+4|7043|Tucson, AZ
I was on one of the SF maps and was playing commander. The other team had a commander and I waited for about 10-15 minutes and we(my team) did not have a commander. So I applied and started. After 10 or 15 minutes more, I get teamkilled and told to resign. When I did not, my radar and Sat got demo'ed. Then the TK again and another request to resign. I outranked the TK'er(Bad0605 or something close to that) and he tried to start an mutiny and fail. Only got one vote. Spent the rest of the round tring to defend myself from him, was not going to kill him and take the team kill point hit. Had to ask my team to help repair the art and com trailer and defend from him. We lost the round by 6 as in 0-6. Was not able to get what his problem was. I was doing good enough to only get the one vote against me in a mutiny. My team came to my aid but we lost the round due soley to him. Just want to know what others would do in the same conditions. I know that I am not the best commander but not the worse either. I think I do ok and it bothered me really bad that this one id10t would do it to himself as well as his team.
Mass Media Casualty

Squish him underfoot.
[Blinking eyes thing]
+2|7068|Kansas City
I would have done the same thing as way I would have resigned and let that ass "win".
Kung Jew
That one mod
+331|7063|Houston, TX
Hit em with a personal "Hi-there-thanks-for-being-a-team-player" arty strike right on top of him.  No TK for you and you get the satisfaction of watching his lifeless form do spring board olympics for you.  Just gotta keep him in one place for about 12 seconds.
"Aff, Star Colonel!"
Follow him everywhere. As an engineer. Repair assets. If he plants C4 on em, don't move! Die, punish (That's what it's there for!), and he gets removed. Eventually.
I would have become an engineer, fixed dropped supplies, and defended arty. Located him on the commander screen and hit him with arty for the rest of the round or next couple of rounds until he left. If he was being an ass then make the game a hell for him. I have been told that I am an asshole because I have lured people into TKing me because I followed them around for the rest of the round after they punished me several times for walking into my claymores or running in front of humvee on purpose just to punish. I would get in front of them while they were shooting, walk into their claymores and punish, lay down in front of their humvees etc. Please note that I do not promote TKing of others. My point is: if they are bothering you and ruining your and others' game, simply make their game a living hell.

Flashbangs also come in handy for making problem players want to leave the server.
noob on tour
I either would´ve started a kickvote or let him tk me until he gets autokicked.
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7070|Toronto, ON
I would have switched teams and knifed him several times until he leaves.
Alpha as fuck.
Religions Hate Facts, Questions and Doubts
I would have changed to medic. and keep reviving him if you catch my drift
The US economy is a giant Ponzi scheme. And 'to big to fail' is code speak for 'niahnahniahniahnah 99 percenters'
I would have TKed him till i got banned, but thats just me..

Kanil wrote:

Follow him everywhere. As an engineer. Repair assets. If he plants C4 on em, don't move! Die, punish (That's what it's there for!), and he gets removed. Eventually.
I would've done exactly that as well.

Nyte wrote:

I would have switched teams and knifed him several times until he leaves.
Thats what I was thinking!
I'd say you should be really ticked off. First, you lost the match. Second, you lost 2x bonus for winning. Screw him over. Do everything. Knife, gernade, C4, the whole enchilada.

It's guys like that who spoil the game.
+4|7043|Tucson, AZ
Thanks for your replies. I like the Art but thought you were punished for TK with the art. Again, thanks for your time.
Negative Ping
That's some bad times B.  There is only so few thngs you can do in that kind of situation...but for the most part...your team was there for you, and you tried, thats what matters.   Oh...and I beat F.E.A.R. last nite.    Pointless, but I'll throw that in.
Kung Jew
That one mod
+331|7063|Houston, TX

Badcow68 wrote:

Thanks for your replies. I like the Art but thought you were punished for TK with the art. Again, thanks for your time.
I don't believe (and someone knock me down if I'm wrong) you can be punished for TK's that happen as a result of an arty strike. 
Part of the fabulous v1.03 patch. (smirk)

Last edited by Kung Jew (2005-12-09 07:56:32)

i think if the server dont kick him then a new commander order should be put in place with the next patch! i.e. the option to kick him from server whether he is an admin or not or be able to put him in the brig! a little cell in the game where he sits out the round with a -50 tk points for his trouble! that or strip him of all weapons for the round see how long he lasts...Comander voice over "you have been de-moted to the rank of civilian...get out of my battlefield or die..."lol...hahahaha
Cool member
i would have finished the game, found out where he lives, gone round his house, killed his dog, his mum, his dad, sister, brother, aunt, grand parents, friends of his friends, burnt down his local church, taken out anyone who has ever talked to the guy.

