Um... okay, I'm a 'lowbrow' artist - cartoons and the like. Since I'm starting a comic I've been designing characters. I'm pretty inexperienced, so I'm working on things like facial expressions and body language. Hang on I'll try and find a few examples.
Okay this is the first draft design of the character "Chas". Yes that's his name, don't blame me I didn't think it up, I suggested a character for a mate of mine who is helping me in writing and ideas and he chose the name Chas for himself.
Anyway, nothing special about this drawning. I reckon his head is too squashed looking though.

Second picture. This is again one of Chas, this time a bit more animated in a flinching kind of pose. For this one I was definatly concentrating on body language. the hand on his forehead is too flat, I wanted to angle it out again but wasn't bothered re-drawing it. I shaded parts of it 'cause I was bored.

The last one I have is of 'my' character, you've see him around before, it's the guy who took up residence in my Sig after GIR left. In fact, this picture is the exact same one I have in my Sig at the moment. I did this one in a lecture so I didn't put too much effort in. I drew a hand but it looked unnatural so I erased it and put it in his pocket.

A few people have seen this character evolve through the months, lets go back to see some of the first ones I did...

Okay, the first one was drawn in ten seconds in Bic biro when Karma first started in the forums. The second one however I actually put a lot of effort into. Go figure. This was the inspiration for my
Claymore-phobic sig. I used to put him in my blue shirt, (made from Hemp,) but now it's not really worth the effort.
So... yeah. That's my stuff. Even my terrible old stuff, (I hate looking over old pictures, but it's cool to see how they've evolved.)