So...Things that grind my nerves on BF2.
Firstly, I really don't care if some of this has already been posted as it is things that make ME go crazy. if you don't like it, don't read any further. You have been warned.
So, things that tick me off:
1. Getting on a server with a team that has no commander
2. You ask people on the server to apply but nobody wants to
3. You apply and promptly get mutinied 5 minutes later
5. Some moron on Wake takes the J-10 before you can and promptly crashes it during take-off
6. An F-35 then decides to camp your airfield after the moron crashes and destroys every spawned jet
7. You tell the commander you can handle the infantry coming towards the flag; you kill the said infantry,
report your success to the commander and then you hear "Artillery in your area"
8. Having a moron run across the road when you're cruising down that same road at 60MPH in an APC,
resulting in a TK and punish by the gutless worm
9. People who somehow get on the roof of the Hotel in Karkand and have 50 cal. resistant foreheads
10. Boats on air maps. The shore is some distant place in a dream that you'll never reach
11. Running around a corner only to receive a facefull of shrapnel. But i do that too.
12. Enemy Helos camping your last CP and destroying your vehicles
13. Daqing Oilfields. When your team just waits for jets to be shot down so that they can be shot down later.
14. When you're stuck on the Essex and get Arty on your head
15. You= something that cant kill armor; Enemy= Armor convoy
16. TKers in general
17. TK Punish abusers
18. Having someone come barreling down the road in a vehicle on your team while you're in a firefight
19. That person trying to help you by crushing the enemy. But he wont die. You will. Every time.
20. Loading a map and verifying the client data only to have the server switch maps.
21. Joining a server on a team that has less than 25 tickets remaining. And you have no CPs.
22. Having some grunt find you no matter how well you hide without the help of a UAV.
23. Idiots who cant drive/fly/shoot/work together/ talk and complain about the team sucking
24. Loners who don't partake in the fight during entire rounds
25. Getting spawn killed. Repeatedly.
I think I've complained enough for now... Let me know what you think. I'll get some more for my next post.
Last edited by SplinterStrike (2006-10-08 17:38:08)