
imdead wrote:

Yes, yes, too many people are judging others on stats alone, even in this post. I am tired of being judged on how bad I suck or how my stuff is low, or like chitlin said that I don't fly and gaffed at the aviator stats. It's all how the person plays, maybe he/she is not a pilot/tank/transport person. I ,myself, like to hoof it. Each of us play in a different style. And unless we win a brilliant prize or win loads of money, I don't see what all the hoopla is about of these medals and stats. They are merely nothing but imaginary tokens. So I say who cares and let everyone play how they want.
LOL.. well said'... dont matter any ways' .
Hell  lookat the leader boards' their "point whores" any way it realy dont matter how ya play'.
but' every ones gunnin' for that #1

<{SoE}>Agamemnar wrote:

Kniero wrote:

Uh, were I using a dictionary, I wouldn't have misspelled Grecian. Funny though that you call me an idiot for misspelling a cultural-specific term, because really, who the hell is to know? But, sure is irony that I made the statement I did and then misspelled Grecian.

<{SoE}>Agamemnar wrote:

No offense Xietsu, but I came to the realization that your post is full of linguistic masturbation, and I find it hard to follow your point concisely.
With all of that put aside, I can go on to point out just how wrong you are in your opinion of my "ramblings" is incorrect. Really, find a part that lacks coherence in any way. Your initial response was total idiocy. You can't follow a point through few words when the idea at hand is much more expansive. True misuse of the term concise. Who the fuck is the one who needs to be using a "Merriam-Websiter" here? You.
Main Entry: con·cise
Pronunciation: k&n-'sIs
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin concisus, from past participle of concidere to cut up, from com- + caedere to cut, strike
1 : marked by brevity of expression or statement : free from all elaboration and superfluous detail.
2 : cut short : BRIEF
- con·cise·ly adverb
- con·cise·ness noun
synonyms CONCISE, TERSE, SUCCINCT, LACONIC, SUMMARY, PITHY, COMPENDIOUS mean very brief in statement or expression. CONCISE suggests the removal of all that is superfluous or elaborative <a concise description>. TERSE implies pointed conciseness <a terse reply>. SUCCINCT implies the greatest possible compression <a succinct letter of resignation>. LACONIC implies brevity to the point of seeming rude, indifferent, or mysterious <an aloof and laconic stranger>. SUMMARY suggests the statement of main points with no elaboration or explanation <a summary listing of the year's main events>. PITHY adds to SUCCINCT or TERSE the implication of richness of meaning or substance <a comedy sharpened by pithy one-liners>. COMPENDIOUS applies to what is at once full in scope and brief and concise in treatment <a compendious dictionary>.

Guess who's the big fucking moron. Go kill yourself etc etc.

Again, this is a BF2 forum, you aren't writing a fucking university paper. There is a certain lingo (dumbed down or not) that will get your point across much clearer than trying to write a thesis on a fucking video game.  A god damn speech loaded with bullshit is not appropriate. Several people have indicated you are full of shit and should shut the fuck up. Please follow their advice before you make a bad name for yourself on these boards (my advice).
Mhmm...because quoting the dictionary definition of a word magically justifies your totally idiotic sentence? I write what, 4 paragraphs, and make no errors that are of any detriment to the actual meaning of my focus, yet you write one sentence and you have trouble making a "clear and concise" point about your inability to understand my reply to this thread. Gee' Agamemnar, instead of arguing for a lost cause, why not just realize you said something stupid and change it? Would it have made sense if you said "I'm not picking up on any concise point throughout your message"? Yes. Would you have had any logical support? No. Truly though, how can you "find it hard to follow a point concisely"? How the fuck do you follow another's argument "briefly and without superfluous detail"? That just isn't a valid approach for someone trying to "follow a point".

You're describing how you are trying to follow and identify my main point, not the distinguishments of my argument. Your attempts at the comprehension of said topic can't be described using the word "concisely" because it makes no fucking sense to describe your inability to famliarize yourself with my ideas (with brevity, of course) when no correlation is present. Seriously, to say there is is, again, pure idiocy. You make an assanine comment about my response, and then say you you're having trouble understanding it in brevity. Usually, the point of feedback is to relate SOMEWHERE to SOME previous message. You say total bullshit, provide no support, and then somehow see it fit to substantiate your claims with the the backing of more idiots who are having the same issue as you (understanding "fairly simple" [who knows with these guys] descriptions and analysis).


