
Are you disappointed with BF 2142?

Absolutely. It sucks more than a black hole.20%20% - 84
I expected crap...and they hit a bullseye.23%23% - 94
Somewhat. It's no BF1942, but they'll fix it eventually18%18% - 76
No. It's good enough.23%23% - 96
It's the best BF ever. I've already preordered it.14%14% - 57
Total: 407
+12|6746|Virginia, USA
Man, I played the demo today and it totally did not live up to my expectations. It lagged so much my DSL felt like dial-up. It was a server full of noobs and everything that took off seemed to fly into the ground upsie down seconds later. My experience was not fun. The noobs were annoying enough, but the lag is my biggest complaint. Titan mode has potetial, but the APC's are too hard to find to lauch you up there...and everyone knows that finding a plane without a noob camping it is about as likely as finding a sniper that everybody loves.

Anyone else out there feel like the demo let you down? Or did you already expect something pretty crappy?
Kanye North
Me Gusta Karma Mucho
+49|6866|Leftern America
im actually dowloading the demo right now. does anyone know if the dema has singleplayer?
I'm sick and tired of people who whine and complain about how shitty BF2142 is... STOP COMPARING THE FUCKING GAME TO BF2 FOR FUCKIN CHRIST'S SAKE!!!!!!( if you're alergic to argument, other ideas, and non-onesided views, then stop reading here)

EA wanted to create a different game and everytime someone compares it to BF2, of course its going to be more shitty than BF2 because they haven't implemented too many new ideas, they built off of good standing ideas that had made them profit(which is why BF2142 was made in the first place, to make profit)... Freestanding(meaning not compared to BF2) BF2142 has a completely different feel .. How does this make it shittier???

It's a different game set in the future FFS and you expect it to be any better than BF2??? ALL in all its a good game and has some story to it, pretty sweet as vehs and weapons... I also remember a post earlier that someone said the game is bland with no color... well if you're in the future, with nothing but ice, war and dust surrounding you, do you think you're gonna see butterflies and daisy's????

"BF2142 doesn't have this, like BF2... BF2 has this and makes it WAYYY better!!!" WELL THEN KEEP FUCKIN PLAYING BF2142 AND SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!

Try and compare BF2142 to itself and make an accurate fucking judgment of the game.. Peace out

Demo = No SP.

When I left bf2, in it's 1.3 state, it sucked ass and I have no doubt 1.4 further worsened that fact.

When I played the demo for 2142, I thought "Damn this kicks the ass of bf2."

I like 2142.

mad_jester813 wrote:

Man, I played the demo today and it totally did not live up to my expectations. It lagged so much my DSL felt like dial-up. It was a server full of noobs and everything that took off seemed to fly into the ground upsie down seconds later. My experience was not fun. The noobs were annoying enough, but the lag is my biggest complaint. Titan mode has potetial, but the APC's are too hard to find to lauch you up there...and everyone knows that finding a plane without a noob camping it is about as likely as finding a sniper that everybody loves.

Anyone else out there feel like the demo let you down? Or did you already expect something pretty crappy?
It's a demo of a new game coming out, everyone is going to be a noob!
"Aff, Star Colonel!"
Totally disappointed. I think BF2142 will be good, but the demo sucks.

No grenades. No shock paddles. Boring map.

Need I say more?
Fed. Chairman (Ret.)
Expected crap... and they hit the bullseye.

This game feels almost exactly like BF2 except about 5x more annoying.

They made a game exactly like this a long time ago, it was called Tribes 2. Except Tribes 2 was fun.
i loved it, to the point where i talked my entire clan into dling it, we havnt touched bf2 since it came out, need i say more

Executiator wrote:

I'm sick and tired of people who whine and complain about how shitty BF2142 is... STOP COMPARING THE FUCKING GAME TO BF2 FOR FUCKIN CHRIST'S SAKE!!!!!!( if you're alergic to argument, other ideas, and non-onesided views, then stop reading here)

EA wanted to create a different game and everytime someone compares it to BF2, of course its going to be more shitty than BF2 because they haven't implemented too many new ideas, they built off of good standing ideas that had made them profit(which is why BF2142 was made in the first place, to make profit)... Freestanding(meaning not compared to BF2) BF2142 has a completely different feel .. How does this make it shittier???

