I don't know if they have ratified it, they probably have. It doesn't matter though. The important factor is that if the nation holding the prisoners has signed it they are held to the conditions of it, wherever the prisoners they are holding are from.ATG wrote:
So Iraq and Iran and all the other terrorist breeding grounds signed that?That's not true. The Geneva convention applies universally to the nations who have ratified it. It has nothing to do with where the prisoner is from.
They have indeed.Bertster7 wrote:
I don't know if they have ratified it, they probably have.ATG wrote:
So Iraq and Iran and all the other terrorist breeding grounds signed that?That's not true. The Geneva convention applies universally to the nations who have ratified it. It has nothing to do with where the prisoner is from.
Thought so.The_Shipbuilder wrote:
They have indeed.Bertster7 wrote:
I don't know if they have ratified it, they probably have.ATG wrote:
So Iraq and Iran and all the other terrorist breeding grounds signed that?
Iran's ammendments to it are quite amusing. The Red Cross can't use the Red Cross as their symbol in Iran, but instead have to use the 'Red Crescent'.
Doesn't look like iraq signed, unless I missed something in it so their fucked.
Nice find though.
Nice find though.
Iraq ratified it on 14/02/1956.ATG wrote:
Doesn't look like iraq signed, unless I missed something in it so their fucked.
Nice find though.
They wouldn't be fucked anyway, that's not the way it works. If they hadn't ratified it then prisoners held by Iraqis would not be protected by the convention. The reverse is not true, Iraqis held by nations who had ratified it would still be protected by the convention.
In the midst of such examples of ludicrous state-supported intolerance, Islam gets confused as to why some communities don't want a mosque in their midst, blaring their prayers over loudspeakers.Bertster7 wrote:
Iran's ammendments to it are quite amusing. The Red Cross can't use the Red Cross as their symbol in Iran, but instead have to use the 'Red Crescent'.
Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-10-05 12:40:18)
I agree, McCain is a ray of light, but him bending on the torture rules kinda makes me wonder. But even he isnt safe from the neo-con destructo machine of lies.<[onex]>Headstone wrote:
YAh Right I voted for a guy who went there with the intent of bringing a film crew to further his political career, and then Lie about all his heroics. Yah Thats what i did. If ANYTHINK Id vote for Macain! He my friend Is what America is all about. Maybe hes being pressured by some to do the wrong thing right now, But a better, stronger Example of an american you will Not find! He truely Paid for everything he has!!!The_Shipbuilder wrote:
I agree. Long well-worded arguments grounded in statistics and facts? No thanks. Makes my head hurt.deeznutz1245 wrote:
I honestly did not read your reply to me because it looked long, statistacal and boring.
I prefer to base my opinions on easily-digestible catchphrases wrapped in the flag and sprinkled lightly with sanctimony.Nope.deeznutz1245 wrote:
There is a large amount of extremists in the world who want you an I dead not because of who our president is but because we are AMERICAN.
They want us dead because we do Israel's bidding.Osama bin Laden wrote:
The call to wage war against America was made because America has spear-headed the crusade against the Islamic nation, sending tens of thousands of its troops to the land of the two Holy Mosques over and above its meddling in its affairs and its politics, and its support of the oppressive, corrupt and tyrannical regime that is in control. These are the reasons behind the singling out of America as a target.
The fatwah is comprehensive and it includes all those who participate in, or help the Jewish occupiers in killing Muslims.I suppose you voted for Kerry, a man with "the balls to protect your privileges" over Bush then, right Headstone?<[onex]>Headstone wrote:
Until you have served, and Either Spilt blood or have gotten hurt doing your duty, Just sit back and let the people with the balls to Protect your PRIVILEGES do there jobs and stop bitching if your inconvenienced somehow in your every day life!
