
KoFmatt wrote:

Ok a few things need to be straightened out Newton.

First, your right, I didn't come in with a question. I didn't have a question, so why would I ask one? I had a statement of fact - Gexter kicked members of the opposite team but did not kick members of his own team. That's what happened. Maybe it was just coincidence, maybe it was intentional, but that much was fact.

Second,  here's a list of the sticky's in that forum:
Sticky: Vwar problems.. let us Know
Sticky Thread Sticky: BF2 Division Member Rules
Sticky Thread Sticky: BF2 Servers Rules - For Members - Admins - visitors! (Multi-page thread 1 2 3)
Sticky Thread Sticky: Read and heed : BF2 Rules of Engagment
Sticky Thread Sticky: Admin contact info
Sticky Thread Sticky: Banned from One of our BF2 Servers? click Here!
Sticky Thread Sticky: Report a Hacker in any of our BF2 Servers.
Sticky Thread Sticky: BF2 Members - Recruits Read please. - Recruiting is over!
Sticky Thread Sticky: Knife & pistol only servers
Sticky Thread Sticky: Admins - BF2 Members.
Sticky Thread Sticky: To all TSH BF2 players : Read and Heed
Sticky Thread Sticky: BF2 Server Info

Hmm, I don't seem to see the one titled "If you have a problem with an Admin, here's what to do". I must be misreading, because you said it was there. Hmm...nope, not there. Even if the proper procedure is in one of these threads, that's 11 threads to search through, not to mention the sticky's in the other parts of the forum. If you're not going to make something easy to find don't expect people to find it.

Third, I didn't take any quotes out of context. I'm full well aware that you have a no-whining policy. But you're the one that just lectured me about perspective, well guess what, whining is a matter of perspective too. Some would consider your entire post whining. Then you just broke your own rules. From my point of view, expressing a concern is not whining. There are hundreds of servers out there, I don't need yours to play on. I only bothered to post at all out of a courtesy to you, because I know that many clans (as it has happened in my own) are unaware of admins who abuse their powers.

Fourth, you say I get off easy, that all that rudeness was in response to my rudeness. But was it not your own member smokin who said that two wrongs don't make a right? From my perspective, I was not rude. Even if it seemed as if I was, does that mean you guys should be more rude in return?

As I said above, there's lots of servers out there. You're right, if I have a problem with your server I can just leave. The point was I was trying to help you. Next time maybe you guys should just try listening instead of automatically assuming that because Gexter is a TSH senior member he must be Holy and Good; and instead of assuming that every person who voices is a concern is automatically lying and just there to cause trouble.
I don't have a problem with searching through eleven threads, especially as they're short threads, but I'm an avid forum reader. But you're absolutely right about needing to be labeled more accurately, I will talk to our forum mod about that. Thanks, THAT was constructive input.

Phrasing it as a question was a suggestion, not a requirement. The point was not to word it as an accusation. Statement of fact aside, it was still an accusation. We're accountable for the things we do, say, and write. That's why I like to be accurate. Intent to help is not communicated through accusation. Did you clarify that it might be unintentional, or did you follow with "it's inappropriate to kick.." which is another insinuative accusation? You have to stand by the way you phrase things; We're not mind readers. Okay, Orision is, but that kid's a fucking circus freak.

When you quote someone and do not state the context in which the quote was intended, that IS quoting out of context. I don't know how I could define that any more clearly. Again, stand by your own words.

What I wrote was a rebuttal, not whining. No perspective shift can change rebutting to complaining. Unless that perspective shift is insanity.

Two wrongs do not make a right. You're right about that, too. Notice that many of us viewed the post but did not verbally assault you. I'm glad you only got the amount of abuse that you did, as I agree that it's inappropriate to just jump someone based on vague phrasing. I DID say that all that rudeness was in response to your rudeness. Notice, however, that I didn't even insinuate that it was justified. I'm still talking to members about their kneejerk reactions as we also have a policy for respecting repectful players who come to us. They just jumped the gun out of their love for Gex. Was it right? No. Does it make them bad people? No.

Many of us DO listen. You heard from a vocal minority. So it's hardly fair for you to come into a public forum like this and denounce our whole clan for a few members' mistakes, is it? Again, accountability for what we say.

