Cereal Killer
+145|6809|The View From The Afternoon
Please stop with the 9/11 crap
bad touch

Sandriatinhi wrote:

stryyker wrote:

9/11 and Iraq are completely unrelated.

we went to war with Afganistan, yet you dont see that in the news anymore.
Yep it is related, my friend!
It is al about the long as he US get richer & richer, the rest of the world gets poorer & poorer.

Try watching the BBC for real news...if u can receive it!
dont give me this BBC isnt bias shit. All news stations lack

CruZ4dR wrote:

Please stop with the 9/11 crap
Please stop with the Steve Irwin crap.
+15|6800|Apeldoorn, Holland

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Sandriatinhi wrote:

stryyker wrote:

9/11 and Iraq are completely unrelated.

we went to war with Afganistan, yet you dont see that in the news anymore.
Yep it is related, my friend!
It is al about the long as he US get richer & richer, the rest of the world gets poorer & poorer.

Try watching the BBC for real news...if u can receive it!
so how can the US make money out of bombing a desert with no oil? GG. and doesnt it cost money to build bombs...
If u have a war on the other side of the world, the whole economy decrease in that area. (economics?!?!?) What happended with Wall Street the months after 9-11!!!!!!
Where otherparts of the world can profit from. Plus now that Iraq is unstructured all the American companies can get those nice contracts where before they had to pay bigtime for it to Sadam or the Saudies...

Last edited by Sandriatinhi (2006-09-11 07:42:12)


Sandriatinhi wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Sandriatinhi wrote:

Yep it is related, my friend!
It is al about the long as he US get richer & richer, the rest of the world gets poorer & poorer.

Try watching the BBC for real news...if u can receive it!
so how can the US make money out of bombing a desert with no oil? GG. and doesnt it cost money to build bombs...
If u have a war on the other side of the world, the whole economy decrease in that area. (economics?!?!?)
Where otherparts of the world can profit from. Plus now that Iraq is unstructured all the American companies can get those nice contracts where before they had to pay bigtime for it to Sadam or the Saudies...
Who pays these companies to build?  The US.  So in reality US taxpayers are paying for it, not you.  So why do you care?
+15|6800|Apeldoorn, Holland

usmarine2005 wrote:

Sandriatinhi wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

so how can the US make money out of bombing a desert with no oil? GG. and doesnt it cost money to build bombs...
If u have a war on the other side of the world, the whole economy decrease in that area. (economics?!?!?)
Where otherparts of the world can profit from. Plus now that Iraq is unstructured all the American companies can get those nice contracts where before they had to pay bigtime for it to Sadam or the Saudies...
Who pays these companies to build?  The US.  So in reality US taxpayers are paying for it, not you.  So why do you care?
I dont trust this war loving Bush! That first of all....
Second of all i hate kapatalists sucking all the money of countries who have a little.

For example: Coca Cola puts a fabric in India! Sucking all water away from the people who live there. The low wages gives Coca Cola a big profit. That profit goes straight to the US (also Dutch companies i think)instead of investing it in India. So India gets poorer and poorer....


Sandriatinhi wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

Sandriatinhi wrote:

If u have a war on the other side of the world, the whole economy decrease in that area. (economics?!?!?)
Where otherparts of the world can profit from. Plus now that Iraq is unstructured all the American companies can get those nice contracts where before they had to pay bigtime for it to Sadam or the Saudies...
Who pays these companies to build?  The US.  So in reality US taxpayers are paying for it, not you.  So why do you care?
I dont trust this war loving Bush! That first of all....
Second of all i hate kapatalists sucking all the money of countries who have a little.

For example: Coca Cola puts a fabric in India! Sucking all water away from the people who live there. The low wages gives Coca Cola a big profit. That profit goes straight to the US (also Dutch companies i think)instead of investing it in India. So India gets poorer and poorer....

So why do these countires let them in?  Kindness?  No.  Money.

usmarine2005 wrote:

Sandriatinhi wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

Who pays these companies to build?  The US.  So in reality US taxpayers are paying for it, not you.  So why do you care?
I dont trust this war loving Bush! That first of all....
Second of all i hate kapatalists sucking all the money of countries who have a little.

