Confused Pothead
+1,101|6838|SE London

J Klaus wrote:

The "neo conservatives" (us 2% who pay 90% of taxes) are those who support this nation through hard work and sacrafice.
Bullshit. Give me a source for that statistic. You just made it up.
Jeepers Creepers
+136|6987|Peoria, Illinois

Bertster7 wrote:

An agnostic actually believes in some higher power, not just in the possibility of it, as you stated earlier.
Here lies the misunderstanding. An agnostic does NOT believe in some higher power. I never stated they did.

In my first post that you responded to, I provided a link of an explanation of agnoticism for people that do not understand. Agnosticism is the philosophical view that the value of certain claims as truth—particularly theological claims regarding the existence of God, gods, or deities—is unknown, inherently unknowable, or incoherent and thus irrelevant to life.

Last edited by M1-Lightning (2006-09-19 14:38:34)

Confused Pothead
+1,101|6838|SE London

M1-Lightning wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

An agnostic actually believes in some higher power, not just in the possibility of it, as you stated earlier.
Here lies the misunderstanding. An agnostic does NOT believe in some higher power. I never stated they did.
You're right - sorry. I held the belief (wrongly) that agnostics believed in some form of higher power, just not one that conformed to any existing religion.

I apologise.
+226|6999|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann
Agnostics believe in the great god Agnos, devourer of souls and destroyer of worlds, many agnostics believe that Agnos will return on December 13th 2007 and thus the end game shall begin..
Fancy_pollux you're a worthless me on this because I have evidence!
Jeepers Creepers
+136|6987|Peoria, Illinois

IG-Calibre wrote:

Agnostics believe in the great god Agnos, devourer of souls and destroyer of worlds, many agnostics believe that Agnos will return on December 13th 2007 and thus the end game shall begin..
The end game? We playing 2142?

Last edited by M1-Lightning (2006-09-19 15:29:23)

J Klaus
To Bertster7 from the UK: I don't pretend to know the percentages of people in your country who pay taxes and how much so don't pretend to know ours.

To Iron Chef: No doubt I could use some religious education but I am still a believer.
     Congress has givin Pres Bush the power under the constitution to protect our country.
   I don't even pretend to know God's purpose for me, Pres Bush, Karl Rove, Iraq or Iran. At least I can come to you for God's purpose.
     In the Great State of California the Govenor has something called "VETO" to stop the liberal State Legislators from increasing our taxes.
    Would you give a terrorist or someone who does not fight in uniform or under the Flag of a recognized State protections under the Geneva Conventions? What protction did this Geneva Convention offer Nick Berg or Richard Pearl when their heads were separated from their necks by those bastards. I suppose you would give terrorists or illeagal aliens rights under the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES also. What rights or protections do Americans have abroad. Why do we have to lie and say we are Canadians when we travel? Its because of Dan Rather , Jane Fonda and John Kerry that Americans live in fear abroad. This will be my last post on this subject because I am no match for you, you know-it -all, my way or the highway PRICK.

What do dinosaurs have to do with human violence again?

I was raised Christian. While I don't go to church anymore, I don't remember anyone in charge trying to convince me to go forth and do acts of evil. Now, for the last time (though I doubt), humans are more than capable of being evil without the help of faith.

It's called avarice and cruelty.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-09-19 15:34:49)

+385|6747|Northern California

J Klaus wrote:

Congress has givin Pres Bush the power under the constitution to protect our country. Congress does not have constitutional authority to yield their war declaration power to the executive branch.  something you should know if you live in the constitution.

In the Great State of California the Govenor has something called "VETO" to stop the liberal State Legislators from increasing our taxes. Would you mind showing me a veto vote from the governor against tax legislation?  No, you can't.  But the people of California have voted for and against taxes just fine, as we should

Would you give a terrorist or someone who does not fight in uniform or under the Flag of a recognized State protections under the Geneva Conventions? Yes, I would give anyone that protection.  it's what used to set our country apart from the rest.  It's what gave us moral credit and gave the impression that American's were good people who valued human life.

What protction did this Geneva Convention offer Nick Berg or Richard Pearl when their heads were separated from their necks by those bastards. I suppose you would give terrorists or illeagal aliens rights under the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES also. Absolutely.  I'd give said terrorists those rights even if they beheaded my family members.  Of course my family members wouldn't be as stupid as Nick Berg, Dick Pearl or others to go into a place like that.  But that's a different topic.