Im not saying your an idiot bro so chill. Im saying we have a difference of opinion. The guy really pissing me off is that shipbuilder moron. I will correct you in one area though. You previously mentioned about us both knowing about the geneva convention along with the terrorists and their geneva rights. The geneva convention is only applicable to uniformed soldiers of a organized military. You do not have to be from a country that adheres to geneva conv rules, however, the rules of the geneva conv DO NOT APPLY TO TERRORISTS.golgoj4 wrote:
As far as my spelling, i aint being graded so i could give a shite.deeznutz1245 wrote:
Lets set the record straight. three things. You are right, there is no such thing as a scared Marine. Second, the argument that our liberties are being sacrificed is a matter of opinion. You think your liberties are and I do not, that proves it. I sure as hell agree with you that we should not sacrifice freedom for safety but I think you are missing my point this time. I dont think the terrorists should have rights. Fuck 'em. There I said it for any liberals out there so they can eat it up.What was the third thing........hhhmmmnnn.....oh yeah. You spelled idiot wrong soldier. Oh yeah one more thing. The reason I didnt read your post in full before was not out of arrogance, but because I was at work and didnt have time. But don't worry folks, I dont work for the government anymore so your tax dollars werent being wasted. Thats someone else's job now!golgoj4 wrote:
Never thought I would debate a scared marine. Didnt think they existed. But here goes...
Maybe you should read more and bark less devil dog. The fact that you were a Marine makes me respect you more so I will ask you this: Do we as Americans trade out essential liberty and trample the constitution in the name of security? It seems to run contrary to the beliefs that this country was founded upon. So WHY in the HELL are you telling me to wake up when our government who has PROVED their ineptitude wants to strip the very liberties that would allow us to check their power? Any argument that we should shutup and do what we are told on applies in a battlezone. You know this and I know this. But this is the CIVILLIAN world buddy, which means that now, as scary as it is, the guy telling you whats what IS NOT the absolute authority. So instead of me waking up, maybe its you who needs to wake up and TRULY protect the constitution instead of slowly letting it slip away and barking at those of us who truly understand the essence of America and dont just parrot thoughts given to them by other. Just based on the fact that you couldnt be bothered to read the post indicates the arrogance of your post. And they ARE IDOTS for wanting 'security' at the expense of liberty. Sorry if i actually believe in the Constitution and not my own wet pants.
And in the future, if you expect to be spoken to, bring something to the table other than a longer winded, rehashed version of your original post. I expect better from the Marine Corps.
Make no mistake. If i didnt give a shit about my home, I would fucking move to Canada. But I rember the oath that I took when I joined it said all enemies 'foreigh AND Domestic'. Some people only think the terrorist s are the ones that hate America. I would submit that there are plenty of people here that would be happy if it were a dictatorship too. Yeah im harsh. But you know what? I mean what I say because I truly belive that this country is battling enemies on both sides of its borders. Im not saying the Marine im responding to is my enemy. He is my countryman. But I would ask that he take a long hard look @ what hes saying because it truly conflicts with the morals and ideas this country was founded on.
-NSA wiretapping? Anyone recall that? Not legal. Not constitutional. They did it anyways. Fuckers had clues about 9/11 and still didnt connect the dots and im supposed to believe that they can actually do their job with more intrusion? Sorry bub.
-Not constitutional, but important to you and me. Geneva Convention. You and I BOTH know fucking with that doesnt help and Soldier, Airman, Marine or Sailor in the future. Yet this administration move forward with it. Now you make not think terrorists have rights. But people smarter than the both of us came up with the geneva convention so why eff with it? Would you like to not have rights if you were captured? We already had a 'Jack Bauer' clause to torture under specific time critical situations yet we had to go an mess with that too.
So sorry if the slow erosion bothers me. And if your not gonna read a post, why respond?
And wasting taxpayer dollars is one of the key tenets of this administration....waste away.
