
Tomorrow will be the 5 year anniversary of September 11th.  Will you ever forget?  Where were you that day?  What are you going to do tomorrow?

"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
Eat, Lift, Grow, Repeat....
+564|6833|The darkside of Denver
expose the Illuminati for their crimes on 9/11
i was in school i didnt know till i came home wat happend. this is the worst disaster to ever happen in my life i will never forget. 9/11 we remember and will never forget
Conservative Roman Catholic
+280|6648|Foothills of S. Carolina

Havent forgotten 9/11 yet. Was at work when it happened, will be at work tomorrow, and in rememberence I will play a nice round or two of BF2.
+125|6751|Rochester NY USA
I was too young to grasp the meaning of what happend when I was in 5th grade. I will still never forget.
Whisky Tango Foxtrot?
+201|6853|Broadlands, VA
Flag at half staff until 12 noon.

Nothing like watching it all on live TV.  Did you miss it?  Well, no fret!  Watch thousands die in the CNN re-broadcast of the day!  They wil be reboadacting the events at the same tiem that they actually happened.

Sorry - I think that's a tad sick.
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6953|Great Brown North
i was behind the school screwing around with my gf and i forget it happened alot :S its not something i think about day to day unless something reminds me... i guess i was just too far away and cut off from it to be hugely affected:\ i did donate money when it happened though, along with pretty much everyone in my town. and tomorrow ill probably  buy one of the memorial roses that are being handed out at the park to be put on the small plaque they have here near the war memorials. not much but at least its something
Mass Media Casualty

I'll never forget. It's not the kind of thing you do. I still find it kind of unbelieveable.

It's already 9/11 here. Strange, all the Kiwi papers are making their Fifth Anniversary tribute front page bullshit today yet they're not noticing they've got the date wrong.
It happened on September 12 here!
Also they've got the date around the wrong way. Forever we've had the date the right way around, day/month/year, yet for some reason every eleventh of September it gets switched.
11/9/2001 becomes 9/11/2001.

It's bloody confusing. A New Zealand paper should report in a New Zealand way.

So yeah, tomorrow all the tribute documentaries will be over, New Zealand papers will be back to reporting the latest rape charge the Police have got themselves into, and I will have to cancel my candlelight vigil over the spot where I totalled my Mum's car two years ago. My own personal "9/11" you must understand.

Lest we forget.
[Blinking eyes thing]
i remember we spent the whole day at school the next day just asking our teacher questions about it, we got out early the day it happened, everyone was all scared.   My neighbors cousin died in the pentagon attack :-\, i felt really bad for her she was so different for about a year.

I really just couldnt believe they did that, i just didnt understand what would possess people to do that. And later that year we were going on vacation to florida and we had to go on a plane, the night before, i was thinking about the attacks on 9/11 and i turned over and looked at the clock and it was 9:11. it scared the crap out of me at the time, i was only like 10.

Last edited by Chief_(OwNaGe) (2006-09-10 17:41:51)

+271|6929|United States of America

Kaosdad008 wrote:

Flag at half staff until 12 noon.

Nothing like watching it all on live TV.  Did you miss it?  Well, no fret!  Watch thousands die in the CNN re-broadcast of the day!  They wil be reboadacting the events at the same tiem that they actually happened.

Sorry - I think that's a tad sick.
I say they should play it, over and over and over.  That way some people (mostly idiots) will finally grasp why we are at war.
I was in 3rd grade
I woke up to a horrifying moment.
Im never going to forget it as long as i live
And ill remember seeing people jump out of those towers for the rest of my life
Ill never forget going to my school and hearing kids talk about how there relatives work there
Ill never forget my mom calling people.
I wont ever forget that i had oatmeal while watching it and feeling sick
Ill never have any mercy for terrorists or anyone who wants to destroy a country

Since that day, every time i see an american flag or hear the national anthem i get chills down my spine

I am getting them as i write at this very second
For the rest of my life ill love america.

Then the plane hit the pentagon, it was horriable. I then heard reports of a 3rd plane hit pensylvania.

And now to this day i want to kill anyone who questions people being heros with there uneducated conspiracy theorys

Last edited by SealXo (2006-09-10 17:42:42)

Negative Ping
I remember that day so clearly. 

I was in the U.S.A.F. stationed at Langley AFB in Virginia.  I was doing detail, cleaning the dormatory area.  I remember being on the 3rd floor of my building early that morning, taking a break in the day room watchin cartoon network.  I was sitting for about one minute when a fellow airman came rushin in, and told me "They hit us!  Change the channel!  I didn't know what he meant at first, and he didn't give details...but I changed the the news, just as the 2nd tower was getting hit.  It was insane...I didn't think it was real...didn't want it to be, but I knew deep down it was.  Detail stopped there for the day...and me and all the other airman cleaning just watched the news all day.  I was honorably discharged a month later...but never forget the event...never will.
Δ > x > ¥

Miller wrote:

Kaosdad008 wrote:

Flag at half staff until 12 noon.

