Ohh skeet skeet
+143|6511|New York
Yeah many times. Ever had 4 staples put in your head to close a wound without anesthesia, pass out and wake up nearly 20 hours later? Good times...

Besides one shotgun incident at a local shooting range, I can't think of more than just a few occasions where I nearly died. Thankfully.
Have Guns, Will Travel.
My Grandfather let me fly his Cessna. I didn't  come close to dying, but it may not have been his best decision.

{XpLiCiTxX} wrote:

Yeah many times. Ever had 4 staples put in your head to close a wound without anesthesia, pass out and wake up nearly 20 hours later? Good times...
I was on a porch that kinda gave out under me. I got a deep gash (you could see the skull I guess) and it required a lot of stitches. They tried novacaine via a needle, it didn't work. They even poured some into the hole, and from the inside of my head I could hear it trickling down. I have no idea now if they poured it directly into the hole on purpose or if some leaked out from where they poked me a second time. Either way I had no pain medication when they stitched me up. Good times.

About a month and a half ago I had about 400lbs of tack boards fall on me. I can't say it was a near-death experience, but it would have been a lot worse than what happened if someone wasn't there to help stop them from completely falling on me. Oh, by the way, I found out 400lbs falling can take a grown man off his feet and toss him at least 8 feet. I also learned if you see something falling: let it fall!

haha, I wrote "good times" at the end of my first paragraph and then noticed you did too. That wasn't intentional.
One day I stared death in the face, and laughed at it.
+86|6699|San Francisco, CA
I'm just gonna put it real simple and not read any posts here.

If you're stupid enough to do it, you deserve to die.

Thank you.
BF2s US Server Admin
+257|6668|Los Angeles, California, US.

MURcarnage wrote:

I'm just gonna put it real simple and not read any posts here.

If you're stupid enough to do it, you deserve to die.

Thank you.
You arent always in control of what Happens Though.
Battlelog: DaReJa
MyBFi/BF3i Admin

AKA DanielRJ
GameSurge IRC Network, Support Agent and Staff
Phuzion IRC Network, Support Director and Operator
+86|6699|San Francisco, CA

DaReJa wrote:

MURcarnage wrote:

I'm just gonna put it real simple and not read any posts here.

If you're stupid enough to do it, you deserve to die.

Thank you.
You arent always in control of what Happens Though.
Well this is just pertaining to those people who have PURPOSELY done stupid things. Notice I said I didn't read any posts and I am just automatically assuming that these are things people have had no control over and assumed would be safe from the start.
BF2s US Server Admin
+257|6668|Los Angeles, California, US.

MURcarnage wrote:

DaReJa wrote:

MURcarnage wrote:

I'm just gonna put it real simple and not read any posts here.

If you're stupid enough to do it, you deserve to die.

Thank you.
You arent always in control of what Happens Though.
Well this is just pertaining to those people who have PURPOSELY done stupid things. Notice I said I didn't read any posts and I am just automatically assuming that these are things people have had no control over and assumed would be safe from the start.
OkOk, Thats True, People who Purposely do those things are Stupid. .
Battlelog: DaReJa
MyBFi/BF3i Admin

AKA DanielRJ
GameSurge IRC Network, Support Agent and Staff
Phuzion IRC Network, Support Director and Operator
BF2s US Server Admin
+76|6660|inside the recesses of your...

ProRacerNorm wrote:

When I was 12 I feel out of a tree and landed on cement blocks and thorn bushes. I was about 12 feet up landed strait on my back almost broke neck and back
Pfft.  You woulda lived either way.
+86|6699|San Francisco, CA

DaReJa wrote:

MURcarnage wrote:

DaReJa wrote:

You arent always in control of what Happens Though.
Well this is just pertaining to those people who have PURPOSELY done stupid things. Notice I said I didn't read any posts and I am just automatically assuming that these are things people have had no control over and assumed would be safe from the start.
OkOk, Thats True, People who Purposely do those things are Stupid. .
Exactly, I'm sure if you look at youtube, google video, break.com and other various online video collection sites, you'll see kids (yes, kids) do extremely retarded things. IE "Ghost riding the whip" or..setting their body on fire with gasoline expecting it to burn up instantly because they failed basic chemistry and at having common sense.