Malloy must go
Im not saying your an idiot bro so chill. Im saying we have a difference of opinion. The guy really pissing me off is that shipbuilder moron. I will correct you in one area though. You previously mentioned about us both knowing about the geneva convention along with the terrorists and their geneva rights. The geneva convention is only applicable to uniformed soldiers of a organized military. You do not have to be from a country that adheres to geneva conv rules, however, the rules of the geneva conv DO NOT APPLY TO TERRORISTS. Therefore, torturing them may be unethical(not to me), but it is not illegal because it is being done so in countries that authorize it such as Isr and Egypt. If it is not illegal it is not unconstitutional. There are just simply people who dont like it. And for the record, yes i was a grunt (you called it bullet catcher)for three years until I lat moved into field interrogations.golgoj4 wrote:
As far as my spelling, i aint being graded so i could give a shite.deeznutz1245 wrote:
Lets set the record straight. three things. You are right, there is no such thing as a scared Marine. Second, the argument that our liberties are being sacrificed is a matter of opinion. You think your liberties are and I do not, that proves it. I sure as hell agree with you that we should not sacrifice freedom for safety but I think you are missing my point this time. I dont think the terrorists should have rights. Fuck 'em. There I said it for any liberals out there so they can eat it up.What was the third thing........hhhmmmnnn.....oh yeah. You spelled idiot wrong soldier. Oh yeah one more thing. The reason I didnt read your post in full before was not out of arrogance, but because I was at work and didnt have time. But don't worry folks, I dont work for the government anymore so your tax dollars werent being wasted. Thats someone else's job now!golgoj4 wrote:
Never thought I would debate a scared marine. Didnt think they existed. But here goes...
Maybe you should read more and bark less devil dog. The fact that you were a Marine makes me respect you more so I will ask you this: Do we as Americans trade out essential liberty and trample the constitution in the name of security? It seems to run contrary to the beliefs that this country was founded upon. So WHY in the HELL are you telling me to wake up when our government who has PROVED their ineptitude wants to strip the very liberties that would allow us to check their power? Any argument that we should shutup and do what we are told on applies in a battlezone. You know this and I know this. But this is the CIVILLIAN world buddy, which means that now, as scary as it is, the guy telling you whats what IS NOT the absolute authority. So instead of me waking up, maybe its you who needs to wake up and TRULY protect the constitution instead of slowly letting it slip away and barking at those of us who truly understand the essence of America and dont just parrot thoughts given to them by other. Just based on the fact that you couldnt be bothered to read the post indicates the arrogance of your post. And they ARE IDOTS for wanting 'security' at the expense of liberty. Sorry if i actually believe in the Constitution and not my own wet pants.
And in the future, if you expect to be spoken to, bring something to the table other than a longer winded, rehashed version of your original post. I expect better from the Marine Corps.
Make no mistake. If i didnt give a shit about my home, I would fucking move to Canada. But I rember the oath that I took when I joined it said all enemies 'foreigh AND Domestic'. Some people only think the terrorist s are the ones that hate America. I would submit that there are plenty of people here that would be happy if it were a dictatorship too. Yeah im harsh. But you know what? I mean what I say because I truly belive that this country is battling enemies on both sides of its borders. Im not saying the Marine im responding to is my enemy. He is my countryman. But I would ask that he take a long hard look @ what hes saying because it truly conflicts with the morals and ideas this country was founded on.
-NSA wiretapping? Anyone recall that? Not legal. Not constitutional. They did it anyways. Fuckers had clues about 9/11 and still didnt connect the dots and im supposed to believe that they can actually do their job with more intrusion? Sorry bub.
-Not constitutional, but important to you and me. Geneva Convention. You and I BOTH know fucking with that doesnt help and Soldier, Airman, Marine or Sailor in the future. Yet this administration move forward with it. Now you make not think terrorists have rights. But people smarter than the both of us came up with the geneva convention so why eff with it? Would you like to not have rights if you were captured? We already had a 'Jack Bauer' clause to torture under specific time critical situations yet we had to go an mess with that too.
So sorry if the slow erosion bothers me. And if your not gonna read a post, why respond?
And wasting taxpayer dollars is one of the key tenets of this administration....waste away.
Last edited by deeznutz1245 (2006-10-05 17:13:33)
Malloy must go
Why not just edit your post tool instead of double posting in my thread.
This my dirt farm, get off!
This my dirt farm, get off!
Are you hard at work responding to my last "moronic" post? Or did I stump you?deeznutz1245 wrote:
The guy really pissing me off is that shipbuilder moron.
The_Shipbuilder wrote:
Give me an example of extremists attacking the United States before Israel was a state (so before May 11 1949) who did so because they "hated and despised western civilization".deeznutz1245 wrote:
I do believe I said "extremists in the world". I said nothing about the middle east. So you in all of your wisdom gave me a link about Isreal (that I didnt check) So tell me oh wise one why extremists have been attacking us before Isreal was a state. Is it because they hate and despise western civilization? hhmmmm maybe.