For example: Coca Cola puts a fabric in India! Sucking all water away from the people who live there. The low wages gives Coca Cola a big profit. That profit goes straight to the US (also Dutch companies i think)instead of investing it in India. So India gets poorer and poorer....

So why do these countires let them in?  Kindness?  No.  Money.
Damn straight. The country let them in, not the companies fault, but they are however following the laws of wages in the particular country
+15|6800|Apeldoorn, Holland

usmarine2005 wrote:

Sandriatinhi wrote:

usmarine2005 wrote:

Who pays these companies to build?  The US.  So in reality US taxpayers are paying for it, not you.  So why do you care?
I dont trust this war loving Bush! That first of all....
Second of all i hate kapatalists sucking all the money of countries who have a little.

For example: Coca Cola puts a fabric in India! Sucking all water away from the people who live there. The low wages gives Coca Cola a big profit. That profit goes straight to the US (also Dutch companies i think)instead of investing it in India. So India gets poorer and poorer....

So why do these countires let them in?  Kindness?  No.  Money.
Easy work for the people. And a little money.
But it would be better for the country if an Indian guy created Indian Coke for India and sell to the whole agree i hope?

Sandriatinhi wrote:

But it would be better for the country if an Indian guy created Indian Coke for India and sell to the whole agree i hope?
Yes.  I agree 100% and that is my point.  All this bitching about the US is pointless because it won't change anything.  Stand up and do something about it.  Like you said, make an Indian Cola and market it world-wide is a great idea instead of just sitting around complaining.

Not helping either.
Evil Overlord
We know something happened 5 years ago, but for many there is still uncertainty about what really happened.

This is not of my opinion, i just recognise that this opinion has not been represented in this talk.

Last edited by mikeyb118 (2006-09-11 08:40:50)

Mr. Bigglesworth

aardfrith wrote:

Miller wrote:

Kaosdad008 wrote:

Flag at half staff until 12 noon.

Nothing like watching it all on live TV.  Did you miss it?  Well, no fret!  Watch thousands die in the CNN re-broadcast of the day!  They wil be reboadacting the events at the same tiem that they actually happened.

Sorry - I think that's a tad sick.
I say they should play it, over and over and over.  That way some people (mostly idiots) will finally grasp why we are at war.
Go on, tell me, why are your fellow Americans dying in Iraq on a daily basis?

I, for one, will be out drinking beers and celebrating tomorrow night.  It is, after all, my best mate's birthday.
They are dying over there so you and your mate can get shitfaced drunk with out the fear of getting blown up by a islamic terrorist.
+7|6613|New Jersey, USA

Choumichel wrote:

After all that time still no memorial statue?
Bush should shame his fucking skull till eternity
WTF does this mean?

fyi: Democrats control NYC.
+7|6613|New Jersey, USA

mikeyb118 wrote:

We know something happened 5 years ago, but for many there is still uncertainty about what really happened.
Only a very confused and easy to manipulate minority.

Don't worry about it. The rest of us know what happened that day and we are taking care of business.

rawls2 wrote:

aardfrith wrote:

Miller wrote:

I say they should play it, over and over and over.  That way some people (mostly idiots) will finally grasp why we are at war.
Go on, tell me, why are your fellow Americans dying in Iraq on a daily basis?

I, for one, will be out drinking beers and celebrating tomorrow night.  It is, after all, my best mate's birthday.
They are dying over there so you and your mate can get shitfaced drunk with out the fear of getting blown up by a islamic terrorist.
LOL. If you think you are any less likely of being attacked because your fellow countrymen are dying out in some dusty distant country then you have issues. Tell the same thing to the bereaved from the Madrid and London bombings. Offence is not the best defence. DEFENCE is the best defence.
+7|6613|New Jersey, USA

CameronPoe wrote:

[ Offence is not the best defence. DEFENCE is the best defence.
LOL! 15,000 years of human history disagree with you.
+15|6800|Apeldoorn, Holland

usmarine2005 wrote:

Sandriatinhi wrote:

