|6662|England, UK
We dont have to kill IO mode as it is, it would be entirely possible to ask Dice to add an IT mode (Infantry + Transport) and let the server admins decide which to run.

That way the pure IO fans could keep running from flag to flag and IT fans would get the mode with say, gunless jeeps (as that seems to be the most popular option right now).
Liquidat0r's Neuro Surgeon.....
vehicles = flag hopping, lots of points with little point.
I'll take two
+132|6937|Perth, Western Australia
Heres an Idea: Jeeps with no guns, but you can fire out of them with your own small arms (like out the back of a humvee, ot a transport chopper)
BF2s' little helper

usmarine2005 wrote:

No.  But I think on Jalalabad, the US should start out with the Lake flag.
Yes... otherwise its just sniper wars -_-
Kick His Ass!
+371|6846|Howell, Mi USA
No its fine as it is.
It's IO for a reason, besides DIce was good enuf to give extra sprint bar to make up for it. If ur stupid enuf to play 64 Kubra or Zatar in IO then u deserve to walk.

Last edited by Cbass (2006-09-13 06:34:58)

No, that would ruin the stat padder's day.
Howdah Lysozyme
+21|6778|Pittsburgh, PA
Yes, we need transports...if nothing else it would require classes other than sniper, support and medic to be used.
Germans did 911
+427|6833|Disaster Free Zone
Fine as it is, All you infantry only fags can suffer the consequences of having to run every where, Why the fuck would you buy BF2 if you didn't want vehicles?? you got what you wanted and you don't like it now.. Fuck!! maybe find a game which you like on release instead of changing what was a unique game.
Don't give me this BS about choice, I think you know my choice and I know you'll never be happy until there's nothing on a map which can kill you.

Last edited by DrunkFace (2006-09-13 07:46:01)

Mad Ad
+178|6662|England, UK
Well we can see obviously that 72% of people voting think it needs some sort of vehicles (with 50% of the yes votes just wanting plain old jeeps with no guns).

So from where im looking that says that it needs improving before its ready for prime time, or, as I mentioned, perhaps an IT mode as well as IO? Either way, it needs something.

Ive kept my own feelings out of it but personally I think IO only suits the maps that were already infantry intensive - IO mode on fushe pass anyone? No i didnt think so :d
infantry only is fine as it is

DrunkFace wrote:

All you infantry only fags can suffer the consequences of having to run every where, Why the fuck would you buy BF2 if you didn't want vehicles??
some ppl are sick of tanks, choppers, jets, etc (such as myself). I'm a sniper, which means that there is no use for me to play on servers with tanks, choppers and jets. i rekn infantry only is awesome as its based on kits only and not getting randomely killed by tanks, artillery, and all the other bs.

i think IO has also improved the "squad work" idea. bf2 is cool with vehicles, but sometimes u want abit of a  change.
all transport, but don't include the guns.
I wouldn't mind seeing as how I don't care what mode I play I always go Spec-Op's then again the modes name is "Infantry Only" and last time I checked my common sense database a jeep didn't fall under the infantry category.
fuck it
Thats what extended sprint is for.
Internet Poon

Jbrar wrote:

We need civilian cars, like the ones in SF on maps like surge.
No vehicles, and the machinegun on the boats should be removed as well.

6% of my kills have come from running people over with buggies and jeeps.  If they put them in IO, I'd be running over all of you little bugs left and right.  It wouldn't be fair really, just death.
Missing, Presumed Dead

First, you wanted no vehicles. You got it.
Then, you wanted it to be ranked. You got it.
Now, you want your precious, yet extremely loathed vehicles back? (with all their military kit stripped down)

You have extended sprint for a reason for fucks sake....use it (well put iNeedUrFace4Soup ).

And quite frankly, jeeps without the machine guns? Im sorry, but is the game so hard that you cannot shoot the gunner out of his jeep? I mean, its only his head and half his body that is exposed.
Is that really so hard to do amongst all your claywhoring and nade spamming? Oh, maybe a sniper will have to, *shock horror*, revert to his rifle.

Either leave it as it is, or put in jeeps unmodded. For christs sake, what else do you want removing from the game to make it as easy and 1 dimensional as possible? At this rate, it will end up being worse than CS:S.

The game was originally designed to include vehicles, on every map. And, it does.
They help balance out every map and make the map work (granted that some are unbalanced - but thats due to how players use vehicles and teamstacking...that is not the programmers fault). So what if a few maps dont "work well" with Infantry only? Guess what. They werent supposed to in the first place. And unless DICE/EA release a special "IO mod" with changed versions of the maps, you will have to run. Or, play the game how it was originally designed to be played.

If DICE put in vehicles with no guns into IO, then it would really prove that they listen to all the little kiddies and whiners in this community once and for all.
Svensk Tiger
It works fine at any "small" map. All the city maps I mean, except for Jalalabad, if it counts as one. There it should be vehicles...and at all the bigger maps as there is boats as those maps that requires it.
Bigger. Better. ilinear.
+27|6597|Lisburn, NI
I dunno, I kinda like shitting myself if a Vodnik or something comes flying round the corner, and having to try and dodge the gun, or kill the gunner...

quads only
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
bunny hopping nade spammer
hell no that defeats the purpose and gives that attacking team an advantage
+53|6890|Omaha, Nebraska
+15|6567|Emmaus, Pennsylvania
I think it does because Jalalabad is sniper whore central and you cant go no where.
Germans did 911
+427|6833|Disaster Free Zone

pwned7 wrote:

infantry only is fine as it is

DrunkFace wrote:

All you infantry only fags can suffer the consequences of having to run every where, Why the fuck would you buy BF2 if you didn't want vehicles??
some ppl are sick of tanks, choppers, jets, etc (such as myself). I'm a sniper, which means that there is no use for me to play on servers with tanks, choppers and jets. i rekn infantry only is awesome as its based on kits only and not getting randomely killed by tanks, artillery, and all the other bs.

i think IO has also improved the "squad work" idea. bf2 is cool with vehicles, but sometimes u want abit of a  change.
Errrr can you read?
If you don't like vehicles why the fuck did you buy or play BF2? One of the rare FPS with vehicles, there's 100's of FPS out there with no vehicles which you could have bought. "and all the other bs" is what BF2 is, its what makes it unique. I bet most if the people wanting IO didn't play 1942 or Vietnam but came from CS, UT and Quake FPS type games. All good games but a different style to BF2, so stop trying to make them the same.

As for the teamwork thing... It encourages medic whores, but thats not real teamwork. Teamwork is the ability to never be "randomely killed by tanks", because you have a decent commander who spots them and a decent squad who can take them out. For planes and choppers its spotting them and having a pilot who's not too much of a whore bombing infantry to come and attack them, either destroying them or at least occupying there attention away from you.

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