Is it baisically what Battlefield: Vietnam did to Battlefield 1942?

ShowMeTheMonkey wrote:

Is it baisically what Battlefield: Vietnam did to Battlefield 1942?
BF2 and BF1942 are certainly the two best games of the series thus far.
+2,382|6719|The North, beyond the wall.
Can't say it's enough to put me off getting it,not that that was your goal or anything.
let us all stay to bf2 and poo on 2142.
My opinion is based on 2 beta so at some points I might be wrong:

1st of all I'd like to say that different isn't bad... When you get better and better at any game you start loving it more and more.

I agree with PlaneWhore in many aspects, such as

-Underdevelopped infantry combat (guns accuracy is depressing, combad lacks skill; all you do is crouch and hold the fire button)

-No MG for a tank driver (zoom is cool but I'd rather use MG)

-L6 Mech is superior to Bogatyr by far (Miniguns just rape everything+splash damage)
But overall I disagree that mechs are disappointing. A good mech driver will rock any map, and a pair of mechs with engineers inside will bring you to victory pretty quick.

-About land-air combat, the way that Turrets rape Helicopters it's more of a good thing. Why? Well with this new Active Defense System you can avoid most of your damage. Bad thing is if EMP hit you and there are people around, you are screwed.

-Pods are weak

Many other small problems...but

THIS GAME IS STILL GREAT. I will play it anyway and I'd probably take it instead of BF2. BF2142 is much more fun, at least for me. I will not show any advertising in here but I'll say that, yes, bf2142 has some problems and most likely we will see alot of bf2142 patches soon but it worth buying it. If you are still confused just wait untill tomorrow and download the demo from any public server (sure you can do it today but dl speed sucks!)

Last edited by uberdoc (2006-10-06 10:54:15)

[sec8] Member
i'd like to illustrate your review with a little image:

I am still going to get it b/c i have owbed every battlefield game since the beginning of time. i have all thge 1942 expanshions bfv redux bf2/sf/ef/AF and i think now 2142
Northern numpty
+194|6488|Boulder, CO
i'm still getting Bf2142 i played the beta and i found that in my opinion that it rocked. i liked the mechs and the hover tank.

i agree about the crap aim that infantry have in it and that there are some bugs but waht game doesn't have bugs?

the EMP has to take down any aircraft in one hit else it wouldn't really be an EMP as its meant to take out an entire electonics system. and its kinda one way i guess of stopping a form of base rape using choppers.

PlaneWhore wrote:


This game is a step backwards from the Battlefield series. The only kind of player this game will appeal to is perhaps the casual gamer who finds the gameplay in Battlefield 2 just a tad too difficult or maybe someone who is really burned out with BF2 and doesn't know that other fantastic games outside of the Battlefield series exist. DICE has failed to fix serious issues that still remain from the PREVIOUS  Battlefield 2 game and with dynamics ads being forced down our throats on top of the inferior  gameplay my recommendation is to pass on this installment of the Battlefield series. I can pretty much guarantee right now that Battlefield 2142 will be nowhere near as successful as Battlefield 2 sales wise and chances are once all the smoke clears Battlefield 2 will be close to or even have a superior number of active players simply because it is a superior game in almost every way that counts.
Dude, nice post. I only needed to see your summary to totaly agree with you (but i did read it all) and I couldn't of put it better myself.
My friends and I were all involved in the beta and this is EXACTLY the same conclusion we ALL came to long ago.



Noobeater wrote:

i'm still getting Bf2142 i played the beta and i found that in my opinion that it rocked. i liked the mechs and the hover tank.

i agree about the crap aim that infantry have in it and that there are some bugs but waht game doesn't have bugs?

the EMP has to take down any aircraft in one hit else it wouldn't really be an EMP as its meant to take out an entire electonics system. and its kinda one way i guess of stopping a form of base rape using choppers.
I love the hover tank too and that's probably the favorite part of 2142.

You give DICE too much credit Noobeater. Many of these bugs have been around since the BATTLEFIELD 2 DEMO and remain unfixed. If it has taken them this long to deal with it do you honestly think they'll ever fix it?

