
arabeater wrote:

Why should I have any respect for Euros when after we got attacked on 9/11 and went into Afghanistan most of our so-called allies with the exceptions of Spain and England didnt even offer military support to help. I was there in Afghanistan in 2002 and I never saw a single German, Italian, Dutch or French soldier. Its called they arent really your ally until they need you and not the other way around. Thats not the actions of an ally. Thats why I have no respect for Europe with the exception of England and Spain.
+488|6613|Portland, OR, USA

arabeater wrote:

Why should I have any respect for Euros when after we got attacked on 9/11 and went into Afghanistan most of our so-called allies with the exceptions of Spain and England didnt even offer military support to help. I was there in Afghanistan in 2002 and I never saw a single German, Italian, Dutch or French soldier. Its called they arent really your ally until they need you and not the other way around. Thats not the actions of an ally. Thats why I have no respect for Europe with the exception of England and Spain.
because our allies were intelligent and didnt want to get in a war that wouldn't get anyone anywhere... but what the hell right?  Toying with kids lives is part of the american experience, get out their, kill some people, that'll put an end to terrorism...
Do you have any idea how fooking busy I am?
+49|6724|Colorado Springs, CO
I tell you what, when Europe ever gets hit with a massive terrorist attack or decides to go to war with itself I say the US sit that one out and lets see how much bitching and begging for help they do. The only country I support in any and all matters is England. They are our only European ally. But everybody else can just fucking rot for all I care. I think we've exhausted all our support for Europe we can offer. Thats my opinion. Take it or leave it!
Do you have any idea how fooking busy I am?
+49|6724|Colorado Springs, CO

CommieChipmunk wrote:

arabeater wrote:

Why should I have any respect for Euros when after we got attacked on 9/11 and went into Afghanistan most of our so-called allies with the exceptions of Spain and England didnt even offer military support to help. I was there in Afghanistan in 2002 and I never saw a single German, Italian, Dutch or French soldier. Its called they arent really your ally until they need you and not the other way around. Thats not the actions of an ally. Thats why I have no respect for Europe with the exception of England and Spain.
because our allies were intelligent and didnt want to get in a war that wouldn't get anyone anywhere... but what the hell right?  Toying with kids lives is part of the american experience, get out their, kill some people, that'll put an end to terrorism...
What are you talking about? They are our Allies man! They are supposed to help you when help is needed. I cant believe you just said that bullshit. So what your saying is we shouldve just done nothing after 9/11! I know you cant be that retarded seriously! It may not put an end to terrorism but it'll let the terrorists know that you cant just come fuck with the biggest, baddest mofo on the planet and not expect to be blown the fuck up.

Last edited by arabeater (2006-09-11 18:19:56)

Mass Media Casualty

Tom Scott who is one of my idols had this to say on the fifth anniversary of the attacks:
He's got a point. The constant replaying of the awe inspiring footage, asking people "where were you", documentaries, conspiricies, it is EXACTLY what the terrorists wanted. I saw a thread a while back questioning if the Twin Towers were legitimate military targets. OF COURSE THEY WERN'T but that wasn't the point. The terrorists knew thay had to do something huge which would etch itself in to everyone's memory. They wanted to create a symbol of something massive.

The endless pictures of the two smoking towers does this nicely, the US just walked right into the trap. I saw a picture of George Bush walking beside a comemorative mural, not depicting the two towers standing strong and proud like the picture 137twozerosniper posted, but a mural of the exact moment the second plane hit.

Remember it, and those who were lost, but the showcasing has to end.
[Blinking eyes thing]
"Bow Chicka Bow Wow." The correct way.
If there is one thing I've noticed from reading these forums it's that 95% of the country bashing is started by another country making an ass-hat-tastic remark about the US. Come on, that's about as uneeded as fixing wheels to a tomato (+1 if you get the reference). But no one will stop because they have to show off how cool they are by bashing America. You can bad mouth a country on an internet message board?! HAVE MY CHILDERN!!!! My god.
In sixth grade - entering the library, scary shit.
Ty is spot on in #81.  They won that day.  Since then, the U.S. citizens (and other countries too, I know) have lost more 'freedoms' than in the previous several decades.  It's a country united under fear these days, and that's exactly the goal of terrorism.