When you say that there are "extremists in the world who want you an I dead... because we are American" who the hell are you talking about? Do you have examples?
And by the way, I didn't give you a link about Isreal. I gave you one mentioning Israel. Before you go around calling people idiots, I'd recommend familiarizing yourself with how to spell the names of countries that are in the news daily.Gosh - being called an idiot by a guy who calls himself "deeznutz1245".deeznutz1245 wrote:
Fucking christ man, even the guy I have been arguing with would think you are an idiot.
Consider my world crushed.
The_Shipbuilder wrote:
Are you hard at work responding to my last "moronic" post? Or did I stump you?deeznutz1245 wrote:
The guy really pissing me off is that shipbuilder moron.The_Shipbuilder wrote:
Give me an example of extremists attacking the United States before Israel was a state (so before May 11 1949) who did so because they "hated and despised western civilization".deeznutz1245 wrote:
I do believe I said "extremists in the world". I said nothing about the middle east. So you in all of your wisdom gave me a link about Isreal (that I didnt check) So tell me oh wise one why extremists have been attacking us before Isreal was a state. Is it because they hate and despise western civilization? hhmmmm maybe.
When you say that there are "extremists in the world who want you an I dead... because we are American" who the hell are you talking about? Do you have examples?
Actually the other guy answered the question before I could....go back and take a look oh wise internet one.
And by the way, I didn't give you a link about Isreal. I gave you one mentioning Israel. Before you go around calling people idiots, I'd recommend familiarizing yourself with how to spell the names of countries that are in the news daily.Gosh - being called an idiot by a guy who calls himself "deeznutz1245".deeznutz1245 wrote:
Fucking christ man, even the guy I have been arguing with would think you are an idiot.
Consider my world crushed.
Malloy must go
Some people shouldn't be allowed to post, some people should be allowed to think. Don't you think?
SHIPBUILDER, sigh, someone already beat me to proving you wrong thats why I have not replied. Get it? You must really put a lot of thought into this. You seem to be enjoying making fun of me much more than I am fucking with you. This is the part of the post where you say something really intelligent with a thesaurus minimized at the bottom of your screen to help you win the applause of your fellow internet queers who most likely never got a blow job. Oh and wait you have to take my post first, crop half of it out, make a remark that humors me while I watch sportscenter and then give me a link that I wont check. And dont forget like our other arguements I will TELL you I dont check it and you still will correct me on it (after I acknowledge the fact I didnt even bother to look) and explain it to me. I DONT CARE. I WILL ALWAYS THINK YOU ARE A PUSSY. At least the gojolo guy I was arguing with has balls. I dont like you. You are a weak weak man. Maybe not intellectually but definitely self esteem. I am going to have a cigarette and then go to sleep with my wife. I will sleep because I work tomorrow. I will never respond to you again even though I can bet a million bucks (or karmas to all the internet junkees out there) you will respond to this to make yourself feel better. Goodnight pussy. Time for you to fix my run-on sentences. smooch!
Last edited by deeznutz1245 (2006-10-05 18:23:36)
Malloy must go
Yeah, and your name is at the top of both of those lists.sergeriver wrote:
Some people shouldn't be allowed to post, some people should be allowed to think. Don't you think?
No one's proved me wrong. You said this:deeznutz1245 wrote:
SHIPBUILDER, sigh, someone already beat me to proving you wrong thats why I have not replied. Get it?
After I showed you that that's clearly not true for al Qaeda, you got huffy that I assumed you were talking about Middle Eastern extremists. I asked you to name any other extremists who want us dead because we are American. No one has done so.deeznutz1245 wrote:
There is a large amount of extremists in the world who want you an I dead not because of who our president is but because we are AMERICAN.
You also said that "extremists have been attacking us before Israel was a state" because they "hated and despised western civilization". I dared you to come up with a single example of extremists attacking us because they hated western civilization.
You haven't done so, and neither has anyone else.