It's a different game set in the future FFS and you expect it to be any better than BF2??? ALL in all its a good game and has some story to it, pretty sweet as vehs and weapons... I also remember a post earlier that someone said the game is bland with no color... well if you're in the future, with nothing but ice, war and dust surrounding you, do you think you're gonna see butterflies and daisy's????

"BF2142 doesn't have this, like BF2... BF2 has this and makes it WAYYY better!!!" WELL THEN KEEP FUCKIN PLAYING BF2142 AND SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!

Try and compare BF2142 to itself and make an accurate fucking judgment of the game.. Peace out

Kanye North wrote:

Agreed, well in the case of 2142 demo anyway
Got loooollllll ?
+853|6959|Montreal, Qc, Canada

Kanil wrote:

Totally disappointed. I think BF2142 will be good, but the demo sucks.

No grenades. No shock paddles. Boring map.

Need I say more?
he just said everything + the guns suck, we was like 10 shooting at the hull for about 10 minutes to get it destroyed, no one had amo at the end so yea i hope they weill fix some stuff in that game !!!! till bf2142 patch 1.4 , you will see me playing bf2:)

Executiator wrote:

I'm sick and tired of people who whine and complain about how shitty BF2142 is... STOP COMPARING THE FUCKING GAME TO BF2 FOR FUCKIN CHRIST'S SAKE!!!!!!( if you're alergic to argument, other ideas, and non-onesided views, then stop reading here)

EA wanted to create a different game and everytime someone compares it to BF2, of course its going to be more shitty than BF2 because they haven't implemented too many new ideas, they built off of good standing ideas that had made them profit(which is why BF2142 was made in the first place, to make profit)... Freestanding(meaning not compared to BF2) BF2142 has a completely different feel .. How does this make it shittier???

It's a different game set in the future FFS and you expect it to be any better than BF2??? ALL in all its a good game and has some story to it, pretty sweet as vehs and weapons... I also remember a post earlier that someone said the game is bland with no color... well if you're in the future, with nothing but ice, war and dust surrounding you, do you think you're gonna see butterflies and daisy's????

"BF2142 doesn't have this, like BF2... BF2 has this and makes it WAYYY better!!!" WELL THEN KEEP FUCKIN PLAYING BF2142 AND SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!

Try and compare BF2142 to itself and make an accurate fucking judgment of the game.. Peace out
Well said.

Executiator wrote:

mad_jester813 wrote:

Man, I played the demo today and it totally did not live up to my expectations. It lagged so much my DSL felt like dial-up. It was a server full of noobs and everything that took off seemed to fly into the ground upsie down seconds later. My experience was not fun. The noobs were annoying enough, but the lag is my biggest complaint. Titan mode has potetial, but the APC's are too hard to find to lauch you up there...and everyone knows that finding a plane without a noob camping it is about as likely as finding a sniper that everybody loves.

Anyone else out there feel like the demo let you down? Or did you already expect something pretty crappy?
It's a demo of a new game coming out, everyone is going to be a noob!
umm not really.

personaly, i really enjoyed the demo and cant wait for the full game. i was in a great server with mostly compitant people. sure, its not as good as the demo of bf2 and its old days, but it beats the hell out of the current bf2. and not everyone is going to be a noob, the controls are almost identical to bf2 nd i jumped right in with no problems other than getting used to a few vehicles.
he just said everything + the guns suck, we was like 10 shooting at the hull for about 10 minutes to get it destroyed, no one had amo at the end so yea i hope they weill fix some stuff in that game !!!! till bf2142 patch 1.4 , you will see me playing bf2:)
You do realize that it takes about a minute and a half if you actually board the titan and raid the core?
Will be less in real game because every one will have explosives.
Zee Tank Skank
+80|7021|MoVal So-Cal
I found the demo to be a bit...disorienting at first actually. I didn't know what the baddies looked like, like i do in BF2 simply because of the fact that I had never played it before so the first round was more like "see how bad of a noob i can be"  good times. I found the effects to be awesome and the vehicles were unique and cool. Weapons were futuristic yet still modern and they sounded great as well.

for me the list goes:

BF Vietnam

Last edited by Pernicious544 (2006-10-08 00:54:34)

I loved the demo, It was everything I expected out of a demo! BF2142 is unique! It's not BF2, it's BF2142 I have played the demo from 9:30 Eastern time til just a few minutes ago. People that are dissing the game should just stick to BF2 and all the good ol days, but for me I want to play BF2142! And when the real game comes out (in ten days by the way) I will be buying it since I already preordered it! But for a demo I really enjoyed it!

