Rather than more unlock weapons(although I would like to see a new sniper rifle and AT gun) I think that they should add more kit equipment that you can choose from.
A few examples:
Spec Ops. gets 'carbombs' or 'booby traps'. You could place these traps (you would get 3 traps, one per vehicle you are allowed to trap) on vehicles for pretty much the same usage as in BattlefieldVietnam. Basically the trap explodes the vehicle when the driver attempts to drive forward or change the throttle in jets/helicopters. Teammates would of course get a set of skull/crossbones for trapped vehicles. Engineers are able to see/disable traps for repair points. The disadvantage is the limit to vehicles, the advantage is not needing to be in visual range (or even alive) to have the trap detonate.
Sniper gets thermal scopes. Thermal would be activated passively whenever the scope is used and turns your screen grey/black while illuminating players and other heat sources as white/light grey. In SF thermal would be a good alternative to using nightvision, and in BF2 you could use thermal to see and engage targets at longer distances more easily, and would allow the sniper to identify targets through smoke and or small barriers.
Assault gets a shotgun system similar to this one. http://world.guns.ru/shotgun/sh28-e.htm
More suited for the "oh crap I'm out of ammo" situations
Support chooses between a spare barrel and a tripod. The extra barrel can be switched to rather quickly instead of having to wait for your gun to cool down. The extra-barrel configuration will also come with larger capacity ammo boxes so that the player can take fuller advantage of not having to deal with overheating. The use of this extra barrel will work by pressing a key similar to reload, your soldier will slide off the hot barrel and replace it with a cold one very quickly so that you can resume firing.
The tripod allows you to stand up or crouch and mount your LMG on a wall or some sandbags to increase the accuracy of it without having to go prone.
Engineer gets anti-personnel mines. Engineers would get around 3-5 anti personnel mines and could use them in a similar manner to claymores. Hell, how about smart-mines that don't blow up when teammates are in the explosion radius.
Medic: I don't have any ideas for medic yet, if you have any post them and I'll see If I agree with you
Anti-Tank: My original idea for AT was a portable TOW missle system, but it has been pointed out to me that this is incredibly similar to what they already have. Instead I propose that they get shoulder-fired stinger anti-air missles. The missles would only be able to be fired when you recieve a lock tone to prevent their misuse against armored vehicles on land.
Whaddya think?
I like suggestions! Post them and they may get added! Feedback is good too!
If I do decide to change anything I'll change it in this original post to keep the info all organized.
A few examples:
Spec Ops. gets 'carbombs' or 'booby traps'. You could place these traps (you would get 3 traps, one per vehicle you are allowed to trap) on vehicles for pretty much the same usage as in BattlefieldVietnam. Basically the trap explodes the vehicle when the driver attempts to drive forward or change the throttle in jets/helicopters. Teammates would of course get a set of skull/crossbones for trapped vehicles. Engineers are able to see/disable traps for repair points. The disadvantage is the limit to vehicles, the advantage is not needing to be in visual range (or even alive) to have the trap detonate.
Sniper gets thermal scopes. Thermal would be activated passively whenever the scope is used and turns your screen grey/black while illuminating players and other heat sources as white/light grey. In SF thermal would be a good alternative to using nightvision, and in BF2 you could use thermal to see and engage targets at longer distances more easily, and would allow the sniper to identify targets through smoke and or small barriers.
Assault gets a shotgun system similar to this one. http://world.guns.ru/shotgun/sh28-e.htm
More suited for the "oh crap I'm out of ammo" situations
Support chooses between a spare barrel and a tripod. The extra barrel can be switched to rather quickly instead of having to wait for your gun to cool down. The extra-barrel configuration will also come with larger capacity ammo boxes so that the player can take fuller advantage of not having to deal with overheating. The use of this extra barrel will work by pressing a key similar to reload, your soldier will slide off the hot barrel and replace it with a cold one very quickly so that you can resume firing.
The tripod allows you to stand up or crouch and mount your LMG on a wall or some sandbags to increase the accuracy of it without having to go prone.
Engineer gets anti-personnel mines. Engineers would get around 3-5 anti personnel mines and could use them in a similar manner to claymores. Hell, how about smart-mines that don't blow up when teammates are in the explosion radius.
Medic: I don't have any ideas for medic yet, if you have any post them and I'll see If I agree with you
Anti-Tank: My original idea for AT was a portable TOW missle system, but it has been pointed out to me that this is incredibly similar to what they already have. Instead I propose that they get shoulder-fired stinger anti-air missles. The missles would only be able to be fired when you recieve a lock tone to prevent their misuse against armored vehicles on land.
Whaddya think?
I like suggestions! Post them and they may get added! Feedback is good too!
If I do decide to change anything I'll change it in this original post to keep the info all organized.
Last edited by Rapturesan (2005-12-08 05:23:09)