
FFLink13 wrote:

i does not get you laughs.
Actually it got at least one. Obviously his attempt at levity was wasted on you and FYI, your post makes you sound like exactly what you're accusing him of.

VeNg3nCe^ wrote:

lol @ all the sniper fanboys in this thread.
LOL @ all the anti-sniper 'tards jumping on the allfive6 bandwagon... so we're even

VeNg3nCe^ wrote:

Ask ANY top league team, 20ID, Warchild, Code7, (if they still play) etc.
News flash: most of us don't play in a league.

VeNg3nCe^ wrote:

Compared to medic in a competetive game, snipers are a wasted slot.  There is no way that a sniper can do as much as another medic in a 5v5 or 8v8.
Hmm, interesting point. Now, how about AT? Assault? Support? Spec ops? Engineer? No, no, no, no and no? Hence, the point is irrelevant. You know you may be pretty good at this game but you don't know squat about logic and your rhetoric skills suck so maybe leave formal argument to the big boys who actually have some brains Mr. Teamkill expert?
I kill many people close up with either the sniper rifle/pistol kill or just go in dolphin diving for the knife kill.  Claymores are also EXTREMELY effective in defending bases or alleyways where you know there is a lot of traffic.  Just last night I killed 5 guys with 2 claymores...defended the base against a whole squad myself, then finished off the last guy with my pistol.  If you're good as a sniper, automatic weapons are a thing of the past.
i can play all kits |top| and no matter what map what team and what weapon i choose i can always outclass the rest of the team.

6v6 is silly to play sniper any way not enough targets. and considering these players would be very good. a 5 shot bolt-action rifle wont cut it. a decent enough medic would make a carpet of first aid bag comfortably healing your shot till he get in close-quarters
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Todd ever play on a NON-highpoint server?

I'll answer the rest of the bullhsit posts tmr. I'm going to sleep.
Internet Poon
Todd has it right, people should stop complaining about the existence of snipers. There is no such thing as a useless kit, they all have weapons, are they can all kill any other kit.

Snipers being better or worse is just your opinion on how good/bad you can handle them. You think a kit is too hard? You probably also think it was a mistake to have the kit in the first place, because you cant be good with it from the first try.

Also, some people are saying snipers dont mix with close combat like Karkand. Look towards the advantages a sniper does have: pistols stay accurate while moving and rifles take away 95% of your health.
Other people have the advantage of ROF (but you can compensate with spasmic clicking) and damage (which you can compensate by aiming for the head).

Snipers useless? Thats just you.
There is.
+1,380|6737|Devon, England

Todd_Angelo wrote:

FFLink13 wrote:

i does not get you laughs.
Actually it got at least one. Obviously his attempt at levity was wasted on you and FYI, your post makes you sound like exactly what you're accusing him of.
how does it do that, because i can't see it.
Fantasma Parastasie
I knife Generals
+278|6584|Search Whore killing fields
What do you use to shave your pubic hair?
Fantasma Parastasie
A real man pulls them out.
I knife Generals
+278|6584|Search Whore killing fields
With his teeth?
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|6799|Toronto, ON
When tickets get close, I suicide and switch to medic because every ticket matters at that point.
Alpha as fuck.

greenhaven wrote:

No. First off, good snipers can inflict heavy ticket loss on the other team, while only losing a couple for theirs. Secondly, snipers actually defend. The enemy team can't cap that flag if they can't go within 25 feet without dying. Even if the lone sniper can't hold them off, they'll lose tickets, and it will buy time for someone else to defend the flag. Also, when your team's vehicles are on the move, it helps to have someone to shoot all the TOW/Stinger/AT gunners. Snipers can do all this with less deaths than a traditional infantryman.
too bad im sure you cant speak from experience.  In match play... that is completely not the case.  First... no they wouldnt lose tickets, they would mostly be medics for a reason... you shoot them.. they will heal... you kill one (rare) they get rezzed.. you claymore one... he gets rezzed... if you want to slow them down... be support spam grenades... or assault and gp-30 one... then gp30 the guy that tries to rez him... or have everyone go medic too.  There are very few times when sniper is best kit to go...

Then theres shooting tow/stinger/at gunners...  thats just a LoL.  If your team has someone dedicated for that, yall are in big trouble... any other class can do just as good a job.

A sniper cannot heal... they cannot rez... they cannot take out any armor, and generally they arent needed.  There are too many barriers to hide behind to make the slight accuracy advantage worth it.  And claymore are just an annoyance to a good team.

