What is the point of having so many damned patches?  They always seem to bring up problems for many people worse than the ones they fixed.  I think Dice and EA should get together and just work on the code and re-release it for 20 to 25 dollars.  I would pay 25 more to have all the problems I experience now, gone.  But they never will do that because I can not see a game company admitting they rushed a game.  Instead they'd rather release 8 million patches.  I am sure there are tons of you who dont agree with me, but I'm sure there are many that do as well, so whether you sympathize or criticize, I'm open to hear your opinion on the issue.


I like the game the way it is now.
+416|6642|United States
Outstanding link.  I haven't seen that.
fuck it
Because I already paid $50 for it. Why would I pay an extra $25 for them to fix their mistakes when they should be releasing a good patch instead.
+4|6727|I'm not sure
Well, since 1.4 I have not had one crash to desktop, I have not had one lost connection, and I think the balance of the game is great now (The side with the best teamwork will win - meaning squadwork, not individuals running around dropping medic bags/ammo bags, etc. ). I also think that the 1s shooting delay after standing has not changed my gameplay at all.

So I am perfectly happy with the game at the moment. But yes, 1.3 was awful with all the CTD's.

Last edited by Moggle (2006-09-15 20:17:37)


Masterstyle wrote:

"This battlefield 2 patch is a patch to patch the patch of the patched patch which needed to be patched after the patch before the original patch was patched."

Pope of BF2s
+355|6773|Sea to globally-cooled sea
yeah dude I laughed so hard when I read that definition.  +1 for showing it to me

iNeedUrFace4Soup wrote:

Because I already paid $50 for it. Why would I pay an extra $25 for them to fix their mistakes when they should be releasing a good patch instead.
That's a good point.  The problems I've had with every patch so far is worth 25 dollars to me honestly.  To you, it probably isn't.  I mean, to the people having no problems and playing better games, more power to you, thats outstanding.  That's what patches are supposed to do.  But there are a bunch of us that the patches screw up our games in ways beyond our understanding.  It's not the end of the world or a life-threatening problem and we should all be thankful we have been fortunate in life so far to just be able to log on to this forum, but it is frustrating.
Devon Dweller
+36|6734|Devon, England

Rascapillion wrote:

I think Dice and EA should get together and just work on the code and re-release it for 20 to 25 dollars.  I would pay 25 more to have all the problems I experience now, gone.  G.
If everyone in BF2 had to pay 25 Dollars or about  £17-18 then th eBF2 community would die because not many including myself would or should pay for something that has and alway should be free


Last edited by pippin_death (2006-09-15 23:30:43)

Aspiring Objectivist
sloppy programmers...

Last edited by TrollmeaT (2006-09-15 23:29:19)

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