EDIT: it's a long read... I know this.

What happened to North America?
Do you think they will provide an expansion pack that focuses on the Americas. If so where would it be set? Texas, Florida, Mexico or Central/South America?
Which armies would fight would there be a coalition of South/Central/Mexican troops fighting The US and Canada?

* * *
I've done a little fantasizing and this is what I have come up with.

2050; The Greenland icecap and the southern ice fields melt causing massive amounts of co2 to be released into the atmosphere, global panic is at it's highest in years, sudden weather shifts and sea rise cause coastal areas to flood while Canadians start massive immigrations through the northern border of the US.

2051; to stem the tide of immigrants and protect the US's borders the president declares the northern border a demilitarized zone. Reports of immigrants being shoved into camps and starving to death sparks global debate. The UN gives the US an ultimatum to open it's borders or suffer trade embargo's.

2052; The US still hasn't reopened it's borders, and with reports of sub-arctic temperatures reaching as far south as Regina, trade sanctions have begun to have a toll on the poorest classes of people, and even some of what we now know as the middle class are effected.

2059; The nation of Canada is now nothing more than ice and snow, the communities that still exist are mostly subsistence poachers, and reports of cannibalism are on the rise.

2063; The northern most states are almost completely gone now, giant steel cities now are encased in ice. Monuments to man's triumph, and eventual defeat by the very force they tried to control.

2069; US government fails, rise in violence and crimes in the giant acropolises that now account for most of the living space in the former United states.

2072; Military might has brought control back into the hands of the government new technologies have allowed for better police control.

2083; As the ice continues to push south, many coastal cities rise from the depth of the seas 33 years after they sunk into the sea, political dissidents move to these new refuges to escape police brutality and form militias. The military controlled government launches a large scale campaign to contain the growing dissident population of these newly dubbed "Atlantises".

2099; The US military regime accuses the EU of supplying dissidents with technologies. EU Denys everything, citing their troubles with the newly formed PAC.

2103; After years of fighting the Atlantean insurgents and US military dictatorship come to an uneasy truce. Secretly the US has set their sites on a target they see as more necessary to keeping their power centralized.

2113; After many years of research the first prototype titan ship is unveiled in the EU, and is swiftly copied by the US/and what now has become the CAMF (Central America Mexican Federation).

2130; Escalation on both sides of the border is very high, the CAMF realizing that it has some of the only farming land available in the Americas has put it's soldiers on high alert.

2134; Small conflicts involving civilians and CAMF soldiers mirroring the horrors of the 2050s ensue, the US military dictatorship issues a statement saying that the CAMF unlawfully used force on its citizens. Years of posturing and political attacks ensue.

2040; the first real military skirmish begins on December 12th, and is ironically named "The Cold War"

2141; Fleets of titans are spotted on both sides of the US/CAMF border. Dissidents in the former Atlantises begin to attack military and economic targets with increasing frequency.

2142; the present.

* * *

Okay it's a little rough, if anyone has the time or motivation, collaborate and add some detail to my story, or do a completely alternate version.

Last edited by P581 (2006-09-24 06:47:26)

how would ice melting give atmosphere more co2... wouldnt it give the atmosphere more O2?
2142 Soldier: Behenaut
EA will find a way to make that possible. They will change the laws of science to get a few quid.
Stop reading this and look at my post
I like some of your ideas - I'm in need of something to link the Battlefield WW3 backstory and 2142 together.

One minor detail though. The rising amount of co2 causes the meting of the icecaps, not the other way around.
Positive Karma Here!
Thats great! That'd be sweet.....but you know how EA is w/ thier expansion packs.....
Im not goin through all the scientific mumbo jumbo, but if the perma frost in northern Russia melts then C02 would be released.....mayb not in Greenland though.Your story is pretty cool, but does every game have to include the US?
+4|6610|ON, Canada
Its kool but i dont think Canada would fall, and if it did the U.S wouldnt shut its people out or else the rest of the world would jump on them.

Talon wrote:

I like some of your ideas - I'm in need of something to link the Battlefield WW3 backstory and 2142 together.

One minor detail though. The rising amount of co2 causes the meting of the icecaps, not the other way around.

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

how would ice melting give atmosphere more co2... wouldnt it give the atmosphere more O2?
Before the ice age there were tiny animals and plants that lived in the ocean, when they froze and died they created co2. We all know co2 is a greenhouse gas, meaning that when that ice melts, the co2 from those animals and plants from millions of years ago will be introduced into our atmosphere.

Ergo facto, ice melting from rapid acceleration of co2 already in our atmosphere, will cause more co2 to be released into our already polluted atmosphere.

A good source for two things I was trying to incorporate in my story are:

Global Dimming - I believe down-loadable off a legal torrent site.
a). http://www.bbc.co.uk/sn/tvradio/program … mary.shtml

National Geographic news - Nuff said
b). http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news … rming.html

pay attention to where they talk about micro-organisms.

