Resident M-14 fanatic
+59|6806|Lancaster Ohio, USA
Ok, so I'm pleased to report that I finally got accused of hacking, I know this may seem odd that I'm happy but to me it just shows that I owned the other team so badly they started to accuse me. It was 4 on 5, we had the small team and it was at Mashtuur City. It was really nothing more than running around capping stuff. I happened to get in a tank and kick some major ass, yeah I know, I was an armor whore...big deal, they accused me of wall hacks, not taking any damage...etc, etc. Yeah I was hacking so hard that we lost the Anyway I just wanted to share that with ya, wheter or not ya cared...if ya don't I'm sorry, I'm just happy that's all. Take it easy...

Edit: I just remembered this...for some reason I was showing up as a Private, so that might have been an added reason that they suspected I was hacking.

Last edited by bob_6012 (2006-09-17 01:09:16)

That 70's guy
+156|6681|Sydney, in 1978
i know how ya feel, i love getting accused of hacking, makes me feel so u83r 1337
Resident M-14 fanatic
+59|6806|Lancaster Ohio, USA
Yeah it's an awesome feeling...because I know I'm not that good...hell just look at my stats...any rate I'm extremely pleased...
The People’s Champion
+59|6591|A drop house
loonitic a potty mouth
Welcome to the club LOL
i was accused of hacking many times, especially, when I'm playing on German servers...
officially been kicked from 4 servers and banned from another 2 for quote "hacking" or "high-rank-noob/camper". all times 40kills, 1-or-less deaths.

1 ban on inf. only--reason "bunny-hopping/aimbotting/overall hacking/rank too high" found that one particularly funny.
loonitic a potty mouth

Cram0 wrote:

i was accused of hacking many times, especially, when I'm playing on German servers...
I know what you mean the ammount of times I've been kicked off German servers because i fly better than them is socking !!! Damn Germans dont like to lose...
The People’s Champion
+59|6591|A drop house

loonitic wrote:

Cram0 wrote:

i was accused of hacking many times, especially, when I'm playing on German servers...
I know what you mean the ammount of times I've been kicked off German servers because i fly better than them is socking !!! Damn Germans dont like to lose...
Which is ironic..
Dex Luther

N.A.T.O wrote:

loonitic wrote:

Cram0 wrote:

i was accused of hacking many times, especially, when I'm playing on German servers...
I know what you mean the ammount of times I've been kicked off German servers because i fly better than them is socking !!! Damn Germans dont like to lose...
Which is ironic..
trust me, it happens.

Last edited by xbrandomx (2006-09-17 01:37:37)


loonitic wrote:

I know what you mean the ammount of times I've been kicked off German servers because i fly better than them is socking !!! Damn Germans don't like to lose...
i was recently kicked from a server, for saying noob on the admin, because he TV-d me down while i was stealing enemy
Missing, Presumed Dead

I didnt get accused of hacking on Gator yesterday, despite finishing with 72/29 and 260 score (and next highest in the game was 160)....yet some chopper pilot up top with like 20/15 got called a hacker for half of the game! Despite the fact that all of the action was happening below decks....
Its so funny to see that kind of shit.
i piss excellence
+22|6675|Houston (Spring), TX
yea, read my sig.. i laughed  so hard
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6716|Area 51

loonitic wrote:

Welcome to the club LOL
I love [fiSh]

Cram0 wrote:

i was accused of hacking many times, especially, when I'm playing on German servers...
As if the nationality has anything to do with that.

Probably it's because Germany has the second most BF2 players after the USA...


Sone wrote:

yea, read my sig.. i laughed  so hard
Funny that someone on your teams complaining about you hacking, usually its always the other team that are getting killed by you not your teamates for some unknown reason..Maybe you asked your freind to write it so you could look ubber leet
..yawn.. this is s sausage fest with trekkies blabbering about how much they "own"

man saying own and noob every 5 seconds is so fresh and new ..

OMG H4X ?!!11 a fruity internets blowout!!!11
loonitic a potty mouth

fierce wrote:

Cram0 wrote:

i was accused of hacking many times, especially, when I'm playing on German servers...
As if the nationality has anything to do with that.

Probably it's because Germany has the second most BF2 players after the USA...

1st. Are you German?
2nd. 90% off all my kicks have been on German servers
3rd. i usually only play on UK servers (before you say anything about germany being second)
Hes right tho there are 46,600 german bf2 players and 27.517 from the UK
Lol im usually the person accusing ppl of hacking on some of the servers i play on but most of the othr ppl on there agree that the ppl i acuse probably do hack (its certain clans).... i have been accused a lot of times aswell of hacking but thats always by a player i keep killing hehe.
as good as me you never will be

ﻍﻏﺱﺖﻇﻸﮚ wrote:

Hes right tho there are 46,600 german bf2 players and 27.517 from the UK
so there are a lot more germans to pwn then uk. cool. ..
Ive been accused of hacking twice.  Once for apprently using a health hack and the other cause my score on a server was twice as much as my teammates and enemy.  In the second, i was threatened by some nobody to be reported to EA.  Oooooooooooooo, i was soo scured......LOL.
hahah today i finally got how to snipe. and i sniped this guy like 7-10 times in a row. he said i was hacking i felt so uber that time...
Typical white person.
+389|6911|San Antonio, Texas
Yeah, but have you ever got everyone (on the other team) in a full 32 server to leave? I have, and I love the Mi-28.

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