Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

If repeated UN violations would have been used for a motivation of invasion ( ) rather than WMD's we would not be having this discussion. Saddam of course played no part in destabilizing the region. Ahmadinejad threatening to wipe Israel off the map doesn't play a part also.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Religions Hate Facts, Questions and Doubts

Jenkinsbball wrote:

Terrorists don't deserve rights. They deserve to be beheaded and have it broadcasted all over the internet and cable news networks. When someone kills an american while trying to ransom him/her for one of their memeber(s), we should take the people they want into an open field and kill them the same way they kill our captured civilians/GIs... and televise it for everyone to see we're sick of their uncivilized bullshit.
Then they win.

I've read this somewhere recently:

Never argue with a moron because it drags you down to their level and they will win because they have more experience.

(not calling you a moron btw)

To paraphrase:

Don't stoop to their level......
The US economy is a giant Ponzi scheme. And 'to big to fail' is code speak for 'niahnahniahniahnah 99 percenters'
+0|7072|Wisconsin - Mooo...
I am very thankful that George W. Bush is our president.  I'd for for him again in a hearbeat if he could run again.

CameronPoe wrote:

This US administration has betrayed the trust of several of its allies and must pay the price. Deplorable behaviour like this disgusts me - operating under the noses of friendly governments to carry out interrogation and, if Gitmo is anything to go by, torture. This betrayal of trust must be punished by the European Union - no longer should we turn a blind eye to CIA & military flights passing through our airports. The EU should publicly decry the behaviour of the United States to restore some respect we may have lost among the muslim community and the middle east and to restore respect in and value to OUR independent sovereignty. What a kick in the teeth. Not surprising at all but sickening all the same. The EU should be far more reluctant and less forthcoming in helping the USA in future, at least while this administration runs the show.
How is locking up enemies of the US and our Allies is a betrayal?  Gitmo ain't torture.  However being a prison guard there is.  Look at any Arab state prison.  Those guys in Gitmo are getting far better treatment compared to any prison in their own country.  Punished by the European Union?  How has the European Union really helped us in the first place?  England has, but France & Germany have been against the US all along.  You are fooling yourself if you think that any country granting the CIA/NSA access to airspace or airports is getting nothing in return.  I've got more news for you.  The Muslim community probably never respected you guys anyways.  I don't find these "secret prisons" sickening.  Do you know what I find sickening?  People who fly planes into buildings,  People who strap bombs to their sons and daughters,  People who videotape beheadings and then broadcast them on the Internet.....  If the majority of your country thinks the way you do, then the US doesn't want your help.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
+0|7072|Wisconsin - Mooo...

DBBrinson1 wrote:

Look at any Arab state prison.  Those guys in Gitmo are getting far better treatment compared to any prison in their own country.  Punished by the European Union?  How has the European Union really helped us in the first place?  England has, but France & Germany have been against the US all along.
Living in Gitmo in many cases provides a higher standard of living than does their country of origin.  In fact, many have pleaded with officials NOT to be sent back to their home country.  On that same point, I read a recent article about Palistinian teens who purposefully sought to get arrested and jailed in Israel in order to escape the rigid life in their own place.
I am all that is MOD!

Obadiah wrote:

DBBrinson1 wrote:

Look at any Arab state prison.  Those guys in Gitmo are getting far better treatment compared to any prison in their own country.  Punished by the European Union?  How has the European Union really helped us in the first place?  England has, but France & Germany have been against the US all along.
Living in Gitmo in many cases provides a higher standard of living than does their country of origin.  In fact, many have pleaded with officials NOT to be sent back to their home country.  On that same point, I read a recent article about Palistinian teens who purposefully sought to get arrested and jailed in Israel in order to escape the rigid life in their own place.
France and Germany aren't AGAINST the U.S., they are anti-U.S. expansionist policy.  There is a difference.  Or are you one of those people who think that if they don't agree with the U.S. on every little thing they are our enemy?

