The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
Ok today marks the day of one of the worst attacks on Americans in General. It tears me up thinking of what happened and I always get a little teary. This is before I get bombarded with 9/11 propaganda that is showed down our face ever year. Its total crap, every year we get reminded how our friends and family members where killed 5 years ago. I'm all about a tasteful memorial, rather then replaying the fucking planes hitting the tower every five mins. and can't even surf the web without coming across a jpg of someone falling out of a window or hanging on for dear life. THAT COULD BE YOUR WIFE, HUSBAND, BROTHER, OR SISTER, do you think we forgot what happened. It's disgraceful the nerve of the media and some people posting up these pictures. Please take a moment of silence or learn how to respect the death of other people’s loved ones.
+149|6861|USA bitches!
Thread on subject #5642982937293 of the day.

you fail.
+515|6968|Loughborough Uni / Leeds, UK

Jenkinsbball wrote:

Thread on subject #5642982937293 of the day.

you fail.
Just don't.
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
Wow did you read it??

Jenkinsbball wrote:

Thread on subject #5642982937293 of the day.

you fail.
Actually, if anything, YOU fail for posting a fail comment.
Not Human Anymore
+144|6957|Seattle, WA

TheCanadianTerrorist wrote:

Jenkinsbball wrote:

Thread on subject #5642982937293 of the day.

you fail.
Actually, if anything, YOU fail for posting a fail comment.
+1, how dare you, I don't care if the whole page is full of 9/11 threads, it doesn't matter, people want to share their feelings and you would and should get a lot of -1's for that kinda crap.
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
Yeah and it's only two out there and neither have anything to do with this. So suck a fatty..
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

Today is a day to remember the victims, forget politics.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
GOP Sympathizer
+266|6804|Menlo Park, CA
Its aweful!!! IT NEVER SHOULD HAVE FUCKING HAPPENED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Both the Clinton and Bush administrations failed to take this threat seriously, and 3,000 people died as a result! Not to mention those security networks i.e. THE FUCKING FBI for not arresting the known arab terrorists ALREADY here in the USA! The scale of incompetence is unprecidented. . . . .

The best we can do is recognize the failures and miscalculations, and try and correct them in an expedient manner!! Put politics aside and get the known issues corrected!!!!!

KILL BIN LADEN!!!!!!!! This guy needs to be brought to justice! I am an Iraq War supporter, but I recognize that this man needed to be killed FIRST before we started fucking with Saddam Insain. 

It is unbelievable that we havent gotten this prick yet. . . . How?? What is the delay?? How come no press conference/presidental address have been made concerning the progress/lack of on the hunt for this criminal.

Finally, NEVER capitulate to terrorists or nations that support terrorism (i.e. Iran/Syria etc.)! I say attack first, and let allah sort their asses out!!! We have had a defensive posture for YEARS, now the gloves need to come off!! NEGOTIATIONS BUY TIME, NOT PEACE!!!!!!

Revamp the ROE (rules of engagement) for fighting terrorists, make it easier for our military to do the job in which they are trained and skilled to do!!

Lastly, give a handshake to those men and women in uniform that protect our asses everyday, so that we may live in freedom!
+202|6962|New York

Jenkinsbball wrote:

Thread on subject #5642982937293 of the day.

you fail.
Show some respect asshole....if you dont like it...dont read it...if you cant show some respect due to your lack and inability to know and understand what truly happened that day...then just shut up.  For some, today is a day where family members and friends were lost....just because you werent directly impacted because your from the sticks of wherever...does not mean you can disrespect those who truly know and understand what really happened that day and what today means.  Do us all the favor and shut up and have some respect for people who have been impacted directly and for the United States of America. 

...Never Forget
Nymphomaniac Treatment Specialist
+302|6988|Florida, United States

This is kinda off topic but not really.  Almost everyone has heard of Loose Change, and I hate it personally because it's full of lies.  Anyways, I'm a sophomore in high school and today in my AP World History class, we started watching that video to "analyze" what really happened on 9/11.  I was about to get up and bitch-slap the teacher.  It irritates me that he was allowed to even show that in school because if a teacher down here in Florida even mentions religion, that teacher might lose their job.  I hate Florida schools...
© 2009 Jeff Minard
+54|6789|Safety Harbor, Florida

Havok wrote:

This is kinda off topic but not really.  Almost everyone has heard of Loose Change, and I hate it personally because it's full of lies.  Anyways, I'm a sophomore in high school and today in my AP World History class, we started watching that video to "analyze" what really happened on 9/11.  I was about to get up and bitch-slap the teacher.  It irritates me that he was allowed to even show that in school because if a teacher down here in Florida even mentions religion, that teacher might lose their job.  I hate Florida schools...
Where do you live? Because I'm in Safety Harbor (Also a sophmore) and my teacher went to CNN's website and downloaded the ALL recording CNN's report. We actually saw when the 2nd plane hit. Go to private school like me if you want to hear about God. Prayers in every class. So not EVERY school in Florida sucks.

