+86|6694|Winterpeg, Canada

bobroonie.bda wrote:

I've been playing BF since 1942 beta, awesome series. But the "rules" are a bit pathetic on alot of servers. I understand servers have to work with the public a bit to keep there servers running, but some rules they have are radiculous.

When they realize they can't or they "chose" not to adapt, they complain and make rules. In 1942 if a tank was in your base you did something about it. In Bf2 you cry to the admins and instead of going AT to kill the "camper", you get him kicked. Your unable to out "skill" the enemy, so you twist the game to work for you. And wheather or not you think camping in a main base is skillfull or not. Its the skill that you do not possess to kill the enemy. And by saying "how can you?", "its impossible", "unfair", "blah blah blah", your pretty much saying that YOU are unable to kill the enemy, and YOU need some "assistance". Its like a "handy cap". Your not good enough, so you set rules the "computer" has to follow. But when its all out war.. You know level 10, you get your ass kicked.

Can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.. yea.. you assholes remodled.
I agree with you, but back in 1942, tanks were pretty weak and slow. At rockets really did a lot of damage, aswell as nades. But as of late, admins are implementing the no base raping rule in most 1942 servers.

SGT.Slayero wrote:

SGT.Slayero wrote:

shut up noob
+50|6598|Dragon Valley

smack-beeb wrote:


SGT.Slayero wrote:

SGT.Slayero wrote:

shut up noob

I'm not the one making crappy rules as I go because I cant play the game properly. Everybody whines about getting baseraped on a carrier, yet you take a look they're all standing around like god damn idiots waiting for jets to spawn on the deck. Heres an idea, why dont you get in the god damn anti-air? Dont say it cant take down a jet, that just proves you suck at BF2. I was blowing up jets on the essex when I was a noob private first class. Its not hard. MG and unload missiles when you bait them to flare. Or if they're just dive bombing fuck the flares and unload on them.

Same deal with Karkand, you think its that hard to defend the US uncap? 99% of people who would try to "base rape" would just pull a T90 up the main road, spawn AT, pop a rocket in the front track then jump in the god damn TOW. I'm not the one whining to admins to kick such and such for base raping, asking to make up bullshit rules because I cant play the game.
BF2S Resident Bass Player
+45|6584|Washington State, USA
i just noticed he is from canada...
+50|6598|Dragon Valley

InfectiousShadow wrote:

i just noticed he is from canada...
+1,175|6715|British Columbia, Canada

InfectiousShadow wrote:

i just noticed he is from canada...
Wtf does that have to do with anything...

I live in BC, piss off...

did you know the carriers have these guns that can shoot down aircraft and helicopters?

They aren't just for teamkilling and spinning around really fast around, they can actually take out a plane..
oh hai :D
+156|6804|The Netherlands

turkeybacon wrote:

I hate you all. Its unfair to have this rule. 2 examples

attack choppers duel off at the beginning of the round. Lets say US wins the fight. If they fly to the base and blow it before it takes off "KICKED: NO BASERAPING!!!!1". Lets say MEC wins first dogfight. Then the fuckers circle the tv station and blow it up 19 times. FUCKING BULLSHIT.

same deal to a lesser extent. US armor spawns at uncap. MEC armor spawns at back flag (I forget name). US takes the back flag, MEC is fucked, you might as well quit because now they own all the armor and have blown your assets. If you go to US side to steal their armor "KICKED: NO BASERAPING!!!!1"

Fuck off and stop making up your own rules admins. Pussies.
plz dont whine and get a life
+632|6768|do not disturb

Are you tasty TurkeyBacon?
Phone Spammer
+207|6744|Charlottesville, Virginia, USA

bobroonie.bda wrote:

I've been playing BF since 1942 beta, awesome series. But the "rules" are a bit pathetic on alot of servers. I understand servers have to work with the public a bit to keep there servers running, but some rules they have are radiculous.

When they realize they can't or they "chose" not to adapt, they complain and make rules. In 1942 if a tank was in your base you did something about it. In Bf2 you cry to the admins and instead of going AT to kill the "camper", you get him kicked. Your unable to out "skill" the enemy, so you twist the game to work for you. And wheather or not you think camping in a main base is skillfull or not. Its the skill that you do not possess to kill the enemy. And by saying "how can you?", "its impossible", "unfair", "blah blah blah", your pretty much saying that YOU are unable to kill the enemy, and YOU need some "assistance". Its like a "handy cap". Your not good enough, so you set rules the "computer" has to follow. But when its all out war.. You know level 10, you get your ass kicked.

