
MadKatter wrote:

maestrium wrote:

MadKatter wrote:

Here. Let me spell it for you. S-I-N-G-L-E-P-L-A-Y-E-R. That spells singleplayer, in case you don't have the mental capacity to realize that.
Yes, but then you won't get very good. Bots that fly generally don't use the same evasive manuvers as people in online play.
I'm not looking for good; I'm looking for understanding. With singleplayer time, you can understand that shooting a tank with a machine gun does nothing. You can realize how to guide a tv missile. You can take advantage of when a RL pilot lines you up for a target, as opposed to a bot who just flies back and forth.

If I have a gunner that's knows all of the above, that's good enough for me. Skill comes with time.
if you where that good yourself as a pilot/gunner your kd wouldnt be so piss poor i mean come on mines bad my ffs yours is just above 0.7+

and i dont do the heli/jet thing just not my idea of fun .

And like has been said before everyones got to learn somewhere instead of whineing/flaming new gunners/pilots help them for a change or is that to hard to do for you 1337 players out there .
+8|6796|Ontario, Canada

Teflon.DEP in another thread about VOIP and headsets wrote:

I have mine disabled, because normally its just some idiot yelling at his squad members to follow him w/e he goes. or talking about the dream he had last night.

If people actually used VOIP correctly, i'd used it.... VOIP in pubs is about as useful as a poopie flavored lolipop.
I am a fucking homosexual
+211|6648|Parainen, Finland
The author of this thread is a basic BF2 "I´m the best, fuck the rest" piss head/NERD!!!!!

Everyone has the right to enter the gunner seat, even if they are privates, single player stuff will learn them fucko.

The only way to get a taste of a good fight is to bravely enter the gunner seat and let the enemy taste the bullets and missiles or get your brains blasted all around the cockpit!!!!!! 

This is the way I learned my stuff, we died a helluva lot in the beginning, but time brings results!!!!
Now days I laugh in a hysterical way when i see my chain gun blasting enemies away, and I enjoy the feeling when the enemy chopper explodes and I get to enjoy the view when the rest of the scrap and rotors falls to the ground and the poor bastards calls me a haxor!!!!!

But even today, if someone screams "bail out" to me i do my worse to ruin the round for them!!!!!

I say fuck them, fuck their families and fuck their dogs if they have ´em

Ubersturmbannfuhrer wrote:

The author of this thread is a basic BF2 "I´m the best, fuck the rest" piss head/NERD!!!!!

Everyone has the right to enter the gunner seat, even if they are privates, single player stuff will learn them fucko.

The only way to get a taste of a good fight is to bravely enter the gunner seat and let the enemy taste the bullets and missiles or get your brains blasted all around the cockpit!!!!!! 

This is the way I learned my stuff, we died a helluva lot in the beginning, but time brings results!!!!
Now days I laugh in a hysterical way when i see my chain gun blasting enemies away, and I enjoy the feeling when the enemy chopper explodes and I get to enjoy the view when the rest of the scrap and rotors falls to the ground and the poor bastards calls me a haxor!!!!!

But even today, if someone screams "bail out" to me i do my worse to ruin the round for them!!!!!

I say fuck them, fuck their families and fuck their dogs if they have ´em
I love you the guy who posted the opening post is a sad deranged spunktard imho and forgets that he was once a nub to the game .
We all sucked once in the games but we get better the more we play and noobs have ALL the rights to test things unless they break the rules then but they are allowed to fly whatever vehicle they want. Wether you like it or not.

As for me, if someone tells me to bail out when no one is close because he's gonna get a friend I will not jump out neither will I if someone is close. Now if the player flies to the border of the map and gets me killed I will destroy the chopper when he's in it. Doesn't matter if the team don't like it because if he kills me with purpose I will do so to.

Specially if I'm on the ship. Then we will see how fun it is when you ain't allowed to have your fun in the chopper. I also might TK the person more often after I shot down him once just to screw with him. Assholes are gonna be treated the same way they treat others.

The#1Spot wrote:

he has a good point there you should have to be a certain rank before using a certain vehicle so this problem would have never come about.
Dude, I've seen CAPTAINS that can't frigin shoot a TV missle. On the other hand, I've seen a Lance Corporal shoot better than most of higher-ups that I've flown with. Rank has NOTHINGGG to do with this game. Period!

To original poster - instead of being an uptight twat, why don't you either:

A) Help the poor guy get better
B) Do something else in the game
C) Remember that you were bad when you first started
D) All of the above

Teflon.DEP wrote:

Its as if some of you are mentally challenged. I dont mind haveing a gunner, but I dont want a gunner ranked private fucking 1st class....then finally I get tired of telling him to bail out and I give him a shot....he shoots the mini gun at choppers and tanks and when he does shoot a tv he doesnt manuever them and misses dead ass shots, that he doesnt need to manuever......then he screws up my KDR. and I finish the round fucking 14-16. And whats funny is after you die, they no longer want to gun anymore.....WTF...did you do that just to piss me off?

Look if your new to the game, learn how the weapons work...dont get into a vehicle in which you have no fucking idea how it works. Stop being so fucking stubborn and saying "I have a right to fly to" do, but not when you have no idea what your doing.

This isnt exactly a complaint, more so i'm just telling all the beginners to stay out of ****ing vehicles until you know what your doing.
I wish I was as good as you where I could just dictate how everyone is supposed to play. If I could get you air fags off the heliports and runways and into the fight ooooo I'd be so siked. Never happen though.