(P.S. If you haven't even taken the time to read my introductory response, then you have no place replying in this thread about anything having to do, specifically, with me. Should you then continue to still construct replies directed towards me, the only thing you will be doing is providing the symbols of your naivety and ignorance.)

(P.S.#2. Editted for paragraph form for reading pansies' convenience.)

Last edited by Kniero (2005-12-10 15:57:57)

Not sure if he was getting all high and mighty as much as just trying to wind you all up! which he succeeded in doing so! its the old mind trick game, he pisses you all off and you make it your goal to kill him at any cost, meanwhile the rest of his team are capping the flags and his side wins!!!...where do you guys find these servers lol! never had any problems with peeps like was a rather noble act of yours to try and make 'it a better gaming experience' but maybe concentrating on winning the round and ignoring him would have been better...anyhow i wasnt there so i cant really say can i!!...just bear in mind that it might be a tactic of his to wind u all up and make mistakes! we did it to Hitler once!..quite by accident mind you but it pissed him off, he over reacted and made a vital error!
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7027|Toronto, ON

Kniero wrote:

<{SoE}>Agamemnar wrote:

Kniero wrote:

Uh, were I using a dictionary, I wouldn't have misspelled Grecian. Funny though that you call me an idiot for misspelling a cultural-specific term, because really, who the hell is to know? But, sure is irony that I made the statement I did and then misspelled Grecian.

With all of that put aside, I can go on to point out just how wrong you are in your opinion of my "ramblings" is incorrect. Really, find a part that lacks coherence in any way. Your initial response was total idiocy. You can't follow a point through few words when the idea at hand is much more expansive. True misuse of the term concise. Who the fuck is the one who needs to be using a "Merriam-Websiter" here? You.
Main Entry: con·cise
Pronunciation: k&n-'sIs
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin concisus, from past participle of concidere to cut up, from com- + caedere to cut, strike
1 : marked by brevity of expression or statement : free from all elaboration and superfluous detail.
2 : cut short : BRIEF
- con·cise·ly adverb
- con·cise·ness noun
synonyms CONCISE, TERSE, SUCCINCT, LACONIC, SUMMARY, PITHY, COMPENDIOUS mean very brief in statement or expression. CONCISE suggests the removal of all that is superfluous or elaborative <a concise description>. TERSE implies pointed conciseness <a terse reply>. SUCCINCT implies the greatest possible compression <a succinct letter of resignation>. LACONIC implies brevity to the point of seeming rude, indifferent, or mysterious <an aloof and laconic stranger>. SUMMARY suggests the statement of main points with no elaboration or explanation <a summary listing of the year's main events>. PITHY adds to SUCCINCT or TERSE the implication of richness of meaning or substance <a comedy sharpened by pithy one-liners>. COMPENDIOUS applies to what is at once full in scope and brief and concise in treatment <a compendious dictionary>.

Guess who's the big fucking moron. Go kill yourself etc etc.