What rights or protections do Americans have abroad. Why do we have to lie and say we are Canadians when we travel? Its because of Dan Rather , Jane Fonda and John Kerry that Americans live in fear abroad. I have travelled to Portugal and didn't say I was Canadian.  In fact, I bet some of the people I met with don't even know Jane Fonda.  And frankly, I have no idea what that has to do with safety abroad.  But I can understand that you, like your coward punk-ass bitch leader, are grabbing for straws.

This will be my last post on this subject because I am no match for you, you know-it -all, my way or the highway PRICK. hey, you're the one that started this stupid argument thinking you knew what you were talking about saying Your attack on me is weak like you knew it all.  Silly lad.
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6838|SE London

J Klaus wrote:

To Bertster7 from the UK: I don't pretend to know the percentages of people in your country who pay taxes and how much so don't pretend to know ours.
That's a great way of avoiding the fact that you've just made the statistic up on the spot. Where you live has nothing to do with knowing about percentages of people paying taxes, you may see more about it on the news, but the news rarely gives in depth statistics.

You still haven't provided a source like I asked for, so I'm going to continue with calling your statistics full of shit.

In fact there is no way that you could prove a statistic like that, there is no way it would be quoted anywhere because it is to do with tying tax revenues with peoples beliefs. The only way of doing that would be by conducting a survey and then expanding on any trends found. Such surveys are notoriously unreliable anyway.

You're chatting shit and not backing up your claims with anything approaching fact. Anyone can do that.

64% of Christians are gay. There you go, I've made up a statistic with no evidence to back it up in the same manner.
Banned - for ever.
+231|6965|Wilmington, DE, US
I'm from the US and you did just make that shit up
+385|6747|Northern California
I believe I've seen the true stats as something like 10% of this country have 90% of the money.  but that's not the same category.

I do know that those making over specific limits of income (i think like $250k) don't pay the same amount of taxes as others.  I Know social security tax on rich is a Bush feature allowing them to get out of paying taxes.
Cowboy from Hell


sergeriver wrote:


Again, is there proof or a theory.  Judging by your citations, I see that you don't know.  Discovery channel and Nat'l Geographic channel are television producers and they play films created by people reporting things both true and not.  But if that's the proof you need, then by goly, continue to live in ignorance.
I believe what I know is a fact, and you should try.  I never said I don't believe in God, but I don't believe in Religion.  If you are questioning the Theory of Evolution then who is living in ignorance?
Then if you know the facts, tell me them.  Also, why would you believe the "theory" of evolution as being absolute if you're calling a theory still?  Last I checked, a theory is something that is not confirmed.  Also, have you found the missing link?  I've seen some ugly people but I don't think they qualify as the missing link.

Also, let me throw something a little complicated at you.  Read slow and let's see if this resonates a little (not that you're trying to be objective or teachable)...

Assume for a minute that God did what the scriptures said.  Assume for a minute that he did create this world in the seven creative periods as described in Genesis.  Let's also assume for a minute that in his infinite wisdom (infinite compared to our finite wisdom), he created this earth for our inhabitance.  This is not assuming we were the only inhabitants on the earth, but that we'd inhabit it when it was ready.  And being the God who created this earth and all things on them, could it not be possible that he's created other things, like let's say dinosaurs?  other men/creatures?  Who's to know, right?  SO since Genesis 1:1 in Hebrew actually says "in the begining, God assembled the heavens and the earth."  Many just follow the english word "create" and imagine him conjuring it like a big boom or something....or perhaps using a wand and a tall black hat.  But real people who contemplate these things understand that he took from matter and formed this earth.  Now, being an all knowing god, could it not be possible that he'd be able to see how his children evolved on earth over the several thousand or so years they'd live on it before moving on to bigger and better places, and maybe take some parts of the earth that have fossile fuel in it?  Maybe some parts with ores that would be used centuries later when "man discovered it" is useful for tools, cars, buildings, etc? 

