
Are you currently in a clan?

Yes51%51% - 143
No48%48% - 136
Total: 279
Hockey Nut
+243|6678|Boston, MA
No, no time and I feel it takes the fun out of the game.
Yes in RS|
¦Tactics Øver Principles¦

We are more of a community than a clan, but its a 'closed community' if you get what I mean.  No clan ranks, no 'superior officers', just a place where good players get together and have fun owning.
www.tehteam.com tehy are teh pwnage
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|6956|Marathon, Florida Keys
yes, the best one accually.
cunning n' quick
+35|6597|United States
I have been in...

1) SHS-(Strictly Hostile Soldiers)... Won TWL 5v5 Championship beating Virus Inc. in 2 rounds on mashtuur. (Clan then disbanded)

2) -|DKS|-(Dark Knight Squadron)... The leader disbanded the clan right before we were going CAL-M.

3) iLL|(Team Illicit)...Clan disbanded due to leader issues. I left due to disputes with another player.

I'm now just another average puber.

Last edited by Teflon.DEP (2006-09-07 13:19:57)

Fantasma Parastasie

=CA=lamcrmbem wrote:

Lionbeat wrote:

=CA=lamcrmbem wrote:

Hehehehe, No not to be ironic.  We're a Christian based clan...I'm not a founding member, relatively new (4-5 months).  I'm guessing its just a play on words to come-up with something war-like....ya know! :-)  We're really laid back.  More in it for the fun than anything.  Great group of people.  And no....you don't have to be a christian to join.  Those are just some of the values we try to adhere to as a squad.
lol - Yeh, the values of being a christian armada endorsing pictures of soldiers firing a machine gun into some suburban middle eastern hotspot with our name!

Sorry - I sound like I'm being really ridiculous, but I'm slightly perturbed by your iconography...

Also - sorry to derail the thread...

Ignore me if you like.
Honestly, I never thought about that before...I may have to re-look my sig.  My reasons for that picture is that I was in the 1st Cavalry division and in Baghdad from '04-'05.  Those soldiers are from the 1st CAV during the fight for NAJAF (that's the cemetary where the Mahdi army was holding up).  I thought it would be a cool pic for BF2 plus it hold special meaning for me.  However, I never thought about it in connection with the CA motto and goals.  Thanks for bringing it to my attention...I may have to change it.
I would say it's not a good look...

Whatever the reasons for this war, I think it's clear to all on every side that the situation in Iraq has become a nightmare since it started. And with the widely held (not just in the Middle East) conception of Bush being a neo-con Christian fighting the ostensibly Islamically motivated forces in the Middle East (and one of their main tenets being resisting the 'crusaders' and infidels) your sig might not quite agree with the Christian values you clearly espouse.

Maybe you are a militant Christian, you feel it's a righteous crusade, and that's what you want to convey. But I doubt that. Militancy in Christianity and militancy in Islam go hand in hand with the stigma of being attached to archaic and radical interpretations of dogma that, in fact, goes ultimately against one of the overiding messages in the doctrine of BOTH religions: Peace be with you.

Anyway, I don't mean to be pedantic or facetious. It just struck me as a very militant sig.


fixed my bb text tags

Last edited by Lionbeat (2006-09-07 13:57:44)

Mad Ad
+178|6658|England, UK
no - not in a clan, my k/d sucks so much noone would have me

Last edited by Mad Ad (2006-09-07 14:00:08)

Phorum Phantom
i would, but no one takes me serial,
and im super serial.

Mad Ad wrote:

no - not in a clan, my k/d sucks so much noone would have me
Games, Girls, Guinness
+85|6599|Cambridge, UK

Mad Ad wrote:

no - not in a clan, my k/d sucks so much noone would have me
Aint all about k/d - If your k/d is crap because your a medic healing and reviving your team more than killing the enemy you could have a low k/d but be a major factor in wining the game!

.... or you could just be crap

Last edited by KylieTastic (2006-09-07 14:35:46)


hilltop_skater wrote:

Hey, Just wan to conduct this poll in order to see how many of you guys (and girls) are In Bf2 clans.

If you are in a Bf2 clan do you belive it akes the game alot better and mor enjoyable?

I am in a clan right now, and it rocks. This is the first game i have ever been in a clan for and from now on i will always join a clan.
Yes. And tourney play is fun too.
o wut?

our clan, bts is really relxaed, currently not competitve but have like 10 or 15 members, all play BF2. A few of us also play stuff like americas arm and guildwars, so yeah its a nice group

Kanye North
I'm a bf2 player, but not a layer, sorry.
+127|6706|Dublin, Ireland
im in Dirty Heroes =]DH[=
+37|6785|Chicago, Il
Wow.. Great Thread...  ABout 50/50 right now...  Way lower percentage of peopel than Iexpected.....  I see there is a false impression of "Clans" out there....  Being ina clan doesnt have to efect your play time or style at all...  Just find one that matches your play....   I'll tell ya, Being able to log in to BF2 and play with peopel I;m familiar with ona regular basis has helped my game tremendously.....   oWs is real relaxed...  We compete in a League that is also very easy going.....  and if I go play DDO for a few days, no one gets upset.
Was in a clan, but I'm now "pubing" around filling clan server who need good pub for good fun
I'm currently not in a clan, although my infantry-based 2nd account would very much like one methinks. I've played major leagues in pretty much all other First Person Shooter games that are worth knowing, and I think that there's much fun to be had with BF2 :].
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
Respect! Give it .. Get it!
+55|6796|Land of =KBK=
Co-founder and Admin of my own clan.  Pretty laid back group of people.  Good teamplay with a clan versus lone wolf in my opinion.
+385|6638|Northern California
I would only join a BF2 clan if I got serious about squading up and doing REAL teamwork via VOIP.  But even then, i can't imagine too many clans actually coordinating regularly to play together and then actually plan attacks, utilize basic or intricate strategies. 

If I ever see a clan that performs organized assaults, then hell yes, I'll consider asking to join.  America's Army is a good example of how teamwork is done.  Another good game to teach squad cohesion is Full Spectrum Warrior...where you actually command a full squad/fire team.  Would be nice if there were points awarded for doing squad tactics.  maybe BF2 will evolve one day and offer some type of screen (like commanders have) where a squad leader can plot a course of attack and assign members locations to secure/guard/assault.  THAT would be sweet..otherwise, this game is just a regular old FPS game like the rest.
+14|6716|Pwning u n00bs

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

yes, the best one accually.
bad touch

i am part of teh leet TBF2 clan! z0mg rulez!

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