Δ > x > ¥

Altophish wrote:

Six pages and were still going on about something out of context.

If your going to have a debate, you should know what your talking about.  Yes I am talking about most everyone in this thread. 

Read the speech for yourself.  DO NOT take someone else's word for what happened.  Take 5 minutes.  Read the speech.  Come back and tell us all what your thoughts on what he SAID.  Not about what somebody else tells you they think he said.

Don't let one assholes take on the matter color your own opinion.  Form one of your own by reading the speech.  Don't read an article, don't listen to the radio, don't listen to the TV.  They are all looking for a story. 

The story is that the Pope said some idiot during the 14th century took a harsh view on Muslims.  That is all.

Don't believe?  Read the speech.  READ THE SPEECH!!  Read the speech.

Did anyone notice that the Pope didn't apologize for what he said?  He apologized for how the Muslims reacted.  Why do you think he did that?  Probably because he was surprised by the reaction.

But don't listen to me.  Read the speech for yourself...I just cant say it enough.

Good luck with that.
I agree - people should read the speech for themselves before commenting on it.  A lot of the Western media is biased towards selling newspapers and nothing sells newspapers like bad news.  So, a lot of the reports that I have read, including the BBC, have reported the misinterpreted version of what was said.

"Spreading faith by the sword is evil and inhumane and this is something Mohammed brought us."

The Pope made a serious mistake.
The general tone of his message was "Show me what the Islam invented, what Jezus Christ hadn't already invented". Or to put it in more  clear daylight "Muhammed ctrl-C / ctrl-V'd the Bible and Christianity".

Honestly, that IS the most stupid thing to do. Insulting Muhammed is to Muslim, like what 9/11 is to Christians.

But on the other hand, the whole vatican isn't too bright these days.
+102|6951|New York

CameronPoe wrote:

ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Systematic killing - UNTRUE
Killing hundreds of jews in riots and at the wailing wall while they pray is very systematic and with the intention of driving the Jews out for fear of thier lives .. thats the definition of systematic.
How 'systematic'. LOL. I suppose Haditha was 'systematic' killing of Iraqis? LOL. By definition a riot is not systematic, by definition it is in fact riotous. LOL

ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Should you resist immigrants taking over your homeland by virtue of the level of influx when you can't just deport them or prohibit them from buying land and you don't have any recourse to proper justice? - YES IMO
Yeah you should kill your neighbor if he buys a house in your neighborhood and isnt the same color as you?...Sorry I don't agree ..Mexicans are moving to Texas by the millions and I have no intention of killing any of them.
Oh yeah - the situation in California is EXACTLY the same as 30s and 40s Palestine. LOL. The US goverment, with the finest military equipment in the world, are looking out for Californians. No such similiarity in Palestine (no self government). Not to mention the fact that Mexicans have not advocated a satellite state of Mexico in USA, unlike the Zionists. The Palestinians could see what was coming and needed to respond.

ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Significant occurences in 1948? Arab/Israeli tit-for-tat terror war
Thats quite the funny bullshit take you got there. The 1948 war was open modern warfare on a large scale ..nothing resembling tit-for-tat or terrorism. Also not declared by Israel so blame them not the Jews ..even tho you're incapable of doing so.
For me declaring a state of Israel in Palestine was a declaration of war. And that's how it was understood by the arabs.

ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Israel drives hundreds of thousands of civilians, men, women & children, from their homes forever. Sounds a bit like ethnic cleansing actually...
More bullshit but im not suprised ..Ethnic cleansing? Well Egypt and Jordan possibly would have "ethnically cleansed" the Jews had they won. The word you're looking for is segregate and there would have been a simple solution to avoid the segregation .. Don't declare war on your neighbor.. There was no mass killing of arabs to earn that distinction.
Oh yeah - 'don't declare war on your neighbour' - roughly translates as 'sit there and take it like a bitch up the ass' - very un-neocon like attitude for you to be holding.
There was an ARAB country involved in the process of Creating Isreal Wasnt there????? If so Whats the Beef? BOTH peoples Have Claim to the Land ACCORDING to there respective religions(theres that EVIL word again). So, The Arabs didnt want to share, so the Rest of the world basically made them share, and they got pissed. To me, they were Greedy and Unsympathetic to a people that were unjustly persecuted by the millions for there faith by a madman. They were driven out of there homeland By Arabs 1000's of years ago after they broke there bonds of slavery. Alls they wanted was a place to call home and they got shit on. So the Rational and civilaized world Armed and helped them protect what they were given. Oh well.
+226|6991|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann
I think you will find that what the Pope was geting at was; that faith must be arrived at by the individual through their own freewill rather than at the end of a sword and threat of death through failure to comply..