Last edited by CaptainKris (2006-09-11 17:02:21)

Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7003|Tampa Bay Florida
rofl, Jenkinsbball attempt at being a 1337 forum add1ct failed miserably.  you fail, Jenkins.  lol

Ya, I can definately agree with the fact that Florida schools suck major ping pong balls

Oddly enough, hardly any of my teachers even mentioned that today was 9/11.  During one of the last classes of the day someone said "OMG today is 9/11?  I hadn't noticed!"

Last edited by Spearhead (2006-09-11 17:19:19)

+7|6895|chantilly, va
Here in Virginia at my school none of my teachers really mentioned it until i got to World History II when my teacher basically started the "where were you, what did you think, what happened the rest of the day etc etc"
but being in 5th grade at the time... i didnt have much recollection except everyone being pulled out of school and seeing the TV before I went to school (school didnt start until 9:05 and i didnt even leave until 8:55)

Edit: changing wording and fixing details

Last edited by jpost8391 (2006-09-11 19:30:29)

There was a big boom caused by a meteorite here just over an hour ago.  My first thought was "have we been attacked?"
Quick on the draw...
+33|6857|the land of plenty

Pubic wrote:

There was a big boom caused by a meteorite here just over an hour ago.  My first thought was "have we been attacked?"
What's in New Zealand to attack?

But seriously, if people need to vent or decompress about the topic let there be #5642982937293 topics.  This is a great way to get a little out and I would encourage everyone to share their thoughts.

It's 5 years later and I'm still fekin pissed.  There, I feel better.


cpt.fass1 wrote:

Ok today marks the day of one of the worst attacks on Americans in General. It tears me up thinking of what happened and I always get a little teary. This is before I get bombarded with 9/11 propaganda that is showed down our face ever year. Its total crap, every year we get reminded how our friends and family members where killed 5 years ago. I'm all about a tasteful memorial, rather then replaying the fucking planes hitting the tower every five mins. and can't even surf the web without coming across a jpg of someone falling out of a window or hanging on for dear life. THAT COULD BE YOUR WIFE, HUSBAND, BROTHER, OR SISTER, do you think we forgot what happened. It's disgraceful the nerve of the media and some people posting up these pictures. Please take a moment of silence or learn how to respect the death of other people’s loved ones.
I hear you man...one of the greatest tragedy's since the attacks is the push in our media/government for us to believe that the greatest tragedy that day were the attacks themselves and the fact that evil people could get past all our efforts to remain secure and free of acts of terrorism on our soil. It seems all to often that the deaths of over 3000 husbands, wives, sons and daughters are secondary in their rememberance.

Unfortunately, while the images and replays of that day go to serve the purpose of teaching and reminding us what happened, overloading us with them is beginning to do more to desensitize us to not only the attacks themselves, but the loss of so many precious lives that were stolen from us that day.
My way or Haddaway!
+212|6998|Espoo, Finland

fadedsteve wrote:

Its aweful!!! IT NEVER SHOULD HAVE FUCKING HAPPENED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Both the Clinton and Bush administrations failed to take this threat seriously, and 3,000 people died as a result! Not to mention those security networks i.e. THE FUCKING FBI for not arresting the known arab terrorists ALREADY here in the USA! The scale of incompetence is unprecidented. . . . .

The best we can do is recognize the failures and miscalculations, and try and correct them in an expedient manner!! Put politics aside and get the known issues corrected!!!!!

KILL BIN LADEN!!!!!!!! This guy needs to be brought to justice! I am an Iraq War supporter, but I recognize that this man needed to be killed FIRST before we started fucking with Saddam Insain. 

It is unbelievable that we havent gotten this prick yet. . . . How?? What is the delay?? How come no press conference/presidental address have been made concerning the progress/lack of on the hunt for this criminal.

Finally, NEVER capitulate to terrorists or nations that support terrorism (i.e. Iran/Syria etc.)! I say attack first, and let allah sort their asses out!!! We have had a defensive posture for YEARS, now the gloves need to come off!! NEGOTIATIONS BUY TIME, NOT PEACE!!!!!!