Nyte wrote:

When tickets get close, I suicide and switch to medic because every ticket matters at that point.
well that contridicts itself you lose a ticket for that. look for a medic kit
M24 Abuser
+99|6547|Valley of the Dragons

Chillin&killin wrote:

Nyte wrote:

When tickets get close, I suicide and switch to medic because every ticket matters at that point.
well that contridicts itself you lose a ticket for that. look for a medic kit
+312|6641|selby, n. yorkshire, UK

Jemme101 wrote:

Chillin&killin wrote:

Nyte wrote:

When tickets get close, I suicide and switch to medic because every ticket matters at that point.
well that contridicts itself you lose a ticket for that. look for a medic kit
i don't care if i win or not, sounds like nyte is taking BF2 a little too serious , i play US on wake FTL

Last edited by dont_be_ss (2006-09-12 14:13:34)


polarbearz wrote:

Todd ever play on a NON-highpoint server?
Oh I'm sorry, is a deliberate-teamkilling aircraft whore actually attempting to infer an unlevel playing field of some kind?

Anyway, all the freakin' time. First one: 16-player Sharqi. Second: 32-player Night Flight. Second, third, fourth, ninth and tenth late at night, that's why there happened to be few players. Sixth: 32ish players on 64-player Sharqi, hardly 'high-points'. In fact, try to find the words high or point on either of these server lists: … nline.html … nline.html

Notice #10 spot above. And I didn't have to flop around like a dying fish for fifteen minutes either.

How 'bout you? Ever play outside your precious plane or helo or tank? Not much I see.

polarbearz wrote:

I'll answer the rest of the bullhsit posts tmr. I'm going to sleep.
With more of your own particular brand of "sniper kit is only good for the M95 to ensure the pilot's seat" BS? Oh, that'll be something to look forward to. Yawn.

FFLink13 wrote:

Todd_Angelo wrote:

FFLink13 wrote:

i does not get you laughs.
Actually it got at least one. Obviously his attempt at levity was wasted on you and FYI, your post makes you sound like exactly what you're accusing him of.
how does it do that, because i can't see it.
Of course you can't. But trust me, it does

slicknic wrote:

greenhaven wrote:

No. First off, good snipers can inflict heavy ticket loss on the other team, while only losing a couple for theirs. Secondly, snipers actually defend. The enemy team can't cap that flag if they can't go within 25 feet without dying. Even if the lone sniper can't hold them off, they'll lose tickets, and it will buy time for someone else to defend the flag. Also, when your team's vehicles are on the move, it helps to have someone to shoot all the TOW/Stinger/AT gunners. Snipers can do all this with less deaths than a traditional infantryman.
too bad im sure you cant speak from experience.  In match play... that is completely not the case.  First... no they wouldnt lose tickets, they would mostly be medics for a reason... you shoot them.. they will heal... you kill one (rare) they get rezzed.. you claymore one... he gets rezzed... if you want to slow them down... be support spam grenades... or assault and gp-30 one... then gp30 the guy that tries to rez him... or have everyone go medic too.  There are very few times when sniper is best kit to go...

Then theres shooting tow/stinger/at gunners...  thats just a LoL.  If your team has someone dedicated for that, yall are in big trouble... any other class can do just as good a job.

A sniper cannot heal... they cannot rez... they cannot take out any armor, and generally they arent needed.  There are too many barriers to hide behind to make the slight accuracy advantage worth it.  And claymore are just an annoyance to a good team.
If you're using a semi auto rifle, which is common on city maps, then you drop the first with three shots, which are too close together for the medic to fully heal themselves. Then, you kill the guy who jumps to rez. Then you headshot the next guy. Then, the rest of your team moves in.

Other classes are just as good at taking out gunners, but a sniper can drop him before he has a chance to get a missle anywhere near a teammate.
We shall beat to quarters!

And how effective would you think a Medic grouped with a Sniper would be in a clan match? all the sniper has to do is hit them and there dead with some cover fire from the medic, how is that not effective?
~ Do you not know that in the service … one must always choose the lesser of two weevils?
Ok, i bet 10 quid i can kill you 1 on 1, 50m away.

Last edited by ssonrats (2006-09-12 16:26:23)


R3v4n wrote:

And how effective would you think a Medic grouped with a Sniper would be in a clan match? all the sniper has to do is hit them and there dead with some cover fire from the medic, how is that not effective?
It is extremely effective. I am not saying that one team should be only sniper, but in the vast majority of circumstances, having a diversity of kits is a very good thing. Snipers take out some of the defenders, and cover the rest of the team to the flag. The sniper can also run along with the teammates to cap the flag faster.
......they are not useless even in clan matches they are not, ive been in clan matches were we had a 2 snipers guarding a certain control point and we held out till they only had 30 tickets left which gave use a huge advantage and ultimately winning the match, we have used this strategy before with success
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Dirtracer90 wrote:

......they are not useless even in clan matches they are not, ive been in clan matches were we had a 2 snipers guarding a certain control point and we held out till they only had 30 tickets left which gave use a huge advantage and ultimately winning the match, we have used this strategy before with success
Yeah was this some free, conducted over Xfire: LoLz lets SCIRMZ LOLZ OK TONITEZ?! kind of clan match? I highly doubt money of any sort was on the line. And for whoever that insists again and and again the 'OmGz bearz snipers is teh impt and teh useful, WE use it in our clan matches?' You and your stupid clan can fuck off simply because its obvious that you have ZERO experience in competitive play.