Statistically speaking, I'm much more likely to get struck by lightning or win the lottery (possibly both in the same day).  Terrorism doesn't scare me because realistically, it's isn't a significant threat.

What has become of the U.S. after 9/11 is sickening.  It's a power grab and a political soapbox used in an effort to gain more power and money.  It's disgusting.  That moment of grief renewed nationalism in many, especially those young enough to have never experienced a 'disaster' of national scale.  Unfortunately, it went south from there with folks much too happy to give up MY rights in an effort to feel safer from a threat that doesn't really exist on a meaningful level.  Nationalism got twisted into a media buzzword and a political tool used to perpetuate fear and a loss of liberties in the name of safety.  An overall push of fear used to keep the people in check...that's facism, or at least a step along the road to it.

Oh, and I was at work when the towers were hit.  I work for an agency of the U.S. Gov't, at a power generation facility.  Shit hit the fan that day, for sure.  I didn't get to leave work until very late, and proceeded to a bar where we all got drunk and discussed the current state of the world.
+14|6707|Garden City, KS. USA

InnerMonkey wrote:

Ty is spot on in #81.  They won that day.  Since then, the U.S. citizens (and other countries too, I know) have lost more 'freedoms' than in the previous several decades.  It's a country united under fear these days, and that's exactly the goal of terrorism.

Statistically speaking, I'm much more likely to get struck by lightning or win the lottery (possibly both in the same day).  Terrorism doesn't scare me because realistically, it's isn't a significant threat.

What has become of the U.S. after 9/11 is sickening.  It's a power grab and a political soapbox used in an effort to gain more power and money.  It's disgusting.  That moment of grief renewed nationalism in many, especially those young enough to have never experienced a 'disaster' of national scale.  Unfortunately, it went south from there with folks much too happy to give up MY rights in an effort to feel safer from a threat that doesn't really exist on a meaningful level.  Nationalism got twisted into a media buzzword and a political tool used to perpetuate fear and a loss of liberties in the name of safety.  An overall push of fear used to keep the people in check...that's facism, or at least a step along the road to it.

Oh, and I was at work when the towers were hit.  I work for an agency of the U.S. Gov't, at a power generation facility.  Shit hit the fan that day, for sure.  I didn't get to leave work until very late, and proceeded to a bar where we all got drunk and discussed the current state of the world.
What freedoms did you lose exactly?  Freedom to call an overseas terrorist?  Freedom to not stand in such a long security line at the airport?   I have no problem with the Patriot Act because nothing really has effected my freedoms.  Maybe having the Patriot Act is why you can dismiss this as an insignificant terrorist threat.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6733|Tampa Bay Florida
About ready to go home, 5th grade

BTW - thread derailed already?  wow

Last edited by Spearhead (2006-09-11 20:53:52)

+269|6627|Marlton, New Jersey.

DaZeD863 wrote:

lol, okay so this one strikes a little close to home... just lost one of my close friends to a mortar attack last week... he fought and died so shit heads like you can go to school and vote... some of you will never understand that because youve never gottan out from behind your pos computers to make the world a better place.... after all if Iraq and Afghan could get their shit together we wouldnt be there in the first place.. in fact how bout we pull out and cut off all of our aid to those starving, oppressed, dieing 900,00+ in the world?
Because not every damn person in those countries are at fault, and not every person in those countries are "bad" like terrorists or Hussein.  Bah, ignorance.

Last edited by eagles1106 (2006-09-11 23:02:51)

set your body ablaze
I was in second period, my senior year of high school.

Keith Olbermann did a great comment today.