Yeah, many have pleaded not to be sent back.  I don't know about you, but I would much rather live in a bathroom-stall sized cage than anywhere in the world.  Oh yeah, and you have no freedom.  People with guns constantly are watching you.  But, to put it in perspective, the U.S. has announced recently that they WILL abide by Geneva Convention standards in regards to human rights.  At least that means no sleep/meal depravation.  Maybe they might get clean shitters now too.  Sounds like Club Med to me.  C'mon, please.

Last edited by KEN-JENNINGS (2006-09-07 11:57:30)



Yeah, many have pleaded not to be sent back.  I don't know about you, but I would much rather live in a bathroom-stall sized cage than anywhere in the world.  Oh yeah, and you have no freedom.  People with guns constantly are watching you.  But, to put it in perspective, the U.S. has announced recently that they WILL abide by Geneva Convention standards in regards to human rights.  At least that means no sleep/meal depravation.  Maybe they might get clean shitters now too.  Sounds like Club Med to me.  C'mon, please.
No.  I do not think that if another state disagrees with the US it is an enemy.  However if the other country is trading things with an enemy for say oil (like France, Germany and Russia were) while denying it, then yea.

I think that Obadaih meant that upon some prisoners release they did not wish to return to their homeland. 
The prisoners get meals, and they are even prepared according to Islam methods.  Whether or not the prisoners choose to eat is a different story.  As to your colorful "clean shitters" .  Actually, inmates save their wastes  and throw their feces, urine and other bodily fluids at guards.

As to humane conditions here are a few articles... … 9180.shtml

Last edited by DBBrinson1 (2006-09-07 12:10:28)

I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
Not Human Anymore
+144|6957|Seattle, WA

IG-Calibre wrote:

The essential rules of international humanitarian law 

Persons who do not or can no longer take part in the hostilities are entitled to respect..........................

People are innocent until proved guilty - civilians snatched by US squads and whisked off to secret jails to be tortured are "suspected" terrorists .........
According to you?
The second and third one, yep they sure are, and thats why we have Geneva, but oh wait, Geneva specifically DOES NOT COVER terrorists and unlawful combatants, jesus christ did you not read any of my freaking posts?

And also "civilians snatched by US squads and whisked off to secret jails to be tortured are "suspected" terrorists ", what a horrible over generalization, there is no way that YOU can tell me for sure that they ARE or AREN'T terrorists, and neither can I, don't make assumptions like that.  Its not very conducive to our arguement.

IG-Calibre wrote:

WTF does that even mean? are you trying to communicate some thought that is rattling around in that head of yours?
Obviously because you just made up your own convention, if you really want to get all the countries to sign it.

IG-Calibre wrote:

let's not forget how they conducted themselves in Abu Ghraib either
Who is they? The CIA? Yeah....oh you're talking about some other group, interesting, thats not what this thread is about, last time I checked.
+226|7056|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann

DBBrinson1 wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

This US administration has betrayed the trust of several of its allies and must pay the price. Deplorable behaviour like this disgusts me - operating under the noses of friendly governments to carry out interrogation and, if Gitmo is anything to go by, torture. This betrayal of trust must be punished by the European Union - no longer should we turn a blind eye to CIA & military flights passing through our airports. The EU should publicly decry the behaviour of the United States to restore some respect we may have lost among the muslim community and the middle east and to restore respect in and value to OUR independent sovereignty. What a kick in the teeth. Not surprising at all but sickening all the same. The EU should be far more reluctant and less forthcoming in helping the USA in future, at least while this administration runs the show.
How is locking up enemies of the US and our Allies is a betrayal?  Gitmo ain't torture.  However being a prison guard there is.  Look at any Arab state prison.  Those guys in Gitmo are getting far better treatment compared to any prison in their own country.  Punished by the European Union?  How has the European Union really helped us in the first place?  England has, but France & Germany have been against the US all along.  You are fooling yourself if you think that any country granting the CIA/NSA access to airspace or airports is getting nothing in return.  I've got more news for you.  The Muslim community probably never respected you guys anyways.  I don't find these "secret prisons" sickening.  Do you know what I find sickening?  People who fly planes into buildings,  People who strap bombs to their sons and daughters,  People who videotape beheadings and then broadcast them on the Internet.....  If the majority of your country thinks the way you do, then the US doesn't want your help.
If they are enemies and are guilty of crimes then charge them and process them through the court system. You just can't hold people for years and not charge them with anything ( other than some bloke says their a terrorist ) - it's torture can you not get that into your thick head? further more US snatch squads lifting people off the streets of European city's and then taking them to torture them and hold them indefinitely in secret prison camps where there is no scrutinty of regulations. Also add to that the fact the victims have no representation; is not the action of a democratic elected/accountable government. With the added wire tapping scandal, you have the actions of despots and dictators. Open your eyes you bloody sheep, LOOK AT YOUR ADMINISTRATION!!
+226|7056|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann

