Listen here you French coward. You just assume that I was in Iraq, I wasn't. You assume we were the aggressors, we were not. I'm not an idiot for becoming a target. America was founded on the belief that our citizens are prepared to die for their freedom. France on the other hand would be speaking German right now if it were not for us American "idiots" who liberated your cowardly asses on more than one occasion this century.And for the record, I wasnt lecturing you, I was correcting your lude claim that I have no idea "what its like". Your not fooling anyone here. Its not that you have the brains, its that you dont have the balls.oug wrote:
Have you any idea what you fought for? It certainly wasn't defence! You were the aggressor and that is the reason why your country became #1 target. I on the other hand certainly am no aggressor and neither is France like someone said before. The Eiffel tower hasn't been shot down simply because France has not invaded other countries! If they do, rest asured they will be targeted as well.deeznutz1245 wrote:
I was an infantry Marine for 4 years. I have a Purple Heart and a Combat Action ribbon. I know what it is like to be a target, do you? I didnt think so. Dont you dare sit there behind your monitor and keyboard and criticize me and all the others who fought for your right to do so like your some kind of prophet. The only way YOU will ever learn is if YOU become a target. Maybe then you might have a fucking clue.oug wrote:
You are sure the prisoners are guilty simply because they are prisoners. That is very nice.
The only way you and all those who think like you will ever learn is if you were to become targets.
Oh how I will laugh with the sheer irony of retribution when you will be crying out about your innocence and everyone will be like: Wtf? He's in there so he must be guilty. The CIA people can't be wrong!
All totalitarian regimes rely on their peoples' ignorance and naivete. That is you.
And don't you dare lecture me simply because you have a purple heart and a goddamn action ribbon. Because I at least have the brains NOT to become a target.
Last edited by deeznutz1245 (2006-09-08 07:40:21)
Malloy must go