So I'll say it again. If you're stupid enough to do it, you deserve to die.
+4|6562|outside your window
i hit a strung giude wire (high tensile steel) for a fence that my dad was making on my motorbike when i was 12 (after he has told me that it was there). The wire hit me across the visor of my helmet and put a great big gash accros my nose, two inches lower and it would have taken my head off.
Fair Play!
+21|6641|Warwickshire, England
I have came close to dieing twice in my 22 years of life.

Firstly when I was about 12, I was on holiday in Wales to see my auntie, uncle and cousins and we went to the beach. My cousin had an inflatable whale which I went on in the sea. My cousin thought it would be funny to give me a good push out into the sea and the tide done the rest. I was about 100 meters out and my dad kept swimming after me but to no avail. I kept on drifting away until a lifeguard thankfully came and rescued me in a kayak.

Secondly, when I was about 14, my mates and I were riding our bikes. I was just about to cross the road then I suddenly had second thoughts, a second later a speeding car zoomed past me! From that moment on I always look before crossing the road.
+86|6699|San Francisco, CA
Come to think of it, I have almost died. It was only when I was a little baby though.

In a van when I was a baby (obviously able to walk though), opened the side sliding door on the freeway, auntie caught me and closed the door before I became part of the freeway, or somebody's windshield. Ah, such a troublemaker at a young age and still am.
BF2s US Server Admin
+257|6668|Los Angeles, California, US.

MURcarnage wrote:

DaReJa wrote:

MURcarnage wrote:

Well this is just pertaining to those people who have PURPOSELY done stupid things. Notice I said I didn't read any posts and I am just automatically assuming that these are things people have had no control over and assumed would be safe from the start.
OkOk, Thats True, People who Purposely do those things are Stupid. .
Exactly, I'm sure if you look at youtube, google video, break.com and other various online video collection sites, you'll see kids (yes, kids) do extremely retarded things. IE "Ghost riding the whip" or..setting their body on fire with gasoline expecting it to burn up instantly because they failed basic chemistry and at having common sense.

So I'll say it again. If you're stupid enough to do it, you deserve to die.
Yeah, I've seen that stuff, So, QFT The Above. .
Battlelog: DaReJa
MyBFi/BF3i Admin

AKA DanielRJ
GameSurge IRC Network, Support Agent and Staff
Phuzion IRC Network, Support Director and Operator
Kokko, kokoo koko kokko kokoon!
+9|6716|Zurich, Switzerland
Once a speeding pizza taxi hit me, and i was in hospital only for one night, because obviously my violin case saved my life and a few years ago I had a bike accident at which I couldn't remember when I woke up... My mom told me that I came home blood stained and someone had given me some paper towels but I remember still only the moment I departed from our house... A night in hospital again.
+98|6779|netherlands, sweet lake city
When I was about 14 I was going to school with a buddy, it was mid winter and most of the streets where made out of ice. only the main roads where,,, uhhm scraped, salted :p excuse my English but the where clean, but me and my buddy decided it was so much more fun to ride over the ice, at a moment we went speeding up. well you can guess what happened, we had to stop because there was a road with speeding cars crossing my road, so I tried to brake I fell of my bike so me and my bike where sliding over the road not to far from the crossing traffic. I was just 2 meters behind my bike still trying to stop sliding. my bike got totalled by a car and I was lucky there werent any cars behind him, if I was a fast as my bike I would have been dead
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6714|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
No not myself but I have seen my daughter stop breathing after contracting Septicemia (blood poison) whilst in ICU for other reasons and have had the hard task of kissing my Mum goodnight for the last time as she passed away.  There close enough for me.

If there was a thread for the scariest thing I have ever seen I would put my daughter not breathing at 2, but her being resuscitated at 1.

The scariest bit about mym Mum was knowing she was going to die but hearing it from a Doctor rather than family.  You just have to accept its going to happen and there isn't anything anyone could do.  Thats a year and one week old now so still very fresh, always will be.
brain hemorrhage aged nine.  would have killed me if the blood clot wasn't removed.
two times:

- one time it was in moscow, 95-96 or something... was going to some university and a huge pointed piece of ice that was hanging on some piece of roof fell down - straight on my shoulder. it hurt so badly - but if it was only like 2-3 inches wide it would have hit my head. I guess, it would be the end of the story.

