Ive watched that video and dont totally believe or totally disagree with it. I dont think that the attacks at the WTC were staged. It was too large scale and the way it happened just makes it really not possible. If explosive charges, whatever, were planted there, when was this carried out? How do you rig a 100+ story building with explosives with no1 seeing? I do, however, believe that the attacks on the pentagon and flight 93 crashing in pennsylvania, are cover-ups. The size and shape of the hole at the pentagon leaves no doubt in my mind as to what happened there. Cruise missile from a C-130 flying over the pentagon on 9/11. There are no long holes protruding outward from the single hole at the pentagon, leaving me to believe that no wing sections, engines, tail section, ever hit the pentagon. In addition the fact that only 2 planes, both military were ever flying over the pentagon that day is more proof. Also, the FBI immediately confiscated security camera film of the pentagon after the "attack" had taken place. But why slam a cruise missile into the side of the pentagon? Because the actual terrorist-hijacked plane that was en-route to the pentagon was shot down by Air National Guard F-16's. The government did this to spare explaining to the country and especially the families of the victims that they had shot down the airliner. I do think that the government had to shoot down that plane, but disagree with the cover-up they created at the pentagon. Flight 93's crash in Pennsylvania, im a little less sure about, but I also believe that this plane was also shot down by the Air National Guard. The very crash site that was reported to be of flight 93 had really no large aircraft sections at all. I think that the actual plane was shot down over a body of water somewhere, and all the government had to do was create a fake crash site and tell every1 that the passengers had overrun the cockpit to make it sound more real.
I am open to flaming on this, but I think that all the evidence is there. To re-cap I DO think that the attacks on the WTC were real terrorists in real planes, but I dont believe that the Pentagon attack or flight 93 were real.
I am open to flaming on this, but I think that all the evidence is there. To re-cap I DO think that the attacks on the WTC were real terrorists in real planes, but I dont believe that the Pentagon attack or flight 93 were real.