And all the people with negative things to say: this thread doesn't concern you, please don't pollute it with your slack-jawed ramblings.
Cereal Killer
+145|6700|The View From The Afternoon

DaZeD863 wrote:

CruZ4dR----- maybe youll understand if you lose your family in a fiery car crash.... god we can only hope...

but anyway i had just joined the army.. was finishing up my training waiting to graduate... was pissed i didnt make the first rotation into Afghan....
Wtf is wrong with you. Going personal is no way to settle this. I'd kick your ass for saying that biatch
You laughin' at me, bitch?
+44|6692|Hong Kong

CruZ4dR wrote:

omg you are one of those nationalistic patriotic bastards that I have grown to hate.
"The day that shook the world"???? WOOT?? The media has filled you head with stupid sayings and messed up focus on things that does not matter. I wasn't shook at all the 11/9/2001. Have you ever considered that there might be worse catastrophies happening somewhere else in the world as we speak? Yes, many people died at the same time and we all love americans with their fat asses running around making small and big reports about how they stuck their cheese sandwiches in their fat throuts when they saw a plane crash into a building. I hate you all
Yay, I support you

arabeater wrote:

Sacula wrote:

Miller wrote:

Overun by nazis.
That goes two ways you know, its not like USA took on the Axis alone....Get real, every country that participated in the war probably contributed to the end of WW2.

And no, Iraq didn't have any ties with 9/11 and it wasn't justified to wage war on Iraq either.
*sips juice and dance erotic*
Yea cause you know everything! Oh can you tell me if theres a god and are we the only planet with life on it? I do agree however that we werent the only country fighting but until we came in the war in Europe was definately hard to win.
No I dont, but some people claim to KNOW that if US hadnt come to "our rescue" we all be speaking German now. You can tell them what you just said to me too.

Last edited by Sacula (2006-09-12 02:52:21)

'CLICK JOIN NOW'... OK lets go... BOOM!!!! =FFS=
+120|6605|Cheshire, UK
I was at work when it came over on BBC Radio1, I thought it was a joke to begin with, then turned the TV on... I just could not believe what I saw, at first it was reported as being a serious accident, then the second plane struck and everything changed.

My thoughts go out to everyone affected by this atroscity.
only afew posted thoughts for those i respect. for the rest u turned this thread into a bitch fest. i am leaving the forums some of you have no respect. even if you hate americans you show respect for what a day that was. think how many children have no perants now because of that day. here is a video to leave you with … r_eyes.htm
A stabbing fatality

CruZ4dR wrote:

omg you are one of those nationalistic patriotic bastards that I have grown to hate.
"The day that shook the world"???? WOOT?? The media has filled you head with stupid sayings and messed up focus on things that does not matter. I wasn't shook at all the 11/9/2001. Have you ever considered that there might be worse catastrophies happening somewhere else in the world as we speak? Yes, many people died at the same time and we all love americans with their fat asses running around making small and big reports about how they stuck their cheese sandwiches in their fat throuts when they saw a plane crash into a building. I hate you all
bad touch

A color chart now controls the Oil prices in the US..
I am all that is MOD!

People dying sucks.
Innocent people dying sucks.
Innocent people dying for others' gains sucks.
Innocent people still dying for others' gains sucks.
Innocent people and entire countries suffering for others' gains sucks.
Innocent people dying and people using those deaths to further their own agenda sucks the most.
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|6887|Bryan/College Station, TX
A perfectly innocent post about something the poster cared about turned into an completely unecessary flame war. How Typical and Sad.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
+30|6685|Puyallup, WA
R.I.P. to all those people who died that day.

On a side note. Hi twozero
Cereal Killer
+145|6700|The View From The Afternoon
never thought there would be so many dumbasses on these forums. Nobody cares about 9/11 and frankly I am sick of hearing you kids spamming what your teachers told you at school. I don't care about your opinions and the fact that my post was deleted only proves that you have a problem with other people's opinions. Stupid americans
The Original BF2 Timelord
Well, It was around 1, 2 or 3 O'clock AM, watching CNN as the events unfolded.

Last edited by TheDoctor (2006-09-15 06:40:18)


Bernadictus wrote:

The next person, to use any, ANY, offensive word will have a three day vacation, to relax.
We all feel sorry for the Americans, but while you are crying about 3000 people 900.000+ people are starving to death in africa. HIV/AIDS, but no. That is in no way to be compared to 9/11. Hypocrites.
Can't 'hypocryte' be used as an offensive word, too? Who's to say that people who feel bad about 9/11 don't feel bad about Africa's situation?

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