
What is the greatest Heavy Metal Band of all times?

Black Sabbath9%9% - 19
Ac/dc12%12% - 27
Megadeth1%1% - 4
Metallica25%25% - 53
Pantera5%5% - 12
Iron Maiden11%11% - 24
System of a Down6%6% - 14
Motley Crue1%1% - 4
Kiss3%3% - 7
Other21%21% - 45
Total: 209
Cowboy from Hell

fon|sl4y3r wrote:

I show them respect, but dont see them as metal, sry about that.
The metalguitaristheors of today, like Jeff Loomis of Nevermore, Michael and Christopher Amott of Arch Enemy, Kirk Hammet of Metallica, John Petrucci of Dream Theater etc. have pretty highend skills on their instruments, a requierment for metalmusic in my opinion, and are hard to cover, even for a expirienst musician.
The Sabbath songs even could be covered by a 11 years old, you see.
Sorry, if Im pissing you off with a kind of disrespect, dont get me wrong on this, I respect them, but they are not metal.
If you compare a average heavymetal band like, well lets say erm, yeah Stone Sour (band of Corey Taylor from Slipknot and a what I call heavymetal band, no newmetalstuff) with Sabbath, I bet you´ll say the new band got more balls, better songwriting- and instrumentskills.

Im 29 years old btw. and yes, I listen to older stuff like Leppard, Zeppelin, Sabbath, Uriah etc. too, but I will not call them heavymetal at all.

Thank god, the taste of music is nothing to discuss about, altough this is very intressting.
+1 for the Topicstarter
I agree that taste is a subjective thing, so who the hell is right?
Regarding Black Sabbath, I totally understand your point, but I don't share it, coz like you said, every 11 years old could cover Paranoid or Smoke in the Water (Deep Purple), easier perhaps, but the thing is these bands did it more than 30 years ago, and most important, you may cover them but you won't sound like them ever.  If Ozzy'd walk in front of me I would have to get in my knees and praise him coz he's the godfather of all fucking heavy metal, and we all must thank him for ever.

Thanks for karma.
Cool member

HellHead wrote:

Putting AC/DC and Megadeth in the same list, is like apples and peaches, both fruits, but taste pretty different.
Led Zepplin
I said other because my favorites are bands like Destroyer 666, Sabbat(the Japanese one), Gehennah(Swe), and Nunslaughter.  My all time favorite is probably one of these thrash legends though: Testament, Sodom, Kreator, Destrution.
Not too long ago I would have said Metallica, but their stuff has gone steadily downhill, while Megadeth has only had a bad couple of albums, and the rest is pretty much pure gold.

Some people don't like Mustaine's voice, but since I started getting interested in power metal, it doesn't bother me at all anymore.

Good songs
Good Mourning
Holy Wars
Into the Lungs of Hell
Use the Man
Hangar 18
Tout le Monde
Tears in a Vial
...and of course, Symphony of Destruction.

If I wanted to be snotty about it, I'd probably go with someone like Opeth, but I get the feeling that they haven't quite figured out what they want their style to be, yet. Damnation was awesome, and I liked Ghost Reveries, but it feels to me like they're still just kinda trying on the clean vocals to see how the fans react. Once they start owning them instead of just testing them out, I'll feel better about the band.

Last edited by Skexis (2006-09-20 01:12:52)

W.A.S.P i can not belive you left them out ZOMG how could you .And also Whitesnake ZOMG learn your music

broncobullfrog wrote:

Pfft, Led Zeppelin pwns all of them.

Led Zeppelin shites on them ALL

(Apart from Sabbath, they rock too)

Mettalica are BORING and they suck now, so they're out of the running.....
You likey leaky?
+433|6825|In You Endo- Stoke
Faith no more , by far love mike patton's voice and love all there albums, especially king for a day fool for a life time.
best song "the general art of making enemies"
Ohh skeet skeet
+143|6616|New York
Wow, you got some difficult choices there. Pantera gets my vote though, although Metallica and Maiden are high up in the ranks too.
Laid Back Yorkshireman
+183|6738|Scarborough Yorkshire England
Depends on your classification of music type but My vote goes to Guns N Roses if Not allowed them then Metallica
Lamb Of God!
+18|6791|Varsseveld, Netherlands
+1 for all metallica fans
Cowboy from Hell

Knight`UK wrote:

W.A.S.P i can not belive you left them out ZOMG how could you .And also Whitesnake ZOMG learn your music
That's the meaning of the other option, since you can not put a poll with 20 options.  I saw Whitesnake live in 1997 before a Megadeth concert, and they sucked, and Coverdale sucked the most that day.

Last edited by sergeriver (2006-09-20 06:58:31)

+18|6791|Varsseveld, Netherlands
damn i ran out of karma on page 2
Infamous meleeKings cult. Est. 2003 B.C.
+82|6686|The Lost Highway
It is a sad, sad day for Metal/Rock when SOAD has almost as many votes as Sabbath.

And Metallica was only sweet during the 80's, and even then, Slayer had them beat.
+80|6732|Hoosier Mama
Why isnt Pungent Stench on the list?? LOL  JK Pantera (R.I.P. Dimebag )and Metallica are pretty even in my book. Tho new Metallica blows monkey cock, their older shit is way better!
Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6696|Southeastern USA
what she said @ metallica, I'd go with tool for their inventiveness and complexity, but their classification is arguable, no one seems sure where to stick them, of course dethklok could kick tool's ass

Happy birthday murderface!!!!!
<lights himself on fire and jumps off of goldengate bridge>

Last edited by kr@cker (2006-09-21 11:29:25)

Infamous meleeKings cult. Est. 2003 B.C.
+82|6686|The Lost Highway

kr@cker wrote:

what she said @ metallica, I'd go with tool for their inventiveness and complexity, but their classification is arguable, no one seems sure where to stick them, of course dethklok could kick tool's ass

Happy birthday murderface!!!!!
<lights himself on fire and jumps off of goldengate bridge>
... Someone threw my fingers on stage, and Murderface rolled 'em and smoked 'em!! WOOOOOOO!
+140|6633|Armidale, NSW, Australia

Stealth_Bain wrote:

Although their recent stuff isn't as good,  their best was black album and before!!!! IMO

Sabbath have some real old classics, but are before me really!
Justice was their best IMO.

Mettalica's the only one I saw live, and that was an awesome concert. The others I've only heard recordings, and I think Metallica had the best produced albums. The guys behind the scenes make a big difference to the quality. If you put it in context of how good they are/were for their time I'd say Black Sab.

KISS were pretty huge, I only got to know their stuff well because of a guy I used to live with (...a huge KISS fan and he owned the CD player )
+20|6609|Montreal, Canada
None they all blow chunks of semi-digested shreddies.
+721|6727|the dank(super) side of Oregon
It's TOOL, you monkey bitches.
+20|6609|Montreal, Canada

Reciprocity wrote:

It's TOOL, you monkey bitches.

edit: hmm. or tool.

Last edited by oberst_enzian (2006-09-21 18:41:07)

Just because no one has said it, I guess I have too, TANKARD!!!! nothing like alcoholic German Thrash to start your day.  Chemical Invasion is still my favorite album from them, have the picture vinyl of it.
Black Panzer Party
+184|6868|Eastern PA

jsnipy wrote:

Judas Preist

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