But it would be better for the country if an Indian guy created Indian Coke for India and sell to the whole agree i hope?
Yes.  I agree 100% and that is my point.  All this bitching about the US is pointless because it won't change anything.  Stand up and do something about it.  Like you said, make an Indian Cola and market it world-wide is a great idea instead of just sitting around complaining.
I'm not bitchin on the US. I'm trying to say that your present government is trying to keep changes in the countries on purpose. I think there is more going on than just being polite to the Iraqi people... The same goes for the people inside the US whom have got to have 2 jobs because they can't pay the bill. In holland the Welfare everybody can have their own house if they want. Even on welfare!!!!!
Why are there poor people in the richest country?
That is what i'm trying to say...
Since day One.
I was at school today...nothing more.Its sad that a lot of people died who dont had anything to do with the global politics of the usa....its sad.And the attack on Iraq was also because for some reason and thats OIL.
Oil = power,money,world leading....etc
But you all know that terror is not for fun its for some reason.They attacked the usa for some reason whats in the background...what we prolly dont know.So remember this...

Ctwo wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

[ Offence is not the best defence. DEFENCE is the best defence.
LOL! 15,000 years of human history disagree with you.
Hmmm. Not with respect to guerrilla warfare. Different tactics are required. Vietnam, anyone? IRA?

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-09-11 08:37:01)


CameronPoe wrote:

Ctwo wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

[ Offence is not the best defence. DEFENCE is the best defence.
LOL! 15,000 years of human history disagree with you.
Hmmm. Not with respect to guerrilla warfare. Different tactics are required. Vietnam, anyone? IRA?
A 'too-defensive' campaign can result in an undesirable conflict of attrition. Let's see. Who can spend more guys than the other side? But, impartially, a guerilla strike conducted against an opposing force is just as valid in the arena of war as a heavily-armed 'official' raid against insurgents. What conservative didn't smirk when kids were killing commies from the cover of the American wilderness in Red Dawn?

I think it's more of a matter of whose team someone is cheering for when they spot a less-than-honorable move.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-09-11 08:47:15)

Banned - for ever.
+231|6862|Wilmington, DE, US

Kmarion wrote:

Ikarti wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

If they were "shoddily" constructed obviously most of them would have perished as well.

My numbers were a little low also it was more around 25k.
I would hardly call it shoddy. … enDocument
It appears that about 25,000 people safely exited the buildings, almost all of them from below the impact floors; almost everyone above the impact floors perished, either from the impact and fire or from the subsequent collapse. The structures of the buildings were heroic in some ways but less so in others. The buildings survived the impact of the Boeing 767 aircraft, an impact very much greater than had been contemplated in our design (a slow-flying Boeing 707 lost in the fog and seeking a landing field). Therefore, the robustness of the towers was exemplary. At the same time, the fires raging in the inner reaches of the buildings undermined their strength. In time, the unimaginable happened . . . wounded by the impact of the aircraft and bleeding from the fires, both of the towers of the World Trade Center collapsed.
I'm sorry, but do you have a masters in civil engineering and 40 years of experience? That's my source, and I'm sticking with it.
No but I'm sure my souce did. Obviously you didn't click the link or you would have known I was quoting the lead structural engineer of the World Trade Center towers. What was your source again?
Your source is the guy who cut a lot of fucking corners.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6754|132 and Bush

Ikarti wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Ikarti wrote:

I'm sorry, but do you have a masters in civil engineering and 40 years of experience? That's my source, and I'm sticking with it.
No but I'm sure my souce did. Obviously you didn't click the link or you would have known I was quoting the lead structural engineer of the World Trade Center towers. What was your source again?
Your source is the guy who cut a lot of fucking corners.
Still waiting on your proof and source.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
+3|6622|General Quarters-Argentina
I think that its horrible to happen in your country...but, Bush DIDNT forget about that, and went to fuck Irak, Iran and more. So, if u cant forget, u musnt wish the Irak/Iran people die because they didnt anything, that was only Osama Bin Laden ( A OLDER MEMBER OF THE C.I.A. ), that "terrorist".
I wrote "terrorist" because if u can have the power to defend your country attacking the other who is fucking you, u will use the firepower that u have to kill him and keep your place safe.
Im from a 3ºWorld country ( Argentina ) and i havent to be afraid from an invasion or something like that because anybody take care about us:P.

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