
spare the life of convicted murderer Stan "Tookie" Williams or NOT

No . . plan and simple kill the bastard73%73% - 47
Yeah . .I'll let this mass murder go26%26% - 17
Total: 64
+27|7085|Atlanta, GA USA
You could have said:
No, I think he should be executed
Yes, I think his life should be spared

You shouldn't put your bias on the matter in the poll.  That's just my opinion.
First of all i like to say 1/4 persons that votet on this page dont want to se this execution go troug. Now that is in my eye's progress. It tell's me we are actually going slowly out of the dark ages. Means that there is some form of unprejudiced thinking going on.

Horseman 77 wrote:

Totally WRONG Tried failed wont ever work EVER these people are  Aninamls Young boys think "Rape" is a Growing up thing, a right of passage to becoming a man. The Welfare state and Projects only prepetuate it.
The more babies they have the more money they get so they practice Capitalism in thier own way and crank kids out. They have kids as young as 13 and 12 years old. They lose them , abandon, abuse thier offspring. Toddlers are out in the street at 2am Forget it

They ARE SCUM. I watched it happen till i couldnt take it and move to VT. PS they all Vote Dem for the promised free ride.
"Tookie" is a perfect example on how a man got his tool's back and tries to make amends for his past. Other then that i have nothing to say to you but this: Use your head, its you god given privelidge

S4INT05 wrote:

Tarasque, did you know they teach classes in prison? did you know that they do send the head cases to psychiatric care centers?
Dont know what your trying to say here, but if you scroll back upp and read your own post you meight figure out what i where trying to say.

All in all it comes down to free thinking and breaking down barriers between different sosial statures. Not giving them the "fuck all" ty for letting uss capitalise on you underprivelidged ass. Open your eyes as well as you narrow ass minds, and just maybe you know what im trying to say.

Ant farm thinking gets uss nowhere!
All that crap keeps pilling up, I love that. Not talking about your posts guys, some of you are pretty convincing and have VERY good points. Others... *cough texas dude*cough were pretty pointless.

All this fuss with the States being TOO Christian, and yet, I don't see any salvation possible in the penitentiary system. What will people learn from this if Tookie gets the injection? ONCE you do something wrong, there's no going back, no matter how much GOOD you have done afterwards. So what would be the point of old thugs preaching justice if they get killed after all?
If you committed a criminal act, you might just go all the way with this way of thinking. You don't sit in a prison and write books when you know how NARROW MINDED the officials are. You take your pen and paper, and you write because you know you were wrong, and want to spread your experience.

Off course, educated people would understand that, seeing Arnold cutting funds for Californian colleges half explains it. Tookie doesn't deserve to die after how many years he spent in prison and fighting for a good cause.

Last edited by Vartan (2005-12-09 10:26:14)


atlvolunteer wrote:

You could have said:
No, I think he should be executed
Yes, I think his life should be spared

You shouldn't put your bias on the matter in the poll.  That's just my opinion.
I agree 100%.  Horribly worded poll.

As for my opinion on the matter: 

He committed, and was charged with, 4 counts of 1st degree murder.  By law, this is punishable by death, and that is the punishment that was determined for him.

While waiting for his punishment, he seemed to change his outlook on his past life.  He wrote books and appears be remorseful of his earlier actions.  This is definitely applaudable, and one hopes that other people in gangs will hear his message about the direction of that lifestyle.  BUT, it does not change the fact that his actions cost 4 people their lives, which is irreversible.  As long as the law allows capital punishment for murder, then murderers need to be punished to the full extent the law allows.
+1|7043|79605, TX
Told you i wasn't the only one Tarasque.
I will only say what others have said many times in the past. I am sure many in here would change thier minds about someone on death row if they killed one of thier love ones. If someone killed your mom, if someone killed your sister, if someone killed your dad so on an so on. It'll be a little diffrent outlook if it happend to you and or your family.
  I just wish they made it public and or placed it on pay preview. Hell I'll pay 10 bucks to watch it. Like i bet another million as well would, so that ten millon dollars could go to the schools/police force to educate our young and help get more like him off the streets.Making the world more safer place to live.

It's my guess is he'll be dead at midnight tuesday morning. . . because the other 3/4 of the world wants it.
Think i lost you about 2 posts ago Saint
My Civics class was read at least parts of his book.  IMO, he should be at least docked down to life, because capital punishment is only useful if someone will be a further threat to society.  As Tookie has proven that he has shown remorse for his actions and has worked to keep others from following in his footsteps, he is almost certainly not a threat to society anymore.  However, that does not change the fact that he killed four people, so he should certainly spend a very long stretch in prison, if not life.  However, if there is smoking-gun evidence that someone did it, and it is 1:1 million chance that he will reform like Tookie, it's off with the head (I'm talking about any generic prisoner here, NOT Tookie).
+1|7050|Austin Texas
Tookie has been receptive to reform while in jail and has tried to reform himself(so it seems). In think that changes alot. He's not the man he was when he went in. Ive seen this first hand with people ive known. Tough guy goes to the pen comes out very humble. Thats how it should work, i guess. Unfortunantly, Blacks havent gotton a fair deal here in america. What puts most black males in jail in poverty not crime. The crime is merely a mean to escape poverty. Sad sad. Even murder can be a means to control "turf" in his economic base as it were.
DO NOT get me wrong murder is wrong...but in this case i think hes served his time. I think he  deserves a chance to better he and the others around him. From years of inner reflection.
./KRUX said :

DO NOT get me wrong murder is wrong.. {{{{{{{.but in this case i think hes served his time }}}}}}. I think he  deserves a chance to better he and the others around him. From years of inner reflection.