- second time, russia as well, siberia, ....was drunk and almost took out a pin of a hand grenade in a room full of people. i was stopped at a very last moment.
+132|6664|England, UK
First time...  In hospital 18 months ago for an operation after a miscarriage, was sick while under the knife and they had to resusitate me, pretty scary.

Second time...  Had a rare strain of Meningitis this February.  Was in hospital very ill indeed but a few weeks after I was cool again and playing BF2! 

The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
Do I win? Am I the only one on the forum who has died?

I spent 5 years driving around Ireland. For most of it Ireland was one big Road works as they were up grading all the roads. I drove 200miles of road cones in one day. But anyway...... I must have nearly died quite a few times, but the one which sticks out.
Was stuck behind a milk truck, came around a corner saw the road ahead clear, so dropped a gear and as I was passing it, at around 80mph this other car was traveling down a road towards me that ran parallel but then joined my road. He was doing at least 60mph at the junction and was looking over his shoulder to see if anything was coming along the lane he was about to enter, there wasn't so he just kept going, not knowing I was in his lane but traveling in the opposite direction. He just appeared BAM in front of me. What happened next was a miracle and if three things didn't all happen I know for sure me and the other guy would have hit head on, both doing 80mph and instantly killed.
1. The guy in the milk truck braked hard.
2. The guy coming towards me Braked hard.
3. I put my foot down and accelerated and cut in ontime.

The gap was so tight between us that I just squeezed through. I stopped the car about 200mm away from the junction and so did the other guy. Both got out of the cars and even though we were 400m apart I knew he knew we nearly died. Also if I could have got my hands on him I would have killed him myself.
+35|6685|Somewhere in the shadows
I have three instances that come to mind. 

1. I used to go riding in the sand dunes in Glamis, CA with my family when I was younger.  My brother and I were jumping our ATCs, trying to see who could get the most air.  We had been there for a good 30 minutes and had accumulated quite a crowd of spectators on either side of the dune watching us jump.  A sand rail (dune buggy...FTW) came across the ridge and turned down the back side of the dune we were jumping.  I gave him a few minutes to get out of the way and then went full throttle for the lip again.  I didn't realize the people waving their arms were trying to stop me and it wasn't until I was airborne that I saw the buggy parked right where I was going to land.  The next few seconds went by in slow motion.  I was in the air trying to brake (no air brakes on an ATC) and smacked right into the back of the buggy.  I was out cold for a few seconds and woke up with the stinger exhaust pipe (sticks straight out the back) under my arm.  A few inches over and I would have been corked.

2. I used to work for a demolition company and was operating a huge rock truck (Caterpillar with 8' tires and a ladder to get into the cab), dumping rock and dirt into a 25' deep hole.  I didn't brake soon enough when I was backing up to the hole and the truck rolled backwards, unstoppable to the bottom where it stopped on it's tail and teetered back and forth almost flipping over backwards.  It would have crushed me if it went over.

3. I was walking in Seattle with my wife and a friend of hers and we were waiting to cross a street.  I had my back to the road and was talking to my wife.  I took a small step back, thinking I was further from the curb then I actually was.  I lost my balance and started to fall backwards into the road just as a bus came by.  My wife grabbed my shirt and pulled me back in just in time.  The bus was inches from me and moving very fast.
+71|6598|A dark hole....
i walked against a flower pot
Δ > x > ¥
When I was young, one set of grandparents lived at Gorleston - a suburb of Great Yarmouth, a seaside resort on the east coast - and in the fateful year, I stayed with them for a week in the summer.  My mother (it was her parents) stayed too and one day we went out to the (model) boating pond.  The pond itself was a circular man-made pool, about 50 feet in diameter and about 2 feet (half a metre) deep.  My grandparents' boat was a simple model of a sailing boat - one that you put in the water and pushed it away, then ran round to the other side of the pond and waited for it to come to you.  I was about 3 years old at the time and this was great fun.

One time, when my mother and gran had their backs turned, confident I knew what I was doing, I pushed it off and ran round to the other side and, when it was almost near enough to reach, I leant over.. I reached and reached for it and fell in the pond.  Apparently, I forgot that it was shallow enough that I could stand up, so there I was lying face down in the pond.  Also apparently, for I can't actually remember anything between reaching out and later waking up, I must have been unconscious when I was rescued.

Anyway, I woke up in an ambulance, being rushed to hospital.  I almost drowned but, as you can tell from the fact that I'm writing this, I didn't.

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