Jinto-sk wrote:
Yeah quit you lying ass,
Mr I'll do what ever to get me a bit of GWB's ass
I'm gonna ignore the country's opinion and do what I wanna do
The thing is, we moan about this party and I can garantee the next party or leader that comes in to power will get moaned about
What I want to know is, why when you go to vote is there not a box saying "none of the above I have no confidence in any of the parties running for election"
That way the government would be able to assess the amount of absentee voters that are to lazy to vote and the ones who didn't vote because they did not like the look of any party
That's what annoys me. People always say things along the lines of, if you didn't vote, you can't complain. But that's not true, as a lot of the time, all parties are so useless, you don't want to vote for any of them. It's not a problem with voter apathy we have in the UK, it's crap political parties. I reckon for the next one, unless there is someone half decent to vote for, we should all boycott (sp) voting until someone decent decides to run. I'm sure we could manage without a government for a while.
Or we should all just vote for the Official Monster Raving Looney Party! Still the best party out there, just a shame they can't afford to run in places like London...