Again, this is a BF2 forum, you aren't writing a fucking university paper. There is a certain lingo (dumbed down or not) that will get your point across much clearer than trying to write a thesis on a fucking video game.  A god damn speech loaded with bullshit is not appropriate. Several people have indicated you are full of shit and should shut the fuck up. Please follow their advice before you make a bad name for yourself on these boards (my advice).
Mhmm...because quoting the dictionary definition of a word magically justifies your totally idiotic sentence? I write what, 4 paragraphs, and make no errors that are of any detriment to the actual meaning of my focus, yet you write one sentence and you have trouble making a "clear and concise" point about your inability to understand my reply to this thread. Gee' Agamemnar, instead of arguing for a lost cause, why not just realize you said something stupid and change it? Would it have made sense if you said "I'm not picking up on any concise point throughout your message"? Yes. Would you have had any logical support? No. Truly though, how can you "find it hard to follow a point concisely"? How the fuck do you follow another's argument "briefly and without superfluous detail"? That just isn't a valid approach for someone trying to "follow a point". You're describing how you are trying to follow and identify my main point, not the distinguishments of my argument. Your attempts at the comprehension of said topic can't be described using the word "concisely" because it makes no fucking sense to describe your inability to famliarize yourself with my ideas (with brevity, of course) when no correlation is present. Seriously, to say there is is, again, pure idiocy. You make an assanine comment about my response, and then say you you're having trouble understanding it in brevity. Usually, the point of feedback is to relate SOMEWHERE to SOME previous message. You say total bullshit, provide no support, and then somehow see it fit to substantiate your claims with the the backing of more idiots who are having the same issue as you (understanding "fairly simple" [who knows with these guys] descriptions and analysis).


(P.S. If you haven't even taken the time to read my introductory response, then you have no place replying in this thread about anything having to do, specifically, with me. Should you then continue to still construct replies directed towards me, the only thing you will be doing is providing the symbols of your naivety and ignorance.)
LOL, you need to go back to English 101 my friend... You are using 'thesaurus' words out of context.  2 of your sentences do not make any sense (Just to clue you in, a synonym implies the same meaning but does not imply that they are both in the same context).

Ok? Bye.
Alpha as fuck.
Teargas wh0re
I smell bad karma in the air...
The Kid

Kniero wrote:

Mhmm...because quoting the dictionary definition of a word magically justifies your totally idiotic sentence? I write what, 4 paragraphs, and make no errors that are of any detriment to the actual meaning of my focus, yet you write one sentence and you have trouble making a "clear and concise" point about your inability to understand my reply to this thread. Gee' Agamemnar, instead of arguing for a lost cause, why not just realize you said something stupid and change it? Would it have made sense if you said "I'm not picking up on any concise point throughout your message"? Yes. Would you have had any logical support? No. Truly though, how can you "find it hard to follow a point concisely"? How the fuck do you follow another's argument "briefly and without superfluous detail"? That just isn't a valid approach for someone trying to "follow a point". You're describing how you are trying to follow and identify my main point, not the distinguishments of my argument. Your attempts at the comprehension of said topic can't be described using the word "concisely" because it makes no fucking sense to describe your inability to famliarize yourself with my ideas (with brevity, of course) when no correlation is present. Seriously, to say there is is, again, pure idiocy. You make an assanine comment about my response, and then say you you're having trouble understanding it in brevity. Usually, the point of feedback is to relate SOMEWHERE to SOME previous message. You say total bullshit, provide no support, and then somehow see it fit to substantiate your claims with the the backing of more idiots who are having the same issue as you (understanding "fairly simple" [who knows with these guys] descriptions and analysis).


(P.S. If you haven't even taken the time to read my introductory response, then you have no place replying in this thread about anything having to do, specifically, with me. Should you then continue to still construct replies directed towards me, the only thing you will be doing is providing the symbols of your naivety and ignorance.)
I actually read this one post of yours (didn't bother with the rest) because I wanted to see how stupid you were.

Superfluous means Beyond what's required.  Superfluous detail means you put in a huge amount of filler just to prove a point that could have taken 2 or 3 sentences.  Therefore, it's hard to follow your point when you don't use any paragraphs WHATSOEVER, and you just make the same point 4 or 5 times.  If you're so bad at English, when it's obviously your primary language, I can only dream as to how bad you are at other things, like BF2, or the opposite sex.
So, why's everyone on this bender of seeking out all these grammatical indescrepancies in all of Kniero's replies?  It's pointless because you're all still missin' a lot more than you think, and his wording isn't as proper as he thinks it is, either.

It's unfortuante that he doesn't realize this intellectual facade he's trying desperately to establish is shattered by him coming here trying to defend himself over the most banal shit.