Now someone said Japan - really a stretch to call a nation-state "extremists" - but regardless, no one actually believes they attacked America because they "hated and despised western civilization". I know you don't like reading and facts and stuff so I won't bore you with any web pages telling the real story. I dare you to find even a single web site saying that Japan attacked the US because they hated western civilization.
No - I'm enjoying winning a debate against you.deeznutz1245 wrote:
You seem to be enjoying making fun of me much more than I am fucking with you.
LOLdeeznutz1245 wrote:
I DONT CARE. I WILL ALWAYS THINK YOU ARE A PUSSY. At least the gojolo guy I was arguing with has balls. I dont like you. You are a weak weak man. Maybe not intellectually but definitely self esteem. I am going to have a cigarette and then go to sleep with my wife. I will sleep because I work tomorrow. I will never respond to you again even though I can bet a million bucks (or karmas to all the internet junkees out there) you will respond to this to make yourself feel better. Goodnight pussy. Time for you to fix my run-on sentences. smooch!
I just ran that through the Authoritarian-Personality-to-English google translator and here's what it came up with:
Goodnight, deeznutz1245. smooch.male genitalia written in street lingo to appear street-smart and tough1245 wrote:
YOU HAVE HURT MY FEELINGS AND FRUSTRATED ME TERRIBLY. I much preferred debating with gojolo, because although a formidable opponent, his insults were more direct - just like my own father's. I have no rebuttal to your arguments, because they are most likely correct. I feel emasculated, therefore I attempt to make you feel the same way via the only means I know: name-calling. I fear that you may respond to my post with another stinging rebuttal, therefore I will put a trap in here predicting that you will do so, so that when you do I can say "see, you proved me right, therefore you have low self-esteem, pussy!"
DAMMITT!!! WRONG THREAD!!!!kr@cker wrote:
it's just dumb to think that the police forces are always going to be hovering around waiting to protect you, someone breaks into my house, the only 911 call I'm going to make will go something like
"911 please state your emergency"
"..................................................................there's a dead crackhead in my kitchen"
still pulled 2 karma and still sorta kinda applies to the post in front of it
now to move it to the right thread
Last edited by kr@cker (2006-10-05 21:21:30)
Other than the fact that you also go on about the amount of money they recieve on pension.........ATG wrote:
" It's common knowledge that in order for her to establish NY residency, they purchased a million dollar-plus house in upscale Chappaqua, New York. Makes sense. They are entitled to Secret Service protection for life. Still makes sense. Here is where it becomes interesting. Their mortgage payments hover at around $10,000 per month. BUT, an extra residence HAD to be built within the acreage to house the Secret Service agents.
The Clintons charge the Federal government $10,000 monthly rent for the use of that extra residence, which is just about equal to their mortgage payment. This means that we, the taxpayers, are paying the Clinton's salary, mortgage, transportation, safety and security, as well as the salaries for their 12 man staff -- and, this is all perfectly legal! When she runs for President, will you vote for her"
That isn't capitalism, its theft.
It is capitalism. Under capitalist doctrine, the Secret Service are doing a job, and, as such, they must pay the cost of any resources required to do that job. If they need somewhere to stay, it is their job to organise it.
E. Other than multiple spelling and grammar errors, you failed to provide source, nor could you make a logical argument. Pay attention to structure and purpose.golgoj4 wrote:
As far as my spelling, i aint being graded so i could give a shite.
-NSA wiretapping? Anyone recall that? Not legal. Not constitutional. They did it anyways. Fuckers had clues about 9/11 and still didnt connect the dots and im supposed to believe that they can actually do their job with more intrusion? Sorry bub.
-Not constitutional, but important to you and me. Geneva Convention. You and I BOTH know fucking with that doesnt help and Soldier, Airman, Marine or Sailor in the future. Yet this administration move forward with it. Now you make not think terrorists have rights. But people smarter than the both of us came up with the geneva convention so why eff with it? Would you like to not have rights if you were captured? We already had a 'Jack Bauer' clause to torture under specific time critical situations yet we had to go an mess with that too.
So sorry if the slow erosion bothers me. And if your not gonna read a post, why respond?
And wasting taxpayer dollars is one of the key tenets of this administration....waste away.