Can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.. yea.. you assholes remodled.
Nice post!

killer21 wrote:

Hello.  My name is killer21 and I baserape and spawn camp.  I will not apologize for it and strongly encourage it.  If you don't like to be raped then go play pacman.  I hear the ghosts are against spawn raping. 
Hello.  My name is slicknic and I baserape and spawn camp.  I will not apologize for it and strongly encourage it.  If you don't like to be raped then go play pacman.  I hear the ghosts are against spawn raping.
Dex Luther
The question I'd like to ask people is why even have uncaps? I mean they're uncapturable so that the teams always has a place to spawn at, right? Right.

Aren't you defeating the whole purpose of the uncap when you sit there and kill people as they spawn? Essentially preventing them from spawning?

To the people who say "suck it up and spawn AT you noob." Well that works, but it's not much use when you spawn as AT and as soon as you do you're looking down the barrel or a tank. AT's are pretty useless if they don't even have time to do anything.

I have no problems with someone going into and uncap to blow up the commander assets and defending themselves in the process. My problem is the people that just sit there and kill people as they spawn.

So before complaining about "OMG the anti baseraping rules are so gay!!one11!eleven" think about what the purpose of the uncaps are to begin with. All the admins enforcing the "no baserape, but attacking assets is ok" rule are actually encouraging people to play the game exactly the way it was meant to be played. Otherwise there wouldn't be any uncaps to begin with.

Dex Luther wrote:

The question I'd like to ask people is why even have uncaps? I mean they're uncapturable so that the teams always has a place to spawn at, right? Right.

Aren't you defeating the whole purpose of the uncap when you sit there and kill people as they spawn? Essentially preventing them from spawning?

To the people who say "suck it up and spawn AT you noob." Well that works, but it's not much use when you spawn as AT and as soon as you do you're looking down the barrel or a tank. AT's are pretty useless if they don't even have time to do anything.

I have no problems with someone going into and uncap to blow up the commander assets and defending themselves in the process. My problem is the people that just sit there and kill people as they spawn.

So before complaining about "OMG the anti baseraping rules are so gay!!one11!eleven" think about what the purpose of the uncaps are to begin with. All the admins enforcing the "no baserape, but attacking assets is ok" rule are actually encouraging people to play the game exactly the way it was meant to be played. Otherwise there wouldn't be any uncaps to begin with.
"All the admins enforcing the "no baserape, but attacking assets is ok" rule are actually encouraging people to play the game exactly the way it was meant to be played. Otherwise there wouldn't be any uncaps to begin with"

play the game exacty the way it was meant to be played... But if you play single player the first thing your "computer" commander tells you to do is attack the uncap.. Is the computer not programed to play exactly the way the game was meant to be played?

How many different spawn points are there in the uncap? usually 3.. It is highly doubtfull that there are 3 tanks sitting right at each spawn.. And if so the guess what.. spawn somewhere else, if you can't.. You lost... plane and simple.. You have a spawn point but it no long belongs to your team.. you were pushed back and beaten.. try again next round.

Last edited by bobroonie.bda (2006-10-01 01:47:25)

Stop reading this and look at my post
To the people who say "suck it up and spawn AT you noob." Well that works, but it's not much use when you spawn as AT and as soon as you do you're looking down the barrel or a tank. AT's are pretty useless if they don't even have time to do anything.
Please, read my AT guide. I'm fed up of seeing mostly useless ATs everywhere, who go around rocket sniping and running in close with DAOs, while completely ignoring tanks. Or running out in front of the tankls and blasting it in the front armor...

People enver seem to get the concept of sneaking around tanks. They are essentially blind, its easy to run straight up to them and blast them in the track. A TOW in the back or track will blow it up in one shot. Or if you're feeling paticuarly adventuorus, jump on top of the track, fire two shots in the machine gun seat, and it will die.

Last edited by Talon (2006-10-01 02:09:21)

Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6718|Area 51
Ever noticed at Tv Station, that theres a AA gun?

RDMC(2) wrote:

Ever noticed at Tv Station, that theres a AA gun?
Ever noticed that the aa is absolutely useless when the havoc is spawncamping behind the building???