Also, if I seem like I'm lecturing, it's because I'm used to lecturing. I'm fully aware that some people don't care for it. I also don't give a damn if they don't like long-winded posts or people lecturing to them because they can't admit when they've made a mistake or that there's something (god forbid!) that they don't know. I don't have patience for ignorance, and I don't have patience for ego. Kofmatt, this part is not directed at you, but at the flamer before you, and those who shall come after.
good thing you get paid for browsing forums...
and responding to threads in such forums..

otherwise i would consider it a COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME and RESOURCES writing a dam novel in response to a rant post in a COMPLAIN thread...

please... keep it within 200 words and no more than three syllables per said word...

thanks you
find a diff server with no admins so you can act like a douchebag all you want or stick your thumb in your mouth and cry about it, i mean since you care so much..    do you seriously think anyone gives a @$%!?, hes an admin on a clan owned server he is also a very good admin/ person that doesnt just kick based on any bias or prejudice.. if you havent lasted long enough/ played in the server long enough to find that out it was your own fault.

wake is a tough server to admin with all the mass amount of rule breaking that can occur, if you want fair gaming you need to have admins that dont mess around.. you can easily come back and behave or you can come back and flip out or worse post a bunch of bs on TSH forums, if you want respect you have to earn respect!!! you obviously didnt show it therefore tsh is not a server for you, gexter is an admin of a server they own and operate plain and simple you dont like it find a different one....

Septimius2 wrote:

please... keep it within 200 words and no more than three syllables per said word...
LOL! If it was too long and you're not involved, why not just scroll down? Or hit pgdn, if you prefer the keyboard shortcut.

But thanks for your input,


Last edited by NewtonD (2006-10-06 08:21:10)

I quote Septimius2:
please... keep it within 200 words and no more than three syllables per said word...

I quote NewtonD:
As reading seems anathema to you like books are to Paris Hilton, though, I'm guessing you'll be scared off by more than 2 lines of text and run babbling into the hills.

Run for the hills, Septimius2. Go procreate with your siblings. Upon doing so, I beg you to send your mentally- and physically-stunted spawn to your local public school system for a proper (minimum-level) education so as to prevent them from following in their father/uncle's footsteps.

Last edited by Smoke (2006-10-06 09:49:35)


funny how peeps are quick with the "wit" but yet have no grasp of "sarcasm"

unless of course.. you are being sarcastic also....  lol

(10 - 1 there will be a five paragraph response to this)
I quote Septimius2:

good thing you get paid for browsing forums...
and responding to threads in such forums..

otherwise i would consider it a COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME and RESOURCES writing a dam novel in response to a rant post in a COMPLAIN thread...

please... keep it within 200 words and no more than three syllables per said word...

thanks you


You basically (and blatantly) stated that using logic and reason to properly debate an issue is a "COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME and RESOURCES."

Therefore, you have a complete disregard for logic. Thus any brief, momentary lapse of respect we all might have had for you has been nullified.

Furthermore, do you actually comprehend the definition of the word "sarcasm"? I only ask because you appear to believe that you've used it somewhere in your obscenely scant attempt to argue in the favor of ignorance.

(By the way, it's not 10 - 1, it's 10:1. It's called an "odds ratio.")

Last edited by Smoke (2006-10-06 10:19:24)


Smoke wrote:

I quote Septimius2:

good thing you get paid for browsing forums...
and responding to threads in such forums..

otherwise i would consider it a COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME and RESOURCES writing a dam novel in response to a rant post in a COMPLAIN thread...

please... keep it within 200 words and no more than three syllables per said word...

thanks you


You basically (and blatantly) stated that using logic and reason to properly debate an issue is a "COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME and RESOURCES."

Therefore, you have a complete disregard for logic. Thus any brief, momentary lapse of respect we all might have had for you has been nullified.

Furthermore, do you actually comprehend the definition of the word "sarcasm"? I only ask because you appear to believe that you've used it somewhere in your obscenely scant attempt to argue in the favor of ignorance.