But being the foolish, vain, unteachable people we are, why would we possibly ask God how things came to be?  Why would we want to know things we can't figure out ourselves?  I mean, if you read the bible and thought to yourself "Hmm..doesn't make sense, must be wrong," then you deserved the ignorance you created.  But as with the millions of souls who've come and gone on this earth who've actually spoken with God, and had an undeniable experience that could not have been of their making, who have learned that there is a God, and that he actually exists...well, those people are why there is good in the world.  Those are people who don't live in fear hoping the evening news won't put them in despair.  It is those people, like me, who have had daily "proofs" of their true and living relationship with God that just laugh at the vain attempts at those in this thread have to refute God and his established organizations on earth.  Your vanity would have you believe that because there's people obviously abusing established religion that it's all bad.  THis makes you as foolish as the racist that thinks because one black man killed a white man, that all black men are killers.  Or am I wrong?
Are you on drugs?  Seriously dude.  Which one did you smoke?
+385|6747|Northern California

Bertster7 wrote:

64% of Christians are gay. There you go, I've made up a statistic with no evidence to back it up in the same manner.
Actually, it's like 62% now.  The Christian Coalition has been executing them.
+385|6747|Northern California

sergeriver wrote:


sergeriver wrote:

I believe what I know is a fact, and you should try.  I never said I don't believe in God, but I don't believe in Religion.  If you are questioning the Theory of Evolution then who is living in ignorance?
Then if you know the facts, tell me them.  Also, why would you believe the "theory" of evolution as being absolute if you're calling a theory still?  Last I checked, a theory is something that is not confirmed.  Also, have you found the missing link?  I've seen some ugly people but I don't think they qualify as the missing link.

Also, let me throw something a little complicated at you.  Read slow and let's see if this resonates a little (not that you're trying to be objective or teachable)...

Assume for a minute that God did what the scriptures said.  Assume for a minute that he did create this world in the seven creative periods as described in Genesis.  Let's also assume for a minute that in his infinite wisdom (infinite compared to our finite wisdom), he created this earth for our inhabitance.  This is not assuming we were the only inhabitants on the earth, but that we'd inhabit it when it was ready.  And being the God who created this earth and all things on them, could it not be possible that he's created other things, like let's say dinosaurs?  other men/creatures?  Who's to know, right?  SO since Genesis 1:1 in Hebrew actually says "in the begining, God assembled the heavens and the earth."  Many just follow the english word "create" and imagine him conjuring it like a big boom or something....or perhaps using a wand and a tall black hat.  But real people who contemplate these things understand that he took from matter and formed this earth.  Now, being an all knowing god, could it not be possible that he'd be able to see how his children evolved on earth over the several thousand or so years they'd live on it before moving on to bigger and better places, and maybe take some parts of the earth that have fossile fuel in it?  Maybe some parts with ores that would be used centuries later when "man discovered it" is useful for tools, cars, buildings, etc? 

But being the foolish, vain, unteachable people we are, why would we possibly ask God how things came to be?  Why would we want to know things we can't figure out ourselves?  I mean, if you read the bible and thought to yourself "Hmm..doesn't make sense, must be wrong," then you deserved the ignorance you created.  But as with the millions of souls who've come and gone on this earth who've actually spoken with God, and had an undeniable experience that could not have been of their making, who have learned that there is a God, and that he actually exists...well, those people are why there is good in the world.  Those are people who don't live in fear hoping the evening news won't put them in despair.  It is those people, like me, who have had daily "proofs" of their true and living relationship with God that just laugh at the vain attempts at those in this thread have to refute God and his established organizations on earth.  Your vanity would have you believe that because there's people obviously abusing established religion that it's all bad.  THis makes you as foolish as the racist that thinks because one black man killed a white man, that all black men are killers.  Or am I wrong?
Are you on drugs?  Seriously dude.  Which one did you smoke?
So I guess you'll get out of answering questions too.  So many cowards around here...
J Klaus
OK  one more post.   Since my earnings place me in the top 1%, according to most lenders (over300K). I do speak with experience. I get my information from CNN, Fox News and my tax attorney. She would set you strait but you wouldn't believe her either.

Since we went to war in Iraq based on the same information that was given to the previous administration and power was given to this President to go to war by Congress (flawed or not) I will stand by my statement.

Please explain CAL prop 82 to tax oil in California. (obviously to be voted on by the public). If it were to pass It is my belief that Arnold would veto this legislation. He did other things such as repeal the Grey Davis car tax.

