JUST to let you know im not prejudice in any means. Hell im married to a american arab. A middle Easterner.
Most loving type of people I have ever seen/meet in my life. I love it when im allowed to kiss her sister and or her cousin that looks like Jennifer Anistin, no joke she does.Without getting into trouble.
But to my point. I am getting sick of hearing african americans not all but most saying that they are owed something. That we stole thier ancestors from thier tribes, brought them here to america and made them into slaves. When in fact what happend was they where bought mostly from other tribes that they fought in turf wars, lost the war and got caught as like a prisoner of war.Then sold off to the slave traders. Get it right.
  Now this is what gets me mostly when they say we are owed something.

A)What was the Civil War basically about?

B) How many White American Union Soldiers died or even just lost of limb for this cause and


D) Whats the key word here ?
   That we stole thier ancestors from thier tribes . A little hint for you = ancestors which ='s past history
Hmm let me check my day planner. Nope I haven't brought a future slave from africa since hmmmm NEVER.

E) So how/why do whites owe you money for the work your ancestors did while being a slave?

F) How much money do I get for my great great great grandfather losing his life and a great great great uncle losing a arm as well? And why did they lose life and arm for what reason>?

Here's a little piece of advice for all you haters and jelious MOFO's black white or whoever. Go to school, study hard, stay away from drugs and or crime, keep your snake in your pants until your married, go to college, get a career, and make something for yourself on your own. EARN IT. Like many other well to do, doing african americans or just plan americans.

  Stop crying about things no one now days had anything to do with.Live for the your future not your ancestors past. If anyone has a right to cry, bitch or moan I would say the American Indians. These people just wanted to stay in there ways of life. Living off the land. Not changing with the modern day times.Which I think was thier down fall. But they where mostly killed off with bigger and better weapons. Pushed off onto a little piece of land, only after the white people killed off most of thier food source they are use to haven. Left to die. Even now days still most of them are living on a reservations. On the same piece of land that our ancestors gave them made them live on, if not even smaller then what they were given back then.
A)What was the Civil War basically about?
State rights.

B) How many White American Union Soldiers died or even just lost of limb for this cause and
About 360,000 Union soldiers died either in battle or from disease caused by battle wounds. About 260,000 Confederate soldiers died.

Because they were ordered to. Few northerners gave a shit about slavery, some of them illegally owned slaves until years after the war, and the main reason the north wasn't adamant about keeping the slave trade alive was because their industries didn't rely on hard labor as much as those in the south. Had the Union had as much of a reason (albiet an unjust an immoral reason) to keep slavery legal, it would have.

THe war was fought over state rights. This nation was never meant to be a single country ruled by an all powerful federal government. Each state is supposed to decide its' own laws congruent with the Constitution and the federal government's responsibility is supposed to be limited to regulating interstate commerce and enforcing the Constitution.

D) Whats the key word here ?
   That we stole thier ancestors from thier tribes . A little hint for you = ancestors which ='s past history
Hmm let me check my day planner. Nope I haven't brought a future slave from africa since hmmmm NEVER.
Actually, that's wrong. The majority of the slaves that were brought to the US were sold by rival African tribes. Very few blacks were simply plucked from the jungles of Africa; the blacks that sold the slaves are equally as guilty as the whites that bought them. Oh, and I guess it's worth mentioning that it still happens today. Slavery is grossly prevalent in African society to this day.

E) So how/why do whites owe you money for the work your ancestors did while being a slave?
Reparations is as racist a concept as affirmative action and does nothing but solidify the beliefs of many that blacks are not willing to work for a living. The problem is that the ones who support these measures are the most vocal and terribly misrepresent the majority of the black population. Then there's the disgusting image that young black children are exposed to that places material treasures above personal responsibility to one's self and one's family.
Kung Jew
That one mod
+331|6919|Houston, TX
FeloniousMonk, I must stop and say that was a well thought out and appropriate response.
Opinionated at the end but still well written.  (I still stand neutral)
I'm a very opinionated guy. I'm often misguided in my opinions and I've occasionally had to adjust them in the presence of new information, but my bottom line has always been about personal freedom coupled with personal responsibility.
Kung Jew
That one mod
+331|6919|Houston, TX
Admirable.  Forums need more people who think, then speak in courteous forum-friendly communications.  Also needed are more people who can be the 2nd (if not the 1st) to admit when they are wrong.
This is something I should post in Kilroy's 17 and up post.  Both the above traits denote some sort of maturity.
Horseman 77
Most people I know like it here in America. As the Entire Continent has yet to produce its first indigenous canoe, I say it worked out well for them. Not many people here wish to return to there Country of ancestral origin. My people never had slaves and were Union Cavalry so cut me a check when the money rolls.
FeloniousMonk  I think most of your answers are BS .. Do a internet search on union civil war volunteers units and see for yourself how many volunteers units there was. What does volunteer mean ? NONE ORDERED MOST they volunteered