AlbertWesker[RE] wrote:

IG-Calibre wrote:

The essential rules of international humanitarian law 

Persons who do not or can no longer take part in the hostilities are entitled to respect..........................

People are innocent until proved guilty - civilians snatched by US squads and whisked off to secret jails to be tortured are "suspected" terrorists .........
According to you?
The second and third one, yep they sure are, and thats why we have Geneva, but oh wait, Geneva specifically DOES NOT COVER terrorists and unlawful combatants, jesus christ did you not read any of my freaking posts?

And also "civilians snatched by US squads and whisked off to secret jails to be tortured are "suspected" terrorists ", what a horrible over generalization, there is no way that YOU can tell me for sure that they ARE or AREN'T terrorists, and neither can I, don't make assumptions like that.  Its not very conducive to our arguement.

IG-Calibre wrote:

WTF does that even mean? are you trying to communicate some thought that is rattling around in that head of yours?
Obviously because you just made up your own convention, if you really want to get all the countries to sign it.

IG-Calibre wrote:

let's not forget how they conducted themselves in Abu Ghraib either
Who is they? The CIA? Yeah....oh you're talking about some other group, interesting, thats not what this thread is about, last time I checked.
I suggest some remedial reading comprehension classes tbh. I'm not even going to bother replying to this gibberish, Put down the crack pipe. good day

I'm all for torture. It's a no brainer if you want info out of someone. Every country in the world does it in one form or another, whether it's emotional torture or physical. To think otherwise is pure ignorance.
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
Not Human Anymore
+144|6957|Seattle, WA

IG-Calibre wrote:

AlbertWesker[RE] wrote:

IG-Calibre wrote:

The essential rules of international humanitarian law 

Persons who do not or can no longer take part in the hostilities are entitled to respect..........................

People are innocent until proved guilty - civilians snatched by US squads and whisked off to secret jails to be tortured are "suspected" terrorists .........
According to you?
The second and third one, yep they sure are, and thats why we have Geneva, but oh wait, Geneva specifically DOES NOT COVER terrorists and unlawful combatants, jesus christ did you not read any of my freaking posts?

And also "civilians snatched by US squads and whisked off to secret jails to be tortured are "suspected" terrorists ", what a horrible over generalization, there is no way that YOU can tell me for sure that they ARE or AREN'T terrorists, and neither can I, don't make assumptions like that.  Its not very conducive to our arguement.

IG-Calibre wrote:

WTF does that even mean? are you trying to communicate some thought that is rattling around in that head of yours?
Obviously because you just made up your own convention, if you really want to get all the countries to sign it.

IG-Calibre wrote:

let's not forget how they conducted themselves in Abu Ghraib either
Who is they? The CIA? Yeah....oh you're talking about some other group, interesting, thats not what this thread is about, last time I checked.
I suggest some remedial reading comprehension classes tbh. I'm not even going to bother replying to this gibberish, Put down the crack pipe. good day
Why what part is so bad, the fact that the Geneva convention specifically outlines who and who is not protected by it, and your the one who just MADE up the internation humanitarian law without any sources, you have quoted NOTHING, unlike my previous post, and you call my post gibberish, and you think I'm on crack.  Ok just do the good ol dodge, most of you libs do it anyway (some cons do it too) but damnit if you don't have the maturity to actually answer my question just by blanketing it with a holier than thou attitude, well, your just a straight ass.

