DBBrinson1 wrote:
A bit harsh there oug. If he was drafted then he really didn't have the choice of being a target did he? He was merely performing his civic duty. How were we the aggressor? France hasn't been attacked yet because you aren't on the top of their "people to kill today" list. But you are only fooling yourself if you really believe that you aren't somewhere on that list.
Was he drafted? Ok then. I didn't even know there was a draft. If there is, its my bad. But I recon he had a choice (it coincides with his distorted view of the world btw). And if still after all those years and all this analysis of the alleged "war on terror" you haven't realized what it is about then I'm sincerely sorry. Hell, even by taking a look at this forum you should be able to get a grasp, no special research is necessary.
There is NO war on terror. And even though my personal opinion is even more extreme*, I'll give you an example you might relate to: What's going on in Afghanistan at the moment? I hear NATO is asking for more troops cause the Taliban are giving them hell since most of the US troops pulled out.
Why doesn't your government give a fuck? Why are they concentrating on Iraq instead? Supposedly when this "war on terror" campaign started, it was all about Afghanistan and the Taliban regime helping Al Quaeda. Again, not that I believe the latter is true, but nonetheless. Why is the alleged mastermind of this whole thing still free? Why is it that getting Osama Bin Laden became from #1 priority to "I don't know where he is, and frankly I don't care" by GWB?
*Personal opinion: Afghanistan and Al Quaeda had nothing to do with this. Osama may have wanted to pull a 9/11 but he never could. It's all an inside job the goal of which is to give the US government an excuse to extend its grasp in the Middle East. It's the implementation of the Northwoods Documents' proposal. The only thing that differs is the target (ME not Cuba).