Last edited by IG-Calibre (2006-09-18 04:27:40)

Δ > x > ¥

Bernadictus wrote:

The Pope made a serious mistake.
The general tone of his message was "Show me what the Islam invented, what Jezus Christ hadn't already invented". Or to put it in more  clear daylight "Muhammed ctrl-C / ctrl-V'd the Bible and Christianity".

Honestly, that IS the most stupid thing to do. Insulting Muhammed is to Muslim, like what 9/11 is to Christians.

But on the other hand, the whole vatican isn't too bright these days.
How is 9/11 and Christianity linked?  You might be mistaking profit for prophet as far as the Twin Towers are concerned.
Agent 47 wannabe
+32|6714|Inside my APC

IG-Calibre wrote:

I think you will find that what the Pope was geting at was that faith must be arrived at by the individual through their own freewill rather than at the end of a sword and threat of death..
i was just thinking that about democracy...
Re-Incarnation. You mean re-spawn right?
+44|6894|Cardiff - Wales - UK
The easiest way to resolve any religous arguement is to kill em all and let God sort it out
+102|6951|New York
9-11 was mourned by the WHOLE country and Most of the Rational world, Not Christians. Sheesh. Not a great comparo.
So Jews should go and riot and kill Muslims whenever a Muslim says anything slightly offensive to a Jew (which happens on the order of every half-second).
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6934|United States of America
Radioactive Glo
+130|7087|A Small Isle in the Tropics

Not that I am religiously inclined..

John 8:1-12 wrote:

Jesus went unto the mount of Olives. And early in the morning he came again into the temple, and all the people came unto him; and he sat down, and taught them. And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst, They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act. Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou? This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not. So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them,
"He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her."
And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground. And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even ! unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst. When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her,
"Woman, where are those thine accusers? Hath no man condemned thee?"
She said, No man , Lord. And Jesus said unto her,
"Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more."
Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying,
"I am the light of the world:
he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life."
Not the place for any of us to judge others, and more so for the head of the Catholic Church.

The intent of the Pope in quoting the passage will never be fully known. If it is with the intent of passing judgement on another religion, it is wrong. Even if he was merely trying to demonstrate a point, he should know that quoting an ancient text like that will only lead to more harm than heal the rift. In short, not a smart thing to do.

This is just one of those things that are (partially) true but cant be said by such an eminent person. While, if we had to discuss the subject, I believe christianity was exactly the same about 1000 years ago and later, and the reason is very simple. Poor, uneducated, people will follow a religion beyond moral and simple respect of human life. It is no secret that the richer, better educated, satisfied people in the western countries more or less stopped truly believing in the Church. Those who still go to church do so for social reasons alone.
Biggest  slaughters in human history are still Christian. the pope killed more in South-America than Hitler did 60 years ago. think, people, think. Extremists are dangerous whatever flag they carry.
+305|6847|Cheshire. UK
This is typical......taken out of context....twisted to make a song and dance about it.......and now for revenge......the Pop has apologised twice on paper ..he also apologised at his sunday mass....but certain muslim groups say thats not enough.....what does he need to do ????   As far as I am concerned the murder of a Nun in Mogadishu, the Fire bombing of Catholic churches and the Death treat against the Pope ... Proves that the lines the pope recited from a history book are closer to the truth than we like to think.....
Should retitle this thread Religion Sparks Fury, its all its good for at the end of the day. How many feckin years has Man whinged on about which God is best, go on pick a God, any God...... sigh!

Personally I'm Pagan, and I'll not even bother asking ole Papa Pope what he thinks about that, and guess The other team reckon I'm an infidel (cool!) Old Mother Earth is what we should really be arguing about.

On another lighter note:

This Priest, a homosexual, and a paedophile walked into a bar............................................anyway thats the first guy.