I have an easy solution:

All people who need baseraping and spawnkilling to get their points go to servers where its allowed and where nobody cares, so u can baserape the whole round, or being baseraped the whole round.

But when u are on a server which has such rules u shouldnt break them...

alf.ha wrote:

RDMC(2) wrote:

Ever noticed at Tv Station, that theres a AA gun?
Ever noticed that the aa is absolutely useless when the havoc is spawncamping behind the building???

I have an easy solution:

All people who need baseraping and spawnkilling to get their points go to servers where its allowed and where nobody cares, so u can baserape the whole round, or being baseraped the whole round.

But when u are on a server which has such rules u shouldnt break them...
Its 1 helo camping the t.v station.. Your telling me that you and 5 other guys cant figure out a way to kill 1 helo? If this is what your saying then its your lack of skill that puts you in these situations. So you and others make "rules" to help make up for you lack in skill. There are many different ways to kill a helo.

If some of you would just man up Humvee, vodniks, tanks, tows, and use at rockets for what there made for. Then these helo's would not go 100-0. If you lose the first Helo fight. you have to kill that other helo so you can get the advantage on him.. But you people just keep spawning and spawning in the same damn spots. You spawn some class like sniper to try and snipe out a damn helo pilot. You wait for your helo to spawn and then "out of no where" you get t.v'd. Like its a big suprise.. So even when you can time out a helo's attack patterns, as a team you cannot work out how to kill this guy? Thats pathetic.... You know what sucks.. when im at city entrance.. you know caping flags... I see a damn chopper hiting spawns at t.v, I have to steal the mec tank take it over there and shot the damn guy down myself... And its your little complaints and cries, typing in game about this guy camping you. When all you had to do was use some damn common sense, spawn somewhere else and just SHOT HIM...

So forgive me if I do not feel sorry for people that are unable to work up a strat to get them out of fucked situations. Because 9 \ 10 times its not that bad of a situation. 1 tank at a spawn.. or 2 tanks 1 on the airfield killing 20 or 30 guys that just wont work as a team for 5 mins and acutally put up a fight. And then its only about 3 or 4 guys on your team tring to kill them. its pathetic.. and you need to learn your lesson. I'm not sure if its because you need "time" in another kit... or if your going for a special award... But if you dont like dying kill the enemy.. it usually works.

I should not have to "take it easy" on my enemy. I should not be told how and when I am allowed to kill my enemy... Wheather you like it or not its fun for me to kill you by any means necessary. If you people would get better, the game would be funner for all of us.

Last edited by bobroonie.bda (2006-10-01 03:10:39)

For some people

Mec chopper vs Infantry = There ain't any other weapon in the game that can take out infantry as good as this one do.

You see MEC chopper have this lovely gun that have the splash radius of a grenade or close to it. ONE or TWO shots close to a guy will instantly kill him. So taking down a MEC Chopper with a damn good gunner with only Infantry is like one of the hardest thing in BF2. One thing that's harder is to survive a Arty right on you.

Now I don't get it why most of you go around and call him noob when there are those Admins that force those rules. And baseraping on Karkand is like prime tactic because the USMC will most likely never be able to get out from it unless they run a certain path in the beginning. Because everyone else will be at the grenade spam area.

On Sharqi both choppers should be allowed to take out each other because it's just fair. Also Mec chopper on TV station all the time is not againts the rules. Because it's not an uncap.

bobroonie.bda wrote:

alf.ha wrote:

RDMC(2) wrote:

Ever noticed at Tv Station, that theres a AA gun?
Ever noticed that the aa is absolutely useless when the havoc is spawncamping behind the building???

I have an easy solution:

All people who need baseraping and spawnkilling to get their points go to servers where its allowed and where nobody cares, so u can baserape the whole round, or being baseraped the whole round.

But when u are on a server which has such rules u shouldnt break them...
Its 1 helo camping the t.v station.. Your telling me that you and 5 other guys cant figure out a way to kill 1 helo? If this is what your saying then its your lack of skill that puts you in these situations. So you and others make "rules" to help make up for you lack in skill. There are many different ways to kill a helo.

