About how I capitolize the first letter of every word...as you can see I started to not do it at the begining of my post because I was trying not to do itas to not annoy people like you, but its just how I type, Its not proper, but its more eye catching because certain letters as capitols look nicer then the lowercase, It may bother you and it may defy the laws of Grammer but if you can read it and understand it, its till perfect. Sorry for the inconvenience. (Its not like I go back and recaptiolize the Letters, I type just As Fast using The Shift Key When I Feel Its Nessesary).
Anyway...the person saying that Karkand is my #1 Map, Yes it sure is, because 50% of the Servers out there are either 24/7 Karkand OR ...are play Karkand alot and Server Admins Set the map back to Karkand on a Regular Basis. But Notice that Karkand is in the 50hr Range and I have a couple other Maps also in the 50hr Range, 2nd Most Played map is No more then 4 Hours Less then Karkand.
Almost all people have a higher K/D Ration in Vehicles, and Spend alot of time in Vehicles, if your playing on Karkand alot, your Footing it almost all the time. If your in a big map, Walking is completely a waiste of time. If you ever played in a League and experianced what its like to play a 12vs12, The Vehicles don't just sit there, we take them to get from point A to Point B Faster, because getting a Foothold at the Start is the most important Thing. And if your 1 Bullet away from death, wouldn't you want to be in an Armor, and if your GOOD in a Vehicle you can spent the whole round in one 40 Minutes+. If you look at my K/D Ratio for on Foot, Its not bad, so don't say I am a Vehicle Whore Noob, I can still Pound the Ground.
I think what bugs me is just this fact, The people that want to be number one, Play Medics on Karkand all the time because you can accumulate 1,000 to 3,000 Points every day depending on how much you play. But even if you Reach #1 Position...your Still a Noob and you Still suck. You just have a Higher Score...so I say, if you have more Hours in Karkand then any other...hell, I was stupid to say Just being Medic is bad...if thats the Kit you enjoy, Then Hell, Play it to shit, your Badges will Reflect appon what you Do in the Game. (So my Bad). The Karkand map is Fun, I agree, though its Full of Medics and Noob Tubes and Vehicle Spawn Campers. But I do Enjoy Having a Gun Fight every Minute.
Our Clan plays Dalian Plant alot, were guilty of it, We love TV Missle, We Love Planes, We Love Clear Blue Skies. (Though I prefer Wake Island for Owning Boats and the Carrier on China Side).
What you do in the Battlefield is your own business, BUT DON'T THINK YOU ARE ANY GOOD IF ALL YOU DO IS PLAY KARKAND!!!!!111One