Then if you know the facts, tell me them. Also, why would you believe the "theory" of evolution as being absolute if you're calling a theory still? Last I checked, a theory is something that is not confirmed. Also, have you found the missing link? I've seen some ugly people but I don't think they qualify as the missing link.sergeriver wrote:
I believe what I know is a fact, and you should try. I never said I don't believe in God, but I don't believe in Religion. If you are questioning the Theory of Evolution then who is living in ignorance?IRONCHEF wrote:
Again, is there proof or a theory. Judging by your citations, I see that you don't know. Discovery channel and Nat'l Geographic channel are television producers and they play films created by people reporting things both true and not. But if that's the proof you need, then by goly, continue to live in ignorance.sergeriver wrote:
National Geographic Channel and Discovery for you asap.
Also, let me throw something a little complicated at you. Read slow and let's see if this resonates a little (not that you're trying to be objective or teachable)...
Assume for a minute that God did what the scriptures said. Assume for a minute that he did create this world in the seven creative periods as described in Genesis. Let's also assume for a minute that in his infinite wisdom (infinite compared to our finite wisdom), he created this earth for our inhabitance. This is not assuming we were the only inhabitants on the earth, but that we'd inhabit it when it was ready. And being the God who created this earth and all things on them, could it not be possible that he's created other things, like let's say dinosaurs? other men/creatures? Who's to know, right? SO since Genesis 1:1 in Hebrew actually says "in the begining, God assembled the heavens and the earth." Many just follow the english word "create" and imagine him conjuring it like a big boom or something....or perhaps using a wand and a tall black hat. But real people who contemplate these things understand that he took from matter and formed this earth. Now, being an all knowing god, could it not be possible that he'd be able to see how his children evolved on earth over the several thousand or so years they'd live on it before moving on to bigger and better places, and maybe take some parts of the earth that have fossile fuel in it? Maybe some parts with ores that would be used centuries later when "man discovered it" is useful for tools, cars, buildings, etc?
But being the foolish, vain, unteachable people we are, why would we possibly ask God how things came to be? Why would we want to know things we can't figure out ourselves? I mean, if you read the bible and thought to yourself "Hmm..doesn't make sense, must be wrong," then you deserved the ignorance you created. But as with the millions of souls who've come and gone on this earth who've actually spoken with God, and had an undeniable experience that could not have been of their making, who have learned that there is a God, and that he actually exists...well, those people are why there is good in the world. Those are people who don't live in fear hoping the evening news won't put them in despair. It is those people, like me, who have had daily "proofs" of their true and living relationship with God that just laugh at the vain attempts at those in this thread have to refute God and his established organizations on earth. Your vanity would have you believe that because there's people obviously abusing established religion that it's all bad. THis makes you as foolish as the racist that thinks because one black man killed a white man, that all black men are killers. Or am I wrong?