Who's tryin' to kill you Mr. Doughnut-head Man? I dunno, but he better not!
+6|7009|In a van down by the river
why are we having an english discussion in the bf2 forums? God, find something else to do.
Expendable Miracle Worker
+1|7056 are a tool, plain and simple...I'm gonna round up a couple guys and find you online and rapidly move your k:d ratio closer to will be fun for all 

i also find it funny that prior to your response you had a couple people defend you.  the funny part about that is: a) everyone that defended you are also tank whores and b) since you responded with that totally stupid, thesaurus written response nobody else has backed you keep telling these other guys that they are stupid and lame, yet i don't think you have taken the time to look in the mirror and reflect on what you see, you should go do that now and continue to do it for quite some time, well as long as you want to keep your current k:d ratio 

ps. notice that my response isn't grammatically correct and there may even be some spelling errors mixed in, you know why that is?  because i'm not trying to come on an internet forum and impress people with my "intelligence" as obviously you are
Expendable Miracle Worker

trepid_jesse wrote:

Who's tryin' to kill you Mr. Doughnut-head Man? I dunno, but he better not!
Wayne's World rocks 
Renaissance Soldier
+2|7053|Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Grammar issues aside, Kniero is just a lowly armor whore (in the truest sense). It is probably a good thing that he doesn't control his own server.

Last night I got fed up with two guys, one in a tank and the other in an APC, camping the hotel spawn from each side. I went to a different spawn point and put C4 on a Vodnik to blow him up. Going full speed, I jump out and let the vehicle continue to roll while I go backwards. Blow the C4, and take out the tank without hurting myself. Nearby is an abandoned jeep, so I put another pair of C4 on it and repeat the process against the APC. Took a little damage on the second one, but stayed alive.

Both drivers were Sergeant Majors, and apparently one was an admin. Result, the whore bans me from the server for "Intentionally Ramming with Planes".

Obviously I won't play there again, but there should be more restrictions from EA about server specific rules for ranked servers. Let the unranked do whatever, but on admins like these who get their whoring interrupted and ban whoever can consistantly stop them shouldn't be allowed to be ranked.
The Kid
Amen!  I played against an armor whore for a while, he kept coming to the server I play in.  A sergeant major (no surprise)

He was just such a douche, on TS and VoiP and chat... he thought he was better than everyone else.  Most tank whores I meet and total douches.
Renaissance Soldier
+2|7053|Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

RedFiercare wrote:

Amen!  I played against an armor whore for a while, he kept coming to the server I play in.  A sergeant major (no surprise)

He was just such a douche, on TS and VoiP and chat... he thought he was better than everyone else.  Most tank whores I meet and total douches.
I hope that you don't think all Sergeant Majors are just vehicle, revive or resupply whores.

I can't say that I've never camped a spawn before, but rarely for more than a minute or two (or when my team wasn't actively trying to take down the flag). I am quite guilty of using my tank to take out many people as they spawn at the Observation Post on Sharqi - well over half of those while I'm actually in the flag capture zone or have teammates pulling down the flag.

Tank 'whoring' has its place in the game, there are just some who wish to abuse it gain points for their own rank rather than win the round. Although a great k/d ratio goes a long way towards winning a round.
The Kid
Please.  This guy had the excuse that he was "Covering while his team took the flag" so I said "...So why isn't it taken?"

That shut him up for a while.
I suppose there are such things as bad winners. At the end of the day people will look back upon not how you won, but how you played the game. Playing the game simply for making others feel worse about themself & making you feel superior is not only immature & a waste of everyones time, its also rather a sad & desperate thing to do. You should not inflict your own misery with a part of your life on people you havent even met before.

Evryone playing on a server deserves the right to enjoy themselves & not have it ruined by an individual playing for him or her self rather than the benefit of the team. It ruins the experience for everyone involved.

Rank is nothing, attitude is everything. Try and make sure the latter is higher than the former when you play online.
Jet Rammer
+4|7002|Debris From Space

Kriznik wrote:

<{SoE}>Agamemnar wrote:

Report him to EA immidiately. He will get his account banned.
tell me one thing : what do you give when you report EA this guy? will you masturbate for hours? ....

come on! everyone plays as he wants, so let him alone and take care about yourself

he pay for this game and plays as he knows ... when he is satisfied with score which he have .. OK who cares?
True, what do you expect EA to do? Give you the highest rank and a special medal:

EA Reporter Medal


IAD: wasting your time looking through peoples stats and reporting them to EA.
       Report 5 people in one day.
       1 report in total
Death StatPadder
+228|7044|Human Meat Shield
Kinda like the Mutiny thing, everyone wants the guy out but never gets mutinized.  Just annoying.