Revamp the ROE (rules of engagement) for fighting terrorists, make it easier for our military to do the job in which they are trained and skilled to do!!

Lastly, give a handshake to those men and women in uniform that protect our asses everyday, so that we may live in freedom!
You are speaking off topic and what you're saying your country should do, is exactly what causes terrorism.
GOP Sympathizer
+266|6804|Menlo Park, CA

Gawwad wrote:

fadedsteve wrote:

Its aweful!!! IT NEVER SHOULD HAVE FUCKING HAPPENED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Both the Clinton and Bush administrations failed to take this threat seriously, and 3,000 people died as a result! Not to mention those security networks i.e. THE FUCKING FBI for not arresting the known arab terrorists ALREADY here in the USA! The scale of incompetence is unprecidented. . . . .

The best we can do is recognize the failures and miscalculations, and try and correct them in an expedient manner!! Put politics aside and get the known issues corrected!!!!!

KILL BIN LADEN!!!!!!!! This guy needs to be brought to justice! I am an Iraq War supporter, but I recognize that this man needed to be killed FIRST before we started fucking with Saddam Insain. 

It is unbelievable that we havent gotten this prick yet. . . . How?? What is the delay?? How come no press conference/presidental address have been made concerning the progress/lack of on the hunt for this criminal.

Finally, NEVER capitulate to terrorists or nations that support terrorism (i.e. Iran/Syria etc.)! I say attack first, and let allah sort their asses out!!! We have had a defensive posture for YEARS, now the gloves need to come off!! NEGOTIATIONS BUY TIME, NOT PEACE!!!!!!

Revamp the ROE (rules of engagement) for fighting terrorists, make it easier for our military to do the job in which they are trained and skilled to do!!

Lastly, give a handshake to those men and women in uniform that protect our asses everyday, so that we may live in freedom!
You are speaking off topic and what you're saying your country should do, is exactly what causes terrorism.
Your high on drugs. . . .

Nothing I said here will cause terrorism. . .

Capitulating to terrorists and not fighting them is causing MORE terrorism!!

Why dont you go back and RE-HIDE in your liberal socialist bubble over there in Finnland!

We havent been hit in five years due to changing policies and taking the fight to the enemy!

I hope we continue to be steadfast and not listen to the Euro lap dogs who have no clue as to how to fight this enemy!

*moment of silence to all the victims of 9/11, and the USA military and her allies in arms against these monsters*
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
All i was saying with this post is be carefull of what you repost....... I've seen so many pics of people failing out of buildings today, and the towers being hit and all I can think of is the family and friends of the victoms. They must be forced to relive a horrible death day, please before you get all patriotic with your we were attacked pic think of the other person on the P.C. and how it might affect them.... I wouldn't want to see my grandmother on her death bed every day for the rest of my life on the day she died, so don't be an ass and only repost memorials and prayers or whatever makes you fell better....

Bottom line don't be a cunt
the electric eel has got me by the brain banana
cpt.fass1 I tottaly agree with you.. there is no reason why they have to show the same pictures again and again when we all remember the awfullness of that day..

And jenkinsbball, just go away plz..
+5|6761|Kansas City, KS, USA
especially with the advent of the internet, publicly available, if we want to see the graphic images we can look for them ourselves.

fadedsteve wrote:

Gawwad wrote:

You are speaking off topic and what you're saying your country should do, is exactly what causes terrorism.
Your high on drugs. . . .

Nothing I said here will cause terrorism. . .

Capitulating to terrorists and not fighting them is causing MORE terrorism!!

Why dont you go back and RE-HIDE in your liberal socialist bubble over there in Finnland!

We havent been hit in five years due to changing policies and taking the fight to the enemy!

I hope we continue to be steadfast and not listen to the Euro lap dogs who have no clue as to how to fight this enemy!

*moment of silence to all the victims of 9/11, and the USA military and her allies in arms against these monsters*
I don't know if I agree with Gawwad, because he didn't really give arguments for his opinion.

I'm speaking from my protective liberal socialist bubble here in Finland, and am actually now wondering why we haven't been in a conflict since.. ..WWII, actually.

Can it be because of our policies? Maybe. Or maybe because there isn't really anything interesting here when it comes to e.g. natural resources? Perhaps. Or because we haven't militarily threatened anyone? Could be.

