
stryyker wrote:

i bet we are more racially sensitive than most other countries of the world.
It's just that our racism gets more media attention.
fuck it
Do any crappy television shows in the UK represent the opinion of the entire country?
+488|6611|Portland, OR, USA

iNeedUrFace4Soup wrote:

Do any crappy television shows in the UK represent the opinion of the entire country?

stop with the "america is..." threads

it could have justy as easily been "reality tv show rasist?"

But how the hell is splitting people up into different ethnic groups racist?  If your that sensitive or politically correct i pity you
Banned - for ever.
+231|6751|Wilmington, DE, US
This is one of those "No shit?" topics.
+385|6532|Northern California
Most black people i see are racist..but saying all blacks are racist is wrong.  And yes, it's racism when you call every person white or black, and that they're good or bad at something because of that color (even when blacks are calling my honkey brethren bad at dancing).  What's really bad about this topic that needs more attention then it gets is this absurd mentality if you ARE a minority, it's ok to be racist against those who are not minority.  Same thing for blacks to be able to say nigger, but not for non-blacks.

Bascially, ANYONE referring to people by their color IS a racist.  Also, being racist these days is not only someone who elevates their "race" above another but someone who has the race of someone mentioned when referring to people.  Making practice of not describing someone as black, white, or other is the best way to avoid racism.  So it will have to start with government documents and the basic inquiry of peoples' races/ethnicity.  I have not marked "caucasian" or "white" for years always selecting Other and hoping they'll ask me why i didn't answer.  I'm so fcking sick of being asked what 'race' i am or what racial group I belong to.

ok, time to chill now...
Anger is a gift
+174|6674|Sin City

I get tired of always hearing racisim automatically be associated with white people. Honestly I have seen much more of that crap from minorities towards whites that vise-versa. This has been covered a bunch before but it's worth repeating. And Survivor blows anyway.....they are just trying to keep people watching their lame ass show.
BF2s US Server Admin
+257|6668|Los Angeles, California, US.
Dont base your Fucking Opinion on the Actions of a Few, Racism can be a Stereotype, THIS, Is a Stereotype, So, Should I say that You are Racist?
Battlelog: DaReJa
MyBFi/BF3i Admin

AKA DanielRJ
GameSurge IRC Network, Support Agent and Staff
Phuzion IRC Network, Support Director and Operator
+42|6885|Waikato, Aotearoa
Islamic extemists are so much racist as xenophobic (that is fearful or hateful of those that countries that arnt Islamic) - like the entire Western World.

Oh and America as a racist country?? Bloody oath you are. Have been since slavery in the 17th-18th Century

Last edited by -101-InvaderZim (2006-09-15 16:19:33)

+385|6532|Northern California

-101-InvaderZim wrote:

Islamic extemists are so much racist as xenophobic (that is fearful or hateful of those that countries that arnt Islamic) - like the entire Western World.
How do you figure islamic extremists are racist?  Do they say their race is better than others?  Is being Islamic a race? NO. I believe their gripe is that you must accept Allah or you are a godless infidel.

Last edited by IRONCHEF (2006-09-15 16:20:06)

+42|6885|Waikato, Aotearoa
Oh please. "godless Infidel" my arse. I dont practice my religion (Catholic Christian), but that doesnt mean that I am going to hell for eternity. I am a "good" person (that is I am not a thief, I am faithful to my partner, I respect my parents et al et al) and dont have a criminal record.

Oh and to those Extremists that force hostages to take up Islam - you are doing your Faith a dis-service. Faith is something that someone does of their own choice and free will. Chances are that when (or IF) those hostages are free, they will prolly drop Islam like a hot potato.
+385|6532|Northern California

-101-InvaderZim wrote:

Oh please. "godless Infidel" my arse. I dont practice my religion (Catholic Christian), but that doesnt mean that I am going to hell for eternity. I am a "good" person (that is I am not a thief, I am faithful to my partner, I respect my parents et al et al) and dont have a criminal record.

Oh and to those Extremists that force hostages to take up Islam - you are doing your Faith a dis-service. Faith is something that someone does of their own choice and free will. Chances are that when (or IF) those hostages are free, they will prolly drop Islam like a hot potato.
I wasn't implying that  all muslims say that, just some of the extremist ones that obviously don't understand islam.  Islamic belief, as claimed by the majority of muslims, is NOT violent, Jihad is for when there's genuine persecution against their religion.

But it's no different than extremist Christians (aka, skin heads, neoconservatives like some of the republican radio personalities we all know and love, assheads that bomb abortion clinics..). 

I'm of a particular Christian religion that believes it is the actual true church of Jesus Christ and we know that everyone will have a chance either in this life or the next to accept the principles of our faith..but we don't dare try to force anyone into that....force is Satan's way, Free Agency is God's way.  How else do you learn and progress if you're compelled?
Unintentionally Verbose
One may be more racist than the other, but they're both racist. Survivor and the terrorists
+42|6885|Waikato, Aotearoa
Niether was I Chef.
Pope of BF2s
+355|6668|Sea to globally-cooled sea
It's for ratings, man.

everyone knows, the best way to get ratings is to create a scandal.  It happened with Mel Gibson's Passion of the Christ.  It happened with the 9/11 Docudrama on ABC this past weekend.