Like I said the infantry combat is by far the biggest turn off for me. It's just so darn sluggish and n00bified and guess what - it's a concious design decision by DICE and not a bug. As such chances are it'll stay that way.
im still gitting it. It will probly git better  you know ea and dice will patch it.
arrivederci frog
Great review. Spot on. Almost every top/pro clan I know agrees that BF2142 is inferior to BF2. Which is a shame of course, when DICE invited us to the beta ladders we were so excited, but then we actually played it....
french canadians suck
Just Played it. It's fun, But the Infantry combat isnt nearly as good as BF2.
Northern numpty
+194|6488|Boulder, CO
yeah true true there are bugs as you said but you've got to remember that games like Bf2 and Bf2142 are very hard games to make much harder than a normal singleplyer game. well that and there are many anal people who play Bf2 just to find the bugs and say how bad a job EA/DICE did with the bug fixing. though i  do now admit that they haven't done Bf2/2142 as well as they could do. as they could of done alot more beta's and other tests to get rid of the bugs. i must admit that i wouldn't mind waiting another couple of months if they were able to get rid of 50% of the bugs. in either game.
It's A State Of Mind
+399|6632|Your attic
I agree with most of what your review says, I'd add a few things to it though, mainly concerning the inadequacy of the demo.

1) Why are we still getting disconnected, I know the EA servers are taking a battering, but come on, if you release a demo of your new possible best selling game atleast make it work, this isn't the beta anymore, no more excuses there.
2) Why are there no unlocks? Unlike BF2 where unlocks are not entirely necessary, 2142 needs them. No shockpaddles, no grenades, none of the really good stuff that will make many people want to play the game (active cammo, different guns). All they would of had to do is say give everyone say 12 unlocks points, and you can do with them what you will. If this is a demo then show what you can and have done to make us want to buy your game
3) Lastly, they should of chosen a much better map, Sidi Plant is fine and all, but it's lacking, where Verdun gave some close infantry combat at time even away from the titan on Sidi I have to actually search to find enemies and when I do they tend to be contained in Mechs or Tanks. I didn't want the next Strike at Karkand, but a little more infantry and a few less vehicles would be better in my eyes.

However, for a demo it's not bad, unlocks will provide a little variety, and the new points system is a good change, overall, I think your right, BF2 will remain the best of the Battlefield series for now, but if they actually take on board how the actual community feels (not the nerf hungry groups) then after a patch or two we might have a decent game on our hands. For now, I'll be buying it, and most likely playing it alot, mainly because I like the style of the game and have always been a supporter of the BF series, but I think I'll find myself going back to BF2 every now and then.

Towelly wrote:

I agree with most of what your review says, I'd add a few things to it though, mainly concerning the inadequacy of the demo.

1) Why are we still getting disconnected, I know the EA servers are taking a battering, but come on, if you release a demo of your new possible best selling game atleast make it work, this isn't the beta anymore, no more excuses there.
2) Why are there no unlocks? Unlike BF2 where unlocks are not entirely necessary, 2142 needs them. No shockpaddles, no grenades, none of the really good stuff that will make many people want to play the game (active cammo, different guns). All they would of had to do is say give everyone say 12 unlocks points, and you can do with them what you will. If this is a demo then show what you can and have done to make us want to buy your game
3) Lastly, they should of chosen a much better map, Sidi Plant is fine and all, but it's lacking, where Verdun gave some close infantry combat at time even away from the titan on Sidi I have to actually search to find enemies and when I do they tend to be contained in Mechs or Tanks. I didn't want the next Strike at Karkand, but a little more infantry and a few less vehicles would be better in my eyes.

However, for a demo it's not bad, unlocks will provide a little variety, and the new points system is a good change, overall, I think your right, BF2 will remain the best of the Battlefield series for now, but if they actually take on board how the actual community feels (not the nerf hungry groups) then after a patch or two we might have a decent game on our hands. For now, I'll be buying it, and most likely playing it alot, mainly because I like the style of the game and have always been a supporter of the BF series, but I think I'll find myself going back to BF2 every now and then.
agreed it's not the best game in the series but give it some time.
Its just a demo and betas that you have played. So how can you judge the game by just demos and betas? If I only played the demos for all the games I own now I sure wouldn't have bought them. The main purpose of demos and betas is to get a feel for what the game has to offer not exactly what the game will be on like on release date. So just chill on downing something before the REAL game comes out.
+86|6576|Edmonton Alberta
i pretty much agree with evrything the guy that reviewed the game has said

air vehicles= no skill involved easy to fly either goes straight or hovers
tanks=hover tank is cool because it takes skill IMO only thing in this game that takes ANY skill at all
mechs= underpowered infantry killer
jeeps=best vehicle in the game by far agile good infantry killer
all stationary defenses= everywhere and way over powered
infantry= sucks ass horrible movements very clumsy and slow