You're saying that the U.S. has been defensive. However, many, if not most U.S. conflicts could be seen as a result of it governments offensive actions towards other nations.

I'm actually drawing some parallels between Israel/Lebanon and US/Iraq when it comes to hitting flies with a cannonball. The collateral/unnecessary damage is not really in proportion with the gained "victory", IMO.

Now I'm not saying an attack on Iraq and getting Saddam was a bad thing, far from it. Great job! But shouldn't more effort have been made on getting Bin Laden? Or was the war in Iraq a good way of leading the people's attention away from that? Ok, I won't go all "there's a conpiracy everywhere".. Sorry..

What happened on 9/11 affected the whole world, and the people/organisation responsible MUST be caught/killed asap. I say, go CIA on the terrorist leaders, not carpet bombing and the sending in tons of troops. That only leads to more war and more misery, on both sides of the fence.

Then again, what do I know? I'm just speaking from my liberal socialist bubble here in Finland..

On topic, I must say that the posting and reposting of those pictures are awfully disturbing. I agree with the OP that some consideration should be taken before posting pictures of that nature. And using them for shock value isn't enough of a reason to post and print the again and again. Hell, it's been just 5 years.

For comparison, you don't see pictures of the holocaust posted much. Why? Because although it was 60 years ago, it's still such a horrible act, that you simply don't use the images unless very necessary.

This should be the policy also when it comes to WTC-pictures. It was a horrible act of terrorism, and many innocent people lost their lives. Let's take that into considerartion when thinking of postin "cool pics", mmkay?

Last edited by DonFck (2006-09-12 00:14:59)

I need around tree fiddy.
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n

fadedsteve wrote:

Gawwad wrote:

fadedsteve wrote:

Its aweful!!! IT NEVER SHOULD HAVE FUCKING HAPPENED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Both the Clinton and Bush administrations failed to take this threat seriously, and 3,000 people died as a result! Not to mention those security networks i.e. THE FUCKING FBI for not arresting the known arab terrorists ALREADY here in the USA! The scale of incompetence is unprecidented. . . . .

The best we can do is recognize the failures and miscalculations, and try and correct them in an expedient manner!! Put politics aside and get the known issues corrected!!!!!

KILL BIN LADEN!!!!!!!! This guy needs to be brought to justice! I am an Iraq War supporter, but I recognize that this man needed to be killed FIRST before we started fucking with Saddam Insain. 

It is unbelievable that we havent gotten this prick yet. . . . How?? What is the delay?? How come no press conference/presidental address have been made concerning the progress/lack of on the hunt for this criminal.

Finally, NEVER capitulate to terrorists or nations that support terrorism (i.e. Iran/Syria etc.)! I say attack first, and let allah sort their asses out!!! We have had a defensive posture for YEARS, now the gloves need to come off!! NEGOTIATIONS BUY TIME, NOT PEACE!!!!!!

Revamp the ROE (rules of engagement) for fighting terrorists, make it easier for our military to do the job in which they are trained and skilled to do!!

Lastly, give a handshake to those men and women in uniform that protect our asses everyday, so that we may live in freedom!
You are speaking off topic and what you're saying your country should do, is exactly what causes terrorism.
Your high on drugs. . . .

Nothing I said here will cause terrorism. . .

Capitulating to terrorists and not fighting them is causing MORE terrorism!!

Why dont you go back and RE-HIDE in your liberal socialist bubble over there in Finnland!

We havent been hit in five years due to changing policies and taking the fight to the enemy!

I hope we continue to be steadfast and not listen to the Euro lap dogs who have no clue as to how to fight this enemy!

*moment of silence to all the victims of 9/11, and the USA military and her allies in arms against these monsters*
I thank your opionion on this topic here but it's not a political debate, it's a dude I've seen a million and one post from other websites about 9/11 on other websites and they had some graphic pictures... It's not about terrorist, or wars or anything else then common sense.. We had a great loss of life on the east cost of our country due ot an attack.. All I'm askinng is before you post something, think about the living who are morning their lost... I have friends of mine who've lost 20-30 people in one day, and they are fucking messing messes today. I can't even call them to offer my sympathy's and I'm sure the last thing they want is to be reminded every five minute's of what happened that day, with graphic pic's of planes crashing into the towers.

One of my friends made it out of the south tower, with bodies crashing to the ground around him.. I haven't even tried to call him today because I know what kinda shape he's in. So let us remember today as a day of lose and not a political smorgase(spl)borg that politicians are trying to turn it into...

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