He would soon leave you alone after that
Yeah many jerkoffs playing this game . proven fact.

I would of done a few things.

1) First of all become a engineer and get fix it points.Without like a bunch of numbnuts on here that like to blow up thier own arty and uav center and fix it to stat pad.

2)Let him kill you four times and he would be gone on most servers.

3) How to get him to kill you 4 times?
egg him on nicely .. HA HA Haaaaa im still the commander and must be higher rank then you numbnuts since your not.

   Thanks numbnuts for the fix it points ..As many times that you have blown up our own teams stuff I should be close to my expert badge now.

   By looking at how well you play, I can tell your never going to be a commander over me. SUCKER
Key thing : You have to be nice, winning over your team mates letting them know what this numbnuts is doing.
and why you can't do your job.
Umbra Acciptris
you out rank him as only a sergent?  eeww I would be scared to have a lance corperal or less as commander.

If you have VOIP, quickly explain the situation to your squad leaders (hopfully you have squads).  Say you are going to start a kick vote and ask them to tell thier squad to vote yes.

The commander by doing that is about the only person that has a chance in hell at getting a kick vote to work.

Also as creeping death noted, make him kill you.  Taunt him and Hide on the UAV trailer or somthing similar.  When he C4's it, you go boom, extra kill.  after 4 he is gone. . .
'twice cooked beef!'
i would have shown him my bum, with all the little hairs on it.

then tell him he's ugly.

Kung Jew
That one mod
+331|7063|Houston, TX

theDude5B wrote:

i would have finished the game, found out where he lives, gone round his house, killed his dog, his mum, his dad, sister, brother, aunt, grand parents, friends of his friends, burnt down his local church, taken out anyone who has ever talked to the guy.

He would soon leave you alone after that
You forgot to include his prom date.

Edit: So I didn't talk to my prom date.  I wasn't there to talk.

Last edited by Kung Jew (2005-12-09 09:22:31)


Badcow68 wrote:

I was on one of the SF maps and was playing commander. The other team had a commander and I waited for about 10-15 minutes and we(my team) did not have a commander. So I applied and started. After 10 or 15 minutes more, I get teamkilled and told to resign. When I did not, my radar and Sat got demo'ed. Then the TK again and another request to resign. I outranked the TK'er(Bad0605 or something close to that) and he tried to start an mutiny and fail. Only got one vote. Spent the rest of the round tring to defend myself from him, was not going to kill him and take the team kill point hit. Had to ask my team to help repair the art and com trailer and defend from him. We lost the round by 6 as in 0-6. Was not able to get what his problem was. I was doing good enough to only get the one vote against me in a mutiny. My team came to my aid but we lost the round due soley to him. Just want to know what others would do in the same conditions. I know that I am not the best commander but not the worse either. I think I do ok and it bothered me really bad that this one id10t would do it to himself as well as his team.
was that on warlord??  i think i was in that game... if not i saw it happen in another instance..
Artillery catcher
+5|7156|Munich, Germany
i love it when nobody takes commander and as soon as you take it some noob just realises that he wants it now and initiates a mutiny.
only been tked once as commander, intentionally, but i would have made his session hell 2. also nice is to grab a fast vehicle and jump off shortly before you hit him thus no tk but a nice suicide for him
and all the other things ppl were suggesting, except the kill his family and everybody he ever talked to may be a bit drastic except if he took your jet or tank
+4|7043|Tucson, AZ
"was that on warlord??  i think i was in that game... if not i saw it happen in another instance.."

Think the map was Ghost Town. I love Warload. Its my favorite map in SF. He killed me aabout 4 or 5 times and did not get the boot. Just my luck to be playing on a server that did not have the TK kick enabled.

Good Job 0ktane. What took so long? What was that? 4 days? You are slowing down in your old age. Must be the girlfriend...

Thanks to everyone for adding to this. It heelps and I know what I am going to do next time.

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