(By the way, it's not 10 - 1, it's 10:1. It's called an "odds ratio.")
dude... i dont know you.. you dont me... i type what i type for MY purposes.. at least in this thread...

yes it WAS sarcasm...  lol go ahead and debate this....  its funny as hell... why?  YOU figure it out...  i got what i wanted...
btw.. i KNOW how to type the odds ratio thingy... it was just quicker for me to do it as i did....
and yup.. counting each line you typed as a paragraph in yer previous post... that would equal 5

Last edited by Septimius2 (2006-10-06 11:00:59)


KoFmatt wrote:

All I asked was that their leadership take a look at the BF2CC log. If the head of the clan had came in and politely said "after taking a look, I still feel Gexter acted appropriately, and did not abuse his powers" I would have accepted it and moved on. But unfortunately thats not the response they gave...
Newton's been trying to say this to you the whole time, but he's being polite.  Since you're not getting the picture, i'll do as you ask.

After taking a look, i feel you were being a baby on the server.  I feel Gexter acted appropriately and i support his actions 100%.  I only wish he had ban power, it would have saved me a step, now i have to ban you myself.

On behalf of TSH, i hope you will do as you say and accept this and move on.
this rant about kofmatt and newton still going on??  I COMMAND THIS TO END>>> I want to hear some more stupid shit that happens in servers... thus the name of this section: COMPLAIN - Lame servers/server admins...

FireCops ( InvisibleHu

Called for supplies 5 times, no reaction, APC gets blown and he comes with supplies.
5 minutes later after trying to get a reaction from him for over 2 minutes, I call him a damn idler.
He says: WHO?????
I say: You
I say: Ah little pussy
He says: OKAY YOURE GONE or whatever and he bans me  for my language

Poor little thing
Death StatPadder
+228|6930|Human Meat Shield
MYGOT and -=GOT=- are around; known for glitching, I monitor them like nothing before, and sure enough... So I ban onsite - got a problem - glitch somewhere else.

Choumichel wrote:

FireCops ( InvisibleHu

Called for supplies 5 times, no reaction, APC gets blown and he comes with supplies.
5 minutes later after trying to get a reaction from him for over 2 minutes, I call him a damn idler.
He says: WHO?????
I say: You
I say: Ah little pussy
He says: OKAY YOURE GONE or whatever and he bans me  for my language

Poor little thing
Just found all his personal info on the internet, name, email, address

Remember people, when you decide to be a fucking smacktard, don't have your private shit all over the internet.

Choumichel wrote:

Just found all his personal info on the internet, name, email, address

Remember people, when you decide to be a fucking smacktard, don't have your private shit all over the internet.
one more time.

i need to be nice to you.

our server cant KICK it can only BAN

so if you get baned dont take it porsonal.
and dont say you have his personal stuff becouse that is a treatment and against the law and forum rules if i am not wrong.

so please next time behave and tell the trew on the forums becouse this time you were wrong.
based on your storry, he was idle for 1 min (we all need to schit)
you were no squad leader so suplydrop you could only ask your squad leader.

and telling a admin that he is a little prik and a wanker well,
that will get you baned on all 1000000 servers on the world.

so you got kickt on a fair way.


i was nice this time
theres a million servers???  wow

how come all the other BILLIONS of servers I play on, they can kick.. but somehow with your server you guys can only ban?? I dont get it.... but what ev..
I knife Generals
+278|6698|Search Whore killing fields … opic=17337

Moongamers.. Making up rules as they play. "oh yeah you are hiding heli under the carrier, you cant do that, i kick you to take it"

I really want to kick each of the moongamer admins in the face... Ok rant over
I got (they said banned but I was really) kicked from a server after kindly pointing out that by limiting what kits and weapons people could use, the server was in violation of the EA ROE.


*you have been disconnected*

I laughed.
+13|6797|Toronto, Ontario
I would like to let you all know that the BG (Blood and Guts) clan server admins are whining b!tches.