IG-Calibre wrote:

If they are enemies and are guilty of crimes then charge them and process them through the court system. You just can't hold people for years and not charge them with anything ( other than some bloke says their a terrorist ) - it's torture can you not get that into your thick head? further more US snatch squads lifting people off the streets of European city's and then taking them to torture them and hold them indefinitely in secret prison camps where there is no scrutinty of regulations. Also add to that the fact the victims have no representation; is not the action of a democratic elected/accountable government. With the added wire tapping scandal, you have the actions of despots and dictators. Open your eyes you bloody sheep, LOOK AT YOUR ADMINISTRATION!!
You can't put them on trial if they aren't a US citizen.  Those people are in those prisons for a reason.  I really don't see it as torture.  Torture is being brutalized.  If merely holding someone a prisoner is torture, then aren't the Hezzies guilty of torture (kidnapped Israeli Soldiers)?  So then Israel is guilty too for their prisoners?  How about the droves of criminal locked away for crimes?  Torture?  I think not.  I seriously doubt that there are is no regulations or scrutiny at these "secret prisons".  I have no proof that there isn't, but you have no proof that there is.  In my opinion, these people (in the prisons) are not US citizens and do not deserve representation that the US citizen is afforded.  Again, these people are not randomly plucked from the street. 

There is no wire tapping scandal.  You have been brainwashed by the left media into thinking something is going on when it really isn't. 

These are not the actions of a despot or dictator.  These are the actions of a Country that was attacked and is defending itself and attempting to prevent further attacks.  I just thank God that Kerry didn't win.  He would have probably surrendered to Iraq.  What would you do if you were the leader of a State attacked by a organization like the Talliban?  Do nothing?  Or maybe you would prefer launching rockets with no guidance systems into Afghanistan, Syria, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia?  Or use every means possible to find those responsible and those who mean harm to your people?

Finally, This "Sheep's" eyes are open.  They were opened on 9/11.  My Country will no longer sit idle and wait  to be attacked.

Last edited by DBBrinson1 (2006-09-07 13:31:20)

I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
Not Human Anymore
+144|6957|Seattle, WA

DBBrinson1 wrote:

IG-Calibre wrote:

If they are enemies and are guilty of crimes then charge them and process them through the court system. You just can't hold people for years and not charge them with anything ( other than some bloke says their a terrorist ) - it's torture can you not get that into your thick head? further more US snatch squads lifting people off the streets of European city's and then taking them to torture them and hold them indefinitely in secret prison camps where there is no scrutinty of regulations. Also add to that the fact the victims have no representation; is not the action of a democratic elected/accountable government. With the added wire tapping scandal, you have the actions of despots and dictators. Open your eyes you bloody sheep, LOOK AT YOUR ADMINISTRATION!!
You can't put them on trial if they aren't a US citizen.  Those people are in those prisons for a reason.  I really don't see it as torture.  Torture is being brutalized.  If merely holding someone a prisoner is torture, then aren't the Hezzies guilty of torture (kidnapped Israeli Soldiers)?  So then Israel is guilty too for their prisoners?  How about the droves of criminal locked away for crimes?  Torture?  I think not.  I seriously doubt that there are is no regulations or scrutiny at these "secret prisons".  I have no proof that there isn't, but you have no proof that there is.  In my opinion, these people (in the prisons) are not US citizens and do not deserve representation that the US citizen is afforded.  Again, these people are not randomly plucked from the street. 

There is no wire tapping scandal.  You have been brainwashed by the left media into thinking something is going on when it really isn't. 