Are you one of those who think we deserved to be attacked on 9-11?  The USS Cole?   The US Embassies? Funny how you blame Nick and Richard for their own fate. Osama Bin Laden declared war on us. I would not be so quick to surrender as you seem to be. The Islamafascists did claim they would kill Americans until America converts to Islam. I fear you would be the first in line to convert.

Last, In my original post I was merely stating my own belief's. I did not attack you by name. It was you that felt threatened by me and attacked me and my religious and political views. Do you have nothing better to do than to force your own personal fascism upon those who do not see life your way. You are truly sad.

P.S.   Battlefield 2 is a war game and you are clearly a pacifist.  Shouldn't you be playing some pussified game like "Barbie Goes Shopping For A New Religion" or "Help Me Find My Balls".
+5,233|6785|Global Command

J Klaus wrote:

OK  one more post.   Since my earnings place me in the top 1%, according to most lenders (over300K). I do speak with experience. I get my information from CNN, Fox News and my tax attorney. She would set you strait but you wouldn't believe her either.

Since we went to war in Iraq based on the same information that was given to the previous administration and power was given to this President to go to war by Congress (flawed or not) I will stand by my statement.

Please explain CAL prop 82 to tax oil in California. (obviously to be voted on by the public). If it were to pass It is my belief that Arnold would veto this legislation. He did other things such as repeal the Grey Davis car tax.

Are you one of those who think we deserved to be attacked on 9-11?  The USS Cole?   The US Embassies? Funny how you blame Nick and Richard for their own fate. Osama Bin Laden declared war on us. I would not be so quick to surrender as you seem to be. The Islamafascists did claim they would kill Americans until America converts to Islam. I fear you would be the first in line to convert.

Last, In my original post I was merely stating my own belief's. I did not attack you by name. It was you that felt threatened by me and attacked me and my religious and political views. Do you have nothing better to do than to force your own personal fascism upon those who do not see life your way. You are truly sad.

P.S.   Battlefield 2 is a war game and you are clearly a pacifist.  Shouldn't you be playing some pussified game like "Barbie Goes Shopping For A New Religion" or "Help Me Find My Balls".

I hearby grant you Ninja status with a level 4 rank.
Welcome to the forums.
The Lizzard

Bubbalo wrote:

Bernadictus wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

Ahem (2).

Muslim terrorists are really like Christians! Their methodes of persuasion are a few centuries behind, but instead of using horses and knights, they use EID's and 737's.
Your point?  It was the guy above me that was trying to suggest that Muslims are somehow worse than Christians.  So far as I'm concerned, pretty much everyone is as bad as everyone else.  Seriously, you name one altruistic war that has actually been stuck to by the West.
God dammit!  That's twice I've thought someone was arguing with me despite having the same opinion when they were actually attempting to support my argument...........that's just embarassing.................

Bubbalo wrote:

Seriously, you name one altruistic war that has actually been stuck to by the West.
Heh, even though 'altruistic war' is a pleonasm.
Cowboy from Hell


sergeriver wrote:


Then if you know the facts, tell me them.  Also, why would you believe the "theory" of evolution as being absolute if you're calling a theory still?  Last I checked, a theory is something that is not confirmed.  Also, have you found the missing link?  I've seen some ugly people but I don't think they qualify as the missing link.

Also, let me throw something a little complicated at you.  Read slow and let's see if this resonates a little (not that you're trying to be objective or teachable)...

Assume for a minute that God did what the scriptures said.  Assume for a minute that he did create this world in the seven creative periods as described in Genesis.  Let's also assume for a minute that in his infinite wisdom (infinite compared to our finite wisdom), he created this earth for our inhabitance.  This is not assuming we were the only inhabitants on the earth, but that we'd inhabit it when it was ready.  And being the God who created this earth and all things on them, could it not be possible that he's created other things, like let's say dinosaurs?  other men/creatures?  Who's to know, right?  SO since Genesis 1:1 in Hebrew actually says "in the begining, God assembled the heavens and the earth."  Many just follow the english word "create" and imagine him conjuring it like a big boom or something....or perhaps using a wand and a tall black hat.  But real people who contemplate these things understand that he took from matter and formed this earth.  Now, being an all knowing god, could it not be possible that he'd be able to see how his children evolved on earth over the several thousand or so years they'd live on it before moving on to bigger and better places, and maybe take some parts of the earth that have fossile fuel in it?  Maybe some parts with ores that would be used centuries later when "man discovered it" is useful for tools, cars, buildings, etc? 