Also before you criticize my science too much, take some time to realize I am mainly trying to tell a story, and not prove the effects of science.

Last edited by P581 (2006-09-24 08:21:16)


MuseSeeker wrote:

EA will find a way to make that possible. They will change the laws of science to get a few quid.

[[[@lph@]]]_Templar wrote:

Im not goin through all the scientific mumbo jumbo, but if the perma frost in northern Russia melts then C02 would be released.....mayb not in Greenland though.Your story is pretty cool, but does every game have to include the US?
No, it certainly does not have to include the US, I welcome the unfamiliar and I am not pandering to get the US installed in an expansion pack. I do think it would be awesome to see some landmarks like "the hoover dam" or "the grand canyon" covered in ice. For me that would be some intense immersion because as an American I don't know much about Europe, and Africa, seeing ruined steeples and cottages doesn't really mean much to me, because steeples and cottages are non-existent where I live. Doesn't mean I don't appreciate the setting, only that I think it would be awesome to see more content set around things I am more familiar with.
Stop reading this and look at my post
Try GTA?

Seriously, there are enough American games. When was the last time you played a game without Americans in it?

Talon wrote:

Try GTA?

Seriously, there are enough American games. When was the last time you played a game without Americans in it?
Try not to be negative, I gave my reasons as I stated above, if you don't like my idea you can expound upon your opinion, or not say anything at all. I don't particularly care about negativity without some sort of premise or at least a little thought put into it. This thread was not created to give you a platform to complain about games with American content.

Consider this the end of your attempt to hijack my thread.

Last edited by P581 (2006-09-24 11:04:57)

¦Tactics Øver Principles¦

Talon wrote:

Try GTA?

Seriously, there are enough American games. When was the last time you played a game without Americans in it?
I agree, USA is way overdone.  Give us some Euro/Asian stuff, much better than using the same weapons in the same kind of game over and over and over.
too long

P581 wrote:

No, it certainly does not have to include the US, I welcome the unfamiliar and I am not pandering to get the US installed in an expansion pack. I do think it would be awesome to see some landmarks like "the hoover dam" or "the grand canyon" covered in ice. For me that would be some intense immersion because as an American I don't know much about Europe, and Africa, seeing ruined steeples and cottages doesn't really mean much to me, because steeples and cottages are non-existent where I live. Doesn't mean I don't appreciate the setting, only that I think it would be awesome to see more content set around things I am more familiar with.
Fair and valid point.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

Talon wrote:

When was the last time you played a game without Americans in it?
+788|6690|Brisbane, Australia

No, No more Americans, how about some Australian Forces, fucking Alice Springs wouldnt have frozen over, its fucking hot all year round

Then maybe you could have aboriginees peg high tech spears at you while you cap sacred sites and harvest uranium

Easy to delete this post or rename it "why some people don't want to see america in any more games"

Please keep on topic, create a disscussion topic if you want to talk about something else. This is thread is  supposed to be about creativity and thought. Some wiseass posts two lines of text he didn't even think about before he wrote it and all of a sudden we have moved from a conductive discussion to "we hate EA, America, and your mom". C'mon guys I am not asking for that much am I?

Last edited by P581 (2006-09-24 15:27:47)

Mass Media Casualty

EA and DICE have called the 2142 war the Cold War. I thought it was cheesey.
I reckon it'd be good in an expansion pack to have the US forces trying to move into South America away from the crawling ice. You could impliment some fierce jungle battles which would be fucking awesome. Imagine stealing through the bush and confronting an enemy walker crashing through beside you.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
bad touch

The jungle needs more love than the US
Aren't the Americas loosely affilated with the EU?  It would be sort of funny, with the EU propping up the States after the States propping up Europe during the actual Cold War.  Anyways, I do suppose in an expansion we may see some fighting in alternate theaters; maybe South/Central America ally with the PAC, and the EU forces in North America are trying to push south to secure land.
+8|6475|Tasmania, Australia
Well i like the fact that this game doesn't have America in it as most other games around. But then again this would add to the game and you have put some great thought into this with that time line and all and it a great story. Sooo ill +1 you .
You laughin' at me, bitch?
+44|6683|Hong Kong
I think the concentration camps bit and cannabalism is a tad extreme...
On another point there are a lot of European and Asian games, maybe you don't get many where you live.
Official Heckler & Koch ambassador
+8|6751|Veenendaal, The Netherlands
Fuck off with the damn Americans (not the people), why do they always have to be in a game. I'm glad that the American army isnt in BF2142 and I hope EA keeps it that way!
+8|6475|Tasmania, Australia

SmilingBuddha wrote:

I think the concentration camps bit and cannibalism is a tad extreme...
Not really, if there was a large mass of people in 1 area without food and couldn't get away from each another some would go nuts and kill,  Mame and eat each other. thats a well known fact about the human race look at Russia in the revolution and depression, some of them went into cannibalism and all the 1s who were descent people got eaten.

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