HELL NO on that comment  { but in this case i think hes served his time } SO MANY PEOPLE WHITE OR BLACK have done more time just for one murder but four .. come on. HE basically KILLED 4 people. his time is when he is dead and never going to bother anyone again. How long does the four victums have to wait until they come back to life and live and become better citizens>?
+0|7027|Sacramento, California
One can not succesfully serve time for destroying the lives of four people for less than $100.00.   This man not only was convicted of killing four people, but has needless to say planned the demise of countless others.  How many children were solicited to become addicted to drugs because of theis man?   His color or social standing has nothing to do with the decisions he made.  He is evil, a multiple murderer and needs to pay the price for his deeds.  Lethal injection is to merciful for the SON_OF_A_BITCH!!!!
He didnt only kill 4 people, he basically co founded a gang thats been involed in extreme acts of crime against humanity. There are probably some numers out there to reffer to as on how actually has suffered/murdered due to his involment.

Nothing will change that and nothing he does or say can make it all good. He can scream with all his heart that he's sorry, but no one will forgive him. For a man trying to get back to the world this is the the ultimate punisment. Its a fucking hell dimention for your soul witch you have to live out every singe god damn day.
+1|7050|Austin Texas

CreepingDeath wrote:

./KRUX said :

DO NOT get me wrong murder is wrong.. {{{{{{{.but in this case i think hes served his time }}}}}}. I think he  deserves a chance to better he and the others around him. From years of inner reflection.

HELL NO on that comment  { but in this case i think hes served his time } SO MANY PEOPLE WHITE OR BLACK have done more time just for one murder but four .. come on. HE basically KILLED 4 people. his time is when he is dead and never going to bother anyone again. How long does the four victums have to wait until they come back to life and live and become better citizens>?
ok just to clearify i have no idea how many years he's servered. All i know is he's old as dirt and this is the last chance of any appeal. SO he's been on death row a long time. Thats not the topic it was  the death penaty.
I remember the born again female murder here in texas that bush wound up gassing. That wasnt to long ago and similar too. I could be wrong about it. Someone will correct me im sure. All i think is dont just give up on everyone. Sure a quadruple murder is some bad stuff. Maybe hes does need to die but time will take care of that.
Funny, crime against humanity eh?
Funny how the United States describes his alleged (horrible) acts as crime against humanity. Last time I checked, it was all lovey dovey with Turkey. Turks DID commit a crime against humanity, and never suffered any consequences.

Staline, Truman, Milosevic, Saddam, and many more perpretated crimes and against humanity, and never will they be punished as Tookie sadly will. I could have mentionned Hitler, but that dude killed himself. Execution is a primitive form of vengeance, which, when you think about it, makes the state the biggest criminal. Nothing really changed in some states. You don't solve problems by killing it, you make them worse.

Sure, god forbid a criminal kills one of our beloved. But even so, isn't LAW supposed to be BEYOND personnal believes and experience? If it was up to people, why need law? You killed my mother, I kill yours....thats 4th grade all over again, isn't it?

The guy made some good out of it, claims he never killed anyone, no one really knows? He probably did? You just have to think about what kind of society you want to have. One that promotes justice and salvation, or one that promotes instincts like vengeance and force.

Remember, willing obediance beats forced obediance, you can't force people anything. His execution is probably an exemple for other mobsters, but to all of the others, except narrow-minded people, it proves nothing at all, just proves the fact that the country officials, or at least, the state officials are run by idiots.

Last edited by Vartan (2005-12-09 19:01:53)


WormGuts wrote:

Now for a little quote from a book i used to know something about as a kid.  'an eye for an eye'  it comes from the bible.  Now christians are a (hmmm searches for the word) ...  Well i just can't decide what to say about christians.  Alot preach forgiveness yet most i've known believe in the death penalty.  My parents and our president among them.  It's interesting that the more religious a person becomes the less tolerant they seem to be.
this is an interesting point, because "turn the other cheek" comes from the same book. anything can be turned both ways. look at the crusades! hundreds of thousands of people were killed in the name of a man who preched kindness and love his whole life. something about that doesn't make sense. anyway, that was off topic.

i beleive in the death penalty only when the person being executed is an obvious danger to society, and needs to be removed. i think that we all do stupid things, some obviously a LOT more stupid than others. i used to be into all that crap when i was younger, gangs have a culture most people don't understand. if the people he ordered to be kiled were from another gang, they probably knew what they were doing. however, if they were normal people, then yeah, it was a bad crime.

i think this guy isn't a danger to society anymore and keep in mind 25 years is longer than most people on this site have been alive. i think he's learned his lesson.