  About 360,000 Union soldiers died either in battle or from disease caused by battle wounds <---KEYWORD because they wanted to what and why. Wanted to help free the slaves.

I SAID:  When in fact what happend was they where bought mostly from other tribes that they fought in turf wars, lost the war and got caught as like a prisoner of war.Then sold off to the slave traders. Get it right.

YOU SAID: brought to the US were sold by rival African tribes

Whats the difference there? So I wasn't wrong.

yes a type of slavery happens everyday. I'll admit that for sure. but it's just not white amerians doing it. It's anyone that has power over others and force them to do whatever they want them to do?
SWEAT SHOPS, SEX TRADE , just to name two.

but I do like your last paragraph you posted on this subject. very well writen.

CreepingDeath wrote:

FeloniousMonk  I think most of your answers are BS .. Do a internet search on union civil war volunteers units and see for yourself how many volunteers units there was. What does volunteer mean ? NONE ORDERED MOST they volunteered

  About 360,000 Union soldiers died either in battle or from disease caused by battle wounds <---KEYWORD because they wanted to what and why. Wanted to help free the slaves.
Yes and no. Many of them did volunteer but they were fighting to protect Union interests, not to end slavery. Slavery was one of the many issues in the argument over state rights that led to the war.

I SAID:  When in fact what happend was they where bought mostly from other tribes that they fought in turf wars, lost the war and got caught as like a prisoner of war.Then sold off to the slave traders. Get it right.

YOU SAID: brought to the US were sold by rival African tribes

Whats the difference there? So I wasn't wrong.
You also said "That we stole thier ancestors from thier tribes." That's the part that was wrong. They weren't stolen from their tribes by the slave traders, they were purchased.

yes a type of slavery happens everyday. I'll admit that for sure. but it's just not white amerians doing it. It's anyone that has power over others and force them to do whatever they want them to do?
SWEAT SHOPS, SEX TRADE , just to name two.

but I do like your last paragraph you posted on this subject. very well writen.
That's why I said that slavery is very prevalent in Africa. There is actually very little of it commited by Americans and I didn't say that it was.

My point was that the war between the states was not a war to decide whether or not slavery should be legal. Many of the southern states were working on passing anti-slavery legislation. The problem is that the federal government decided to use that as an excuse to extert an illegal show of force over sovereign states.
just nothing

FeloniousMonk wrote:

A)What was the Civil War basically about?
State rights.
That's debatable. So debatable, in fact, that it one could say that it was about slavery and be right. About every twenty years it alternates between which is more right.
cant we all just get along ?
just nothing

RadeonII wrote:

cant we all just get along ?
"I have a dream"?
If anyone in this country has a  " REAL " beef its the American Indians

Last edited by RadeonII (2005-12-09 16:44:27)


RadeonII wrote:

If anyone in this country has a  " REAL " beef its the American Indians
" And I had stated that in my post as well.."
Horseman 77

RadeonII wrote:

If anyone in this country has a  " REAL " beef its the American Indians
Your wrong ! the Indians ate buffalo not beef. Also I strongly disagree with your use of caps. lol
pacman VKC

Horseman 77 wrote:

RadeonII wrote:

If anyone in this country has a  " REAL " beef its the American Indians
Your wrong ! the Indians ate buffalo not beef. Also I strongly disagree with your use of caps. lol

Horseman 77 wrote:

RadeonII wrote:

If anyone in this country has a  " REAL " beef its the American Indians
Your wrong ! the Indians ate buffalo not beef. Also I strongly disagree with your use of caps. lol
+1|6903|79605, TX
not to get technical about it here, but i certainly agree that i am sick of the attitude that some people put's rediculous. i hear it alot here. good debate!

Last edited by S4INT05 (2005-12-10 03:19:48)

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