and i have had a problem remapping the controls it seems like the reset after every round and it was impossible to change the active defense for the ground vehicles to the space bar instead of X i cant count how many times i ment to put up active defense but changed the view and spent the next 30 seconds changing it back only to get blown up because i still havent hit the active defense button

overall i give this game about a 6/10 and it only gets that high of a review from me because i like the hover tanks..... i hope all the noobs move to this game as bf2 will hopefully get a hell of alot better becoming the best FPS out there
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
I really think that this game is a step foward from BF2. Once the retail comes out, those who bash the demo will get it, because the unlocks REALLY make the game better. Also, the other maps look really good, especialy Minsk. Once you get to use the other equipment you will be hooked. (I played the beta). People are comparing BF2 to BF2142 way too much, they are different games. can you really compare the dynamics of 1942 and BFV or BF2, not really as they are different games. I plan on buying BF2142 October 18th (Im seeing the Red Hot Chili Peppers live on the 17th )

Last edited by Superior Mind (2006-10-06 12:00:30)

Northern numpty
+194|6488|Boulder, CO
damm you i wish i had the 2 days that you have the chillies one day and BF2142 the next. i hate you just because your life is so much better than mine.
Simon Moon
Everyone to their own opinions, but please could you at least get the facts straight? The ads are not loaded dynamically. They are textures, that are fixly loaded. By the time you play they are loaded and wont change. So your lag excuse is mute. Also removing those few textures of the ads will not make that much of an impact, you might as well remove some of the nice landscape textures, the outside of half the buildings etc. If you have a computer that runs the game just at minimum, you wont have much fun with teh graphics in either way, those textures make no impact anymore.

Many of the changes done to it over the beta, i do not agree to either (the pods are my biggest grieve) while others i agree with fully (that your aim with the sniper rifle is not like you have parkinsons anymore, while still requiring some skill to counter the sway), still the game as a whole is very enjoyable so far. The reducing of the air superiority is a good step forward. In BF2 i could alone kill the entire enmy team on 64 servers in a helicopter. It went that far that i did that twice on a Leviathan map in one round. Thats when you know, there is something wrong with the balance. You cant go around and just kill everyone anymore that easy in 2142 with flying vehicles. Sharqi peninsula roof spawn rape anyone?

Personally i think the demo is abysmal. The unlocks make a BIG part of the game, you dont even have the standard grenades, RDX (c4 replacement) or the defibrilator. So many team actions are impossible right now. Only the full game will allow some decent gameplay concerning that. So just looking at the demo, it kinda is fun, but its nowhere near what the game can be, if you played the beta and ranked up a bit.

So before everyone starts to throw their hate twoards the game, i would suggest to simply chill out and then try it at a friends place, how it is when you got some unlocks in the game.
+1,153|6671|Washington, DC

And people wonder why I wasn't giving those fools at EA more cash. They can shove their mechs and titans up their asses.
the demo sucks but i think the game looks pretty good. i was afraid it would be a UT clone.

what sucks about the demo is there are no chance for unlocks but you can see them all in the customize screen. and methinks without the unlocks there is limited variety in the gameplay since you can only choose from 4 classes.

good idea to merge medic and assault, thats basically all it is in BF2. merging the engineer and the AT class is a bit worrisome.

music is better this time around.

i didnt even notice the advertising,

i think this review is biased and i wouldnt base my opinion of 2142 on it, see for yourself.
+163|6688|Odessa, Ukraine

ExecutionerStyle wrote:

And people wonder why I wasn't giving those fools at EA more cash. They can shove their mechs and titans up their asses.
I love [fiSh]

PlaneWhore wrote:

Like I said the infantry combat is by far the biggest turn off for me. It's just so darn sluggish and n00bified and guess what - it's a concious design decision by DICE and not a bug. As such chances are it'll stay that way.
For me too, as a fulltime infantry player i just can't see why i should play 2142 as it is right now. I participated in the Beta and now played the Demo. They made some changes to Infantry Movement in the Demo like that you can go prone mid-air but this isn't enough to make this game exciting for me.

Playing Infantry in 2142 is totally boring and slow, it plays as if you took some valium before starting the game.

I'll stay with BF2 and enjoy playing this game until something really good comes out.

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