These are not the actions of a despot or dictator.  These are the actions of a Country that was attacked and is defending itself and attempting to prevent further attacks.  I just thank God that Kerry didn't win.  He would have probably surrendered to Iraq.  What would you do if you were the leader of a State attacked by a organization like the Talliban?  Do nothing?  Or maybe you would prefer launching rockets with no guidance systems into Afghanistan, Syria, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia?  Or use every means possible to find those responsible and those who mean harm to your people?

Finally, This "Sheep's" eyes are open.  They were opened on 9/11.  My Country will no longer sit idle and wait for to be attacked.
Make sure you read all of that IG, if you disagree with that, than just go play in liberal land.
+226|7056|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann
LMAO - I made uo the essential international rules of humanitarian Law- you're right you're not human anymore a prerequisite of humanity is to have a brain … &meta=

Last edited by IG-Calibre (2006-09-07 14:11:06)


  Ya how FUCKING DARE THEY!!!!!! I mean come on if we do stuff like that our enemies might disregard the Convention too. Before ya know it they would be beheading, Dragging dead soldiers thru the streets, Hanging our guys from bridges while burning them.... OH wait they already do that shit huh?? Get a fucking clue. You might also read up on Germans and shit we caught here in the US in WW2. Even uniformed officers.

  gotta do what ya gotta do buds. There are committees that get Intel and stuff so some people do know what the fucks going on most of the time. He is advised by teams of JAG lawyers. It's about stretching the rules not breaking them. As for Clinton... I guess you forgot about Somalia huh ass hats?? Sure let's
put them in charge of the WoT and Iraq. I mean they did do such a great job in Somalia :<(..
+226|7056|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann

AlbertWesker[RE] wrote:

DBBrinson1 wrote:

IG-Calibre wrote:

If they are enemies and are guilty of crimes then charge them and process them through the court system. You just can't hold people for years and not charge them with anything ( other than some bloke says their a terrorist ) - it's torture can you not get that into your thick head? further more US snatch squads lifting people off the streets of European city's and then taking them to torture them and hold them indefinitely in secret prison camps where there is no scrutinty of regulations. Also add to that the fact the victims have no representation; is not the action of a democratic elected/accountable government. With the added wire tapping scandal, you have the actions of despots and dictators. Open your eyes you bloody sheep, LOOK AT YOUR ADMINISTRATION!!
You can't put them on trial if they aren't a US citizen.  Those people are in those prisons for a reason.  I really don't see it as torture.  Torture is being brutalized.  If merely holding someone a prisoner is torture, then aren't the Hezzies guilty of torture (kidnapped Israeli Soldiers)?  So then Israel is guilty too for their prisoners?  How about the droves of criminal locked away for crimes?  Torture?  I think not.  I seriously doubt that there are is no regulations or scrutiny at these "secret prisons".  I have no proof that there isn't, but you have no proof that there is.  In my opinion, these people (in the prisons) are not US citizens and do not deserve representation that the US citizen is afforded.  Again, these people are not randomly plucked from the street. 

There is no wire tapping scandal.  You have been brainwashed by the left media into thinking something is going on when it really isn't. 

These are not the actions of a despot or dictator.  These are the actions of a Country that was attacked and is defending itself and attempting to prevent further attacks.  I just thank God that Kerry didn't win.  He would have probably surrendered to Iraq.  What would you do if you were the leader of a State attacked by a organization like the Talliban?  Do nothing?  Or maybe you would prefer launching rockets with no guidance systems into Afghanistan, Syria, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia?  Or use every means possible to find those responsible and those who mean harm to your people?

Finally, This "Sheep's" eyes are open.  They were opened on 9/11.  My Country will no longer sit idle and wait for to be attacked.
Make sure you read all of that IG, if you disagree with that, than just go play in liberal land.
Wow what a naive definition of torture most of the civilized world shares a wider definition of it than your narrow view (thank god). You say these people are held for a reason, why because some faceless CIA agent says their a terrorist? i've said it before and i'll say it again GTFO.

