+1|6903|79605, TX
what the hell is going on?

recently i was in my speech class, and the professor made us do an informative speech. this one lady walked up to the podium and presented a speech on how wal-mart has a policy of its empoyees and cashiers not being able to say "merry Christmas." what the hell is this? she also said that (i have not tried this for myself) that upon going to the website and looking for christmas items, she was redirected to another site. but upon looking for other religious holiday apperal she found items on the wal-mart website. is this descriminating the christains or just being user friendly for the other minorities? i asked a wal-mart employee why this has happend and he said that someone sued to corporation because they were 'offended' by the message. what the fuck happend to 'no frivelous law suits?'

note that everywhere else you see, it's always "happy holidays." there is no more "merry christmas" when it comes to business and the media. Coca cola used to put santa claus on the coke can around this time of year. where did he go? it's the fucking polar bears this year.

i do not understand why america is adapting to the other minorties and religous groups when our country was based on the christain principles and western belief. "in god we trust" on our government buildings is on the verge of disappering. have we forgotten that is what we are based on? sure, this is the "land of the free" and people immigrate to america to seek better economic opportunities and to enjoy our freedoms, but still. christmas is recognized as a federal holiday and should remain so.

it's almost like the battle for gay marriage. gays are fighting theirs while other religious groups are now fighting to take christmas away from the government (seperation of church and state, which gets completely out of hand) because their holiday is not recognized my the government as a federal holiday. SO WHAT? we didn't have kwanzaa or some other whack-ass holiday when we founded this country. christains founded it, our contry is based on christain and western belief, not muslim or jewish belief, therefore christmas IS a federal holiday.

America should stand its ground and quit trying to be so user-friendly. if you're muslim, good for you. if you're jewish, atheist, whatever floats your boat, good for you. don't attack what our country values.
"It's Recharging!"
I have to agree, even though I wouldn't consiter myself religious or anything, but America should not have to submit to everyones way of life.

99% of those stupid law suites are false anyway, and there definately needs to be a new law made to get rid of all those, as you said it, 'frivelous law suits' that over time, start effecting our country.

As a federally recognized holiday, we shouldn't have to worry about how we say our greetings. I feel like going into Wal-Mart and shouting "Merry Christmas!" over the intercom after I read that.

Ryan_Mercury wrote:

I have to agree, even though I wouldn't consiter myself religious or anything, but America should not have to submit to everyones way of life.

99% of those stupid law suites are false anyway, and there definately needs to be a new law made to get rid of all those, as you said it, 'frivelous law suits' that over time, start effecting our country.

As a federally recognized holiday, we shouldn't have to worry about how we say our greetings. I feel like going into Wal-Mart and shouting "Merry Christmas!" over the intercom after I read that.
Its easy to do or would be easy to do..
Go to the paint DEPT where I know for sure they employee will be off talking to another employee.
There is a phone on a post there usially or somewhere close by. Look at the list of commands for the phone.
Itll be a little piece of paper taped to the post. Usially O to page but look just to make sure.
Push it and say it " MARRY CHRISTMAS "

CreepingDeath wrote:

Push it and say it " MARRY CHRISTMAS "
Who's CHRISTMAS and why am I proposing to her?

+27|6945|Atlanta, GA USA
It has gotten ridiculous, but not only in the US.  I read a letter to the editor to one of the papers in the UK last year (I can't find it now dammit!).  It was really good.  It talked about how the same thing is happening there.  Anyway the guy who wrote the letter was a Brit who lived somewhere in the Middle East (Dubai I think), and he talked about how, even though the majority of people aren't Christian, they have all kinds of Christmas decorations up in the stores and stuff at Christmas time, and you hear christmas carols, etc.  In other words, its not a big deal there, but it is here and in the UK!  Does that make sense?
I read the letter on the paper's website, but can't remember which paper it was.  If anyone else read it and remembers it, please post a link!

Last edited by atlvolunteer (2005-12-08 09:06:49)

+2|6924| U.S.A.
OK, I have to say something. They want Wal-mart (a privately owned company) to stop saying "Merry Christmas" ...thats not only discriminating, thats taking away your free speech.

I also think the whole "politicly correct" thing is from people being rasist. If you were 100% not racist you would not see an Asian any differnt than a "African American"....Black.... so people that say "thats a racist show because the're no African Americans" that person who says it is racist becase he/she stated the fact they were different!!
If you go into Wal-Mart and say merry christmas to a cashier on your way out, and she doesn't say you too or merry christmas back then that it poor customer service, and at Wal-Mart the customer is always right.  It should be on a person by person basis.

If someone says happy holidays to them they should say happy holidays, but if someone says merry christmas then they should be allowed to say it back.  Common sense works wonders in life but only %29 of people have it and of that %29 only %12 know they have it.
+4|6913|Hamilton, Scotland
man, that shit is crazy, wtf r u supposed 2 say, seasons fuking gettings! how can people get offended by saying merry christmas? Its just absulute CRAZY!!

Last edited by A.Drew(G.Drew (2005-12-08 09:11:44)

+1|6903|79605, TX
it is crazy! all these lawsuits and policy changes due to frivelous lawsuits is hurting the country! people sue mcdonalds because they got fat or burned by coffee. WHAT KIND OF SHIT IS THAT!? now they cut back on the amount of food they give you and have to put warning labels on everything.

but for the christmas thing, i wonder what's next. is somebody going to file suit on a mall because they were subjected to a hoax known as santa claus? then santa gets the boot from malls...
Why should Wal-mart listen to these anti-christmass people anyway's.  If I was Wal-mart, I would just become my own soverign nation and declare war on the humbugs!!!!!!!(or at least not sell them stuff)
+1|6903|79605, TX
all they lack is on-site healthcare from being a soverign nation.
+27|6945|Atlanta, GA USA
they've already got eyecare!

chuyskywalker wrote:

CreepingDeath wrote:

Push it and say it " MARRY CHRISTMAS "
Who's CHRISTMAS and why am I proposing to her?