I told my wife the other day about my stats and she said take the garbage out and get stamps, gee, I thought the only person who actually really cared would. So I told my dog and she went back to sleep. The fact is nobody cares but themselves, it is a great honor in unlocking or striving for the next step in medals for that persons own enjoyment, that is what this game is about, having a glorified token that is set to accomplish goals in a matter of time, a game within yourself and a game that challenges you to make certain sacrifices to accomplish the next medal. People who bitch about others stats? Why? I don't understand?
Hey, sorry you guys are missing my bootyful messages in this thread, just have been too lazy to go to my favorites and all the new BS you people try and put over on yourselves. To the guy that thinks I'm trying to impress people by busting an "intellectual facade", you are mistaken, and, like so many others, plagued by the idiocy of inference. The answer is simple, and it is that when I'm making an argument, I like it to be close to the "best" it can possibly be. Also, to all of you idiots who actually think I use a thesaurus, you're also part of that chunk of people plagued by the idiocies of inference. I truly didn't use a thesaurus at all when making my first post. I just see it funny that all of you take a stand against me, and then provide no support. Telling of your ignorance I might say.

I also find it somehow confusing that all of you are totally oblivious to anything mentioned in my main response for this thread. Really...are you all that inept in the ways of logic? Gilgalad, what you said is complete crap dude. I'm just a "lowly armor whore"? Did you even READ THE SECOND FUCKING PAGE? In case you didn't know, that's where you can find my defense to all of these peoples' bullshit allegations. Redfiercare, really, did you miss my first post too? HOW THE FUCK DO YOU DO THAT? That post is paragraphed for your reading convenience. But come on, how fucking big of a difference can paragraphs make? Are you guys some kind of weird ass reading pansies? Here, I'll go back and paragraph that reply of mine you whined about.

And, to cover that idiot Zeler, I'd like to point out how you can't even a maintain a 1-1 kill-to-death ratio with your weapons on ground. You're a nub, you most likely suck fucking ass in-game, and you'd probably get owned by me by a longshot, and then some. Is everyone here really this oblivious? The initial "Kniero basher" even gave the main server I frequent and I still haven't even seen any of you fucking idiots. Where in the hell are you all? Anyways, the only reason armor is so effective is because, on public server, that layer of skill found in clans called organization really can have an impact. You can stop any enemy armor influx if you simply make a squad hell-bent on taking out tanks. Simply make a Medic squad leader,and then follow up with up to 3 Anti-Tank units and a Spec. Op. or two.

Aside from that, I'd also like to point out that making it a point to simply join my favorite server (with a team) only so you can "ruin my playing experience" is extremely fucking sad. For one, you can only go as far as to limit my vehicle usage, and for two, anyone can take out a single person if they form a team and make however sucky of a concentrated effort the might have. There is no pride in that, I would say. But hey, if you'd like to be a snobbish little bitch about stupid crap, then by all means, run wild. It's just retarded that so many people find it key in the opinion-making process to rely on assumption (relative to my playstyle, in this case). I thought humans were smarter than that.

Your Wubble Bear,

(P.S. I wub jooz <3)
Death StatPadder
+228|7044|Human Meat Shield
Yeah... I answered your post...about people think they are better than you, don't put me in your idiocy thread( by that you said "All" numerous times ). I can really care less about what server, how you own people, how you play, how intellectual you are, or whatever. It's just a freaking game. Enjoy yourself.
+0|6995|West Central Indiana
Phew!  Can't believe I read all that shit (and stayed awake)!  I think I just discovered energy sources that will make fossil fuels obsolete....
Death StatPadder
+228|7044|Human Meat Shield
I'm at work, so I have time, I skipped alot.. Thank god for the mouse-wheel.

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