Last edited by Bubbalo (2006-10-05 23:28:53)
Capitalism doesn't thrive on freeloading.
Wow shipbuilder, I think its sort of funny that you did exactly what the nuts guy said you would. The link, the cropping, the big words. I say you are pretty smart but he made you look like an ass.The_Shipbuilder wrote:
No one's proved me wrong. You said this:deeznutz1245 wrote:
SHIPBUILDER, sigh, someone already beat me to proving you wrong thats why I have not replied. Get it?After I showed you that that's clearly not true for al Qaeda, you got huffy that I assumed you were talking about Middle Eastern extremists. I asked you to name any other extremists who want us dead because we are American. No one has done so.deeznutz1245 wrote:
There is a large amount of extremists in the world who want you an I dead not because of who our president is but because we are AMERICAN.
You also said that "extremists have been attacking us before Israel was a state" because they "hated and despised western civilization". I dared you to come up with a single example of extremists attacking us because they hated western civilization.
You haven't done so, and neither has anyone else.
Now someone said Japan - really a stretch to call a nation-state "extremists" - but regardless, no one actually believes they attacked America because they "hated and despised western civilization". I know you don't like reading and facts and stuff so I won't bore you with any web pages telling the real story. I dare you to find even a single web site saying that Japan attacked the US because they hated western civilization.No - I'm enjoying winning a debate against you.deeznutz1245 wrote:
You seem to be enjoying making fun of me much more than I am fucking with you.LOLdeeznutz1245 wrote:
I DONT CARE. I WILL ALWAYS THINK YOU ARE A PUSSY. At least the gojolo guy I was arguing with has balls. I dont like you. You are a weak weak man. Maybe not intellectually but definitely self esteem. I am going to have a cigarette and then go to sleep with my wife. I will sleep because I work tomorrow. I will never respond to you again even though I can bet a million bucks (or karmas to all the internet junkees out there) you will respond to this to make yourself feel better. Goodnight pussy. Time for you to fix my run-on sentences. smooch!
I just ran that through the Authoritarian-Personality-to-English google translator and here's what it came up with:Goodnight, deeznutz1245. smooch.male genitalia written in street lingo to appear street-smart and tough1245 wrote:
YOU HAVE HURT MY FEELINGS AND FRUSTRATED ME TERRIBLY. I much preferred debating with gojolo, because although a formidable opponent, his insults were more direct - [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Authoritarian_personality#Psychoanalytic_aspect]just like my own father's[/url]. I have no rebuttal to your arguments, because they are most likely correct. I feel emasculated, therefore I attempt to make you feel the same way via the only means I know: name-calling. I fear that you may respond to my post with another stinging rebuttal, therefore I will put a trap in here predicting that you will do so, so that when you do I can say "see, you proved me right, therefore you have low self-esteem, pussy!"
No, but the capitalist theory is that each person is entitled to do anything and everything to gain money.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
Capitalism doesn't thrive on freeloading.
Stupid ^^^^^^^^^
How so? What is wrong with what they've done?
Shesh they build a shack and charge $10,000.00 per month for rent, which is equal to their morgage.
Capitalism does not mean anything goes.
Anything and everything? That shows you have a shockingly ignorant understanding of our system.
Capitalism does not mean anything goes.
Anything and everything? That shows you have a shockingly ignorant understanding of our system.
Actually that is just another web myth. The secret service don't pay anything to the Clintons. The secret service are, under government regualtions, supposed to pay the homeowner some sort of rent (Clinton would be entitled to $1100 a month) - yet Clinton has declined to accept any form of payment from the secret service.ATG wrote:
Shesh they build a shack and charge $10,000.00 per month for rent, which is equal to their morgage.
Capitalism does not mean anything goes.
Anything and everything? That shows you have a shockingly ignorant understanding of our system.
There have been several articles disproving this rumour, the best known of which featured in the Washington Post.
Washinton Post wrote:
A Secret Service representative misspoke in the Reliable Source in the Jan. 12 Style section. The Clintons are entitled to collect rent from the agency for space at their Chappaqua, N.Y., home but have declined the payments of about $1,100 a month, said White House press secretary Jake Siewert.