Dr. Christmas Jones. played by Denise Richards in 007 The World Is Not Enough??
'twice cooked beef!'

S4INT05 wrote:

what the hell is going on?

i do not understand why america is adapting to the other minorties and religous groups when our country was based on the christain principles and western belief. "in god we trust" on our government buildings is on the verge of disappering. have we forgotten that is what we are based on?

actually, the founding fathers of the USA were heavily influenced by the enlightenment, rationalism, and deism, which were very popular among intellectuals of that time. the god they refer to is most likely not the christian god but the general concept of a 'creator being' which set the rules for the universe but does not enforce them. western belief, definitely. christian values, probably not.

+1|6903|79605, TX
yea, i could consider that, being that most of the founding fathers were masons.
'twice cooked beef!'

so they were, but as far as i know the freemasons have nothing to do with religion whatsoever. their motto is  "Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth" (or in France: "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity"). those are the three tenets of enlightened liberalism, which is about as far from christianity as you can get.

+1|6903|79605, TX
but it was jefferson who cut out all of of the bibles dialogue and supernatural occurences and left it with only the moral values and basically said "this is how it should be" right?
'twice cooked beef!'
that sounds like deism to me.
i do think people go overboard with this religious political correctness stuff.

but let's not pretend that this isn't a christian country. the level of religious freedom in the USA is a very good thing, but it's in constant danger of being subverted by religious fundamentalism. that's why we have to be so anal about separation of church and state - it reminds all the christians that even though they're in the majority, they need to keep their beliefs out of politics. does anyone really get offended by the ten commandments on government property? probably not. but that's not the point.


chickenmuncher wrote:

OK, I have to say something. They want Wal-mart (a privately owned company) to stop saying "Merry Christmas" ...thats not only discriminating, thats taking away your free speech.

I also think the whole "politicly correct" thing is from people being rasist. If you were 100% not racist you would not see an Asian any differnt than a "African American"....Black.... so people that say "thats a racist show because the're no African Americans" that person who says it is racist becase he/she stated the fact they were different!!
Racism is not noticing differences as seems to be the common misconception. Racism can be put simply by thinking that a race, generally one's own race, is superior or that a given race, generally not one's own, is inferior. I say "generally" because I saw a skit on Chappelle's Show where there was a black man who was blind at birth, raised in the south, and became a leader of the Ku Klux Klan. I thought it was hilarious because of the humor involed.
Pump-Action Pimp
+16|6956|The Hague, Holland
Are you guys being sirius? Is it a fact that wall-mart employees are not allowed to say merry christmas just because the minority would get offended?
That shit is whack, honestly. I think wall-mart should sue the people who say "Merry Christmas" is a racist comment and should be forbidden to be said by shop-owners and employees.
For real.
+1|6903|79605, TX
if anybody by any chance saw the colbert report of lastnight, he talks about this too. and it's downright halarious. the re-run is on now...that show is great.
You people need to stop watching Fox News. The so-called "War on Christmas" is manufactured by Bill O'Reilly, John Gibson (he has a book about the topic how coincidental), and the other douche bags at Fox News.  It's so hilarious to watch all these uppity Christians get out of shape when someone says, "Happy Holidays". If you haven't noticed Christmas isn't the only Holiday in December. You'd really think that Fox News would have more important things to talk about, like Iran, North Korea, The War in Iraq, The War in Afghanistan, AIDS in Africa, etc. But then again we're talking about the same "news station" that was obsessed about some dumb blonde lost in Aruba.

Educate youselves:


Last edited by Sturmvogel (2005-12-08 13:04:20)

+27|6945|Atlanta, GA USA
Sturmvogel, you have no idea what you are talking about.  People are using political correctness to try to force any reference to Christmas from the season.  This shit has been going on for a few years and gets worse every year.  As an example, I read of a case where someone complained about a giving tree at a school!  Here is the story:
For those of you who don't know (I don't know if they have these in other countries), a giving tree is set up by charities to provide presents for disadvantaged children in the community.
Oh, and I don't watch Fox News.
EDIT: I will agree with you on one thing: O'Reilly is a moron.

Last edited by atlvolunteer (2005-12-08 13:48:39)

+1|6903|79605, TX
I don't watch Fox much either.

atlvolunteer wrote:

Sturmvogel, you have no idea what you are talking about.  People are using political correctness to try to force any reference to Christmas from the season.  This shit has been going on for a few years and gets worse every year.  As an example, I read of a case where someone complained about a giving tree at a school!  Here is the story:
For those of you who don't know (I don't know if they have these in other countries), a giving tree is set up by charities to provide presents for disadvantaged children in the community.
Oh, and I don't watch Fox News.
EDIT: I will agree with you on one thing: O'Reilly is a moron.
FYI There is no mention of a "Christmas Tree" in the Bible or anywhere else in the Christian faith. Its just a hold over from the Pagan traditions of Yule. Do you people really think that CEOs of major corporations are sitting in their board rooms saying, "Gee, I really hate these damn Christians. I GOT IT! Lets say 'Happy Holidays' instead of 'Merry Christmas'! That'll really piss them off!" Retail outlets are in the business of MAKING MONEY! They figure that not everyone in the US is a Christian and not everyone celebrates Christmas so they started using 'Happy Holidays' to be more inclusive and get more people in their stores.  If you're so sure of your faith why do you need constant reinforcement in the public? That goes on to the whole "In God we Trust" thing but we don't need to get into that here.

Yuletide Greetings!

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