I was down at Ground Zero on the anniversary of the second attack on The World Trade center on 09-11-01. It was supposed to be a memorial service so bringing a camera was the last thing on my mind, even if I had thought it appropriate. Others brought cameras for what ever reason and I guess thats cool. Everyone has their own story and reasons for being there.
The event was defiled by the lunatic fringe. the Conspiracy Theorists Why they had to start a small riot at a memorial service is beyond me, but seeing the assortments that filled their ranks made a lot very clear for me. Assholes.
I really wished I Had brought a camera. I counted no less than three "Australian / Safari hats. Tons of printed tees Loose Change was popular as was assorted "Bush This !" " Bush that ! " etc. What adult wears a T shirt with profane printing on it? Lots of Jamma wear. Color coordinated sweat suits, One size fits all stretchy pants. Face painters abounded. Many ex hippies who revived their battle garb for one last time. Wire Rimmed glasses galore lol ! And New wanna be hippies who can only dream about cursing Nixon!
I even heard someone shouting about ( I swear I am not making this shit up) NAM !
It was surreal as it was desrespectfull. They were Helpless and Harmless but they were scum. funny scum.
The event was defiled by the lunatic fringe. the Conspiracy Theorists Why they had to start a small riot at a memorial service is beyond me, but seeing the assortments that filled their ranks made a lot very clear for me. Assholes.
I really wished I Had brought a camera. I counted no less than three "Australian / Safari hats. Tons of printed tees Loose Change was popular as was assorted "Bush This !" " Bush that ! " etc. What adult wears a T shirt with profane printing on it? Lots of Jamma wear. Color coordinated sweat suits, One size fits all stretchy pants. Face painters abounded. Many ex hippies who revived their battle garb for one last time. Wire Rimmed glasses galore lol ! And New wanna be hippies who can only dream about cursing Nixon!
I even heard someone shouting about ( I swear I am not making this shit up) NAM !
It was surreal as it was desrespectfull. They were Helpless and Harmless but they were scum. funny scum.
Last edited by Horseman 77 (2006-09-12 16:39:12)