+98|6810|Penrith, N.S.W, Australia
sometimes when someone punishes me for accidental team kill e.g. claymore, i snap and keep team killing the mofo so he will learn his lesson points aern't everything so i tked away, punish me noob!!!!!!
-65ish team points one time when i was doing nothing but jihad on jalalabad
+519|6774|Gold coast, Aus.

Snorkelfarsan wrote:

wow! thats even alot more the most people have as BR! Dude! That's wack! Shit...
hang on.....let me find my screeny.....
bad touch

Terror in the Skies
-26 and still second - try to top this


Last edited by |60|Cobalt (2006-10-03 15:34:16)

Platinum Star whore
+365|6831|Middle of nowhere
most for me is -36, that was when i didn't know how to use the Laser Guided Missiles, and i seemed to be able to kill every friendly tank or APC i saw

doesn't work that way with the enemy ones though.... goddammit
+519|6774|Gold coast, Aus.
dam cant find my screeny....Anyway, it was a pic of two people with -390 and -428

for some reason the server's auto kick didnt work lol....
Ohh skeet skeet
+143|6623|New York

Bottom right, pretty harsh if you ask me.
+1,153|6783|Washington, DC

It wasn't ranked, but when the demo came out I occasionally hopped into the Phalanx and got very impressive - scores.
+108|6896|In the hills
One time I got kinda bored, so I decided to shoot everyone with a pistol 2 or 3 times so I get -2.  Got up to -80 something and I TKed 3 people by accident which is an auto-kick on the server I play on...
Too old to be doing this sh*t
+103|6676|Little blue planet, milky way
About 80-something as negative score I think. I had a TK fest on a mofo who didn't understand that I dislike it when people TK me for a vehicle, and the server didn't boot me for TK'ing him.
In fact... I seem to have a LOT of TK fests these days, and my score is still climbing.
ive reached the limit -1470 or sometin then it doesnt go any lower
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
I think sumat like -220

Last edited by Superior Mind (2006-10-03 17:04:39)

Something like -20. Bunch of people ran after my grenade. Got team damage AND a TK for all of them.
Paddles/Plane Whore
+28|6714|Australia, NSW
once saw a tker on internode wake, who wasnt being kicked. he sat in a tank at airfield tking everyone for 3 rounds straight b4 an admin came in and removed him. he got -400 or so in one round.
luckily i was on the US team, which we easily capped the other bases and won because the tard kept all his jets and choppers down.

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