MadKatter wrote:

maestrium wrote:

Okay honestly, you are saying that people who don't know how to use a weapon shouldn't use it.. well, how the fuck are they supposed to learn how to use it? Stop complaining because if you were a good pilot, you wouldn't have died all those times, even if your gunner sucked. Stop whining and bitching and go play infantry.
Here. Let me spell it for you. S-I-N-G-L-E-P-L-A-Y-E-R. That spells singleplayer, in case you don't have the mental capacity to realize that.
let me spell it for you STFU.  It's pretty hard to practice Helicopter gunning on single player.  When was the last time you had a bot line you up for a shot........................ 

Yes people should practive before jumping into the gunner seat in a full 64 player server especially if there is a squad that works well together in the chopper, no need to break up a good squad.  But complaiing that you get a noob gunner is just lame.   Whats next you are going to want to kick people out of  you humvee because they missed the guy with the eryx and you got killed, or some noob medic didn't revive you so the shouldn't play medic.  STFU if you don't like your gunner, get out yourself, maybe your gunner should be spamming bail out at you
+385|6532|Northern California
Teflon, what servers do you play?  Cuz I'm gonna find you and hop in your chopper and be your gunner.  I've always wanted to learn how to fire that thing with someone experienced like you. 

Oh, and boo-fucking-hoo to you.  The game is not just for you.
Kick His Ass!
+371|6736|Howell, Mi USA
dalmar72, play SP on "expert" and bots will line u up. I play single player and get lined up. true they won't do it EVERY time but they do. Same with a bot gunner, they will fire tv's at armor. About the only thing they won't do is fire a tv at another chopper.

To the OP, having a bad gunner isn't the worst, atleast u can improvise with rockets. Having a bad pilot is the worst. Even after trying to help them out and they still suck. Y is it that they are always standing there waiting at the helopad when it respawns. I always tell them to "shit or get off the pot" . It makes me lol when a pilot says "bail out" i turn out to be a good gunner for them, then pretty soon he's joining my squad and tk'ing people who try to get in. it's funny
lWar Pigl
+4|6665|South Coast, Massachusetts
Hey Teflon:

Here's a news flash for ya.......It's just a game, get over it!
Certified Twat
+296|6549|Bournemouth, South England
Why are some people sooo stupid? Don't you realise you bought BF2 just to fuel Teflon's twisted and immature ego trips? The game revolves soley around him, winning it for the team!
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|6851|Marathon, Florida Keys

stryyker wrote:

if your K/D ratio is under 7 in any vehicle, you are failing, and should give it to someone else
you fail at:

air defense
ground defense

i fail at:
ground defense
air defense

shit, owned again.......
I <3 ak101
+307|6704|under there hayousaidunderwear
meh, this thread is getting intense....
+186|6601|The real world
A stabbing fatality
I'll give mr PFC nub a chance or two, if he cant hit shit im red zoning him straight away. When I can go a whole around without dying and have a Solo Chopper kill streak of 59 on a pub server I think I know what I'm doing.

I used to fly with P-Murda all the time - Formally no. 19 in the world with choppers and I learnt everything from him. Now the fuckers fucked off to the army so I have to solo all the time
the electric eel has got me by the brain banana

The#1Spot wrote:

he has a good point there you should have to be a certain rank before using a certain vehicle so this problem would have never come about.
Goddamnit when do you  people learn that rank has got nothing to do with skill.. I certainly would rather have my lance corporal mate as gunner than firestorm or

when i was lance corporal I had a chopper kd of 7.45..
+4|6680|Napoleon, Ohio

sgt.sonner wrote:

The#1Spot wrote:

he has a good point there you should have to be a certain rank before using a certain vehicle so this problem would have never come about.
Goddamnit when do you  people learn that rank has got nothing to do with skill.. I certainly would rather have my lance corporal mate as gunner than firestorm or

when i was lance corporal I had a chopper kd of 7.45..
Understanding padding and farming also helps out alot just look at the stats for the top 5 players. Pay attention to the armor points. Plus these guys never command...

Battlefield 2 is a 'COMPUTER GAME'

You win some you loose some just like you get a good gunner sometimes and a useless one another time.
Ranting about it is pointless specially since your target audience possibly wont ever see this thread.

Even still you play on a 'Public' server thus anyone that has the game can play..
If you want to controll how people play setup 'your own' server and dictate how people should be playing with your ban hammer.

as mentioned above...

lWar Pigl wrote:

Here's a news flash for ya.......It's just a game, get over it!
This topic seems to have no actual posts

stryyker wrote:

if your K/D ratio is under 7 in any vehicle, you are failing, and should give it to someone else

=]-[f= ig88 wrote:

stryyker wrote:

if your K/D ratio is under 7 in any vehicle, you are failing, and should give it to someone else
I need around tree fiddy.
For those who want rank reqs before entering vehicles:

Some players use multiple accounts (For example, a heli account with a massive KD ratio) so just because he's not ranked very high you shouldn't dismiss him before he can prove himself.
+632|6657|do not disturb

Well if you feel you should be in the chopper more than he does, just flip the damn thing on it's back and bail out over the heli bad. Done deal, he is dead, you get a good laugh, and he might think about getting back in. And when he goes away, solo to your heart's content.

The chopper issue has been discussed since the beginning of BF2 and here's the reason, the only reason and nothing but the mother**ing reason:

Teamwork. Or more precisely lack there of.

The attack-helicopters are the only vehicles/killing machines that require 2 people working in perfect symbiosis in order to get the job done in the best possible way. As BF2 has approx. 1.000.000+ players playing ranked, chances are you're not going to get the most out of you chopper. Ever.

So the fault lies not in "n00bs" as you so eagerly like to call them, nor lies it in the "1337"pilots/gunners. The problem is that playing computer/console games brings the most egotistical son of a bitch out in us all


Last edited by DonFck (2006-09-27 03:13:23)

I need around tree fiddy.
when Hell is full...
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