If some of you would just man up Humvee, vodniks, tanks, tows, and use at rockets for what there made for. Then these helo's would not go 100-0. If you lose the first Helo fight. you have to kill that other helo so you can get the advantage on him.. But you people just keep spawning and spawning in the same damn spots. You spawn some class like sniper to try and snipe out a damn helo pilot. You wait for your helo to spawn and then "out of no where" you get t.v'd. Like its a big suprise.. So even when you can time out a helo's attack patterns, as a team you cannot work out how to kill this guy? Thats pathetic.... You know what sucks.. when im at city entrance.. you know caping flags... I see a damn chopper hiting spawns at t.v, I have to steal the mec tank take it over there and shot the damn guy down myself... And its your little complaints and cries, typing in game about this guy camping you. When all you had to do was use some damn common sense, spawn somewhere else and just SHOT HIM...

So forgive me if I do not feel sorry for people that are unable to work up a strat to get them out of fucked situations. Because 9 \ 10 times its not that bad of a situation. 1 tank at a spawn.. or 2 tanks 1 on the airfield killing 20 or 30 guys that just wont work as a team for 5 mins and acutally put up a fight. And then its only about 3 or 4 guys on your team tring to kill them. its pathetic.. and you need to learn your lesson. I'm not sure if its because you need "time" in another kit... or if your going for a special award... But if you dont like dying kill the enemy.. it usually works.

I should not have to "take it easy" on my enemy. I should not be told how and when I am allowed to kill my enemy... Wheather you like it or not its fun for me to kill you by any means necessary. If you people would get better, the game would be funner for all of us.
I only explained that the aa is useless in this situation, so u shouldn`t call me a noob or idiot, cause i`m not one of them who spawns allways on the same flag when its camped, and i really dont fight as a sniper against a tank whe it is raping my flag...!
And u r right, there are many posibilities to get this chopper down, but on sharqui against a decent copper pilot/gunner it is not that easy.

And as i said, go on servers with rules u like or better, have ur own server and leave us alone...
cause it makes really no fun to get raped by half of a team, and dying 5 times before u even could change a weapon....and this game should be fun for all...
Bringer Of Cookies.
no where in the ROE does it say you cant base rape

if its available spawn somewhere else?

instead of trying to be in the heli, and about 65% of me says that you have base raped yourself in the time of battle

ill admit ive been baseraped, and ive done some baseraping me self

just live with it..
Crotch fires and you: the untold story
+314|6892|Comber, Northern Ireland

Samtheman53 wrote:

shut up noob

Zero!. wrote:

no where in the ROE does it say you cant base rape

if its available spawn somewhere else?

instead of trying to be in the heli, and about 65% of me says that you have base raped yourself in the time of battle

ill admit ive been baseraped, and ive done some baseraping me self

just live with it..
Public Ranked Servers and Private rented clan servers may introduce custom rules that apply only to their servers and which result in minor changes to gameplay. These “in-house” rules are allowed as long as they do not violate the conditions of use of a ranked server as determined by DICE and EA and as long as they are explicitly announced in the server description or on the loading screen, so that players joining the server are aware of them before they start playing.
(d) Making attacks on enemy main bases (flags that cannot be captured), including artillery strikes, vehicle drops to block runways, bombing runs with aircraft or sustained infantry attacks. (Note that specific attacks targeting the enemy commander’s asset buildings are always allowed, even if they are within the enemy main base.)
It doesn't say you cant, but it does say admins are aloud to enforce this rule.
is drunk and crazy
Cylons' my kinda frak
Base Rape = 0 skill level.

Its cheap, and annoying, but hey, its war!
Crotch fires and you: the untold story
+314|6892|Comber, Northern Ireland
hwo does it take no skill to baserape? u are killing the person just like you would anywhere on the map, only difference is that its in their base....its just a place, and so it cannot take away ur skill level
Cylons' my kinda frak

david363 wrote:

hwo does it take no skill to baserape? u are killing the person just like you would anywhere on the map, only difference is that its in their base....its just a place, and so it cannot take away ur skill level
So, you're telling me, that camping a spawn point with C4 or an Eryx/SRAW, at an uncappable flag...just sitting there...waiting for some person to spawn...takes skill?...

The objective of the game, is to capture all cappable flags, while reducing your opponent's tickets to zero. Not to camp spawn points, killing someone the insant they spawn. Doing so is a cheap way to play the game, your opponent is totally vunerable to attack, and they can't fight back (unless some noob like you is doing so, then they'll have enough time to react). If you did that in real life, it would just be like killing a baby the moment its born

C'mon people, get real, play the game properly.

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