I was losing a round badly because our team had no cammander.  I decided to apply to see what I could do about this.  When I accepted the position I realized that all the assets were destroyed.  When I went to fix them I found a sniper, who I killed with my knife, and several infantry that I used a variety of weapons (shotgun, fav, grenade, pistol, armor, etc.) to dispose of.  I then attempted to fix the assets when the coast was clear, only to be kicked.  I logged back in to ask WTF?, and was told I can only shoot a gun while commanding if it ws defence (it was), or I was defending a main (I was).

I was then promptly kicked again, this time because I told them not to get bitchy just because I killed them.

I just get fed up with admins who kick because they meet someone better than themselves.
I can only picture these horrible admins as the kids that wanted attention from the parents but never got it.. now they have control and kick/ban anyone, for any reason...

I also got kicked once for being commander, and using my gun.  I was back at the MEC base in Karkland, and a few infantry were sneeking up a ramp, I spotted them, UAV'd them.. after no resonse from my team i headed over there, killed one of them and the rest were wiped by other members of my team (who took some time to get there)

I was promptly kicked.. no warnings....  i rejoined and said WTF.. i got COMMANDERS CANT FIGHT... and kicked again..   WTF is WRONG WITH PEOPLE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

OrangeHound wrote:

That thread is kind of like a support group for people who have had their widdle feelings hurt on a server ...
Aww, my widdle feelings are hurt and you're belittling me...

But that's how it is with getting banned for stupid shit.  Everything is so far away, a copy of a copy of a 'tard admin.  The distance of everything, you can't touch anything and nothing can touch you.
Then there was this admin.  The first time I mention the other team's carrier raping the previous round, [SoF] admin, the big moosie, the big cheesebread moved in on top of me in [SoF-Territory] 24/7 Dragon Valley and started threatening bans.  The big moosie treed right across the map, his arms at his sides, his shoulders rounded.  His big moosie chin on his chest, his eyed already shrink-wrapped in tears.  Shuffling his feet, knees together, invisible steps, [SoF] slid across Dragon Valley to let me kill him one last time before he goes and cries to his "admin friend" to ban me for being mean...

Why does "support groups" make me think of Fight Club?

So yeah, if you don't feel like following all that nonsense, [SoF] admins are whiny bitches and their rules don't apply to themselves, and you can get banned for pointing that fact out.
+250|6572|Eskimo land. AKA Canada.

hurmyie wrote:

-our server cant KICK it can only BAN

-based on your story, he was idle for 1 min (we all need to schit)
Ok, lemme ask you: why the heck cant you fix your server? Contact EA or something. BAN only? You got issues man.

As for the second part of the quote, "he was idle for 1 min(we all need to schit)" What the hell is wrong with your digestive system? You can leave your computer, take a dump, wash your hands(if you follow hygiene) and return to your computer within one minute.? How would that be possible?

Explosive diarrhea anyone? Either that or you live on a toilet.
This space for rent
+117|6738|Arlen, Texas

SplinterStrike wrote:

hurmyie wrote:

-our server cant KICK it can only BAN

-based on your story, he was idle for 1 min (we all need to schit)
Ok, lemme ask you: why the heck cant you fix your server? Contact EA or something. BAN only? You got issues man.

As for the second part of the quote, "he was idle for 1 min(we all need to schit)" What the hell is wrong with your digestive system? You can leave your computer, take a dump, wash your hands(if you follow hygiene) and return to your computer within one minute.? How would that be possible?

Explosive diarrhea anyone? Either that or you live on a toilet.
Maybe they skipped the 'leave the computer' part.
TSC is the lamest kicked for pawning in jet . When asked by another playing .... He was owning us in a wierd way . lol What a bunch of assclowns
+39|6798|OREEGONE, USA
=D2D= Down 2 Destroy 24/7 Air maps.

I've been banned twice because their cheese dick admins are morons who ban anyone who's better than them.

Ban 1 = Banned for stealing a J10 on Dragon Valley from the server admin.  The admin was kicked from the server by his other clanmates and they apologized for the ban. 

Ban 2 = Banned for 2 missles that were intended for a blackhawk taking off at the docks, but they veered off and anihilated a heli taking off at the carrier.  Just so happens that heli guessed it......the admin.  I hadn't even realized i hit anyone till I turned away from the blackhawk and 2 kills appeared.  I was banned 2 seconds after that.  No chance for me to explain my actions.

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