Nothing like watching it all on live TV.  Did you miss it?  Well, no fret!  Watch thousands die in the CNN re-broadcast of the day!  They wil be reboadacting the events at the same tiem that they actually happened.

Sorry - I think that's a tad sick.
I say they should play it, over and over and over.  That way some people (mostly idiots) will finally grasp why we are at war.
Go on, tell me, why are your fellow Americans dying in Iraq on a daily basis?

I, for one, will be out drinking beers and celebrating tomorrow night.  It is, after all, my best mate's birthday.
+521|6912|Toronto | Canada

<SS>SonderKommando wrote:

expose the Illuminati for their crimes on 9/11
Someone has been reading a little too much Dan Brown
+271|6929|United States of America

aardfrith wrote:

Miller wrote:

Kaosdad008 wrote:

Flag at half staff until 12 noon.

Nothing like watching it all on live TV.  Did you miss it?  Well, no fret!  Watch thousands die in the CNN re-broadcast of the day!  They wil be reboadacting the events at the same tiem that they actually happened.

Sorry - I think that's a tad sick.
I say they should play it, over and over and over.  That way some people (mostly idiots) will finally grasp why we are at war.
Go on, tell me, why are your fellow Americans dying in Iraq on a daily basis?
Well for one, we went into Afgahnistan first.  Second, I said war, not "war in Iraq".  Third, would you like Iraq to be more like WWII where we lost countless lives daily?
+1,153|6804|Washington, DC

Where was I? At school

What am I gonna do tomorrow? Start school =/
can detect anyone's visible post count...
+691|6939|Cambridge (UK)
I watched it all unfold, live on News 24, as it happened. Those memories will be etched into my very being for the rest of my life.

R.I.P. The victims of the 11th September 2001 WTC attacks.

Last edited by Scorpion0x17 (2006-09-10 17:49:57)

+52|6830|Chandler, AZ

137twozerosniper wrote:

i was in school i didnt know till i came home wat happend. this is the worst disaster to ever happen in my life i will never forget. 9/11 we remember and will never forget
I watched it live on TV, then I went to school and the whole 6th grade(what I was in at that time) gathered in a room to watch CNN....

Who thinks this should be a National Holiday? A day of remembrance?
Mass Media Casualty

I can tell this thread has the possibility of turning into a flame war. Try to not let this happen. Also, this is a topic to commemorate the terrorist attacks of September 11, (or 12,) try not to turn it into a debate on the war which occurred after it - we have many of those threads already.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Eat, Lift, Grow, Repeat....
+564|6833|The darkside of Denver
i was a freshman in high school. I remember being more confused than anything. The only thing I wanted to do at that time was be with my girlfriend (now wife). However, five years later i feel a deep sorrow for all the people who were lost during the 9/11 attacks but i cannot shake the feeling that there are more sinister hands at work than those of Al-Qaeda. I feel that they were not alone in perpetuating those awful deeds. IT makes me sick to feel this way but after seeing the evidence  my mind and my heart both feel that it was an inside job.
Δ > x > ¥

Tyferra wrote:

I can tell this thread has the possibility of turning into a flame war. Try to not let this happen. Also, this is a topic to commemorate the terrorist attacks of September 11, (or 12,) try not to turn it into a debate on the war which occurred after it - we have many of those threads already.
Fair do's.  I just don't see the point of celebrating a major terrorist attack.  Better to celebrate the day the Taleban were ousted from power.  Can anyone remember what date that was?

aardfrith wrote:

Tyferra wrote:

I can tell this thread has the possibility of turning into a flame war. Try to not let this happen. Also, this is a topic to commemorate the terrorist attacks of September 11, (or 12,) try not to turn it into a debate on the war which occurred after it - we have many of those threads already.
Fair do's.  I just don't see the point of celebrating a major terrorist attack.  Better to celebrate the day the Taleban were ousted from power.  Can anyone remember what date that was?
I never said "celebrate".
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
can detect anyone's visible post count...
+691|6939|Cambridge (UK)

Tyferra wrote:

try not to turn it into a debate on the war which occurred after it - we have many of those threads already.
Too right.

Also try not to turn it into a 9/11 conspiracy thread either.

Honour the memories of those that lost their lives and leave it at that.
After all that time still no memorial statue?
Bush should shame his fucking skull till eternity
Horseman 77
1/2 of America Forgot already. I never will. I was going to work in the Subay for plane 1. I watched tower 2 fall Eyewitness. No inside job, an airliner hit it and it fell Where it hit. Excat change not loose. Tomorrow I will be back in NYC.

Last edited by Horseman 77 (2006-09-10 18:52:40)

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