Last edited by TheFlipTop (2006-09-18 05:15:23)

+226|6991|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann

the_hitman_kills wrote:

IG-Calibre wrote:

I think you will find that what the Pope was geting at was that faith must be arrived at by the individual through their own freewill rather than at the end of a sword and threat of death..
i was just thinking that about democracy...
I would concur
+102|6951|New York
Mythology Rulz!
+305|6847|Cheshire. UK

IG-Calibre wrote:

the_hitman_kills wrote:

IG-Calibre wrote:

I think you will find that what the Pope was geting at was that faith must be arrived at by the individual through their own freewill rather than at the end of a sword and threat of death..
i was just thinking that about democracy...
I would concur
No no no thats to logical....its easier to kick up a fuss and tell everyone the Pope hates you!!

Last edited by joker3327 (2006-09-18 05:18:47)

+226|6991|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann
Lets face it Muslims are pissed off because the Catholic Church won't recognise their faith as being Devine..

Last edited by IG-Calibre (2006-09-18 05:21:18)


the_hitman_kills wrote:

IG-Calibre wrote:

I think you will find that what the Pope was geting at was that faith must be arrived at by the individual through their own freewill rather than at the end of a sword and threat of death..
i was just thinking that about democracy...

Look what happens when we are given the vote in a bloody computer game, ya think we can be trusted to get it right? Democracy, don't make me fuckin LAUGH!! Its a smokescreen to keep the muppet masses quiet and happy in their suburban pens. Revolution is the only true democracy, and when it happens it dont last long before someone climbs to the top of the shitheap and restores some sort of order, and starts telling folk the do's and don'ts.

Vote all you want, the Government always gets in. And nothing changes, wake up ffs.

Last edited by TheFlipTop (2006-09-18 05:24:29)

His speech sounded alot like "Your either with us, or against us"..... ring any bells?

Anybody reckon the pope looks like Emperor Palpatine?

IG-Calibre wrote:

Lets face it Muslims are pissed off because the Catholic Church won't recognise their faith as being Devine..
Oh and fancy meeting you here :-D
+226|6991|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann

TheFlipTop wrote:

IG-Calibre wrote:

Lets face it Muslims are pissed off because the Catholic Church won't recognise their faith as being Devine..
Oh and fancy meeting you here :-D
haha - small world, fancy a bit of chopper whoring for the craic?

IG-Calibre wrote:

TheFlipTop wrote:

IG-Calibre wrote:

Lets face it Muslims are pissed off because the Catholic Church won't recognise their faith as being Devine..
Oh and fancy meeting you here :-D
haha - small world, fancy a bit of chopper whoring for the craic?
Yeah, while I boil up a bath, water in the tank aint hot enuff. Wanna find a server while I make cocoa, and check me baff?

Last edited by TheFlipTop (2006-09-18 05:36:47)

Say wat!?

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

There was an ARAB country involved in the process of Creating Isreal Wasnt there????? If so Whats the Beef? BOTH peoples Have Claim to the Land ACCORDING to there respective religions(theres that EVIL word again). So, The Arabs didnt want to share, so the Rest of the world basically made them share, and they got pissed. To me, they were Greedy and Unsympathetic to a people that were unjustly persecuted by the millions for there faith by a madman. They were driven out of there homeland By Arabs 1000's of years ago after they broke there bonds of slavery. Alls they wanted was a place to call home and they got shit on. So the Rational and civilaized world Armed and helped them protect what they were given. Oh well.
Yes they didnt sympathise with the jews, if England hadnt controlled alot of the middle East and N.Africa they all would have jumped on the Hitler band wagon in seconds. If anything they completely agreed with what Hitler was doing.

Last edited by Vilham (2006-09-18 05:42:54)

Say wat!?

TheFlipTop wrote:

the_hitman_kills wrote:

IG-Calibre wrote:

I think you will find that what the Pope was geting at was that faith must be arrived at by the individual through their own freewill rather than at the end of a sword and threat of death..
i was just thinking that about democracy...

Look what happens when we are given the vote in a bloody computer game, ya think we can be trusted to get it right? Democracy, don't make me fuckin LAUGH!! Its a smokescreen to keep the muppet masses quiet and happy in their suburban pens. Revolution is the only true democracy, and when it happens it dont last long before someone climbs to the top of the shitheap and restores some sort of order, and starts telling folk the do's and don'ts.

Vote all you want, the Government always gets in. And nothing changes, wake up ffs.
I dont quite think you understand the difference in a vote that involves one country and a whole group of countries, what you said above is extremely ignorant, people on the internet disagree so much because they come from COMPLETELY different backgrounds, the only thing people seem to agree on this site is that Europe hates America??? and that Americans just think Europe is jealous????

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