There is in no way a comparison with BF2.
From my short play yesterday, I noticed that teamplay has become an essential.

For instance, the PAC hover tank moves much slower the EU tank, but it can strafe. The APC's are a great tactical suppresion against other armor in such a way, that you allow a window for your engineers to assault enemy armor with their rockets without getting shot.

Tonight I will further test out the features, and probl. next week write a review about my findings.
+45|6906|Bristol, UK
Well I have no idea as the fucken thing wouldn't install.

Executiator wrote:

I'm sick and tired of people who whine and complain about how shitty BF2142 is... STOP COMPARING THE FUCKING GAME TO BF2 FOR FUCKIN CHRIST'S SAKE!!!!!!( if you're alergic to argument, other ideas, and non-onesided views, then stop reading here)

EA wanted to create a different game and everytime someone compares it to BF2, of course its going to be more shitty than BF2 because they haven't implemented too many new ideas, they built off of good standing ideas that had made them profit(which is why BF2142 was made in the first place, to make profit)... Freestanding(meaning not compared to BF2) BF2142 has a completely different feel .. How does this make it shittier???

It's a different game set in the future FFS and you expect it to be any better than BF2??? ALL in all its a good game and has some story to it, pretty sweet as vehs and weapons... I also remember a post earlier that someone said the game is bland with no color... well if you're in the future, with nothing but ice, war and dust surrounding you, do you think you're gonna see butterflies and daisy's????

"BF2142 doesn't have this, like BF2... BF2 has this and makes it WAYYY better!!!" WELL THEN KEEP FUCKIN PLAYING BF2142 AND SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!

Try and compare BF2142 to itself and make an accurate fucking judgment of the game.. Peace out
I really think you lost any value with that post because of all the swearing .You expect people to take your views serious when you cant put them across in a decent manner .

Try re-writeing the post and i might read it but your opening comment put me off and i expect others .Sad really that :-

1)You think people will respect you because you type in caps and swear

2)Your view is the right view and forget everyone else's

3)I just find you fouled mouth and your post pointless.
I would love to say how good/bad the 2142 demo is but unfortunatly all i get are CTD's without fail on joining a server!
+1,352|6814|N. Ireland

mad_jester813 wrote:

It lagged so much my DSL felt like dial-up.
That isn't 2142s fault. Me and a group of people from all over the world played last night and all our pings were fine. And if it jerks so much, it's your graphics card.

mad_jester813 wrote:

It was a server full of noobs
Uh, newsflash - it's a demo. Everyone plays it for the first time.

mad_jester813 wrote:

and everything that took off seemed to fly into the ground upsie down seconds later
I never experienced this?
+27|6920|the Faroe Islands

Defiance wrote:

Demo = No SP.

When I left bf2, in it's 1.3 state, it sucked ass and I have no doubt 1.4 further worsened that fact.

When I played the demo for 2142, I thought "Damn this kicks the ass of bf2."

I like 2142.
long time no see def, i stopped playing BF2 a long time ago, and i can't see how BF2142 can be worse, i'm downloading the demo atm, and i think i'm gonna buy it when it comes out...

Defiance wrote:

Demo = No SP.

When I left bf2, in it's 1.3 state, it sucked ass and I have no doubt 1.4 further worsened that fact.

When I played the demo for 2142, I thought "Damn this kicks the ass of bf2."

I like 2142.
Damn straight.
If you test 1.4 you will see they have fixed CTD bug, at least it doesn't happen that often, rarely happen for me anymore. Yeah for some reason this game loads faster than BF2.

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