But being the foolish, vain, unteachable people we are, why would we possibly ask God how things came to be?  Why would we want to know things we can't figure out ourselves?  I mean, if you read the bible and thought to yourself "Hmm..doesn't make sense, must be wrong," then you deserved the ignorance you created.  But as with the millions of souls who've come and gone on this earth who've actually spoken with God, and had an undeniable experience that could not have been of their making, who have learned that there is a God, and that he actually exists...well, those people are why there is good in the world.  Those are people who don't live in fear hoping the evening news won't put them in despair.  It is those people, like me, who have had daily "proofs" of their true and living relationship with God that just laugh at the vain attempts at those in this thread have to refute God and his established organizations on earth.  Your vanity would have you believe that because there's people obviously abusing established religion that it's all bad.  THis makes you as foolish as the racist that thinks because one black man killed a white man, that all black men are killers.  Or am I wrong?
Are you on drugs?  Seriously dude.  Which one did you smoke?
So I guess you'll get out of answering questions too.  So many cowards around here...
I don't have to answer anything, the one making stories here is you, I'm with science and if you'd leave the church for a while you'd discover some interesting things about the world.
Banned - for ever.
+231|6965|Wilmington, DE, US


But being the foolish, vain, unteachable people we are, why would we possibly ask God how things came to be?  Why would we want to know things we can't figure out ourselves?  I mean, if you read the bible and thought to yourself "Hmm..doesn't make sense, must be wrong," then you deserved the ignorance you created.  But as with the millions of souls who've come and gone on this earth who've actually spoken with God, and had an undeniable experience that could not have been of their making, who have learned that there is a God, and that he actually exists...well, those people are why there is good in the world.  Those are people who don't live in fear hoping the evening news won't put them in despair.  It is those people, like me, who have had daily "proofs" of their true and living relationship with God that just laugh at the vain attempts at those in this thread have to refute God and his established organizations on earth.  Your vanity would have you believe that because there's people obviously abusing established religion that it's all bad.  THis makes you as foolish as the racist that thinks because one black man killed a white man, that all black men are killers.  Or am I wrong?
This is where I take issue with what you wrote. Your beliefs are yours, and mine are mine. I believe the Bible is a fictional account. Saying people with a relationship with god are the reason good is in this world? Hardly. People do good regardless of religious belief. It isn't limited to Christians, Muslims, Jews. Atheists and agnostics do it as well. Let me list some people who have "spoken with god" and done the world a lot of good.

George W. Bush
Osama bin Laden
Jerry Falwell (Yes, Tinky-Winky was in fact subverting our children's sexuality)
Fred Phelps
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi
Mohammed Atta

I'm not going to discredit the good done by those who follow a religion either. I don't believe in god. I don't fear the news. Those who point to the abuses of religion and labeling it bad based on the actions of a few is the same as labeling those of us that don't believe in a god or gods as incapable performing good. You tend to write intelligent things here, Chef, but I don't know what this is. Keep laughing at our "vanity" if you wish, but I haven't burnt any crosses or persecuted gays or suicide bombed anyone in my lifetime.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6941|United States of America
Well I just proved there is a God since He does not want me to break 100 as anything other than the armies I have right now. Every single time I get close in the 90s or near 50 as commander on winning team, the connection to the server goes bye-bye. So, religion is the source of violence against my computer at the moment.
The Lizzard

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Heh, even though 'altruistic war' is a pleonasm.
No it isn't:  alruistic on it's own doesn't make sense as it's a descriptor, and there are many wars which aren't altruistic.
What I always find cute about this argument is that no distinction is made between organzied religion as it is perceived (which is to say the ones most prominent in the news) and organized religion as it is, (which is to say, anything from Buddhism and Wicca to personal philosophy that has become widely popular)

Judeo-islami-christianolicism  is not the be all and end all. Stop dumbing up the planet by suggesting it is.
The Lizzard
Personal philosophy is not religion.

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