You say these people are there for a reason, well most people are in jail for a reason moron because they have committed a crime, which they have been convicted of through the criminal system.  What fucking right does America have to be snatching people off streets and out of their houses in European citys at their whim to hold for years without charge? the rule of international law doesn't break down because  9/11 happened - much as Bush likes to think it gives him carte blanche for his administration to do as they like.  I'm Born and raised in Northern Ireland mate and lived through internment so don't try and teach your granny to suck eggs, civilised society conducts its self with laws and regulations, checks and balances, I don't give a fuck about Israel or any other bullshit that can be discussed to death in their own threads. this thread is about US admitting that they are holding prisoners in secret prisons and breaking the Law's which up hold civilised society. stick with it or post your BS else where

Last edited by IG-Calibre (2006-09-07 13:55:10)

Junglist Massive

negolien wrote:


  Ya how FUCKING DARE THEY!!!!!! I mean come on if we do stuff like that our enemies might disregard the Convention too. Before ya know it they would be beheading, Dragging dead soldiers thru the streets, Hanging our guys from bridges while burning them....
For a country which has had numerous public lynchings as recently as the 1960's, you should probably understand that that stability, economic growth and overall good education can bring a population out of dark times.  Not war and destruction, combined with depression and oppression.  These are the conditions which breed such practices, because of human nature.... this is what creates the need for a scapegoat.
Phorum Phantom
I, and my dominatrix enjoy torture. i dont know what people are complaining about.

IG-Calibre wrote:

Wow what a naive definition of torture most of the civilized world shares a wider definition of it than your narrow view (thank god). You say these people are held for a reason, why because some faceless CIA agent says their a terrorist? i've said it before and i'll say it again GTFO.

You say these people are there for a reason, well most people are in jail for a reason moron because they have committed a crime, which they have been convicted of through the criminal system.  What fucking right does America have to be snatching people off streets and out of their houses in European citys at their whim to hold for years without charge? the rule of international law doesn't break down because  9/11 happened - much as Bush likes to think it gives him carte blanche for his administration to do as they like.  I'm Born and raised in Northern Ireland mate and lived through internment so don't try and teach your granny to suck eggs, civilised society conducts its self with laws and regulations, checks and balances, I don't give a fuck about Israel or any other bullshit that can be discussed to death in their own threads. this thread is about US admitting that they are holding prisoners in secret prisons and breaking the Law's which up hold civilised society. stick with it or post your BS else where
I wasn't defining torture.  I was merely pointing out yet another flaw in your ideology.  Where do you get off about being the moral authority on torture?  Look at what Saddam and his children did to their own citizens.  That was torture.  I'd be willing to bet that the apprehender's government knew about his "snatching" and even authorized the US to do it.  Where is your "rule of international law" when 9/11 happened?  How about before that during the first attack on the WTC?  Or the the attack on the USS Cole?  Or the bombing of the Marine Barracks in Tripoli? 

As to your last rantings -I do not understand what relevance to the original topic that you live in Ireland (northern apparently) and use the Internet to teach you grandma how to suck eggs, so I won't address it.   My replies did /do address the topic on secret prisons, and its related to the security of MY country.  I'm sorry you don't enjoy the same opinion as I do and it makes me sad there are people like you out there defending terrorists and them being detained in "secret" prisons.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
Δ > x > ¥

(T)eflon(S)hadow wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

He lied before, impeach him.  This is worse than someone getting a blow job.
Lied about what? Secret Prisons? WMD?  GET OVER THIS OLD, SMALL-MINDED THINKING!
We have this little thing, we hold on a very special pedestal. It's called National Security. Ever heard of it?

Clinton was waiting and waiting to hook up with his young intern, missing multiple occasions, when the CIA had him (OBL) in their sights to take him out. For the definition of intelligence, please stop comparing President Bush to President Clinton. Especially if you aren't American. *Pft* My God.
Well, he's lied about torture, he's lied about the scret prisons, he's lied about the reasons for invading Iraq.  What else would you like him to lie about?
+127|6971|WPB, FL. USA
Back on topic:

Of course they are secret prisons!  Imagine if they weren't - terrorist would be trying to free them or terrorizing innocent people near where they are being held to get them free!