Last edited by NYL0N (2005-12-09 19:10:35)

+0|7067|Orange County
S4INT05 is the biggest redneck i know of, and i wouldnt doubt it if he is racist. someone please kick his sisters chin
I really dont know about this case. He isnt a threat to anyone in jail so why would we kill them... Stop saying people are racist also. Your just being an ignorant fool when you say that.  Especially those who thinks its racist to post about this? Wow. Shutup.  But back to the topic.  What if you were in the families of the ones he had killed shoes? What would you feel like? So what he MIGHT have changed, or it could be a big Hoax. He started one of America's most terrible gang also... And it STILL astonishes me that he was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize... Thats just trash.  I leave my opinion in the open. I do not have enough information to actually judge whether this man should die or not.

|77th|Rebone wrote:

I do not have enough information to actually judge whether this man should die or not.
I'll just sit back and let you chew on that statement for a while
pacman VKC
hmm being in the UK aint seen much about this, on one hand, carry out the sentence, after all he did commit four murders, if it was one murder after serving 24-25 years in the UK you'd most likely be free by now, dunno in the US, other hand let him rot another 25 years, I was gonna say let him do some good but that was before I knew it was four murders and after hearing somebody put it, how many others did he give the order to commit murder and misery caused by him and his followers through drugs ect them I would say do him.

edit - definatley seeing as he has never admitted to the murders, some leaf turning that is, send him to pine oil heaven. And Supporters of clemency of Williams include celebrities such as Bianca Jagger and actor Jamie Foxx, who played Williams in a recent movie!!!! yer right ok.

Last edited by pacman VKC (2005-12-09 22:38:55)

I am going to treat this subject like a round of bf2..... if you kill me or someone in my squad/clan, then you need to die....I think this shit head who killed 4 people (not to mention the others he did not confess too) should pay and die.... No noble peace prize, or anything like that.... this is not an episode of Oz (HBO).     Fry and move on.....

See you all on the Battle field.....


soon to be Sgt major.......
pacman VKC
"Fry and move on...."

lool nice one
+1|7043|79605, TX

theburritos wrote:

S4INT05 is the biggest redneck i know of, and i wouldnt doubt it if he is racist. someone please kick his sisters chin
lol okay dude..just because i believe the dude deserves to die makes me a redneck/racist? shit dude. chill. that's prejudice right there. you don't know me, so just sit down and quit being so ignorant. i share the same opinions as the majority of the people on this poll. are they racist?
and for the guy who said about the bible, what about "THOU SHALT NOT KILL" its one of the commandments.

i think that the death penalty is just state justified murder. if the state can kill, i think i should be able to kill if i want, too.

because think about it. where will killing him get? it won't provide any sort of real revenge for the families of the people he killed, unless they hold a gun to his head, and blow him away themselves. i'd respect them if they were able to do that. but then, they'd also be locked up too, wouldn't they?

S4INT05 wrote:

theburritos wrote:

S4INT05 is the biggest redneck i know of, and i wouldnt doubt it if he is racist. someone please kick his sisters chin
lol okay dude..just because i believe the dude deserves to die makes me a redneck/racist? shit dude. chill. that's prejudice right there. you don't know me, so just sit down and quit being so ignorant. i share the same opinions as the majority of the people on this poll. are they racist?
i'm with S4INT05 on this one. that was completely uncalled for.

Last edited by NYL0N (2005-12-10 15:21:46)

Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7157|Bryan/College Station, TX
My comments here are not about "Tookie" in this case but are about a more general blanket of criminals.

I support Capital Punishment in the following cases:

* Cases where serial murders have been proven. Killers of this nature should not exist in society in any way shape or form. They should not take up space in the prison system and should be removed from the gene pool permanently.

* Cases where the criminal is a repeat offender of violent crime and shows a history of repeated violent or henious acts. Criminals that have no respect for life or the law. They continously commit armed robbery, rape, murder and other acts. They are not psychotic serial killers in the classic respect but they are just as dangerous to society and in fact more so as they do not follow a specific profile. Everyone around them is in danger.

* Cases where the criminal commits an act or acts of mass murder. This can include maliciously setting off a bomb in a crowded market or in a stadium or other location of large numbers. This could include a man with a rifle shooting and killing people form their car or from a bell tower for example.

In the above cases I support the Death Penality. I believe that humans of this sort do not reserve any rights of society and have given up the right to life as they have no respect for any other person's right to life. They are a drain on society and should be removed quickly so that they no longer take anything from society as a whole. Regardless of redemption after the fact or while in prison, regardless of the sympathy or regret they may show after they are in prison, they are still responsible for their actions. As such they should answer for them.

In all other cases I do not support Capital Punishment.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
Actually Ill have you know that Im a caucasian canadian. And an Eye for an Eye never solved anything.

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