Put this way, in THEORY your stupid medic and sniper theory would work. But I have NEVER seen it used. Ever. In any of the BF2WT games, most of the Europe/Oceania competitiions, local competitions I've played in. Nil. Nada. Zilch. If it was that effective wouldn't at least SOME people be using it? Dolphin diving, prone spamming etc, pixel shooting/marking, in competitive play EVERY bit of the engine is broken down and dissected to exploit fully. If your stupid theory was effective wouldn't anyone have used it?

As said before, there's no point mixing the competitive players with the public players, but even on the public level, I've already put very simply, snipers are just something to be tolerated.

Last edited by polarbearz (2006-09-12 18:34:04)

bad touch

Todd_Angelo do you really have to post screens of yourself as a sniper in EVERY FUCKING THREAD THAT ENVOLVES SNIPERS? honest to fuck, dont care.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Todd_Angelo wrote:

Oh I'm sorry, is a deliberate-teamkilling aircraft whore actually attempting to infer an unlevel playing field of some kind?
Sorry come again? Scrutinize the stats carefully, I utilize every vehicle available. If there's an aircraft, I let a decent pilot fly it, or teamkill the n00b out. If there's a helo, I fly it solo or bring a good gunner. Armor, use it to support and cap, jeeps and stuff are wonderful for capping too. Before going on to my next point let me get this out in the open. Its fucking snipers like you that ruined the game for everyone else. Couldn't stand getting vehicles dropped on your stupid numbskulls. Couldn't hit prone spammers, dolphin divers. Couldn't stand people jumping and shooting the fuck out of you. Couldn't stand getting the shit raped out of you by a game that was MEANT for vehicular superiority thus resulting in the IO mode.

I could go on for ages, but I can tell you this straight in the face. Shove your stupid fuckass rifle back up your ass and go back to CS. All you snipers do are make stupid videos, wank over your '1337 238074933 headshots to date and stuff. It doesn't mean shit. Most of you are just AWP whores from CS that couldn't handle the dynamic nature of Battlefield 2, and whined enough for infantry combat to be slowed so much since the first version. But I still hold my own in clan matches and scrims, no matter how much infantry combat has been slowed and retarded I've still adapted and changed to it. While you stupid snipers are still singing your same dumbass tunes.

Todd_Angelo wrote:

With more of your own particular brand of "sniper kit is only good for the M95 to ensure the pilot's seat" BS? Oh, that'll be something to look forward to. Yawn.
Mmmmm. No. I'm bored of that approach too, so I think I'll take on a more in-your-face, bash-your-stupid-fucking-sniper-numbskull kind of approach.

Todd_Angelo wrote:

How 'bout you? Ever play outside your precious plane or helo or tank? Not much I see.
How about you scrutinize a little more carefully if you want to bring stats into the conversation? I have a LOT of time spent in other vehicles too, be it ground defense or air defense or even transport. THE VEHICLES ARE THERE, FUCKING USE IT Not cry and cry that this is overpowered, that's overpowered. Sure, jets raped hard in 1.12, I learnt to fly, while people like you went to whine about it. So even with AA as it is now I'm highly confident of having a 2nd account with a 25++ KDR in a jet. But I can't be bothered. I don't bring stats into conversations much. I'm willing to live with the insane number of deaths I got when I was learning to fly.

But I digress. Yes, I do play outside my 'precious plane or helo or tank'. I go for medals in them, simply because even though they're worthless in real life, they give me just that little smile when I hear the drumroll and the little sense of pride and achievement that I've worked for it.

How about YOU? Ever spent anytime playing something else beside your stupid sniper class and karkand? Ever stepped in a map with PLA, EF or AF before? For any extended periods of time? At least I play every map as it is, not just Mappack Karkand. Don't give me the usual bullshit answer: 'Oh I hate getting raped by XXX vehicle so I like infantry in karkand'. Put very simply, fuck you, you're in the wrong game then. Your team has the same amount of vehicles. Learn to use them or shut the fuck up.

Todd_Angelo wrote:

Blah blah blah massive amounts of screenshots.

Notice #10 spot above. And I didn't have to flop around like a dying fish for fifteen minutes either. … 112ps7.jpg
Sure, you top 3 a few rounds, how many screenies do you have to post? Its barely 1% of the total games you've played. I'll use my stats for example. If I posted every single round I've come in top 3 in that'll be at LEAST 2000 shots. But it doesn't say ANYTHING. Anyone can come up with a stupid screenie saying OMG LOOK I PWN.

Sniper is for public games and to be tolerated. And have NO place in clan matches. Live with it.

... And if you disagree take your stupid useless class and shove it up your ass.
there was no need to to tell me to f*ck off seriously i was just stating my experiences in a calm manner stating a theory we have used and wasnt aimed at anyone just in general, an di dont post anything revolving around my stats or videos or anything so dont give me any bs on that

Last edited by Dirtracer90 (2006-09-12 19:05:46)

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