ToXiC888 wrote:
What do u mean? Snipers pwn in CQC...
You should have stopped right there. Although I would have added a 'can', since obviously not everyone does.
ToXiC888 wrote:
1. Jump around and throw grenades at their feet, causing them to kill themselves and u at the same time
2. Jump around and plant claymores at their feet causing them to kill you and themselves at the same time
But they never, ever do either of these two things
1. Pull out their pistol and fight like men
2. Pull out their knife to oblige you drawn knife/shockpaddles, but would rather spam nades or clays
Do you like to make sweeping generalisations about other kits too?
Jesus dude, a total vehicle whore like you should be careful about pointing fingers for being cheap.
ToXiC888 wrote:
I despise snipers in CQC cause their...
It's 'cause and they're.
ToXiC888 wrote:
...who need the help of explosives to kill you...
So you never use your grenades? Oh yeah, since you've only spent about a quarter of your total time actually 'fighting like a man' you don't really need grenades, do you?
ToXiC888 wrote:
...and would rather commit a suicide in the act of killing you
Nobody would
rather commit suicide than kill the other guy and come out alive.
Me? I'd rather shoot them with my rifle then pull out the pistol to finish them off in really close-up encounters... if it weren't for scope lag (Every. Single. Game) and the 5% of shots that don't register, even at ranges like 1m, seemingly just when it's least convenient.
ToXiC888 wrote:
2. Pull out their knife to oblige you drawn knife/shockpaddles, but would rather spam nades or clays
Back to this bit,
oblige you? If someone comes at me with the knife and I see (or hear) them that's their problem; they get shot
Marinejuana wrote:
About 90% of the time, you are not doing your team a favor by spawning sniper. It is almost always more useful to your team to be doing something else.
Well at least you didn't do the usual and talk in absolutes.
Marinejuana wrote:
Keep in mind that the sniper rifle is inferior to the m16 in a firefight out to probably 70 m provided that cover is used effectively.
But then you went and made the mistake of saying this. This may be true of many, even most, players using the sniper kit in the game, but it's not a rule or anything, "Sniper rifles are inferior to M16s in BF2".
Marinejuana wrote:
I absolutely abuse snipers on a regular basis.
Looking at your stats that may be true as you seem to be much better than average as infantry, but don't apply your standard to everyone. I'm not that good but I regularly outscore a dozen/two dozen guys on my team using LMGs, carbines or assault rifles; I can also often score faster than most of them can; again, regularly (see links in my post on page 2).
Rimbo wrote:
why would any sniper engage in close quarter combat?,they hide n shot fool.
'Cause some of us like to cap and defend flags, directly support our squad etc.