They did this so that there would be a public outroar which would in turn create more public awareness and a greater interest than usual.

Furthermore: I don't think it's a matter of racism.  I'd route for the white guys because I'm white.  It's the same reason that I route for America at the Olympics.  I don't have anything against your country, it's just not mine.  I don't have anything against your race, it's just not mine.

You people who accuse racism left and right are nutty.  Find something more important to be concerned about, like the deterioration of the family, because that's doing a whole lot more damage to our World than your perceived "racism" on a TV show.
Phorum Phantom
Lets here it for gimmicks! yay!
+76|6817|Antwerp, Flanders

-101-InvaderZim wrote:

Oh please. "godless Infidel" my arse. I dont practice my religion (Catholic Christian), but that doesnt mean that I am going to hell for eternity. I am a "good" person (that is I am not a thief, I am faithful to my partner, I respect my parents et al et al) and dont have a criminal record.

Oh and to those Extremists that force hostages to take up Islam - you are doing your Faith a dis-service. Faith is something that someone does of their own choice and free will. Chances are that when (or IF) those hostages are free, they will prolly drop Islam like a hot potato.
Riiiight. In the eyes of the extremist muslim (or any other religious extremist), there is no such thing as a good person that does not believe the same things he does. I'm sure they won't be impressed by your vacant criminal record either. Anyone that does not believe the same thing as he does is pure evil and serves only one purpose unless he or she converts to the same belief. And that purpose is: To die.
two wrongs dont make a right, just because someone does something doesnt justify it being done by anyone else.
U shud proabbly f off u fat prik
+3,097|6531|Gogledd Cymru

SoC./Omega wrote:

surgeon_bond wrote:

Ok so i heard in the news yesterday that an american show (survivor) is being split into 4 teams of people depending on race e.g. african/americans, asians, white etc. and all these people were having a go at the producers of the show.

Some people say that it just goes to show that america really is a racist country, however what about the terrorists from the middle east who solely go out to (jihad) kill all americans/whites or foreigners (infidels) so why do people say that america is racist when there are people out there whose life is to kill as many infidels as possible.

Do you think that america is racist? i do to an extent in that sometimes people from iraq are tortured and stuff but do you ?
Because ONE show splits up due to racial features means ALL OF AMERICA IS RACIST? I'm sorry your a fucking idiot, as a matter of fact I know very very very little people that are racist... I'm not saying there isnt racists in America and im not saying i know everyone in america. What I'm saying is that you can't base a country off one show, would you like it if I chewed out the UK for being racist?!
Okay calm down, take a chill pill, i, if you read what i said i dont agree with some people that i heard on the radio saying that america is a racist country. not once did i say that, i argued that what about all the terrorists from the middle east.

Take yourt anger out on someone arguing for ya country why dont ya, god damn yanks cant do nothin right, jk
Calmer than you are.

surgeon_bond wrote:

there are people out there whose life is to kill as many infidels as possible.
WTF??? just use your head n' think about this for a sec...

BwC-Grizzly wrote:

I think that every human being is racist to some extent no matter how much or how little.  No one likes to admit it though.
+12|6711|Aberdeen, Uk, SF Bay Area 1st

linster wrote:

jarhedch wrote:

as an american living in the UK, i find racism more of a problem in britain than the US by a long shot, I really wish the british would stop using TV as their main source of US culture understanding, I really am getting tired of being asked how many times i've been shot. We're criticised for being insulated and misunderstanding of other cultures, and ya know what? basing your opinions and ideas on TV shows is far worse. Get over it and stop looking for digs on the US through a poor TV show.
m8 did you know what the uk was like before you came here? not being funny but its mainly us shows that portray the us in that way
not fully, no, i had an idea, but it wasn't 100% accurate. But i never believed Britain to be like Mary Poppins, with quaint little streets and coal chimneys belching out smoke everywhere, nor did i belivev everyone to talk in little proper english accents. but your media portrays us as a bunch of nuts with guns living in the wild west. The other briton that commented on what i said complained of not being recognized as english by his accent. I can totally understand that because many of us are very insulated and misunderstand many other things outside of our own country. I believe thats a big difference between being misunderstood by one's accent and being asked how many times i've been shot. One is the product of an insulated and underdeveloped understanding of the british culture. The other is believing whatever is fed to them through the glowing piece of glass that sits in their family room, which is actually the discussion we are talking about. I have lived in Britain a total of 4 years and have had many more instances of what people believe the americans are like through TV and actually stick to them even when i inform them otherwise. They would rather believe the TV than one who was born and raised in the US.
+42|6885|Waikato, Aotearoa
Hey Chef if what you said was true (about accepeting Allah or being a Godless Infidel) - what about the Pope?
No-one can deny his Faith or his "holyness" if you will - and I dont think that you could call him Godless (being the spiritual head of the Roman Catholic Church and all) ......

"Racist", is this term that means u recognize the existence of different races or that you hate other races? Acting like everyone is actually the same is every way is little naive IMO.  And a televsion show is not "America"
+5,233|6571|Global Command
All dem colored people trying to get in must feel that its not so bad.
+22|6850|Moore, Oklahoma
why is it ok for a black comedian to call a white person a cracker, but if a white comedian called a black the 'n' word all hell would break loose.

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