Bush admitting they were being held in secret prisons is news!  They were being held somewhere - If you watched the news you knew these terrorist leaders were caught - where did you think they were being held the Paris Hilton!!!  Old news and certainly not an issue.  BTW - is the U.S. the only country that does this???

Terrorist being interrogated for information that would help find other terrorist and possibly prevent terrorist acts that could result in the deaths of innocent people!  What!, are you surprised, offended, concerned, etc.!!
Are countries that capture terrorist just supposed to arrest them and be considerate of their feelings, treat them nice, and just put them in a prison, and not ask them questions that might offend them!!!

Were they possibly tortured into giving secrets related to their terrorist organization?  Maybe, possibly, etc.
Being sent to GITMO acknowledges that we got the info we needed and that they are still alive - more than what we can say for the people they are responsible for ordering terrorist attacks against!!!  Can anyone name a noted captured terrorist that is not accounted for?  I looked and I can't find one.

I pose this thought and opinion:  Captured terrorist are being shipped to GITMO, they will at one point be seen in GITMO by doctors and humanitarian rights representatives - that speaks volumes.  They are not being shipped back to where they were captured because the risk is too high they would either be "really" tortured or possibly released or broken out of prison.  IMHO - I don't see an issue with what is being done at all!  I do not advocate brutal torture or killings to get information or to make a point like that done to those who were kidnapped tortured and murdered in Iraq and other places by terrorist.  Nor do I agree that terrorist who are captured should be treated as if they beat someone up and taken to jail in our respective countries - this is some serious shit - enjoy the relative safety of where you are and the freedom of speech you take for granted.

+276|6968|United States of America
I support torturing terrorists....... I'm not on their side.
Cowboy from Hell

(T)eflon(S)hadow wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

9/11 was planned under Clinton's administration. If he wasn't too busy leaving stains on blue dresses perhaps something could have been done. So please don't bring Clinton up.

sergeriver wrote:

It's such a terrible thing someone having a blow job.  It's better someone lying on big issues, forgetting about domestic ones, specially if you are american.
Being an American, add-in a Honorably Discharged US Marine, I can say with out getting personal on your moronic comments, that have no facts, only your opinions, Pres. Bush has not lied about the topic at hand: Secret CIA prisons. What about them, has anything to do with you in Argentina I can't figure out, either.

Getting a blow job on your first date=$40.00 and a good little slut.
Getting a blow job from Austin, TX to Denver, CO=$$250.00 in gas.
Getting a blow job in the Oval Office while not focusing on National Security and not taking out the mastermind to blow up multiple US buildings on 9/11=$$$ Priceless to the Al-Queda/Islamofascists
Forgive me Mr. US Marine if I touched your american feelings.  I'm talking about Bush, not America, so what's the deal here?  He did lie about that and so what's the problem?  You know, everything the president of US does has to do with Argentina, Burma, France, and the fucking moon, so don't tell me such moronic comments, quoting a great thinker of our time.
Cowboy from Hell

CreepingCharlie wrote:

I love how most of the people here who bash the US don't even live in the US. LOL! Wow why don't you become an American citizen and then lets talk about our government. Oh wait you can't. It will take years to become one and by then we might pass a law stating that No foreigners shall pass.(Like we need anymore)  I'm sorry go back to your fucking country and worry about it rather than pick apart ours. What does having secret prisons (well not anymore) have to do about your country???? NOTHING!!
I don't care living in US.  I go to buy some shit once in a while.  But forget it.  Thanks for the offer.  Btw it's exclusive for americans to debate about what Bush is doing?  I don't think it is.  He is the president of "the leading country of the world", so as our leader we should be concerned about what the fuck Bush does or not.

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